Metadler Bunny: Well, thank you for the suggestion. I'll see what it's like.

Za Warudo: Glad you enjoyed it as well

Crown of Reaper: Good suggestions.

Stratos263: Me too.

The Composcreator: It's okay, the sequel will be a long way away.

YiteWrite: I wouldn't mind doing a musical chapter, I just haven't seen a lot of musicals.

DCCSG2: If I would have to choose, I would do Graveyard Shift. You'll find out who Plankton is.

Javier Amon Belmont: I haven't thought about that, but it does make me laugh.

Horrorfan247: I haven't seen Berserk before and I've only seen a handful of episodes of One Piece.

VikingZeroOne: Sometimes.

Kazuichi Souda2255: It does sound interesting. I do read all reviews, but I only manage to answer the ones I can answer or not answer ones that are repetitive.

Adislt: I may do it one day.

IHateGenericCeral: Thanks.

Guest: I have thought about doing reaction stories for other fandoms.

Argus456: Indeed. It would follow its own storyline instead of the original one.

GhostFang GF: We'll wait and see what happens.

Orca Twoshot: I may do it in the future.

Logan45: Good.

Yaelvaladezluna: Thank you. Godzilla, well I don't know if I'll ever do it, but it's a slight possibility.

Shadowwriter329: Thank you for that, it means a lot. I will try better to fix the name problems.

Dungeon Wyrm: Thanks. Don't a bad idea.

DragonKing015: I may do that.

Airchampion: Glad you approve.

Draco711: Good idea.

Gamelover41592: Well, they do seem kinda grouchy.

LionComet: So is it a yes?

Luffy L Deathwalker: I know, it's great isn't it.

Jack Lycan: Glad I could make your day enjoyable.

Read4Lyfe: Indeed it is.

SGArkosfan: You can still do it if you want, I'd be very interested to see how you would do it.

Shadow-Proclamation8: Not a bad idea.

Haseo55: I may bring in more of Jaune's family.

Y2J Badass: Fun idea.

Gematron: Yeah, Rath is awesome.

Norxlux013: Glad you're excited.

Graysean86: I'll probably do more Power Rangers

Thewittywhy: I wouldn't mind doing more TFS.

xXKentonHatakeXx: It's a Yu Gi Oh card.

TigerVolcano5000: Don't worry, I will never do the remakes. I would love to do Kung Fu Panda.

Hemanty342: Good.

Tom Philip658: I will do.

Everpeach: It would be interesting, but we'll have to wait and see.

Guest: Not really. Don't get me wrong. I love the game, but I don't really see any reaction potential.

Batthan the Dark Knight: I will do more of Looney Tunes.

Racer Z: Maybe.

Godfather Pimpbury Doughboy: I'll try and down size it.

Xhope14x: I may do it for other stuff. We'll see.

"Still, Nora, I probably wouldn't be able to handle all that," Weiss said to the pink bomber, referring to the end of the last viewing.

"Nah, I could take all of those patties in a couple of seconds!" Nora boasted.

"She probably would," Ren said.

"I don't think I could have all of those patties like that," Ruby said. "My stomach would burst"

"Well, I guess you don't have the stomach of a Valkyrie," Nora said.

"Is that meant to be a boast?" Coco whispered to Velvet, who just shrugged in response.

"Well, I'm just hoping for another kickass world!" Yang said. "Y'know, some good old fashioned butt kicking"

View then came back into the room. "I've got just the world to show" View said while holding an orb that was glowing green.

"Is it cool?" Yang asked.

"Is it fun?" Ruby also asked.

"It's something like that." View said.

"So, what sets this world apart from the others" Taiyang asked, curious of the orb in View's hand and why it was coloured green.

"You'll see." View said as he prepared to throw the orb. "You'll find that in this world, Jaune's no ordinary kid." View smirked as he tossed the orb into the screen.

And with that said, the screen started up once up as everyone glued their eyes to the screen and saw what world was next.

The screen opens up to the vast deeps of space itself and two large worlds nearby.

"Ooh, another space themed world!" Ruby said with excitement.

"Think it's gonna be another Clone Wars thing?" Sun asked.

"I doubt it," Weiss said. "But I would like to see what else the depths of space could be like"

"I agree, friend Weiss!" Penny smiled. "It would be very intriguing to see other lifeforms and see if they have different cultures and biological designs."

"That' way of putting it," Blake said.

But in the middle of one of the planet's rings, filled with asteroids, was a couple of explosions firing away. Inside the ring was a small spaceship as it is currently avoiding being fired upon by a much larger spacecraft.

"Oh, looks like there's a battle going on" Ozpin calmly said.

Aw yeah!" Here we go!" Yang said with excitement.

"Do we even know what's happening yet?" Weiss said.

"Looks like we'll find out," Terra said.

The smaller ship fired it's lasers at the other ship's hull, severely damaging it in the process.

Inside of the larger ship, was a worker drone manning his station as he looked over the damage. "Hull damage: 20 percent, but the system's still operational." The Robot Lieutenant reported to his leader.

Sitting upon a throne was an armoured alien resembling that of an octopus. He has tentacles dangling from his face, like a beard. His skin, pale-green with yellowish spots and has bright red eyes. This was Vilgax, the galaxy's most terrifying threat to ever roam the cosmos.

"What the hell is that thing!" Sun exclaimed.

"That is one mean looking alien" Coco said, feeling a little intimidated by the sight of the red eyed alien.

"I don't think he's a good guy," Ruby said.

"Yes, Ruby, we've all figured it out by this point" Weiss said.

"That is Vilgax," View said.

"Vilgax?" Ghira said.

"A warlord that conquered his own home planet and is well known throughout this universe as the most dangerous threat to ever came across the cosmos." View informed the audience of the history of the alien conqueror.

"So, how powerful is he?" Glynda asked.

"Very Powerful" View said, making some of the audience very worried what this warlord could do.

"I have come too far to be denied." Vilgax snarled.

The battle between the two vessels continued as the smaller craft evaded the ship as best as it could.

"The Omnitrix shall be mine, and there is not a being in the galaxy that dares stand in my way." Vilgax proclaimed as he slammed his fist down.

"Omnitrix?" Pyrrha repeated.

"It sounds important," Ruby said.

Ozpin looked on in thought. "This "Omnitrix" must something of importance if a war world like Vilgax wants it so badly"

"It must be something extremely powerful" Ironwood hummed, wondering what this Omnitrix could do.

"It must be a weapon of some sort," Winter said. "Something that can't possibly be replicated if he's going to these lengths of getting it."

"Well, I know that someone is definitely going to stop him," Ruby said.

"And who would that be?" Kali asked.

"Like you need to ask" Nora said with a smirk.

Meanwhile, on Earth, a ten year old Jaune Arc is seen sitting in a classroom at school, The young blonde was focused on crafting a paper airplane. He smirked and threw it at his teacher's hair, making her gasp in response.

"Aw look, it's a little version of Jaune," Coco said.

"He is...cute," Velvet said, Yang and Pyrrha nodding in agreement with the bunny girl.

Saphron smiled at the sight of the younger version of her brother, reminding her of when they were kids.

"Wow, who knew Jaune was a troublemaker?" Yang said with an impressed smirk, referring to the paper airplane.

"Imagine if he did that to Miss Goodwitch" Nora whispered to Pyrrha, who just giggled in response.

"That plane wouldn't get a chance to fly if it were me" Glynda said to herself while narrowing her eyes at the screen.

The teacher looks back to see who threw it, causing Jaune to snap up and pretends to read a book to avoid being caught.

In the classroom, while everyone else was doing their work, Jaune was spending his time by staring at the clock, waiting for it to hit the right time so that he could finally leave.

"Come on. Come on." Jaune said in a hushed tone as he waited for the day to finally end.

"A feeling I know all too well," Yang said.

"And me," Ruby said. "I really couldn't wait to leave for summer."

"Me too," Sun said. "I couldn't wait to get out of the classroom when I was a kid."

"I've never had that feeling," Weiss said.

"Well yeah, we all know that." Yang smirked.

"Hey!" Weiss cried out as she glared at her teammate.

"And I just want to remind you all that I will be teaching summer school this year, and it's not too late to sign up!" The teacher reminded all of her class.

"Yeah, right." Jaune scoffed at this as he continued to stare at the clock.

"It wouldn't be a bad experience," Ozpin said.

"Yeah right" Yang scoffed. "The only person who would be interested in going would be Weiss"

"Hey!" Weiss exclaimed. "I would not!"

"Really?" Blake said with a raised brow.

Weiss groaned in response and just huffed.

After what felt like an eternity, at least to Jaune, the clock finally struck as the classroom bell rang through the room. Jaune jumped up from his seat in excitement. "Yes!" Jaune exclaimed. "I'm outta here!" Jaune stated as he started to walk away from his desk.

"Everyone, have a good vacation, and I hope to see you all again in the fall." The teacher said as all the students walked out of the classroom.

"Jaune," The teacher called out the young blonde before he could leave the classroom and turned to her. "Could I have a word with you before you go? The Teacher asks as she holds up Jaune's paper airplane. Jaune frowns at this and reluctantly walks over to the teacher's desk.

"Uh oh" Ruby said.

"Someone's in trouble~" Coco sang out.

"Well it's not like he was being subtle about it" Blake said.

Outside of the school area, one boy was currently being bullied by two older boys, being pushed back against a tree as he trembled at them.

"Normally, we'd take your money and beat you up." The first young bully said as he pounded his fist together. He then moved nearer to the poor boy. "But since it's the last day of school, we're going to give you a break. Now fork over the cash so we can get out of here." The bully threatened.

"Oh, how original" Qrow rolled his eyes. "Stealing someone's lunch money"

"Penny frowned at the two picking the defenceless boy. "That is not a nice thing to do"

"No it is not, Penny" Winter said. "It is juvenile and they only care about showing power to prove their superiority."

"Leave him alone!" A voice called out, causing all three of the boys to turn their heads to see Jaune with an intense look on his face.

Saphron smiled for Jaune. She remembered when Jaune was little that he would try and stick up for other people. It would usually end up with him beaten up, but that never stopped him.

"Get lost, shrimp." The second bully said.

"I said, back off!" Jaune shouted at the pair of bullies.

"Oh, looks like we got us a hero." The first kid said in a mocking tone. "Suppose we don't wanna back off?" The first kid said as he and his friend walked towards Jaune.

"What are ya gonna do about it, Arc?" The second kid asked.

"He's gonna kick your butts! That's what he's gonna do!" Nora yelled out for her leader.

"Easy, Nora" Ren calmed his partner down.

The three stare at each other intensely. After a long wait, Jaune yells and charges at the boys... only for him and the other kid to be hung up on a tree by their underwear.

"Well, that ended well for him," Ilia said sarcastically.

"Ah, he let 'em win," Nora said. "Just to make them feel better."

"That doesn't make sense," Ilia said.

"Oh Jaune," Pyrrha said, both proud of the way he defended the other boy and sad that those two bullies did this to him.

"Thanks a lot." The other kid snidely said with an annoyed look at Jaune.

"I was just trying to help." Jaune said dejectedly.

"Next time you wanna play hero, make sure you can back it up." The kid said with his arms folded.

"Alright, don't be snippy at him when he was clearly trying to defend you" Weiss huffed with an annoyed look at the boy.

"Yeah," Ruby said in agreement with her partner. "No need to be a jerk about it."

Just then, an RV came rolling by near the two. Inside the RV was an older man in his sixties with graying blonde hair. This was Jaune's grandfather, Sterling Arc, a plumber and all around good man.

"Come on, Jaune. Let's go. We're burning daylight. I want to make it to the campsite by nightfall." Sterling called over to his grandson.

"Grandpa!" Saphron smiled at the sight of the elder Arc while her son Adrian laughed in delight at the sight of his great grandpa.

"That's Jaune's grandfather?" Pyrrha said.

"Yeah," Saphron smiled. "He's still around and often visits us. I remember when Dad did something dumb, he would whack the back of his head, Jaune too sometimes."

"Ah yes, Sterling Arc" Ozpin hummed. "If I'm not mistaken, Sterling was quite the huntsman in his day"

Saphron smiled. "I remember when Jaune would get so excited to see him and hear all of his stories in the old days."

"Uh, Grandpa, a little help here?" Jaune asked, hoping for a hand.

"And leave the other kid there too" Coco said, gaining a few looks.

"Really?" Blake said.

"What if I was there, which would never happen and it would be for those two brats, I'd leave him there."

"Yeah, me too," Ilia said.

"I would as well." Yang said.

"Me too," Qrow added.

After getting down from the tree with the help of his Grandfather, Jaune gets on board the Rust Bucket to start his summer vacation. "I have so been looking forward to this!" Jaune said with excitement until he noticed something.

He turned to his right to see a girl his age with teal air and an annoyed look towards Jaune. This girl was Cyana Arc, Jaune's cousin and the somewhat bane of his existence.

"I didn't know Jaune had a cousin," Ruby said.

"Neither did we," Pyrrha said, Ren and Nora nodding in agreement.

"Learn something new everyday" Velvet smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Jaune asked with shock. "What is she doing here?" Jaune asked his grandfather.

"Take it easy, dweeb. This wasn't my idea." Cyana replied with annoyance. "Somebody convinced my mom that going camping for the summer would be a good experience for me."

"Grandpa, please, tell me you didn't." Jaune pleaded to his grandfather.

"I thought it would be fun if your cousin came along with us this summer." Sterling said. "Is that a problem?"

"Saphron, is your cousin like this back home?" Ruby asked the older Arc sister.

"Well...I really wouldn't know" Saphron admitted, making some of the audience confuse by her statement.

"What do you mean by that?" yang asked.

"Well, I don't really know if I have cousin or not," Saphron said. "If I did, then I must've met her when I was really young"

"Oh" Ruby said. "Well, I hope we find out soon"

The two Arc cousins only looked at each other in response. The RV then drives off to its destination, while Jaune and Cyana sit near each in an awkward silence.

"Aw, I can't believe it." Jaune moaned. "I wait all school year to go on this trip, and now the queen of cooties is along for the ride." Jaune snidely said to his cousin.

"Charming," Winter said with sarcasm.

"Hey, I had my own vacation already all planned out, too, you know." Cyana shot back at her cousin.

"Each activity is color-coded so I never do the same thing two days in a row." Cyana said as she showed off a schedule to Jaune, proud of her work, much to Jaune's surprise.

Weiss smiled at this. "I must say, she does have an effective chart."

"Yeah, if you're a nerd" Yang muttered, causing Weiss to glare at her.

"Now, I'm stuck with my geekazoid cousin going camping for three months." Cyana said.

He's not the one with a friggin chart" Sun muttered.

Jaune stared at her for a few moments. "Geek." Jaune insulted.

"Jerk." Cyana shot back.

"Something tells me it's gonna be a long summer." Sterling sighed at this and continued to drive at their destination spot.

"Never easy with two bickering children" Tai said with sympathy for the older Arc, remembering the arguments he would hear from Yang and Ruby.

The screen then changes to night time, where the RV has driven to a forest site. Sterling was currently walking with two bowls filled with something as Jaune and Cyana waited for him to arrive.

"Chow time." Sterling announced as he placed the bowls down on the table, to reveal that they're filled with worms, much to the Arc Cousins disgust.

"Ergh!" Coco gagged. "Gross"

"Who would eat that?" Weiss said in disgust.

"Okay, I give up. What is that?" Jaune said as he looked at the worms in disgust.

"Marinated mealworms." Sterling said. "Hard to find them fresh in the states. You know, they're considered a delicacy in some countries." Sterling informed.

"Meh," Qrow shrugged. "I've eaten a whole lot worse"

"What was worse than those?" Ruby asked until Yang covered her sister's mouth with her hands.

"We don't want to hear it, Uncle Qrow!" Yang quickly said as Ruby fumbled to get out her big sister's grip.

"And totally gross in others." Cyana remarked as she watched a worm crawl out of it's bowl.

"If these don't sound good, I've got some smoked sheep's tongue in the fridge." The Older Arc offered his grandchildren.

"Ergh" Yang gagged. She then turned to Saphron. "Did your granddad ever make you eat stuff like that?"

"Oh no" Saphron confirmed. "But I do remember a few things from Dad and the training he did under him"

"Ugh." Jaune gagged. "Couldn't we just have a burger or something?"

"Nonsense. This summer's gonna be an adventure for your taste buds." Sterling smiled warmly at his grandkids. "I'll grab the tongue." Sterling said as he headed in the RV.

"Whoopie" Qrow said in a monotone voice.

Jaune then leaned over to his cousin and whispered. "Okay, I've got a half-eaten bag of corn chips and a candy bar in my backpack. What do you got?"

"Some rice cakes and hard candy." Cyana answered.

"Think we can make them last the whole summer?" Jaune asked as the pair of Arc cousins sulk in response, not happy with how this summer was starting."

"Man, things are looking pretty...well, buggy for Jaune" Yang commented.

"Was that meant to be a joke?" Blake asked with a raised brow.

"Nah, I haven't brought out my best material yet."

"You have material?" Coco asked with an amused smirk as Yang gave the leader of CFVY a glare.

Back up in the depths of space itself, Vilgax's ship was still chasing after the smaller ship as it tried speeding away from him. Vilgax's ship even manages to even get a hit onto the smaller craft, severely damaging it.

"Well, that's not good," Sun said.

"That's an understatement," Qrow said.

"Whatever this Omnitrix is, this Vilgax won't be giving it up without a fight" Ghira said.

"How could one thing cause this much conflict?" Terra asked.

"It depends how powerful it is, Miss Arc-Cotta" Ozpin said. "People will do anything for power.

"Their propulsion systems have been destroyed." The Robot Lieutenant informed his master.

"Prepare to board!" Vilgax ordered his troops. "I want the Omnitrix, now!" Vilgax Snarled.

Vilgax's ship prepared to board, but the smaller craft then fired a powerful ray beam right into the bridge section of the ship, exactly where Vilgax was.

"Looks like they managed to take Squid Face down a peg!" Yang smirked.

"Oh yeah!" Nora pumped her fist up.

"It's not over yet." Ren said as he continued watching.

The entire area burst into flames as Vilgax's ships then managed to blast the smaller craft, completely destroying it, say for the head of the ship which remained, floating in space.

"Oh no!" Ruby exclaimed. "Now Vilgax is gonna get the Omitix!"

"Omnitrix" Weiss corrected.

Then a pod fired out of the remains of the ship. It broke apart to reveal a small pod and began to jetton itself down onto the planet below.

"Smart" Tai smirked. "Whoever was on that ship must've sent the Omnitrix on the planet and out of Vilgax's reach"

"Yes, but I imagine it'll only be a matter of time before Vilgax recovers from this loss" Winter said. "He'll soon send forces down to the planet"

"That is if he survived that explosion" Ilia muttered.

Back at the campsite, Jaune and Cyana were currently preoccupied with their mobile devices as Sterling Arc watches in disappointment.

"Frigging kids these days" Qrow remarked.

"What's wrong?" Tai said with an amused smirk. "Feeling like an old man?"

"You should talk," Qrow shot back. "I see your attempts of trying to act hip and young"

"Who wants to roast marshmallows?" Sterling offered, holding up a bag but was only met with silence. "Okay, um… How about we tell scary stories?"

"Scarier than having to spend a summer with your freak of a cousin?" Jaune laughs to himself as Cyana glares at her cousin.

"I'd like to, Grandpa, but I'm busy doing a web search on cures for extreme doofusness." Cyana snarkly says. "Nothing yet, Jaune, but let's not give up hope."

"I'm glad we never argue like that" Ruby smiled at her sister, who smiled back.

"Yeah," Yang said in agreement. "Because I would always win," Yang said as Ruby frowned in response.

"You would not!" Ruby said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes I would" Yang said still with a smirk.

"No you wouldn't!" Ruby said, raising her voice a little.

"Yes I would!" Yang said with her smirk gone and an annoyed look and slightly agitated tone there instead.

"No you wouldn't!" Ruby shouted.

"Yes I would!" Yang shouted back.

Weiss and Blake just watched the two back and forth.

"I'm glad my me and my sister don't argue like that," Weiss smiled.

"Yeah, because you always try to impress her" Blake muttered.

"Aw, come on, you two. We're all in this together." Sterling says. "You can't mope around like this all summer, or we can have some fun. Now what do you say?"

"I vote for moping." Cyana quickly responded.

"Man, am I glad I didn't let Yang or Ruby bring any devices whenever we went camping" Tai said.

"Man, I remember when, Jaune and the rest of our sisters went camping" Saphron smiled.

"I remember you telling me that you and your sisters would braid his hair" Terra smirked.

"Hey! It was cute" Saphron defended.

"I'm gonna take a walk. Smell ya around, Cyana." Jaune mockingly said as he got up and began to walk away from the campsite and into the woods.

"I, uh, think they're starting to grow on each other." Sterling said, with much doubt in his own words.

"That's one way of looking at it," Ozpin said.

"Yeah, they get along like a house on fire" Qrow remarked. "And if there were still people in there"

Jaune walks around the forest, feeling as down as ever as he trudges along in the woods. "Aw, man. This is gonna be the worst vacation ever." Jaune stated. "I might as well have gone to summer school." Jaune said annoyed as he looked at the ground.

"I know I wouldn't want to be in Summer School with Goodwitch" Yang whispered to her partner.

"What was next, Miss Xiao Long?" Glynda asked with her famous glare.

"Nothing!" Yang quickly said.

But something caught the young blondes attention, a sound in the skies above. Jaune looked up in the skies to see what appears to be a shooting star just flying over him.

"Aw cool!" Ruby said. "I always love a shooting star"

"I once tried wishing on one once," Nora said. "And I found a hundred pancakes!"

"Nora, how many times do I have to tell you, you stumbled into a restaurant and ate all of the pancakes there." Ren reminded me. "It was completely coincidental"

"Shooting star!" Nora quickly said, making her partner sigh in response.

"Whoa! A shooting star!" Jaune said in awe.

The "star" then suddenly made a quick change in direction and headed right for Jaune, much to his shock and horror as he screamed and ran away before he could get hit by the star.

"That's...not a star" Ruby said in a worried tone.

"No it is not" Winter said with wide eyes.

"RUN JAUNE-JAUNE!" Nora cried out.

Said star then smashes right into where Jaune was, causing him to fly back from the site.

"Is he okay!?" Saphron said while holding her son, very worried for her little brother's safety.

"Clearly" Ilia said in a sarcastic tone, gaining a few glares.

Once the smoke clears, Jaune sees that the crashed star made a massive impact, reducing some of the nearby trees and creating a massive crater. Jaune carefully walks by to where the star landed to see what exactly crashed down and nearly killed him.

"I don't think it's very wise to be near that thing" Glynda said.

"To be fair, I would see what was in there," Ruby said.

"I would too," Nora said.

"Yeah" Sun added.

"Indeed." Penny also said.

"Looks like a satellite or something." Jaune said as he stared down at the crater. The light from the crater then dies down. But the ground from under Jaune's feet starts to crumble, causing the young blonde to fall into the crater.

"Man, things are not looking up for Jaune today," Yang said.

"At least he's okay," Ren said.

"For now." Pyrrha said. "Who knows what's inside that pod."

"She's right." Weiss said. "It could be anything"

"Like what?" Velvet asked.

"A weapon, a plague. Really anything" Blake said.

"It must be something important," Ironwood said.

Jaune quickly gets up from the ground to see the smoking crater and starts to stop smoking to reveal a small pod. Suddenly, the pod itself began to open up. And inside of this pod, was a glowing green light, shining upon Jaune's face.

The audience waited to see what was inside the pod that caused all of this drama, with Nora and Ruby jumping up in their seats in excitement.

"A watch." Jaune whispered to himself as the light fully showed itself, showing more of the device itself. It's appearance was a large wristwatch in black and grey color, with a grey dial in the middle and a green hourglass shape on it.

"Wait, what?" Yang said with a raised brow in confusion.

Everyone else was equally confused. The whole fight in space for the important item, was a watch all this time? The audience were very confused by this. Expect for View because he knew what was going on.

"A Watch?" Kali said in confusion.

"That's what's been causing all the fighting?" Ruby said.

"Are you kidding me?" Weiss said in annoyance. "All this time, this Vilgax has spent his time chasing after a simple watch?"

"It does look pretty cool though" Sun said.

"What could be so important about a watch?" Ironwood asked.

"I don't know, James." Ozpin hummed as he continued to stare at the thing. "I don't know."

"What's a watch doing in outer space?" Jaune asked himself in confusion, curious as to why such an ordinary object would be in this pod and cause this much damage.

"It must be important if Vilgax was willing to destroy the other ship for it" Ghira theroized.

"Maybe it's a...communicator or something?" Terra said.

"I am very interested to see what this device does." Penny said.

The blonde then grins to himself and begins to reach out his hand to grab the watch. But he didn't get a chance to grab himself, as the watch suddenly latched itself onto Jaune's left wrist, much to Jaune's shock.

"Whoa!" Yang exclaimed. "What the hell!"

"That thing just latched onto him!" Sun said.

"Is it alive?" Ren said, still a little shocked.

"Oh no!" Ruby dreaded. "Please not another Venom situation."

"Get off me! Get off, get off!" Jaune cried out as he tried to shake the alien watch off of him, but to no avail as he tripped onto the ground. Jaune climbs his way out of the crater and runs back to the campsite. "Grandpa!" Jaune cried out in terror.

"How brave," Ilia remarked.

"Hey, lay off my brother" Saphron said in defence of Jaune. "I'd doubt anyone else wouldn't be freaked out by that.

Back at the campsite, Sterling Arc was starting to worry about Jaune. "Hmm. Jaune's been gone a while." Sterling stated. "Well, I guess he can't get into too much trouble out here."

"Unless he wound up bear food." Cyana said, causing Sterling to frown at her.

"Hey, I can dream, can't I?" Cyana asked.

"How loving" Qrow remarked.

"I wonder what caused those two to argue," Kali wondered.

"It must be a similar case with siblings," Winter said.

Meanwhile back in the forests, Jaune was trying to remove the watch with a twig to try and jam it off him, leading to the twig to be snapped and the watch remained on Jaune's wrist, much to his frustration.

"Man, that thing is durable," Tai said.

"It must be made from a different material," Penny said.

"It doesn't seem too dangerous to harm Jaune," Weiss said.

Jaune's on his knees as he gives up trying to get the watch off him. He then decides to see what this watch does by fiddling with the dial of the watch.

"I don't think that's a safe thing to do," Blake advised. "We don't know what the Omnitrix can do"

Jaune then somehow manages to make the dial of the watch to suddenly pop up, surprising the blonde. "Whoa!" Jaune exclaims. He then looked around to see if anyone was nearby and continued to see what else this watch does.

"Ooh" Ruby said with much interest. "I love it when a piece of tech pops up. You just never know what happens next."

"I don't think in this case it could be wise."

"Oh come on, it's not like it's a bomb or anything" Yang said with a slight smirk, but was slightly worried that it might be the case.

The dial of the watches then shifted to a silhouette of an unknown person. But this person didn't look particularly humanoid as his arms and legs were differently shaped and the top of his head seemed to have odd shaped hair.

"Is that a person?" Pyrrha asked while squinting to get a better look.

"I think so." Velvet said with uncertainty.

"It doesn't look human," Ren said.

"What is that thing?" Glynda asked.

Ozpin hummed in interest. This watch was getting more and more interesting and potentially useful by the moment.

View, however, smirked to himself. "This is gonna get good"

"Cool!" Jaune exclaimed. He then placed one finger onto the dial as it made a sound. Jaune looked at the watch for a few more seconds before pushing down the dial, causing an activation sound and a massive green flash.

"Whoa! My eyes!" Sun exclaimed as the green light flashed in the room.

"What's happening!?" Terra asked while also shielding her son's eyes.

View said simply. "A transformation" View said as the audience were confused by that statement but couldn't focus on it for too long, as said transformation was occurring.

Suddenly, as the watch flashed a bright light around the blonde, a rock-like substance started to surround Jaune's entire left arm and expanded itself onto Jaune's face, coating his entire body into a rock-like skin. The rocks started to crack open with fire.

Jaune then looked at himself to see that he had changed into a magma-based lifeform whose body is composed of a bright inner magma body covered by dark red rocks, with the symbol of the watch on his centre chest.

"By the gods..." Ozpin breathed.

"That's...impossible." Ironwood said with wide eyes.

"Jaune...?" Pyrrha said quietly, Velvet, Yang, Terra and Saphron were speechless, while Adrian cocked his head in confusion at his family around him, curious to why they were looking at Uncle Jaune weirdly.

Jaune looked at his brand new body and responded thusly. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jaune screamed out in terror at the mere sight of himself. Terrified of what he has now become as the screen briefly turned to black.

"What the hell just happened to him!" Sun exclaimed.

"I don't know!" Weiss said back to the monkey faunus. "That turned him into some kind creature."

"I think it's cool!" Nora said.

"I see Nora's still the same" Coco said, calm but still as shocked as the others.

The screen came back up to show Jaune still screaming at the top of his lungs as he ran around the area, still shocked at his new, firey body.

"AAAAAAH! I'm on fire! I'M ON FIRE!" Jaune screamed, not in his own voice, but in a raspy, gravely voice.

"Someone put him out!" Ruby yelled out.

"With what? There's no water around, you dolt" Weiss yelled back.

After a few more seconds of screaming and running, he finally stopped once he realised that the fires around him weren't even hurting him, in fact, he felt perfectly fine.

"Hey, I'm on fire, and… I'm okay!" The fiery being said to himself. "Check it out; I'm totally hot." Jaune said with more confidence. He also laughs at his joke.

"While I am really confused and somewhat terrified, I gotta love the pun," Yang said.

"So, the flames don't really hurt him?" Velvet asked, still a bit worried for Jaune and somewhat frightened by his new appearance.

"Apparently not," Blake said. "It's like it doesn't even faze him."

"So, that's what the watch does, it transforms the user into this fire based being" Ozpin said to himself.

"No wonder a warlord like Vilgax wants it so bad" Glynda said.

The fire based being turned to see a tree behind him. He smirked to himself and really wanted to test out this new form.

"Oh no..." Ruby said.

"Tell me he's not gonna..." Weiss groaned.

"To be fair, I would too," Yang said.

"Yeah, me too." Coco said.

"I would definitely." Nora said

"Oh, yeah." The pyro said in excitement. "Uh-huh. Here goes!" Jaune declares as he manages to shoot a small fireball at the tree, shooting off the branch and burning a hole in it.

"Cool!" Nora exclaimed.

"Man, that was a good shot!" Yang said.

"Not too bad," Qrow said.

"Mr Arc was just transformed into a different being, and that's all you can say" Winter said.

"Alright. Make the fire balls bigger" Qrow said out loud. "There. Is that better?" Qrow asked with an amused smirk as Winter huffed and turned away from the drunk.

"That's what I'm talkin' about." Jaune said to himself and checked himself out more. He then put his palms together to create a bigger fireball. "Likin' it." The hothead said and threw the fireball through several trees at once.

"Oh no," Tai dreaded, knowing what was going to happen.

His eyes widened in shock. "Wait, STOP!" The pyro pleaded as all the trees around him started to catch on fire. "Uh-oh." The hot head as he was now in a forest fire.

"That dolt!" Weiss exclaimed. "Does he not know that was going to happen!"

"To be fair, Weiss, he is ten, a lotta kids do a lot of dumb things when they're that age" Ruby said in defence of her blonde friend.

"I don't think any of us burned down a forest when we were ten!" Weiss said, annoyed.

"Well..." Ruby said nervously.

He tries to stomp out the fire on the ground, but since his whole body was made of fire, it just caused more fire. "Oh, man. I'm gonna get so busted for this!" Jaune exclaimed.

Back at the campsite, Sterling was sitting by a campfire while Cyana stood around until she saw smoke in the sky. "What's that?" Cyana asked, causing Sterling to get up and see the smoke as well.

"Looks like the start of a forest fire." Sterling said with a hint of worry. "We better let the ranger station know. Probably some darn fool camper out there messing around with something he shouldn't." Sterling said.

"3, 2, 1..." Coco counted down.

After a few seconds, the two looked up in realisation. "Jaune!" Sterling said in worry.

"It truly says something when family members can tell who caused this mess" Ren said.

"Indeed." Winter said.

Sterling then got into one of his boxes and picked up two fire extinguishers. "Better take this." Sterling said as he handed his granddaughter the other fire extinguisher and headed into the forest to find Jaune.

"Is it really a wise idea to bring along his granddaughter with him?" Kali asked.

"It'll be fine" Saphron said. "We Arcs are always running in the face of danger."

Back in the forest, the pyro headed Arc was still trying to get the fires to stop spread to no avail. "This would be so cool if it weren't so NOT cool."

Meanwhile, Cyana was currently putting out fires on her own, putting away any fire she saw. Unknowing to her, she was actually right behind her fire turned cousin as he tried to put away the fire.

"Oh boy" Sun said.

"This is gonna be awkward," Yang said.

"That's one way of putting it," Blake said.

She kept spraying until she turned around, spraying onto the hot head behind her head, causing him to yell in shock.

He turned around to face his cousin, who looked at him and screamed in terror at the sight of the fire monster.

"This isn't going to end well" Ruby winced.

"Hopefully, Jaune will be able to convince Cyana and that she'll be calm and reasonable," Pyrrha said.

"Look, I know I look weird, but there's no reason to be scared-" The pyro said in a calm manner...But Cyana just struck him across the face with the fire extinguisher, sending him back a few feet away from her.

"Whoa!" Nora exclaimed. "That was one strong fire extinguisher."

"Why did she attack him?" Penny asked, confused of why she suddenly attacked her cousin. "He said there was no reason to be scared."

"Well, I think it's because she doesn't recognize Jaune in that form, plus a creature she hasn't seen before would probably act irrational." Glynda said.

"Oh" Penny said, understanding the situation a bit more.

The pyro got up, only to be sprayed in the face by Cyana, greatly irritating the former blonde. "Hey!" The fire based being exclaimed, coughing in response as the flames quickly grew back.

"I don't know what you are, but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you." Cyana threatened, pointing the canister at the fire being.

"Wel, she's got balls for one thing" Qrow said.

The fire Arc glared at her before using his hand to conjure up fire on the girl's shoe. "OW!" Cyana exclaimed in pain while Jaune chuckled to himself while Cyana hopped on one foot and hosed down the fire on her.

"That's a little mean" Ruby pouted.

"It's childish!" Weiss said. "There's nothing funny about setting someone on fire"

"To be fair, she hit him first," Nora said.

Cyana glares at him and raises her fire extinguisher to hit the monster. "I warned you!"

"Don't even think about it, freak." The monster insulted.

Cyana's eyes widen as she recognizes the way the creature talked, only one person she knew could talk to her like that. "Jaune?" Cyana gasped as she put the canister down. "Is that you? What happened?" Cyana asked in awe over her cousin's new appearance.

"So that's how she recognizes him? Through an insult?" Ilia asked.

"Huh, I guess they know each other that well," Velvet said.

"At least they stopped fighting now," Glynda said. "And can focus on the task at hand"

"Well, when I was walking, this meteor fell from the sky and almost munched me, except that wasn't a meteor or a satellite, but this cool watch thing that jumped up onto my wrist and when I tried to get it off, I suddenly was on fire, only it didn't hurt when I was accidentally starting this mega forest fire." Jaune recapped quickly.

"Huh, that's...a fair explanation." Pyrrha said.

"I'm surprised he got that out so quickly," Ren said.

"Cyana," Sterling called out as he came running to her. "Are you alri-" Sterling was about to ask until he saw the heat creature beside her. "What in blazes?"

"Hey, Grandpa, guess who." Cyana sarcastely asked.

"It's me, Grandpa." Jaune waved his hand at his grandfather.

"Jaune?" Sterling said in shock. "What happened to you?"

"Well, when I was walking, this meteor…" The Pyro began to explain again.

"We don't need it again," Coco said.

"Miss Adele's right," Winter said. "They need to stop the fire from spreading"

"How is Jaune going to do that if he's literally made from fire?" Yang pointed out.

"Well, let's see how things fair out, Miss Xiao Long" Ozpin said.

"Um, excuse me. Major forest fire burning out of control, remember?" Cyana said, cutting off her cousin and referring to the fires around them.

"What do we do?" The former blonde asked.

The older Arc thought about it for a few moments. "Backfire." Sterling stated. "Start a new fire and let it burn into the old fire. They'll snuff each other out." Sterling said.

"Smart idea" Ozpin complimented.

"Will it work?" Sun asked.

"It has too," Ruby said.

"I've got faith in them" Saphron said in support of her family.

"Me too" Pyrrha said, with Yang and Velvet agreeing with her.

"Think you can do it, Jaune?" Sterling asked his grandson.

"Shooting flames, I can definitely do it." Jaune said with confidence and looked like he was smirking.

Jaune then ran further into the forest while Cyana and Sterling ran back to get out of Jaune's way. Once Jaune got close enough, he fired a beam of fire from his palm and managed to set fire to a few more trees, causing another fire.

After a while, the fires had finally ended, with the park ranger looking over the site in shock.

"Thank goodness" Glynda breathed out, glad that the situation was sorted out.

"He stopped the fire!" Nora cheered.

"That's amazing!" Velvet exclaimed with wide eyes.

"I must say, this form of Arc has some amazing capabilities" Ironwood said with great interest.

"But what happens with Jaune now?" Ren asked.

"What do you mean, Renny?" Nora asked. "Jaune-Jaune just saved the day with his cool fire form!"

"But will he ever change back?" Ren asked, making his friends and family worry for the blonde as he might be trapped in that body for who knows how long"

Back up in space, the cruiser that was carrying the watch was completely destroyed. But they weren't the only ones damaged from this conflict as inside his ship, Vilgax was currently residing within a healing tube.

"He survived!?" Velvet exclaimed.

"Man, he's a lot stronger then we give him credit for" Sun said, feeling dread that a warlord like Vilgax could be this driven.

"What do you mean it's not there?" Vilgax heaved. "This battle nearly costs me my life, and you say the Omnitrix is no longer aboard the transport?!" Vilgax snarled as his body was hoisted up within the tube.

It was shown that a good chunk of his body had been destroyed during the battle, with only his robots slowly repairing him.

"It looks like that fight took a lot out of him," Tai said, slightly disgusted by what was left of the squid alien.

"It could take him a long time before he fully recovers," Ironwood said, knowing the process of replacing body parts.

"So, he's not gonna go after Jaune?" Saphron said with some hope in her tone.

"I wouldn't count on it," Ghira said. "He still has his army of drones to send after Jaune"

"And here I thought we were out of the woods," Yang said.

"Sensors indicate a probe was jettisoned from the ship just before boarding." The robot informed his leader. "It landed on the planet below."

"Go! Bring it to me." Vilgax ordered his forces.

Back on the planet below, Jaune, still in his fire form, Sterling and Cyana were currently sitting around a campfire, talking about the situation Jaune was in.

"And you say that this watch just jumped up and clamped onto your wrist?" Sterling asked, after hearing the whole story from Jaune.

Jaune caught a marshmallow from his cousin as he responded. "Hey, this time it wasn't my fault." Jaune said as he ate the marshmallow after being in his fiery hand. "I swear."

"At least the form is pretty handy at a campfire," Ruby said.

"I suppose there are some positives when being made from fire," Blake said.

"I believe you, Jaune." Sterling said with a kind tone to his grandson.

"Think he's gonna stay a monster forever?" Cyana asked her grandfather.

"He's not a monster. He's an alien!" Sterling reaffirmed, causing Jaune and Cyana to look at him with

"I, I mean… Look at him, what else could he be?" Sterling quickly asked.

"It would make sense." Ironwood said, thinking it over. "Vilgax was from space so it could stand to reason that form is an alien"

"I can see it," Nora said. "Plus, it really looks cool!"

"I should hope so," View said. "Pyronites are usually pretty lethal"

"Pyronites?" Blake wondered, as did the audience.

"That's what he is, a Pyronite. The name of his species." View said.

"What else is known about them?" Blake asked.

"Well, they come from the planet Pyros, a planet-like star. And they're not the must With little outside contact, the Pyronites have been able to spend their whole lives perfecting their abilities."

"That sounds cool!" Sun exclaimed.

"Don't you mean, hot!" Yang joked, causing more groans, except her dad.

"When will she stop?" Ilia groaned.

"I'll let you know," Blake muttered.

"I don't wanna be fire guy forever." Jaune moaned. "How am I supposed to play Little League this fall if I charcoal the ball every time I catch a pop-fly?"

"I have no idea what any of those words mean" Nora simply stated.

"I for one, do not approve of the name" Ruby said. "He should have a better name than just fire guy."

"That's your biggest concern right now?" Weiss asked.

"Of course it is," Ruby said, much to her partner's annoyance. "He should have a cool name like, Infernus or Hot Spot or...maybe Magmashot!"

"How about Charcoal Man?" Sun jokingly suggested.

Ruby shook her head at this. "Nah, that name sounds dumb" Ruby said, not picking up on the tone and was invested in the naming.

View then chimed in. "How about Heatblast?" View suggested, even knowing he already knew the name.

Ruby smiled at this widely. "Headblast! I like it!"

"I do too," Yang admitted.

"Don't worry, Jaune." Sterling said with confort. "We'll figure this thing out." Sterling promised.

Before anyone could say anything else, a loud, blaring sound suddenly occurred, coming from the chest piece on Jaune's chest as it also flashed red.

"What's it doing?" Kali asked.

"It sounds like it's counting down to something," Qrow said.

"Oh god, it's a bomb!" Nora exclaimed.

"Nora, don't be ridiculous." Weiss said. "Why would it be a bomb?"

"In case that the watch had a level of sentience and didn't want a certain type of user and would instead reject the host by blowing him up!" Nora gave her explanation.

"It's not...that bad of a theory," Blake said.

Suddenly, a bright red flash occurred, flashing Cyana and Sterling as they covered their eyes. Once the light died down, Cyana and Sterling opened their eyes to see that Jaune had reverted back into his human self.

"He changed back!" Saphron smiled at the sight of her brother while Adrian giggled again at his uncle.

"So that was a timeout alarm," Winter said. "Something to warn him that he was going to change back."

"It's a good thing to know that the transformation isn't permanent." Pyrrha said.

Jaune laughed in relief as he looked at himself. "I'm me again." Jaune said in happiness.

"Aw, too bad. I liked you better when you were a briquette." Cyana pouted.

"I still can't get this thing off." Jaune groans as he once again tries to remove the alien watch.

"It's gonna take a lot of effort to take that watch off of him," Tai said.

"It must be bound to him somehow," Blake theroized.

"Why would anyone take that cool thing off?" Yang said. "It's amazing!"

"I don't think I would want a watch on my wrist for the rest of my life," Weiss said.

"Better not fool with it anymore until we know exactly what we're dealing with." Sterling advised. He got up from his spot. "I'll go check out that crash site, you guys stay here until I get back." Sterling ordered as he left the campsite.

Meanwhile in space, a pod was shot out of Vilgax's ship and was heading right for the planet below for the Omnitrix, managing to crash down onto the surface.

That doesn't look good" Ruby said in a worried tone.

"No, it does not," Glynda said, keeping her eyes on screen.

Once the smoke clears, the pod begins to transform itself into a fully mechanised robotic war machine with bright red eyes. It looked down to where the Omnitrix's pod landed, but saw it was already opened, causing the robot to destroy the pod in response.

"That is one big machine" Sun said in awe.

"That's an understatement," Ilia said.

"Hopefully, Jaune can take that thing down," Velvet said.

"Assuming it's not fireproof." Coco said.

The robot then fired two cylinder shaped objects from its own shoulders, spinning away to transform into seeker drones, off to find where the Omnitrix was.

"at least they'll be easier to deal with," Yang said.

"You should never underestimate an opponent," Ghira advised. "It could lead to your downfall"

Back at the campsite, Jaune was currently sitting on the back of the RV, looking over the watch to see what else the watch could do. "Hmm, I wonder what this does." Jaune wondered out loud as he messed with the dial.

"I don't think it's wise to continue to tinker with that device" Glynda said, disapprovingly. "Who knows what else could happen"

"I agree," Ironwood said. "It could do something that Mr Arc may not be ready enough to handle"

Qrow rolled his eyes. "Of course you agree with her, Woody" Qrow said. "You just want to get into her..."

"Qrow!" Ozpin reprimanded as Ironwood and Glynda glared at the huntsman, who just shrugged it off.

He looked around in case anyone saw him, but Cyana came from the other side and scared him.

"Caught ya!" Cyana laughed at Jaune's reaction.

"Very funny, like your face." Jaune mocked his cousin. He then continued to work on the watch.

"Good comeback" Weiss remarked.

"I can think of better," Yang smiled.

"But no one wants to hear it," Blake said, making Yang glare and grumble.

"Grandpa said not to mess with that thing." Cyana reminded Jaune.

"Yeah, so, what's your point?" Jaune shrugged off.

"Your parents drop you when you were a baby?" Cyana snarkly asked as Jaune started to bite on the watch.

"Wow, she acts so much like Weiss," Yang said.

"Hey!" Weiss shouted. "I have far more grace and am much more."

"Full of yourself?" Coco smirked.

"Of course I-Hey!" Weiss yelled as she glared at the fashionista.

"Relax, Schnee, I'm just messing around" Coco said as Weiss huffed and turned back to the screen.

"Come on. You can't tell me you aren't a little bit curious what else this thing can do?" Jaune asked.

"Not in the least." Cyana said while turning.

"You sure you're related to me?" Jaune asked.

"I gotta agree with Jaune," Ruby said. "I'd want to know what other forms it may have"

"While I do agree with you, Ruby, Jaune should still wait for his grandfather to come so they can figure it out together.

"Maybe. But give a ten year old a fun toy, and you're gonna use the hell out of it" Yang said.

Meanwhile, Sterling Arc was currently looking over the crater of where the watch landed, seeing the parts all over the place.

"I don't like this one little bit." Sterling said to himself with worry, worried about the watch and what else could come from it.

Ozpin stared at the older Arc for a few moments, feeling as if the older Arc knew more than he let on. And believe it when he was an expert at such things.

Back at the campsite, Jaune was still talking with his cousin.

"Look, if I can figure this thing out, maybe I can help people. I mean, really help them." Jaune said while twisting the dial around on the watch. "Not just, you know, make things worse." Jaune said with some seriousness in his tone.

Pyrrha smiled softly at her partner. "Even though he's a little arrogant, he still wants to help people"

"It's just the type of person he is," Ren smiles.

"Yeah" Nora nodded in agreement.

"Let's just hope he knows how to work that thing and doesn't burn down the whole forest again," Yang smirked.

"So, what did it feel like going all alien like that?" Cyana asked, curious.

"It freaked me out at first. It was like I was me, but it was also like I was somebody else." Jaune tried to explain to his cousin.

"I don't think anyone could relate to feeling like that" Terra said.

Everyone nodded, except for Ozpin, who knew a similar experience to Jaune's transformation.

He then pressed the green button on the watch, causing the watch's dial to pop up again. "Hey, I think I figured out how I did it." Jaune said as the dial switched up again, changing it back to the silhouette of the fire alien he transformed into before.

"Best not to change into the Pyronite again. Lest you want another forest fire" Glynda said.

"Awe, don't you wanna call him by his name?" Ruby asked.

"Miss Rose, that name is rather childish for an alien species." Glynda said.

"I like it," Qrow smirked.

"Me too." Tai said.

"Should I try it again? Just once? Jaune asked as he turned the dial to different silhouettes of aliens. Like one with wings and insect like body, one with a raptor like appearance and one with an animal shaped physique.

"Ooh!" Ruby said in awe over the different forms the watch had.

"I wanna see all of them!" Nora gushed.

"I do too," Velvet said. "It would be rather interesting to see what they're like."

"I wouldn't." Cyana said with worry.

"No duh, you wouldn't." Jaune snarky said. He then looked at the watch and then slammed the dial down, causing a bright green light, causing another transformation to occur.

"Oh dear." Ozpin said calmly.

"Here we go again!" Yang said as she covered her eyes from the flash.

Jaune's body began to shift and morphed as his left arm started to bulge up and reach up to his face. Jaune opened his eyes to appear to be orange. His entire body started to grow orange furr, completely covering his entire body. His hands had claws on them and slammed into the ground.

Jaune had fully transformed into a large orange dog-like creature with no eyes, ears, nose, or even a tail. With sharp teeth sticking out of his mouth and wearing a black and white brace with the symbol on his left shoulder, snarling and roaring into the skies above.

"Ergh!" Weiss flinched at the sight. "What a drooling, disgusting..."

"Aw" Nora cooed. "He looks like a sweetie!"

"What!?" Weiss exclaimed. "You find that thing adorable!?"

"Yeah. In a growling alien dog kinda way" Nora said. "It's like how you see Zwei!"

"Please." Weiss scoffed." Zwei is far more dog-like and way more cuter than that drooling, slobbering mutt" Weiss exclaimed.

"Eh," Yang shrugged. "I can...kind see it. What do you think Blake?" Yang asked as she turned to her partner, who glared at the mutt with a petrified look. "Oh are you kidding me?" Yang deadpanned.

"Alien or no alien, a mutt is still a mutt" Blake said in a serious tone.

"So, what exactly is this form of alien?" Ironwood asked the spectre.

"This alien is known as a Vulpimancer." View informed. "Hailing from their home world of Vulpin, the Vulpimancer are quite skilled in the art of tracking."

"But how can it track anything if it doesn't have any eyes?" Yang asked.

"You'll see," View said.

"I want one!" Nora exclaimed.

"Nora, no..." Ren said.

"Nora, yes!" Nora said right back.

Cyana looked over the creature in disgust. "Ew! This thing's even uglier than you are normally!" Cyana exclaimed in disgust while the dog-like creature just drooled. "Bow wow, put a flea collar on this mutt." Cyana remarked as the Vulpimancer snarled at her wildly in response.

"At least he has some form of intelligence," Ozpin said. "Being able to understand her."

"He must be speaking in his own language," Pyrrha said.

"And no eyes? What good is this one? It can't see." Cyana said as she waved her arm in front of the creature. She then got an idea as she looked over her stick and smirked mischievously in response.

"Oh no," Velvet said.

"Is she really gonna do that?" Ruby said.

"By the look on her face, I'd think so," Yang said.

Cyana Arc got right behind the mutt, putting spit on her hands to get ready to mess with her cousin. She gripped the stick and prepared to whack her cousin from behind.

The Vulpimancer turned his head around and while he couldn't see, he did have three gill-like nostrils located on each side of his neck that moved. We see things from his point of view as he saw Cyana in a red hazey form, ready to swing at him.

"So that's how he sees it," Ren said, greatly interested in how Jaune could use this alien form.

"And here I thought this mutt was totally useless," Coco said.

Jaune jumped up highly in the air and Cyana missed the swing and fell on the ground while the dog alien landed on top of the RV. The wild dog alien seemed to be grinning in amusement at this.

"She kinda had it coming" Yang said.

"Okay. So maybe it's not a total loser." Cyana said as Jaune did a flip and landed right in front of her. "Ew, two words: breath mints." Cyana said as she caught a whiff of the dog's breath.

The alien dog then turned its back on her and started to dig a hole, but mainly doing it to throw dirt on her.

"I remember Zwei would do that to anyone he didn't like," Ruby said. "But that was rare, because he's super amazing!"

Blake scoffed. "And yet he uses me like a chew toy"

He then leaped into the air and started to head back into the forest, to see what else this alien form could do.

"Where's he going?" Terra asked.

"Something tells me that I want to have fun with this alien," Coco said.

"As ten year olds do" Qrow said.

"Jaune? Get back here. Jaune!" Cyana demanded. "I'm gonna tell Grandpa that you turned into some freaky animal monster thing and went swinging around the forest when he told you not to!" Cyana quickly said, before releasing her own words. "Oh, this is a majorly weird day."

"We've seen weirder from these worlds," Yang said.

"And yet this still fazes us," Weiss said.

Meanwhile in the forests, Jaune was currently swinging through the trees, his new form giving him enhanced abilities to swing through with ease like an ape. The alien dog then landed on a single tree branch, looking over the forests from above.

"Look at him!" Ruby said in awe.

"Like a super ape or something" Nora said.

"I know" Ruby smiled. "I just really wanna know what would be a good name for him"

But unbeknownst to the alien dog, we see hud visor from an unknown point of view, looking down at the Vulpimancer.

"That's not good," Ren said.

Suddenly, Jaune's enhanced senses suddenly acted up, alerting him of nearby danger. The alien dog then leaped out of the tree just as it was suddenly blasted by an unknown force.

"Phew! That was a close one!" Nora said.

"It's not ever yet, Miss Valkyrie," Glynda said.

"She's right," Tai said in agreement. "He still needs to deal with whoever's attacking him."

The Vulpimancer kept swinging through the trees as a robotic drone followed after him, blasting down any trees he leaped off.

The killer drone then somehow managed to lose sight of the rogue alien. He slowly turned his head around, surveying the area for any sign for the creature holding the Omnitrix.

"Where'd he go?" Saphron asked.

"He must've vanished for something," Sun said.

"Vanished? Really?" Coco said with a raised brow.

Sun shrugged. "Hey, you never know, that could be one of his powers" Sun said.

Jaune was actually right behind the drone as it flew away to continue to find the former blonde. The orange mutt then climbed up the tree to get a better spot.

The drone continued to look for the Omnitrix welder until the Wildmutt leaped up into the air and landed right on top of the drone as it started to fire laser beams all over the place until Jaune dug his sharp teeth on one of the arms of the drones and ripped it off.

"Hell yeah!" Nora cheered. "You rip that tin can to shreds!"

"Get 'em! Jaune!" Yang cheered also.

The drone then slammed itself into a tree in the hopes of getting the mutt off it, even slamming through another tree, causing The alien dog to rip off the aliens dome shaped head and throw it away.

"Take that you chrome dome jerk!" Ruby shot at the drone.

"Yeah!" Penny joined in. "You poorly made piece of machinery!" Penny shot. She then turned to Ruby. "How was that?" Was it good mockery of a foe?"

Ruby smiled at her robotic friend "Yeah! It was good Penny!" Ruby said, making the android girl smile.

But as he did that, the time out sound began up again, the watch symbol was currently flashing red, much to Jaune's shock as he was heading right for a cliff.

"Talk about the worst luck!" Tai said.

"And believe me, I know" Qrow said

The Wildmutt manages to jump off the drone in time as it crashes into the cliff, completely destroying it as the alien dog landed in some bushes until he transformed back into Jaune.

The young Arc got up from the bushes and looked behind him to see what was left of the drone and was just a hunk of scrap and fire. "YES!" Jaune pumped his fist up in succession, glad he was able to take out that down.

"Thank goodness he's okay" Saphron breathed.

"Yeah, but weren't there two of them?" Ren said.

But the victory was very short lived as another drone was just right in front of the blonde, hovering in the air and looking down at him threateningly and pointing a laser at the young Arc.

"Ah Renny! You jinxed it!" Nora cried out, making Ren sign in response.

"Whoa. Not good." Jaune said in worry, seeing things from the drones point of view before the screen went to black.

The screen turned back up to Jaune and the drone, who pointed its laser at Jaune, ready to kill him.

"Run!" Ruby cried out.

"I don't think he'll get very far," Winter said.

"Oh no..." Pyrrha said with great worry and fear for her partner.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a shovel struck across against the drones eye, disabling it as it fell to the ground, much to Jaune's shock.

"Whoa!" Sun and Yang exclaimed.

It turned out to be Cyana Arc, the one holding the shovel. "Ugh! Back off, sparky! No flying tree-trimmer is going to hurt MY cousin!" Cyana growled as she proceeded to bash the robots head in over and over.

"Glad to see that she does care," Ruby smiled.

"Of course" Velvet said. "No one could as cruel as to leave there own relative"

Yang looked down when she mentioned this, but looked back up and pushed those thoughts away and wanted to watch the rest of the viewing.

"Never thought I'd say this, but am I glad to see you." Jaune said. The robot then sparked for a few moments before it was set on fire, causing Cyana and Jaune to run away from the sight before the robot exploded.

The scene then changed to the RV, where Jaune, Cyana and Sterling were currently in and talking about Jaune's recent endeavour.

"I was worried that you might get popular with that thing on your wrist." Sterling scolded his grandson. "That's why I asked you not to fool around with it until we know what the heck it is."

"Still, I'd rather get a scolding from my dad than from Goodwitch" Ruby said.

"I'm with you there," Yang said in agreement.

"What was that?" Glynda said as she glared down at the two.

"Nothing!" The sisters quickly said.

"Sorry, Grandpa." Jaune genuinely apologized. "But at least I figured out how to make it work." Jaune said as he showed them the watch.

"All you do is press this button. Then, when the ring pops up, just twist it until you see the guy you wanna be." Jaune said as he showed off the dial of aliens, including the fire alien, the raptor like one and a new one that appeared to be fish based appearance. "Slam it down, and bammo! You're one of ten super-cool alien dudes!"

The audience were impressed by the looks of some of the aliens on the watch, Blake didn't comment as she drooled at the sight of the fish alien.

"Aw, just ten?" Nora pouted. "I wish there were more."

"I can't wait to see the rest of them!" Ruby said. "Like with the alien dog...thing"

"I do as well," Pyrrha said. "I'm interested to see what their capabilities are."

"Me too!" Nora said. "I just wished that the Vulpa-thingy had a cool name like, like..."

"Wildmutt?" View suggested while giving off a smirk.

Nora looked at him for a few moments before grinning widely. "I love it!"

"Amazing" Ironwood breathed. "A device built to change a person into a different alien. Imagine if Atlas had such a device. Salem wouldn't stand a chance."

Ozpin saw that his old friend was deep in thought and made him worry. He was not the only one as View looked at the general with worry.

"What about STAYING a super-cool alien dude and not transforming back into plain old pizza face?" Cyana snarkly said.

"I kinda haven't figured that part out yet." Jaune admitted while Sterling looked in thought.

"I don't think that staying in a different alien form of all the types would be very healthy for one's mental health" Glynda said.

"Indeed." Ozpin said. "It could have untold effects."

"Good thing there's a time out," Ghira said.

"With a device as powerful as that watch clamped on you, my guess is we better help you learn… fast." Sterling said with a smile towards Jaune, causing him to bolt up in excitement.

"Alright!" Jaune exclaimed in excitement.

"It's a good thing Jaune has his family helping," Velvet said.

"I agree with you there, Bub-Bun" Coco said. "Imagine if Arc didn't have anyone helping him with this.

"I'd dread to think of the events that would occur," Pyrrha said.

But before he could celebrate any further, the radio from the RV suddenly came on, alerting the Arcs. "Mayday! Mayday! Somebody help us! We're under attack by some sort of - I know you're not going to believe me, but - …robot!" The ranger's frightened voice rang out through the radio.

"That must be the bigger robot that arrived," Ren said.

"Now it looks like he's attacking people for the Omnitrix," Kali said.

"Sounds just like those things that attacked me. Must be looking for the watch." Jaune deduced. "Those people are in trouble because of me!" Jaune said as Sterling looked on. Jaune got up from his seat "I think I can help them." Jaune said.

"Uh, you? What are you gonna do about it, Arc?" Cyana snarkily asked as Jaune looked down at the DNA changing watch and looked back up with a smirk.

"Oh, he's just gonna sit around and play on his scroll-what do you think?" Yang exclaimed.

"Be nice, Yang," Blake said.

The screen then changed to the Arcs headed outside, going to the location where the radio message was coming from.

Jaune looks down at the Omnitrix, activated and ready for action. Jaune looked up to Sterling who nodded in approval.

"Let's do this," Ruby smiled.

He pushed the button, causing the dial to pop up. "Yeah." Jaune said in excitement and started turning the dial. "Eenie," Jaune said as he turned into a ghost-like alien.

"Creepy," Velvet said.

"meany," The image of the insectoid.

"Gross" Weiss commented.

"miney…" Stopping at a silhouette of someone with two huge spikes on his back. "Here goes." Jaune says, picking the alien he wanted and slams down onto the dial, transforming once more.

Jaune's entire left arm was suddenly coated fully in diamond, coating his entire body in the substance, even turning his eye colour to yellow as the diamond fully enveloped him.

Jaune had fully transformed into a silicon-based life form, his body is made of durable pale green crystals. He has four crystal shards on his back and has a diamond shaped head, also wearing a uniform that was black on the right half and white on the left with a black patch on the left shoulder where the Omnitrix is.

The audience were in awe once more at the sight of the new alien form, a feeling that might have to get used to.

"That looks awesome!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Amazing," Weiss said in awe. "Made from pure diamond."

"A Petrosapien to be exact." View said. "He is, what I believe anyway, one of Jaune's most powerful aliens"

"Well, I'd love to see him turn that junkpile into shreds" Qrow said.

Cyana opened her eyes once the transformation stopped. "So what can this guy do?" The Arc cousin asked with a raised brow at the new form in front of her.

"I don't know," He responded in a deep voice and raised his hand up to his face. "but I bet it's gonna be cool." He said as he clenched his fist.

"I am loving this!" Yang said.

"We all are, Yang, we all are," Nora nodded.

The trio arrived to see people running in panic as fire spread and multiple RVs were being blasted apon all over the place. The perpetrator behind all this was a giant sized robot, attacking people so he could find the watch.

"He's gonna keep going until he gets that watch" Weiss stated.

"Can Jaune defeat something like that?" Saphron asked.

"If he learns how to probably use this form, then there's a good chance he can," Ren said.

"Looks like papa robot this time." The Petrosapien remarked. He then turned to Sterling. "I'll get gear-head's attention, you guys get the campers to safety."

Sterling nodded in response and gestered Cyana to follow him. As they left, Jaune was one his one as his eyes glared at the mech terrorizing people. He ran towards it in the hopes of stopping it.

"Go get 'em, Jaune!" Ruby cheered.

"Take that thing down!" Yang joined in.

"Yeah!" Pyrrha added.

"Make that thing go cry home to it's moma!" Nora joined in.

The people were currently running away in fear of the machine while it looked around. It's attention was caught by a park ranger trying to help someone and immediately grabbed the man up.

"Leave him alone!" Jaune's deep voice rang out, gaining the robot's attention. "You want someone to pick on, try me." The Petrosapien challenges as the robot scans him and sees the symbol of the watch on his chest.

"Let's see what 'ya got kid." Qrow said.

"Hopefully, he can take him down," Ghira said.

The robot lets go of the park ranger, dropping him onto a car and proceeding to blast Jaune away, sending him flying towards RV right before the robot blasts it and causes a massive explosion. The robot raised his hand down and went over to inspect the site in the hopes of regaining the watch.

"Oh no!" Saphron exclaimed "Jaune!"

"Is he okay!?" Velvet asked, worried for her crush.

"It doesn't look like it," Ilia said.

In the remains of the RV, a sharp blade of diamond stuck out from a piece of rubble and slid down, creating a gap that Jaune could get out of. Jaune then looked at his blade-like arm and saw it could also make mini spikes on it. "Cool!" Jaune exclaimed in excitement. this form really did have its perks.

"Blades," Yang said. "Now that's really helpful"

"Now I wanna see them used on that tin plated dick" Coco said.

He then looked up to see the giant robot looming over him and reaching its arms out.

Jaune's eyes glowed at this and immediately got out of the rubble and back into the fight. He charged towards the machine and would've used his blade arm to swipe at it. But the machine suddenly leaped up in the air from Jaune.

"Oh boy..." Qrow said.

The diamond based alien looked up to see the robot in the air and began to use its own legs like a windmill for a brief moment before landing right onto Jaune, creating a small crater in the process.

"Uh-oh, think I'm in trouble." Jaune said with a twinge bit of worry.

"Way to state the obvious," Qrow said.

"Not the time, Qrow," Tai said. "Probably best to save the snark until Jaune's beaten that thing"

Meanwhile, Sterling and Cyana were currently helping the park ranger that the robot grabbed onto his feet after getting dropped.

"What is going on here?" The park ranger asked amongst the fire and destruction as Jaune and the robot fought.

"You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you. Now come on." Cyana said as she and her grandfather ran while the ranger hesitates.

"It's a good thing they're helping out the people," Pyrrha said.

"That's the type of man my Grandpa is" Saphron smiled. "And Cyana, while I don't know much, I can tell she's got the Arc blood in her.

His eye was caught by the diamond alien and the robot stood off against each other. Until the robot threw the alien into the direction of the park ranger, who managed to duck out of the way as Jaune crashed into the car. The diamond alien climbed out of the car as the ranger ran away. He glared at the robot and jumped out from the wreckage of the car and stood confidently against the robot.

"Still standing," Qrow said. "Brave, but a little overconfident."

"He'll beat him," Ruby said. "I know it."

Cyana saw as Jaune dodged a laser beam and hit the floor. He moved again when another laser beam nearly hit him. The diamond alien kept dodging blast after blast. But one of the blasts managed to hit a nearby tree that was about to fall on top of Cyana.

"Oh no!" Saphron exclaimed.

"Cyana!" Ruby called out.

"Save her, Jaune!" Weiss cried out.

Jaune's eyes widened at this and quickly ran over to where Cyana was as she just stood there in shock. Jaune managed to cut the tree in half, completely missing Cyana as Jaune stood there with multiple long shards on his back.

"So, we even?" Jaune asked as the spike descended.

Cyana nodded in response. "Even."

"Looks like Sterling was right, they are getting along" Ozpin smirked.

"Yeah and all it took was an alien attack" Tai jokes.

The robot then grabbed Jaune from behind. "Uh-oh!" Jaune said as the robot lifted him up and proceeded to grab his arm and try to rip it off as Jaune struggled.

"Is that thing gonna!" Velvet said as her eyes widened.

"He's gonna try and rip his arm off!" Yang exclaimed.

"These things are not kidding around!" Sun said.

Jaune groans as he then manages to destroy the robot's hand by turning his own arm into a couple of spikes. In retaliation, the robot used it's other hand, which was holding Jaune, to blast him away into a storage station.

"At least he's okay and didn't lose an arm" Pyrrha breathed.

"Not that it would've done much anyway" View said, knowing the full capabilities of this form.

Meanwhile, Sterling was helping Cyana up onto a tree for better ground. He turned to see the robot headed for Jaune's direction again.

"Jaune!" Sterling calls out.

The Petrosapien got up from the rubble and stood against the massive drone, who pointed it's remaining hand cannon at him.

In retaliation, Jaune turned his hands into diamond spikes and ran towards the evil machine. The robot fired at Jaune but he used his arms to block the laser fire, causing it to bounce off his arms and go into different directions, nearly hitting Sterling and Cyana.

"Are you kidding? Does he not know that the laser fore would bounce off him!" Weiss exclaimed.

"Well it's not like he's got a lot of options." Yang exclaimed.

"And again, ten years old," Blake said.

Jaune turned his head to his family to check if they were okay. He was distracted enough for the beam to push him back to the ground. Jaune got up and had a look at his blade arm, knowing what to do next.

"I know that look," Pyrrha said. "Even if it is in the form of a different alien"

"I do too" Saphron smirked as she waited for her brother to save everyone there.

He got up again and ran towards the robot, who pointed his hand at him again. "C'mon. Burn one in here." The Petrosapien taunted the robot, pointing at his chest as the robot powered up his hand.

"Get out of there. Run!" Sterling yelled over to his grandson.

The robot fired its blast as Jaune raised his hands up, catching the blast, but slowly sending him back a few feet. Everyone else watched in awe at the alien standing off against the robot by catching its own laser beam.

"Oh yeah!" Nora cheered.

"Give him a taste of his own medicine!" Coco chimed in.

"Hell yeah!" Yang added.

"What comes around goes around." Jaune remarked. "Let's see how you like it, ya techno-freak!" The diamond alien then used the beam himself by reflecting it himself and aimed it for the robot, slicing the machine in half, completely destroying it's upper half while the rest of it stumbled onto the ground and exploded in the process.

"Yes!" Saphron cheered. "That's my baby brother!"

"He took down to down!" Sun called out.

"Alright!" Sterling and Cyana cheered in response.

"Way to go, Jau-" Sterling stopped himself as the people around him stared at him. "uh.. Diamond-headed guy!" Sterling quickly said.

"Hmm, Diamondhead." Ruby hummed. "Not a bad name for him"

"I...think it's okay," Weiss admitted.

"It's pretty good," Velvet said.

"Oh yeah! Who's bad?!" Diamondhead exclaimed in triumph while jumping up and down. "Yeah!" Diamondhead exclaimed as Cyana and Sterling waved at him to make him notice.

He turned to see the campers staring at him, while Sterling and Cyana shook their heads in embarrassment.

"Still Jaune" Pyrrha smirked.

"Yep, still Jaune" Ruby smiled also.

"Well, I…think my work here is done." Diamondhead said with a confident pose...before he suddenly ran away from the spot while the people looked on in awe.

"Who was that guy?" A camper asked as Sterling and Cyana sneaked away from the site. They all just shrug in response.

Meanwhile in space, Vilgax's ship was currently being repaired so it could be functional. Vilgax himself was just learning the news of what recently happened to his drones, and he was not happy.

"Failure?! Unbelievable!" Vilgax snarled in his healing tube. "The puny Earth being that is keeping the Omnitrix from me will soon hang on my trophy wall!" Vilgax snarled, knowing that when he's fully healed, he'll make the wearer of the watch pay.

"Something tells me that Vilgax isn't going to stop anytime soon," Yang said.

"They never do," Blake said.

"Well he's not gonna win" Ruby said. "Because Jaune's gonna be ready for squid face and take him down"

"So long as he has his family by his side" Ren smiled.

Daytime on the planet below as Cyana and Sterling were packing up their stuff back onto the RV to go to the next location.

"Where's Jaune?" Sterling asked as he looked around the camp and noticed he wasn't here.

"I haven't seen him since breakfast." Cyana said.

Just then, a sonic boom could be heard and the sound of something speeding towards the Arcs was also occurring. Sterling turned to see a cloud of smoke speeding towards them.

"It's not another robot is it?" Velvet asked.

"No, it isn't," View said.

"I think I have an idea," Qrow said.

Once the some cleared, Sterling could see who it was. "Jaune?" Sterling said as his grandson took on another Transformation.

This one resembles a raptor like body. He has orbs on his feet and wears a conoid helmet. He has blue skin and a visor and He has five blue stripes on his tail and wears black and a white stripe on the center with the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

"Ooh, nice alien!" Ruby said.

"What alien is this one?" Penny asked.

"This is a Kineceleran from the planet Kinet" View informed. "One of Jaune's fastest aliens he has."

Ruby perked up at this. "I wanna see how fast he is.

"Yup." The speedy alien said in a raspy voice as his visor went up, showing his green eyes, black lips and some stripes on his face. Hey, check this out!" The alien said as he then uses his super-speed to break apart the camp and pack all the baggage in a mere matter of seconds. "Pretty fast, huh?"

"Man, that's pretty quick," Yang said.

"Yeah, maybe even faster than Ruby" Sun said as the red reaper pouted at the leader of SSSN.

The watch then times out; turning the alien back into Jaune. "I think this is gonna be the best summer ever." Jaune said as he dusted himself off.

"Absolutely." Sterling said in agreement.

"It's definitely going to be interesting." Cyana said. "So, where'd you go anyway?

"Just had to take care of a couple of things before our vacation really got rolling." Jaune smirked to himself

The screen then cuts to the two bullies from before, hanging on a tree by their underwear.

"Ah, karma" Coco grinned. "Such a bitch to those who deserve it."

"Dude, how'd we get up here?" The first bully asked.

"Uh, I'm not sure. It all happened so fast." The second one said.

"Hey, somebody? Anybody? Little help up here, please." The first bully said as they were stuck there, karma clearly coming back to them.

"So, thoughts?" View asked as the screen turned off.

"I really liked it!" Ruby said. "I really wanna see the other aliens Jaune may have."

"It does interest me," Weiss said. "And hopefully we'll one day see what else this omnitrix can do

"I just wonder who could make such a device," Ozpin said.

"And how it can be made" Ironwood said.

"Getting a few ideas there, Jimmy?" Qrow asked as Winter glared.

"All of these questions will have answers soon." View assured. "But for now, we continue on" View said as he floated away.

"Man, that was pretty cool!" Nora said.

"I know right," Ruby said in agreement. "Now he's got super powers and he's no ordinary kid!"

"Why'd you say it like that?" Blake asked.

"I don't know," Ruby shrugged. "Just kinda sounds right."

Thanks for reading this chapter of Worlds of Arc.

For as long as I can remember, Ben 10 was always one of my favorite shows when growing up. I loved the aliens, I loved the characters, I loved the villains. It was a great show. My personal favorite alien from the original series was XLR8X Heatblast, Diamondhead and Cannonbolt were also great.

I continued watching the show for a while. Alien Force was okay in my opinion, not as great was the original, Ultimate Alien was far better in my opinion with better stories, Omniverse, I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I liked it when it came out, I understand it has its problems but it's totally all bad.

The Reboot...I didn't like it when it came out and now I'm just indifferent to it.

Sorry I didn't include the theme into the viewing, didn't want to spoil it for the people reacting and I will use it if I ever do another Ben 10 reaction.

Anyway, I'll see you next chapter, which I hope it won't take me another month to make. Thanks and see you around!