Greetings everyone!

Welcome to the 1st chapter of "Operation: Jaune's Dastardly Revenge."

I decided to upload this on a Saturday because I'm going to a family gathering tomorrow which may take up most of my day.

Since this is the first chapter as a means to get us started it will be much shorter than my future chapters but do not worry I will be sure that this month is full of punishments for most of Jaune's, I meant friends...yeah, friends. Now, if you haven't already been notified via my other story "Operation: Jaune's Ex-Girlfriend", one of my earlier stories "The Knight & The Wizard" will be re-released around November for Vol. 6 of RWBY. And I highly suggest you all check it out if you want to know why I'm so excited for it.

And in other news, I've decided that I need to change the scheduling just a tad. I know, I know; "AGAIN!?" but for real this time. I've decided that each story should be worked on, which brings me to this story. From now on, or until I change my mind again, each month will be centered around ONE chosen story for that month. As for the remainder of 2018;

September: "Operation: Jaune's Dastardly Revenge."

October: "Don't Mess With An Arc."

November: "The Knight & The Wizard."

December: "The Arcful Dodger."

Remember to check back on New Year's Eve on "Phony Talks" for the 2019 Schedule. Thank you all for your patience and understanding and I hope you all enjoy watching Jaune get his sweet revenge on his friends. Remember that the targets' punishments will be chosen by you, the readers, and any and all credit will be granted onto those that pitched the idea.

Next Scheduled Update:

Sept. 9th: "Operation: Jaune's Dastardly Revenge - Ch. 02"

Make sure to Favorite, Follow, and leave a Review.

Till next time!


Chapter One

It's been a solid month since the "Bella Bleu Incident" and things were finally calming down throughout most of Remnant. Bella was now being placed into a hgh security mental institution while her father was being tried for his multiple money laundering scandals. Meanwhile, Professor Goodwitch would be making a swift recovering after her Aura Overload episode and would be able to resume her role as a molder of young minds and bodies after the seasonal break. News of Jaune and his friends' involvement in taking down a corrupt politician and his psychopathic daughter had nearly made headline news, though Professor Ozpin had assured them that any mentioning of their names was strictly reserved for appropriate eyes and that their safety was on his top priority.

But all that was about to change this fateful day as Jaune walked into Team RWBY's dorm, along with his fellow teammates and a whiteboard; the exact same whiteboard that Ruby had acquired when she had started their previous operation, "Operation: Jaune's Ex-Girlfriend". But now it was time Jaune planned his own operation but first he needed to discuss the agreement between himself, the hunter, and his friends, the prey. So, once his teammates had taken their spots amongst those of Team RWBY, Jaune gestured towards the whiteboard.

At the top of the dry-erase whiteboard was the title for his operation; "Operation: Jaune's Dastardly Revenge" while below it was the list of his friends' names along with the days of the week. Along the sides of the whiteboard was various scribbles of words, most likely ideas for various punishments his friends/prey would face on their chosen days. Since there was only seven of his friends, Jaune had decided that the last week of their break would be the focus point of his week of revenge.

Now, don't get him wrong. He had already forgiven his friends for what they had done after finally ridding him of his psychopathic stalker ex-girlfriend but despite his pleas they were all quite adamant with fulfilling their debt to him. And it was in fact, they that came up with this idea but had decided to have a meeting before their first day. Which brought him to now as he gestured towards the whiteboard before his friends.

"Thank you all for coming." said Jaune, smiling in a very businessman-like manner, causing Pyrrha to giggle at her leader's mannerism. "This meeting is to decide in what order you will be taking place for the coming week of revenge." he said, pointing to the first name on the board; Ruby. "Ruby." he started, facing his sister-team-leader, who jolted up at the sound of her name being called. "Since you were there beside me facing Bella's wrath, I've decided to have you go first so we can just get it out of the way. As such, you'll be taking Monday's place." he said, drawing a red line between Ruby's name and Monday. "Do you have any problems with this? Anything important coming up or event taking place?" he asked, after all he wanted to punish his friends but that didn't mean he wanted to potentially ruin his friendships with them, especially not after all they'd done for him.

After pondering for a moment, Ruby finally decided to to shake her head as she turned to address her fellow team leader. "No, I should be good on Monday. The X-Ray and Vav marathon won't be airing until Friday anyway and Crescent Rose shouldn't need a tune up for a while, so I think I'm good for Monday." she replied as Jaune nodded his head in confirmation as he drew a check mark beside Ruby's name on the board.

"Now, do you have any grievances about your revenge day? Any limits you want me to place?" he asked as he readied himself to write down any number of limits Ruby may place upon him. Some may say that limits didn't exist between a person getting his revenge and his targets but Jaune cared about his friends, even after pulling his ex into his life, he still didn't want to ruin any chance he had with them.

"No messing with Crescent Rose." she said, watching him jot down her words below her name into a little drawing of a box meant to simulate Monday. "No messing with my cloak...It has sentimental value." she said softly, rubbing her index finger and her thumb along the silky fabric with a sweet smile as Yang placed her left arm around her little sister, pulling her into a close embrace.

"Anything else?" he asked once more, turning his head to see Ruby reply with a silence shake of her head before turning back to finish writing her last limitation. "Alright, that's about it for Ruby's limits. Does anyone want to volunteer for Tuesday?" he asked, turning to face his friends just as he noticed Blake's hand had raised. "Yes, Blake?" he asked, wondering if she was volunteering to take Tuesday or just had a question for him.

"I'll take Tuesday. An author is visiting this week and I want to get this out of the way before anything happens." said Blake as Jaune turned to draw a line between her and Tuesday. "As for limits; nothing that affects my status as a Faunus and nothing that involves my books." she said as she leaned back against her bed to continue reading her favorite mystery book.

"Alright, Blake takes Tuesday. Anyone for Wednesday?" he asked, turning to face his friends just s Ren raised his hand. "Alright, Ren gets Wednesday. Any limits?" he asked as he readied himself to write down his brother-in-arms's limitations.

"Jaune, my fellow brother and faithful leader, need I remind you of who is my partner?" asked Ren, his expression deadpanned as his partner in question, Nora, rolled around behind on the floor, playing with Zwei and paying their competition no mind.

"Right..." Jaune muttered to himself as he turned to write down below Ren's and Nora's names. "Alright, we've got our first no hold's bar." said Jaune before moving to Thursday. "Who's got Thursday?" he asked, turning to face his friends just as he noticed Nora's arm was waving sporadically, causing him to connect Nora's name to Thursday. "Any limits, Nora?" he asked just as Nora was juggling Zwei and some of Blake's books as she stared into his very soul with determination.

"Hit me with your best shot, fearless leader!" she shouted out with her chest puffed out, causing Ren to sigh with a roll of his eyes while the others softly laughed at Nora's antics.

But before Jaune could ask for someone to take Friday, he noticed Weiss's hand had raised in an elegant and sophisticated manner.

"Seeing as it's only right that I repent for the calamity that I had done in my misguided decision to follow my PARTNER'S instructions rather than use my own brilliant intellect, I see no reason as to why I shouldn't be available for such a particular activity. Provided that it is within reasonable limitations and that I am able to walk away with little injuries that may have an adverse effect on my ability to perform in combat or other academic activities." said Weiss as the others all stared at her with a deadpanned expression, even Zwei was giving her that expression as well. "What?" she demanded, twisting her head to gaze at her friends in confusion and mild frustration.

"No offense, Weiss Cream, but a simple yes would've been good." said Yang, smirking even after getting a glare from Weiss.

"Seriously, that had to be the very example of a long walk off a short pier." said Blake, smiling behind her book as she, too, joined in the teasing of their resident ice queen.

"Oh, hush!" shouted Weiss as the others began snickering at her frustrations while Ruby wrapped her arms around her partner. "Ruby! Let go of me!" she shouted as she tried to shake Ruby's grip off of her form.

"Daww! It's okay my super bestie-best-best-friend!" Ruby happily exclaimed as Weiss sighed in frustration before resigning herself to her unlawful treatment from her would-be allies.

Meanwhile, Jaune had already connected Weiss's name to Thursday and jotted down her list of limits below her name, all the while smiling at his friends' happy expression. He could still hardly believe that after everything they'd been through that they could still be so energetic and joyful. Course that wasn't going to change his mind when it came to delivering swift and just punishments to them for putting him through a literal hell.

"Alright, that leaves Saturday and Sunday between Yang and Pyrrha." said Jaune just as Yang raised her hand with a smile.

"I've got Saturday, Vomit Boy." said Yang, smiling as her little sister was smiled like a weapons otaku at a weapons convention despite her partner attempting to keep her away from giving her a hug. "Just make sure nothing happens to my hair or my bumblebee." said Yang as her eyes briefly flashed red as she snarled at Jaune, who was now cowering behind the whiteboard. "And if anything bad happens to Ruby, nothing will save you. Got it?" she demanded as Jaune nodded his head rapidly.

After Yang had finally managed to calm down and Jaune had come out of hiding from behind the whiteboard, he drew the final connection between his partner and Saturday. "Then that leave Sunday to you, Pyrrha. Any limits you want to place?" he turned to ask as Pyrrha continued to smile at her partner.

"None such for me, Jaune." said Pyrrha as she slightly frowned. "I deserve whatever punishments you deem fit for me." she said as Yang snickered behind her hand, causing Pyrrha to look back at her in confusion. "What is wrong, Yang?" she asked innocently.

"Oh, nothing P-Money." said Yang, still snickering behind her hand. "Just never thought you were into that kind of stuff. I wonder what kind of "punishments" our resident knight has in store for his princess?" she asked as Pyrrha's eyes wided in realization, her arms pushing her body off of the bed as her face became red from embarrassment.

"No! No! No! I-I-I didn't mean it like that! I just thought that since I was the reason for Bella being brought to Beacon that I deserve the most punishment for betraying Jaune's trust. And after what had happened in the Emerald Forest-" and so Pyrrha went on and on, explaining her reasoning behind her words while Yang continued to tease the poor champion. Jaune stood back, smiling at his friends before his head tilted back to gaze upon the whiteboard. His targets were chosen, their punishments would be swift, and most of all his revenge would sweet.

Tomorrow would be the start to his operation and the beginning of his revenge. And his first target was the first friend he had made since arriving at Beacon Academy. The sweet little red-hooded gothic-lolita Grimm reaper herself, Ruby Rose.


And there we have everybody! Our first victim will be none other than Ruby Rose!

What will her punishment be? Well, that's up to you to decide. Leave your punishment for our favorite weapons otaku in a review or just PM me with your idea. Remember any and all punishment ideas will be credited to the person, who came up with it.

Make sure to Favorite, Follow, and leave a Review!

Till next time!