**I don't own Fairy Tail. I don't own the characters. They all belong to Hiro Mashima.

Alright. I'm going to say this once. THIS IS A GENDER BENDER. Natsu is a girl, and as of right now I'm pretty sure it's permanent (though I haven't 100% decided that yet... probably about 95%). There will be lots of YURI, so if GENDER BENDING or YURI OFFEND YOU, DON'T READ THIS.

Also, there will be several lemons!

Thanks for reading. Reviews are appreciated.

"Mmm… Natsu," Erza moaned as the pink-haired dragon slayer massaged her large breasts through her white blouse. Her lips mashed against his in a long, passionate kiss.

"You're so beautiful Erza," the dragon slayer said. The two were in an open field, a picnic basket unopened on a blanket not far away from them. "I could just look at you all day."

A faint knocking sound distracted her from the ecstasy of being with her lover, but she quickly refocused, knowing what came next. "Natsu…." She moaned softly as her lover removed her pants, his rough hands pulling her thighs apart for easier access to her womanhood. His rough, calloused hand worked her breasts as the other hand began to tease her womanhood through her bright red thong. "Natsu," she moaned, biting at his neck.

"Erza…" He moaned back, and she startled. Why did Natsu's voice sound feminine suddenly? "Erza…" Yes, it was definitely a girl's voice.

*THUMP THUMP* "ERZA OPEN UP! YOU'VE GOTTA HELP ME!" Erza awoke with a start. It was a little after midnight in Fairy Hills. With a scowl she got out of bed, getting to the door just as the banging resumed. What does that idiot want now. How dare he awaken me from my favorite dream?

She flung the door open. "Natsu, stop trying to sound like a girl so you won't get punished for being in Fairy Hills. It won't work. Now take your punishment like a… … … HOLY SHIT!""

Outside the door, cringing from her tirade, was the most surprising sight she'd ever seen. The black pants were Natsu's, but they ended above what could only be described as very curvaceous hips, and the vest was pushed to the side by two very large breasts that would've been impossible to fake. Above that, a soft chin was tilted toward the ground, with tiny, petulant lips just above it. A small nose jutted out with just a hint of an upturn, and it was set between two beautiful black orbs that sparkled with watery drops. "Why are you so mean Erza?" A cute feminine voice squeaked.

Erza could hear others moving about in their rooms and quickly pulled the dragon slayer inside. "Natsu… what the fuck?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Natsu said tearfully. "I thought it would go away if I just waited a few hours, but it hasn't. What am I going to do Erza?"

Oh great. Looks like he's got more than just the female appearance. "Alright Natsu," she said gently. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. Can you tell me exactly what happened?"

Natsu sniffled and wiped a few tears from her eyes. "Well… You might recall I took on a job to get rid of a dark guild. It turned out they all used some form of ancient or forbidden magic. Things were going pretty well when…"


"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu's attack connected hard with the other mage, knocking him to the ground. When he didn't get up, Natsu grinned. "Three down. Should be only two left then."

"Soul Extinction: Execution Strike!" The cry came from his right, and Natsu managed to block just in time. The mere force of the blow knocked him through the wooden wall and into a room. He landed face down, straddling a girl who was laying naked in her bed.

"PERVERT!" she shrieked. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT! Let's see how you like it! Magic alteration spell: Gender swap!"

"What the fuck?" Natsu yelled as enormous breasts sprouted from his chest. His hips became wider, his hair longer, and he felt like there was something missing in his nether regions. The blue haired girl, who was now a man, flipped their positions, straddling him on the bed.

"Soul Extinction: Utter Destruction!" As Natsu watched, the dark mage's attack hit the other mage. Her eyes widened in surprise before her body disintegrated into a cloud of black smoke.

Natsu gaped, drawing back on the bed. "What's wrong Sakura?" The other mage asked, turning to him. Then his eyes widened in shock. "Oh fuck…"


"So then I kicked his ass and figured if I just waited for a little bit I would go back to normal. But I didn't," Natsu put her head in her hands as she started weeping again.

A thought occurred to Erza. "Natsu, where's Happy?"

"Oh…" The pink-haired girl giggled a little.


"Natsu's a girl, Natsu's a girl…" Happy chanted as they walked through the forest. Natsu had quickly abandoned the path when men started whistling and gawking at him.

"You know I wasn't kidding before about knocking you out and stuffing you in my pack for the rest of the walk home."

"Aaww… Did I hurt your feelings Nat-chan? Is poor widdle Nat-chan gonna' cry again?"



Erza opened the sack Natsu was carrying and saw the blue exceed unconscious inside.

Suddenly there was pounding at the door. "Umm.. In the shower, quick!"

"Coming!" She called after checking to verify the dragon slayer complied with her demands.

She opened the door to see Laki, Evergreen, Kinana, and Levy all standing outside. "Mind telling us what's going on in here Erza? We heard a lot of banging and yelling."

"Sorry, I was just having a really bad nightmare. Nothing for you girls to worry about!"

"A nightmare eh?" Levy raised her eyebrows. "Must've been some nightmare."

"Maybe we should come in and comfort you," Evergreen said with an evil smirk.

"No, everything's fine. Go back to bed."

"But Erza, we can't possibly go to bed after you got us all excited and curious. What's really going on?"

"I SAID GO BACK TO BED!" Erza slammed the door in their faces and locked it.

She listened for a few minutes till she heard them scamper away. Then she sighed. "You can come out now."

Natsu reappeared from her bathroom. "So can you help me Erza?"

She looked her over. "Well, the first thing we have to do is do something about your hair…." She looked at the matted, tangled locks that fell around the shorter girl's waist. Then she wrinkled her nose. "Cancel that. The first thing we have to do is get you in the shower."

"I meant help me get back to the way I used to be!" Natsu said, tearing up again.

"Oh." Erza said. "Well, in the morning I'll see if I can get Porlyusica out here to take a look. But right now, we've got to get you in the shower. A girl should never smell like this…" She quickly hustled the dragon slayer to the shower.

~~~The Next Day~~~

Erza Scarlet came into the guild a little earlier than usual, and headed straight for the infirmary. Porlyusica looked up, surprised, as the red-headed requip mage made her way over to her.

"Can you do me a huge favor?" Erza said with her most winning smile.

"Depends on what the favor is…"

"I've got something kind of… personal that I need your help with. Would it be possible to come back to my room at Fairy Hills to check it out for me?"

"Why not just do it here? Nobody's at the guild yet."

"Well… There's something at my room that we need in order to do the examination properly."

Porlyusica crossed her arms. "What could you possibly have in your room that I would need for an examination?"

Erza blushed. "It's personal… I know it's a lot to ask, but can you please do this? For me?"

Porlyusica sighed. "Alright Erza. I don't know why you're being so cryptic, but I'll come."

When they got to the apartment, Erza motioned to her bed. There was a pink-haired girl there under her covers, her soft features relaxed in the gentle hold of sleep.

"Erza, I'd think you were perfectly capable of kicking a strange girl out of your apartment," Porlyusica said.

Erza blushed. "The girl is what I need you to check out… This is going to sound really weird, but… That's Natsu."

"WHAT?!" Porlyusica's eyes popped.

Erza led her into the room, closed the door, and filled her in on the events of last night. As she was finishing, Natsu opened her eyes, letting out the cutest girlish yawn ever.

"Is it morning already Erza?" She said in her melodic, high-pitched voice.

"Natsu," Erza smiled. "I've brought Porlyusica from the guild. She'll look at you and tell you if we can do something about your condition."

"Great!" Natsu grinned. "I can't wait to be back to normal!"

However, after a thorough examination and analysis, Porlyusica shook her head sadly. "So far as I can tell, the only way to reverse this spell is to go back to the person that cast it and have her undo it."

"But… but… she's dead." Natsu's eyes started filling with tears again. "Her teammate mistook her for me and killed her…"

Porlyusica sighed. "Sorry, Natsu, but for now you'd better get used to it. It's not like being a girl is the worst thing in the world."

Natsu didn't respond. Just buried her head in her hands again and turned away from them on the bed.

"She'll take a while to get used to the idea," Porlyusica said quietly. "It would probably be a good idea to keep her away from the guild for a few days… And also not to let the other members know just yet. I won't tell anyone. You and Natsu decide how you want to tell them."

"Thanks Porlyusica," Erza said quietly as the old healer turned to leave.

"Oh, one more thing," Porlyusica said as she headed out the door. "You might want to come up with a more female name."

And with that she was gone.

Something occurred to Erza. "Natsu, is Happy still unconscious?" She quickly looked in the sack. Happy was sitting there, his eyes wide.

"Erza!" He exclaimed, jumping out of the bag. "Save me! Natsu's a meanie now that he's a girl!"

Erza couldn't help laughing at the exceed. "How long have you been awake, Happy?"

"Long enough to hear Natsu's gonna be a girl for a while."

"Hmm…" Erza set him down. "Yes she is, which means you've got a lot to learn Natsu. Perhaps we would be better off calling you Natsumi."

"I guess," the girl's voice sounded a little dull.

"Alright," Erza said. "Enough moping. Let's do something with that hair."

Natsumi pulled the blankets over her head. "I like my hair just fine the way it is!"

"That won't do," Erza said. "It was fine when you were a boy, but a girl can't have her hair just looking any way she wants. Especially beautiful pink hair as long as yours."

Natsumi blushed a little. "Ok Erza… if you say so."

"Good. Now before we do anything else, let's shower. I snuck off without one because I didn't want to wake you this morning."

"Umm, ok…" Natsumi pulled the covers off. She was sleeping in a short, almost see-through white night gown and a pair of white panties that Erza had leant her.

Erza peeled her clothes off, and Natsumi turned beet red. "Umm, Erza?"

"What? You're a girl now, so you're going to have to get used to seeing girls without clothing on."

"Oh… of course," Natsumi's cheeks were still colored.

Erza looked at her expectantly. "Are you coming?"

"Oh." Natsumi blushed again, pulling her nightgown off. "So girls shower together?"

"Sometimes," Erza said with a slight blush. It wasn't really a lie…


"Ok," Natsumi pulled her panties off, revealing a soft shock of pink hair above her cute little pussy. As Erza looked at her she realized that she had a gorgeous figure. She was a little shorter than Mira – in fact, not much taller than Wendy, but with beautiful wide hips that curved in to a slender, finely toned waist. From there her body widened a bit again to accommodate her large, D cup breasts which were, in Erza's opinion, as big as they could be without looking disproportionate with her size. She found herself blushing as she looked at the other girl, and a little concerned about her own figure.

"So," Natsumi said as she came over. "Are we going to start the shower?"

"Of… of course," Erza stammered, shaking her head a little to clear it. She started the shower up and waited for it to get hot, then motioned for Natsumi to go in first. She then followed her into the tight shower space. She could see the pinkette's round, firmly toned ass jutting out from her shapely back, which was currently covered by her long hair, until she stepped all the way in and their bodies were almost pressed together in the confined space.

She stopped Natsumi as she was reaching for the soap. "Here," she said in a half-whisper. "Let me wash your body for you."

She got the soap and set to work on the girl's back, taking note of her beautiful, lightly tanned skin tones. She moved her way down to her ass and legs, squeezing her ass cheeks softly as she washed them.

"So girls wash each others' bodies in the shower too?" Natsumi asked in a cute, slightly tremulous voice.

"Sometimes," Erza replied, trying to hide the arousal in her voice as her fingers moved around to the front of the girl. She moved slowly up her legs, taking a little extra time at her inner thighs and crotch. Natsumi gasped a little bit as her fingers worked around her pussy lips, a little longer and harder than they needed to. With great discipline, Erza got some more soap on her hands and ran them up the girl's belly, then up and down her arms, her neck, her face, and lastly down to her large boobs.

She took extra long on the boobs, massaging the large masses slowly with her hands. Natsumi whimpered softly as she approached the nipples, cleaning them with loving attention.

"Now let me help you rinse off," she whispered, pressing her body against the other girl's back. As the water cascaded over them, glistening off their bodies, she began to knead Natsumi's firm, springy breasts in her hands. The girl whimpered again, and her fingers found the sensitive, hard nipples. She took them between her fingers and began rubbing.

"Erza," Natsumi moaned. "Are you sure this is what girls do in the shower?"

"Sometimes," Erza whispered seductively in her ear. Her hands continued to work slowly on the other girl's nipples, drawing another moan of pleasure from her.

Then she slipped one hand down a little way, finding the pinkette's pussy and slowly rubbing gently around it. Natsumi moaned again. "I'm starting to feel a little funny, Erza," she said in a cute, almost scared little voice. "Is something wrong with me?"

"No," Erza whispered. "Just enjoy it, Natsumi…" She slipped a finger into the pinkette's folds, and was rewarded with another moan. Her other hand continued to alternate between breasts, pleasuring each in its turn.

"It does feel good," the girl sighed pleasurably as she relaxed a little into Erza's grip. "Could you.. rub a little faster Erza?"

"Anything for you, Natsumi." Erza began rubbing the other girl's pussy faster, slipping her fingers in and out of her wet folds. The water cascaded over her perfect skin, which only increased Erza's arousal.

"Erza," moaned Natsumi softly. "The funny feeling's getting stronger. It's like I'm all hot in my belly, but it's getting tight too…"

"That's good, Natsumi," Erza moaned, beginning to grind herself against the other girl's rear. "That means you're starting to get close."

"Close to what," Natsumi moaned, her own hips starting to move instinctively against Erza's fingers.

"You'll see," Erza whispered as she moved her slippery fingers in and out of Natsumi's folds. "You'll see soon enough…"

"Erza," moaned the pinkette, her breathing increasing a little. Erza nibbled softly at the side of her pale, glistening neck. Her skin was so soft and smooth…

"Erza," the girl's moans were more urgent now as her hips bucked against the redhead's fingers. "I think… Something's about to happen…"

Erza worked her fingers quickly in the girl's folds, rubbing her nipple gently with the other hand. "Oh fuck Erza!" she moaned, "EEERZAA!" Her body tightened, and Erza had to grab her with one arm to support her weight as she became lost in her first orgasm. She kept rubbing her pussy quickly until she felt the orgasm beginning to subside.

"Now it's your turn to wash me," she whispered, maneuvering around to the front of the pink-haired girl. She was already in a very aroused state from getting Natsumi off, so as the other girl's small hands started on her back she shuddered in pleasure.

The small hands, slippery with soap, made their way down her back. Erza let out a little whimper as she felt them massaging the soap into her ass, then down her legs. As Natsumi came back up, Erza felt her move slower around her inner thighs, causing her to shudder again. Then she continued up, her fingers rubbing over Erza's sensitive clit, causing her to maon softly. "Natsu…"

She realized her slip, but couldn't correct herself. The girl's hands felt heavenly on her abdomen, moving up to her breasts. She whimpered softly as Natsumi's fingers skipped her large boobs, moving up to her neck and shoulders, and face, before moving back down.

She moaned softly as the girl massaged the soap into her breasts, taking special care with her stiff nipples. "Natsumi…" She gasped as she took one of her nipples in her fingers, rubbing it slowly.

Then, as the water started rinsing the soap off her, she felt one of the small hands reach down to her pussy. She moaned again as the girl slipped her fingers slowly into her folds. With her other hand, Natsumi was kneading her breasts, each in turn. Then slowly rubbing and squeezing her nipples. "Oh fuck Natsumi," she moaned, a little louder.

"It sounds like you're enjoying this," the other girl whispered, kissing the side of her neck. Erza moaned again, grinding her hips against Natsumi's delicate fingers. "Natsumi," she gasped, her breath coming in short pants now. She had no idea how aroused she'd gotten herself by pleasuring the other girl first. "Faster Natsumi," she moaned.

The girl rubbed her pussy faster, her fingers sliding in and out of her folds. Erza felt the knot inside her building up, with the heat feeling as though it was about to explode inside her. "Oh fuck Natsu!" She'd slipped again, but she didn't care. Her pleasure was about to burst.

"Natsu!" She cried out as she came, and she felt the other girl's small arm grip her body, keeping her from collapsing in the throes of her orgasm. As it died down, Natsumi slowly pulled her fingers back from Erza's folds.

Erza instantly turned and mashed her lips against the pinkette's, and the two kissed long and passionately. When they were both out of air, they broke the kiss. Natsumi blushed cutely.

"So I'm guessing that this isn't what girls usually do in the showers together?" She said softly.

Erza shook her head, blushing furiously as she realized that she'd just essentially tricked the pinkette into her first sexual encounter. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Natsumi said. "If this was going to be my first time, I'm glad it was with you Erza."

Erza kissed her again.


About 2 hours later the pair was out of the shower. Natsumi was wearing one of Erza's bras, which Erza helped her adjust and clasp, a pair of pink panties, long black slacks, and a pink shirt that showed a little extra cleavage because the girl was at least a head shorter than Erza. In the end, they'd decided to put her long hair back in a ponytail. Erza said that they could get Cancer to cut it once the rest of the guild knew about Natsumi.

"Now we just need to get you some clothes of your own. And I know just the person to help do it. Wait here for a little while."

~~~A little later, at the guild~~~

"Hey Mira," Erza said quietly at the bar.

"Hi Erza," Mirajane said. "Something up?"

"Well," Erza blushed. "I need to go shopping for some clothes, and, though I hate to admit it, your fashion sense is probably a little more… sensible… than mine."

"Oooh!" Mira squealed. "Getting some new clothes. Someone to impress, Erza?"

Erza lowered her voice. "The clothes aren't for me, but I need you to promise to keep that quiet. Can you come right now?"

"Umm, sure." Mirajane said, looking a little confused. "Kinana, can you watch the bar for the afternoon? Erza and I are going shopping."

"Sure thing," said Kinana with a grin.

"Alright!" Mira said. "So what's the little secret?"

"You'll find out in a little while," Erza said. "We've got to stop by my room and pick someone up."

~~~Erza's room, a few minutes later~~~

"Wow Erza!" Mira exclaimed as she looked inside. "I never knew you swung this way. And here I was thinking you'd go for either Jellal or Natsu. So who's the hottie? And where's her fashion sense?"

"Natsumi," Erza said. "And she's the reason you're helping me shop today."

"Natsumi?" Mira blinked, not quite catching it. "Where did you two meet?"

Erza rolled her eyes, but the pinkette interrupted before she could say anything. "You brought Mira along?"

"How does she know my…?" Mira's question trailed off as she suddenly connected the dots. "Natsumi?! Like a female version of Natsu?" She shrieked.

"Yes, Mira. We'll explain on the way." To Natsumi. "I brought her along beause she knows fashion better than I do, so she can actually get you some cute clothing."

"I don't wanna look cute. I wanna look badass."

Mira rolled her eyes. "Natsumi, for a girl cute is badass. And adorable is like ultra-badass." She added.

"This is really gonna take some getting used to…" Natsumi pouted.

"Now explain," Mirajane demanded to Erza as they headed out shopping.

And so Erza found herself telling the story again, this time including Porlyusica's diagnosis of the situation.