Greetings everyone,

Welcome to the official rewritten version of "Operation: Jaune's Future Fiancee - Chapter Two".

I want to once again thank everyone for being so understanding about my absence and for welcoming me back with open arms.

But now I'm back in business and I'm more than ready to get this show on the road.

Till next time!


Chapter Two (Rewrite)

How long has it been since Iris had woken up that morning to find that not only had her husband's old weapon gone missing but that her only son had as well? She could remember that morning so vividly that it almost felt as if it had happened just yesterday morning. They were supposed to have gone shopping together that day. Just a normal mother-son outing where they would walk through their little peaceful town and enjoying each other's presence. But instead HE decides to live up to his family's legacy of heroes and kings and goes to apply at Beacon of all places despite not having a single once of knowledge when it comes to fighting!

He hadn't even had his aura unlocked!

Did her admittedly adorable little knight just think he could go through what so many other children his age had to without any trouble? And might she add that these other children had literally YEARS of training experience prior to even attempting to think about applying for a training school much less a place like Beacon Academy.

By that logic, her son should've been stopped before he even reached the gates.

But because a certain SOMEONE decided to call in a favor owed to him by the headmaster, not only had her son be granted a chance to go through the same dangerous initiation where so many unlucky children had lost their lives but he, by some miracle, had passed the initiation with flying colors!

Oh sure, one could say that the only reason he was even granted this once-a lifetime chance was because of some forged transcripts but did anyone actually think that THE headmaster of Beacon Academy or any of his well-trained faculty, regardless of their ridiculous antics, would be fooled by some poorly contrived transcripts?

The answer to that is "No".

And yet somehow he not only managed to pass Beacon's initiation but also became the leader of his own team.

Don't get her wrong, Iris was more than proud of what her darling little knight had accomplished but that didn't mean that he was going to get an earful when called her.

Which didn't end up happening for several weeks after. Even then he'd barely wanted to speak with her as he kept cutting her off before making some thinly veiled excuse and terminating their call.

Oh yes, an let's not forget that that psychotic harlot who had caused her son so much trauma had somehow managed to find him at Beacon and that as a result her own precious baby boy was very nearly killed because of it.

Luckily, it had turned out alright in the end with both she and her father being arrested for their actions and that now she could finally rest easy knowing that monster was away from her son.

Expect now she had an even bigger problem to face. And it all centered around the admittedly adorable face of a certain silver-eyed girl.

Her son's fiancée, Ruby Rose.

And now, here she sat on a transport ship heading towards Beacon Academy with the rest of her family in tow. Once she had informed her daughters of their baby brother's predicament they had quickly dropped literally everything they'd been doing and volunteered themselves to traveling alongside her to meet Ms. Rose. Iris, of course, wore a smile on her face as she watched her daughters board their transport ship, each one of them bringing a certain element to their mission.

Her oldest daughter, Saphron, who, in her honest opinion, was much more mature than her sisters, had decided to bring her darling grandson, Adrian, along with her. She would no doubt support Jaune's decision but that wouldn't mean she'd readily agree with it. She'd most like be the first to openly converse with Ms. Rose about the engagement.

Then came her second oldest daughter, Sunny, who was by far the most outgoing of her daughters; what with her sunny disposition and easygoing personality. She'd be the one to bring Ms. Rose out of whatever shell she'd no doubt wrap herself up in. She'd most likely open with a few jokes and maybe a pun or two, which would in turn cause whatever tension they encountered to dissipate.

Next was her third oldest daughter, Chrysta, or Chrys as she preferred to be called, who was the more adventurous one among her sisters. Growing up she'd always enjoyed being outside with nature so it wasn't a surprise when they found out she'd became a park ranger and was now managing a wildlife preserve. She'd most likely be the hardest for Ms. Rose to interact with due to Chrys's "mama bear" personality. Out of everyone of Jaune's sisters, Chrys was the one who would rush to protect Jaune from bullies. It had happened so often that Chrys would eventually earn the nickname "The Golden Grizzly".

Her fourth oldest daughter, Chiffon, was the more intelligent one of her daughters. That wasn't to say that rest of daughters were dullards but Chiffon was on a completely different level all together. At the age of five, she'd not only gotten an acceptance letter into the most exclusive university known throughout Remnant but she'd also graduated with high honors as the valedictorian at the age of 10 THEN was granted a position as the assistant to one of Atlas's greatest minds, Dr. Polendina. She would no doubt be the second most difficult one for Ms. Rose to interact with mainly due to Chiffon's anti-social personality and emotionless expressions that would make it extremely difficult to guess her true feelings. The only one among the Arc family to make Chiffon smile was Jaune, which had become quite the sight to behold.

But there was no doubt in her mind that her youngest of her daughters, the twins, Gilda and Golda, were the ones who would cause the most trouble for Ms. Rose. Gilda and Golda were notorious for their so-called "mischievous pranks". Out of all of her daughters, Gilda and Golda were the only ones to cause her the most migraines with their antics as they repeatedly created discord and chaos throughout their household. The only one they didn't "prank" was Jaune, though it wasn't for a lack of trying as every time they'd get close to pranking him they'd back out at the last second and instead prank one of their older sisters.

And finally came the youngest of her seven daughters, Cream, who was only older than Jaune by a single year. Out of all of her daughters, Cream was the only one who had openly supported Jaune's dream of becoming a huntsman as the others would go to great lengths to try and persuade their baby brother into finding a different avenue to pursue. From cooking with Saphron to dancing with Sunny to camping with Chrys to engineering with Chiffon and so on and so forth. But Jaune was adamant about chasing his dream and Cream was the only one to support him. But Iris had to wonder if Jaune's engagement with Ms. Rose would be something she'd support as well or if this would be the straw the broke the Goliath's back?

Regardless, Iris was prepared to see Ms. Rose for all she was worth and determine if she was right for her son. And her daughters were than ready to assist her in this "operation" as the kids were calling it. But if she was being completely honest, Iris was having doubts that one of her daughters might have other ideas beyond Ms. Rose's engagement to her son. And little did the matriarch of the Arc household know just how right her doubts were as in the moment, all seven of the Arc sisters were hatching their own little plans for their sweet baby brother.

But the real question was what their plans were and what effect would they have on him? No doubt this question would be answered once their transport ship landed in Vale. But, until then, she might as well sit back and relax for a bit.


If there was one thing Qrow didn't expect to be doing at this time of night it was paying his "kind" twin sister, Raven, a visit. Now the poor attempt at an ambush made by the other idiots of the Branwen Tribe, that he expected to happen. Apparently, they been planning to ambush a traveling caravan that was supposed to have been passing through their neck of the woods but thanks a certain handsome rogue, AKA him, they were long gone and he was the one who'd been ambushed. And as a result, here he now stood just outside his sister's tent with a horde of marauders and thieves all glaring death at him with their weapons ready to strike. But currently his attention was squarely on a certain similarly red-eyed and black-haired individual dressed in a red oriental-style armor exiting the main tent.

The twin stared at one another in utter silence for a few moments before Raven turned back and entered the tent, signalling for him to follow. Without much word, Qrow followed inside and the two sat across from one another in silence. Raven, lifting a small cup of piping hot tea to sip upon before gently setting it back down. Silence continued to fall between them until finally, Qrow pulled his scroll from his pocket and placed it on the table between them. The only image on the scroll's screen was that of his niece, Ruby, being proposed to be some random blondie.

No words were exchanged between the two Branwen siblings as Raven examined the scroll's image in deep contemplation.

It wasn't until Raven had slid the scroll back over to Qrow that the silence between them vanished with a single question.

"Where?" she asked as a massive aura of bloodlust began to emanate from her very being.

"Beacon." replied Qrow, watching as Raven stood from her seat before turning towards a weapons rack that held her blade, Omen, and a white Grimm mask made to resemble that of a Nevermore's. Qrow watched in silence as Raven donned her gear before turning back to face him. The Branwen twins looked at one another before exiting the tent where they then encountered Raven's second in command, Vernal.

"Vernal, watch the tribe until I return." commanded Raven, which Vernal replied with a nod before departing further into the camp, leaving the twins to once again look at one another in silence before Raven made a slashing motion with her sword, cutting open a red and black portal before them. Raven was the first to enter while Qrow stood back for a moment, glancing down at a familiar photo in his hand before shoving it back into his pocket and entering the portal.

...The Next Day...

This was it.

This was the moment Jaune and Ruby had been dreading throughout the entire night.

The two leaders watched as a large transport ship landed at the docking station of their home away from home, Beacon Academy. The rest of their teammates and friends stood just behind them as they watched the doors to the ship slowly opened. Seconds passed by as they watched the doors fully open to reveal a horde of golden-haired amazons exit the ship, their beauty only rivaled by the glow of the sun behind them as the seven goddesses exited the transport ship, causing almost everyone, minus Jaune, to gaze upon them.

It wasn't until one of the girls spotted Jaune that the seven girls all took off like a bat out of hell towards the blonde knight. Ruby, sensing imminent danger was headed her way, smartly moved away from her "fiance". And just in the nick of time as well as all seven of the girls had group tackled Jaune to the ground and were now cuddling him as if he was last fluffy puppy in the pet store. Ruby and the others watched in utter amazement and perhaps a little jealousy as the goofball knight was literally surrounded by beautiful women.

Finally, the girls stopped their cuddling as a soft cough from another woman, whose silver hair seemed to glower various colors under the soft rays of the sun, and a massive mountain of man with short golden locks of hair that was accentuated by his dirty-blonde beard and his cerulean blue eyes. The girls all released their hold on the little knight, who then returned to his feet as the seemingly rainbow-haired woman moved towards him before placing her two palms on his cheeks. Ruby and the others watched as the woman smiled at their friend before bringing him into a warm embrace before being joined by the man that had stood beside her and the seven girls.

Afterward their shared group hug, the woman released her hold on Jaune with a soft, motherly smile before her expression turned dark as she pinched Jaune's left earlobe with a frightening death grip, causing Jaune to yelp with pain and Ruby and the others to flinch in surprise. And throughout the entire ordeal, the woman continued to smile innocently while Jaune struggled against her vice-like grip on his ear. The woman then turned towards Ruby and the others with the same motherly smile as she walked towards Ruby, all the while tugging Jaune along by his ear, blatantly ignoring his yelps of pain. Ruby watched with fear in her eyes as the woman smiled at her before presenting her free hand towards her.

"You must be my son's fiancee." said the woman as Ruby slowly and cautiously clasped her hand with the woman's own. "I'm Iris Arc, Jaune's mother, and apparently your future mother-in-law."

But no words escaped the leader of Team RWBY's mouth as the another voice decided to throw it's hat into the ring. "Not if I have anything to say about it." said a very masculine voice, causing everyone to turn and see another blonde-haired man with soft-blue eyes standing beside another man with gray hair and red-eyes entered the fray.

Immediately, the massive mountain of a man's eyes narrowed at the figures before him as he stalked forward. "Taiyang and Qrow." said the man, barely managing to hide the venom in his voice. "It's been too long."

"Nice to see you again, Orville." said Qrow, glaring back at the large man standing before him. "I should've known blondie over there was your son. Guess the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree if you shake it hard enough."

"You talk a big game, Qrow, but maybe you should quit while you're ahead, lest I remind you again which one of us is stronger." said Orville.

"Anytime, Arc." said Qrow, smirking as he unsheathed his weapon, Harbinger. An action that was swiftly copied by Orville, who pulled a larger version of Jaune's Crocea Mors, only Orville's shield appeared to be more circular rather than the kite form Jaune had.

And all the while Jaune, Ruby and the others could only watch in utter confusion and anticipation at the sight of Jaune's father and Ruby's uncle, both armed with their weapons and ready to throw down. A single thought crossing their minds as they witnessed the two men glaring daggers at one another.

This might be much harder than they first thought.