Reviews for strange tales of remnant
M1903A4 chapter 3 . 8/20
Oh god pls continue this. I so want this to be continued. Bwahahaha Jacques the Cuck hahahah
1v2 chapter 3 . 7/30
okay i have fallen in love with this fic and i can't wait to read more

i do have 3 questions though

1. will there be any crossover stories added to this fic?

2. what are the odds you will do a sequel to this chapter?

3. are you open to hearing any ideas that could be used for this fic or used for inspiration
treekrecked13 chapter 3 . 7/7
I am literally dying from laughter right now...I wish we saw this in canon lol! Keep up the good work!
Onyx Gabriel chapter 3 . 7/5
Guest chapter 3 . 7/2
Is there a single person in this fandom that likes Oscar? I mean, nobody should like that shitty OC-SI, but I don't think I've seen a single fanfic where he's a relevant character. I'm guessing it's because he's just a worse version of Jaune. Even Blake still has fans, and she's on the same level as most of this site's original characters
chimchar14 chapter 3 . 7/2
This is genius, and wow liquid courage certainly lives up to its name. Here’s hoping no kids saw his video, that’ll certainly make escorting them very awkward, especially with the jealous mothers around lol. I can easily imagine Willow seeing the video and if anything just feeling proud of her new stud for such a ballsy move. And it’s always fun to see Jaune winning, and Jacques getting owned. Great chapter
Crusada de Lata chapter 3 . 7/2
Good Chapter, was gonna write a witty joke but you have to have wit to do that
Devilmaycry17 chapter 3 . 7/2
Can we get more?
Devilmaycry17 chapter 3 . 7/2
Bro. This is what I needed
Lighthopperhoop chapter 3 . 7/2
Ha, great to have you back.
Kingbean2 chapter 3 . 7/2
Good to see your alive good lad I hope to see more but how about a ruby one next chapter the plot can be it’s there wedding day, it can be based off the the porn image of Jaune and ruby having sex and getting pregnant on there wedding day, you’ll find pretty easily just type Lancaster porn and boom, or the plot can be were Jaune and ruby go to a love hotel and the condom “breaks” and gets ruby pregnant, when in reality ruby sabotaged the condom so she can get Jaune to herself
Naga986 chapter 3 . 7/2
You magnificent bastard, I was drinking Coke when I read this, laughed too hard, and it shot out my nose. Burns like a motherfucker, but I don’t regret it.
Mr Cloth chapter 2 . 3/31
Is this story dead?
kreshryl chapter 2 . 12/25/2019
XD damn that's hilarious
thegermankaiserreich chapter 2 . 11/22/2019
I don't really think I can honestly say how much I enjoyed this, and the previous chapter... and probably future chapters.
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