
Yeah, writer's block is a bitch and a half to deal with, hence this one.

You...may end up surprised midway through due to the source material, which I got permission to use.

Thanks, Azure!

RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth/Monty Oum. 'Dreaming Of A Happily Ever After' is written by Azure Gigacyber over on Ao3.

The strange library

Chapter 6: Who likes shipping?

"Whooh!" Everyone was pumped up after the last one, hyping over what they've seen just now. All they wanted was to watch more of these things; they were way too much fun!

Unfortunately, time was running out for today.

"One more, and then we have to leave," Kali sighed. "Duty calls and all that." Her arms were firmly around Blake, pressing her daughter against her in a hug, making the latter look every bit like a moody cat.

"Same," Tai laughed. "I was actually about to cook some food when Qrow came in asking for a bite."


Glynda, however, just looked to the ceiling in a vain search for mercy. "It's paperwork for us."

"Oooor," Nora drawled. "You could just stay here and avoid all these issues."

"Nora." Ren put a stop to that immediately. "We can't keep them."

"Besides," Blake chimed in, fake-musingly. "We could tell Jaune all about what we saw here..."


"We also have to discuss the matter of his transcripts. At length."

"Weiss, you don't have to torture him over this."

"I will do it if it turns out he did it for some shallow objective, Ruby!"

"Did you even pay attention, Weiss-Cream?"

"Children!" Tori interrupted any argument. "Just bring him here tomorrow. We, er..." she looked nervously to her husband. "We have some apologizing to do, it seems."

Pyrrha approved, stating he would come with next time.

"So...what is the last one again? Something something happy afters?" Coco questioned around.

Her answer, as usual to the point of it being a running gag, was the screen flaring up out of nowhere, signaling the next one.

In the world of Remnant and within the kingdom of Vale, it was currently night time and the luminous glow of the shattered moon bathed the scenery beautifully. Many citizens, both huntsmen students and civilians alike were snugly sleeping in their beds blissfully dreaming of various realities of their long wanted wishes for what they wanted in life.

People shrugged. "Sometimes," Qrow admitted. Pyrrha, meanwhile, got the meaning of the title now.

"Does that man we get to see others dreams?"

Yang froze in her seat. "Please no," she whimpered, a nervousness Coco pounced upon. "Oh? Something embarrassing?"

"I like my privacy!" No one needed to know about her wet dreams, please and thank you!

Inside the school of Beacon Academy itself there was a sudden curtain of soft golden light emanating from somewhere within the main building. It circled around the perimeter then flashed away in a blinding transcendent light disappearing without a trace. All who were within its range at the time were about to have some rather unusually realistic strange dreams in store for them. Many of them being of secret heartfelt wishes for certain loves of their lives, quite a few pertaining to one distinct student slumbering inside the school.

"Gee, I wonder who it could be," mused Fox jokingly as he looked, well, 'looked', at Velvet. Pyrrha was blushing as well.

The first of which happens to be the famed Pyrrha Nikos of Team JNPR. A beautiful teenage girl that was also a fierce warrior in battle. With popularity, beauty, and a sweet personality she was the eye of many admirers, but the girl herself only had her eyes on one particular blonde boy she was partners with.

It goes without saying that Pyrrha was blushing furiously at her own description.

Jaune Arc, her leader, partner, and close personal friend that had been taught everything he needed to know by her. At the moment she doesn't quite yet have his affections or his sexual interest, excluding that Pyrrha herself made no obvious moves prior to spell it out that she was in love with him, she does hope that one day that all changes and he welcomes her into his arms romantically. Just the thought alone sent pleasant jitters of happiness up her spine. One way or another she'll truly have him all to herself someday, but as of right now things were simply platonic between them despite their closeness. Pyrrha would be content with that until it someday changes.

But then the dream happened….

"The dream," Nora intoned with drama and feeling. "Wonder what it's about. Ooh, maybe a date?!" Pyrrha silently approved.

"Or something a little more saucy," Yang drawled, making Pyrrha disapprove due to, well, the fact that there are many non-her people who could potentially see her doing that.

Glynda came to the same conclusion and raised her concerns. "What should we do in case this gets...not safe for work?"

Ozpin's answer to that was a curt and serious "Vacate the room."

Inside Team JNPR's Dorm room…

Lying comfortably on her back and sleeping soundly in her bed was Pyrrha herself, her blazing red hair splayed out underneath her shoulders granting her a pseudo-angelic appearance to go along with her beauty. After the strange light from earlier had enveloped her body in the strange heavenly glow a very special 'Dream' began to take place inside her mind. One that will permanently change how she approaches things with the object of her affections.

"It begins!" cackled the Valkyrie, to the distress of others.

'Just a dream, just her dream, she can do everything she wants in her own dream...'

"Hmm? Where am I?" Pyrrha asked herself once she opened her eyes to see the polished wooden ceiling she woke up under. Raising herself up off the bed she and back in to consciousness she rubbed her eyes thinking she had woken up somewhere else. Thoughts of worry didn't cloud her mind for some reason, despite being in an unknown location, as she looked around to see she was in a master bedroom inside someone else's home.

"Whoa, first person?" Sun was surprised at the change of perspective.

"Also different room." Weiss frowned. "Do you recognize this room, by any chance?"
"I have never seen it, no."

"This is...wrong. Is this a dream perhaps?" She said to herself attempting to get up but then suddenly halted when she noticed something different about her. She was taller, more filled out beautifully and apparently with a grown woman's fit lovely body. She even had bigger breasts.

Neptune, predictably, was drooling. So was Coco, except she was more discreet about it. Still, Velvet noticed and gave an exasperated sigh. Pyrrha stared dumbfounded at her new proportions.

'What…is this?!' She shrieked mentally with blushing cheeks as she felt up her chest through a red nightie noticing it was a cup larger than she remembers. Whereas she had a firm set of C cups bordering on D, with face red she turned to look at a vanity mirror noticing her hair was shorter and draping along her shoulders loose and free. She also noticed she resembled more of her mother Andromeda than she remembered, causing her to question her circumstances even more.

"Future Vision!"

"Damn, P-Money, that hair is not too shabby." Hearing this, she questioned herself if she would actually cut her hair like that.

'Maybe...if he likes it.'

"Am I...older? What exactly happened to me-"

"Surprise!" The door slammed open startling her and revealing a tall handsomely rugged blonde man that seemed very familiar to her, he was accompanied by three young children having red and blonde hair.

"Aah!" Pyrrha yelped out startled and reacted like they were strangers that kidnapped, her confusing the kids and the man until she took a brief moment to realize who they looked like. "J-Jaune...?"

The man smiled ruggedly and patted the backs of two of the kids pushing them to rush forward carrying a tray of freshly made breakfast. These two little tykes resembled a young ten-year old looking mini version of Pyrrha with a short ponytail and red hair. She had blue eyes, wore Jaune's signature hoodie in a small size, and had cute little jean shorts showing off her little legs as they patted over to the side of the bed. The little boy however looked like a far younger Jaune, but with bashfulness and her own green eyes. He was an adorable little boy that looked to be eight years old and clutching a runny rabbit doll resembling Pumpkin Pete.

As Tori inhaled for the squealing of a lifetime, Pyrrha turned into the picture perfect example of pure happiness. Stars in her eyes and a massive smile plastered on her face she lightly leaned forward to witness a vision of her future family! It was like Dustmas and her birthday all in one!


Oh yeah, and Tori was celebrating as well, to the brief dismay of the faunus in earshot.

Yang couldn't help it, as well. "You make cute children together," she giggled as she looked at the adorable Mini-Jaune with the plushie. Weiss did her very best to alternate between gasping like a fish and cooing over the toddler in grown-up Jaune's arms.

Speaking of him, the girls that liked him decided that he looked real sexy.

'Help help help help. Wet dreams incoming.'

Pyrrha's heart warmed at the sight of them as, little by little, she pieced together what she was seeing. Her very own family with Jaune.

"Well of course it's me, didn't think I surprised to the point of having a heart attack, but we did want to make your mother's day special by cooking you breakfast, honey." Jaune started chuckling as he held the youngest child, an absolutely cute infant of the age of three, in his broad muscular right arm. The little boy was with red hair like Pyrrha's and cutely sucking on it s thumb as Jaune approached.

Pyrrha was suddenly overcome with the immediate and inexplicable urge for family planning. Somewhere, a certain blonde felt endangered.

'T-t-that's Jaune…! But older! And so handsome! And they are my children?!' Pyrrha thought with excitement and surprise as she was now considering this to be the greatest dream she ever had in her life. Her heart was throbbing and glowing with happiness, although part of her was still adjusting to the fabricated reality she was experiencing. She was afraid she'd wake up at any moment now, but considering that it felt so real to her another part of her was believing this to be more than a dream. What it was she did not want it to end anytime soon.


"We made you breakfast, mommy. What do you think? Did we do good?" The little girl asked with a cute hopeful face, eyes sparkling and cheeks puffing in absolute cuteness. Pyrrha felt like melting down upon seeing it, then the little boy looked up as well and smiled eagerly at their mother as Jaune came close to her side wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

These kids were just adorable and the girls had to reluctantly agree to that. Still wouldn't stop them from doing something similar.

"Happy Mother's day, mom. We love you." The little boy squeaked out shyly earning a chuckle from Jaune and Pyrrha.

Pyrrha's mind froze as she struggled to register all of this, but soon she smiled sweetly and leaned over to give the kids each a kiss on their foreheads earning their giggles.

"I think she likes it, kids. Athena, you go and call Uncle Ren and Auntie Nora to tell then when to come over for tonight, and Johnathan you go get the dessert we prepared for mommy's special day. Ready Team family? Let's go!" Jaune pumped excitedly like the Team leader he always was.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Okay, daddy!" The kids chimed with fists in the air and scrambled to get those tasks accomplished. Such a sight was incredibly adorable to Pyrrha as she watched them before turning over to 'Husband'.

"We are Uncle and Aunt! WOO!"

"Did you doubt it?"

"Well, with Jaune-Jaune being so dense..."

"He's only dense because Cereal Girl isn't aggressive enough!" yelled Coco from a few seats over, making the girl in question blush in embarrassment this time. Ghira smiled at the names.

"Looks like your grandson bears your name, John...John?"

To the surprise of everyone, the PatriArc didn't respond verbally. Instead he, with a watery smile on his face, started to cry silently, his heart full. Tori cooed over his reaction and hugged him close.

She took in Jaune's appearance and noticed he really became a rugged yet boyishly good looking hunk of a man. He had a bit of blonde stubble around his jaw, his features were more prominent such as his built up body, yet through it all he trained that same boyish charm he always had in those bright innocent eyes. Pyrrha really felt her heart beat loudly inside her chest the longer she looked at him.

"My, someone has it bad," Tori teased with Kali giggling and cooing over the toddler in Jaune's arms.

"Happy Mother's Day, Misses Pyrrha Arc." He chuckled and leaned in cupping her chin as his lips interlocked with hers for a sensational kiss.

Pyrrha's eyes were wide in wonder and surprise once their lips met, she was over the shattered moon and internally jumping with joy as she lovingly kissed the love of her life. The infant cradled in his arm continued sucking its thumb cluelessly as it hugged itself closer to its daddy's chest watching the show. Pyrrha then closed her eyes and melted into the lip-lock with all the joy in her heart as she tasted Jaune on her lips. She cherished this to its fullest as they continued making out sweetly for several minutes before breaking off leaving her face flush and smiling.

Pyrrha laid sideways in her seat, slightly vibrating and squealing in happiness while others looked on in jealousy. Nora just giggled along with Ren giving a kind-natured chuckle.

"Heh, you're acting like it's the first time we kissed on the top of Beacon rooftop all over again." Jaune chuckled as Pyrrha blushed averting her eyes.

'It was at Beacon? It was at Beacon!' She mentally rejoiced as Jaune pulled off the covers and offered his hand to get out of bed. Pyrrha took it gleefully and hugged her husband fondly placing her head into his chest. She felt the tapping of the baby's hands play with her causing her to gush warmly at it before slowly pulling herself back.

There was no describing Pyrrha's happiness at this point.

"I'm gonna take a shower and freshen up a bit. Think you can watch the kids, like a good leader-dad does?" She asked sweetly earning a soft chuckle from him.

"Of course, honey, but they pretty much watch themselves these days. Well, except for little Patroklos here." Jaune gestured to the infant in his arm. "I'll go and supervise anyway, want to make sure the house is clean and ready before our night alone together."

"My grandfather's name," she whispered with a gigawatt smile still plastered on her face. Yang couldn't resist commenting on it.

"Wonder if we have to prepare the ear plugs," she whispered to Blake, making her imagination run wild.

At this Pyrrha blushed vehemently and blinked several times in stupor after hearing the words; 'Alone Together'. Trying not to look like an amnesiac in front of her husband, she simply nodded and rubbed little Patroklos's cheek affectionately. The little two year old raised its little hand toward her attempting to grab her fingers, making Pyrrha's heart melt even further as Jaune raised him close to her face.

Ovaries: exploded. At least with the mothers.

"So….we are having a special dinner tonight, Jaune? Just for me?" She questioned whimsically without sounding forgetful.

"Well, not just a dinner, and trust me, that'll be the last thing on your mind once we get to our special night together alone in the bedroom." Jaune answered charmingly with a suave confident voice that made Pyrrha want to faint right there and then. "Even if I am a great cook and the dinner will be awesome. Welp, c'mon, little guy. Let's go watch your brother and sister downstairs before we finish up the house and turn in to the television."

The first line made Pyrrha swoon and become near-unstoppably horny. Ruby was actually preparing some form of countermeasures against Arkos setting sail. Not on her watch!

Unbeknownst to her, Pyrrha was hatching a plan of her own...

Jaune then casually walked out the room and quickly pointed a thumb to the breakfast tray seated at the bed. "Don't forget to eat that, honey. The kids really worked at it like pros, but someone had to put out numerous small fires. Just saying."

With that he whipped out of sight earning a giggle from her. Pyrrha then turned to the mirror and analyzed herself. She looked older, hardly any wrinkles whatsoever, she was the spitting image of her mother except with green eyes and longer hair. She brought up her right hand showing the wedding ring on it, it had a gold and white design just like Jaune's usual armor, but with half of it being elegantly strewn in bronze and red. Pyrrha's colors. It looked beautiful and shimmered in any reflection of light.

Jealousy levels were slowly reaching their peak while scheming occurred. Take a wild guess as to who does what.

She held it close to her chest clutching it like a sacred treasure and went over to the bed to quickly eat the breakfast her children made for her.

'I still can't believe it. Is this the most lucid, most realistic dream ever had or is it somebody's semblance affecting me somehow? Everything feels so real, so remarkably real as if I just skipped ahead nearly twenty years into my life without any memory of what happened in-between!' She thought still wrapping her mind around all of this as she chewed the delicious scrambled eggs the kids made for her. She hummed tastily and was impressed by their cooking ability despite such a young age.

She felt that Jaune must've taught them well, he always was a decent cook once Ren decided to teach him the basics. He had a one-week strike of cooking Nora's pancakes because she ate more than he could produce. Pyrrha chuckled when recounting the memory, then she looked around her bedroom and noticed all the photos of herself and all her friends from Beacon, as well as some other unfamiliar faces. Finishing her food she quickly wiped her face and got up to take a look.

"Oh, I remember that! Dark times..."

"You make it sound like Jaune's pancakes were bad," Ren pointed out.

"Well, nothing beats your pancakes! But still, Jaune-Jaune is a pretty neat cook."

"Well, we kinda didn't teach him how to cook pancakes..."

The girls whipped to the mother. "Wait what?/Pardon?/I'm sorry?"

She laughed it off. "Oh, he was taught how to cook. We thought it would impress the girls!"

"Well, it certainly impresses me!" boasted the spartan uncharacteristically, except not really. She knew that she wasn't allowed anywhere near the kitchen after the last time she tried to make noodles.

No, she had no explanation why she thought they belonged in a pressure cooker, either.

On her dresser there were many picture frames with photos of Team JNPR during their first year, then them again with slightly altered outfits indicating a second or third year. Jaune had modeled his armor like hers and with a more improved stylish design making him look tougher. Nora looked great with longer hair, and Ren looked like a mystique rogue with his hair being longer than hers. Their outfits were different and Pyrrha saw her younger self wearing a black and bronze version of her outfit, except with her hair undone and flowing freely.

Coco looked at these outfits with an appraising eye, nodding in approval, while a certain hammer wielder was gushing over their looks. Pyrrha herself committed her own look into her memory.

"Damn, looking good there," Sun praised with a thumbs up. Neptune nodded along, if only for Pyrrha and Nora. Dude might have needed some self-assessment in the near future.

'Oh my, I can hardly recognize myself. It looks more like a twin sister than a younger me, is that design something I will create? I must admit it is elegant, noble, and rather sexy. Maybe that's when Jaune takes notice and finally asks me out? Or do I ask him out after gathering the courage?' She found herself running through a million questions all at once.

Now Pyrrha memorized every detail, making sure to recreate that look.

She then looked next to her team photos to see Ruby's team, before and after. They all looked so different yet still the same. Yang had short hair with two long ponytails in the back, she wore what looked like a biker girl's outfit consisting of a short sleeve jacket, goggles, and shorts. Pyrrha was mortified to see she had a prosthetic arm in place of her right arm, not wanting to think on it further she then looked to Ruby, who was taller, wore her usual red hood but in a stylized cape-like manner. Her hair was longer and styled in a low-ponytail, her body also had grown to match Weiss, who dressed like she was a military commander of Atlas. She wore white all over in an elegant ivory design with long hair tied down in an elegant bun with bangs over her forehead. Blake looked largely unchanged, save for a flowing black and white cloak hanging off her shoulders with arms exposed, and Sun happily hugging around her neck from behind.

The jaws were dropped on anyone who knew the blonde brawler, very much including she herself. Her uncle forgot about the sip he took and let it flow out of his open mouth in shock. "Wha..."

"There are so many things happening there..." her father gasped.

"Why do you have a prosthetic?" Ruby nearly shrieked in worry.

"Your hair..." Weiss had no words beyond that. Yang caught herself and gave her ultimate verdict on her look. "Well, the outfit rocks, but I'm not going for that hairstyle!"

Sun, meanwhile, was a happy camper, seeing another him apparently successfully hooking up with Blake. Ghira, naturally disapproved with a frown, making his wife sigh.

Pyrrha sighed and let out a soft chuckle, glad to have visited some semblance from the past while wondering what she was doing here in this ultra-realistic dream.

Shaking her thoughts she proceeded into the bathroom to shower. Removing her clothes she noticed she was filled perfectly into an absolute full-bodied form.

"Oh no." She was blushing. "ohnoohnooh NO!"

The men looked upwards to the ceiling, save Neptune, who tried to shamelessly peek, only to get slugged by Sun. The women stared at them, daring to look at the screen.

Particularly because it had no censoring at all.

'Oh my goodness, my body is...bigger. I still feel my muscular structure, no fat or scarring can be seen anywhere. And my hips have gotten a little slimmer, not to mention my rear. It's….wider, in a rather curvaceous manner if I do say so myself.' Pyrrha surmised as she analyzed her naked body. What she felt was her biggest surprise was her breasts have grown into full-blown E cups, eliciting another fierce blush on her face as she finished checking herself out and proceeded into the shower.

"Meep." It went without saying that the Invincible Girl was very embarrassed. On the other hand, Jaune had something to look forward to as well.

Feeling the waters splash against her body made her feel as if this wasn't a dream, maybe more fearfully she was at this state in her life and suffering some form of Alzheimer's. She shook her head of those dark thoughts and focused on what Jaune might be doing for their night alone together.

"Oohh, just the thought of tonight is making my head foggy. Eeeeee!" She squealed giddily and hugged her face in her hands and shook around with giddiness. 'If this dream is real then I never want to wake up!'

'You and me both.'

After showering and coming downstairs, Pyrrha was greeted by the sight of Papa Jaune sitting with his three kids on the couch of their living room watching television. Little Athena curled up in a ball resting against his side while Johnathan played with his stuffed bunny on the ground next to the couch. Jaune continued holding Patroklos in his strong arm cradling him as he slept. It was such an adorable sight that melted Pyrrha's heart as she descended down the stairs, taking in the scenery of her polished wooden house that was a mix of both luxury and modesty in its design, and approached her family while wearing only salmon colored shorts and a yellow tank top.

"Hey there you are, c'mere and snuggle with us, dear. We're just about to watch Velvet's magical performance hour right now." Jaune welcomed and outstretched his arm inviting her in while gesturing to Athena to scoot over. The little girl puffed her cheeks cutely and grumbled at being moved from her 'comfy spot' next to Daddy, allowing Pyrrha to cuddle next to Jaune and hug the cutely pouting redhead girl next to her.

At first, everyone was rather taken by the homely image before them; the men, John in particular, were rather happy that the questionable scene was over and they got to wholesomeness. Tori was off to lala land, same as Pyrrha, who savored everything about this, while the already named others stewed in their jealousy. Up until Velvet fully registered what was said.

"My magic what now?"

"Oh, Bun-Bun's a TV-magician? Complete with sexy outfit?"


The little boy Johnathan saw his mother and ran off in a cute pitter patter of feet over to the kitchen, Pyrrha kept her adoring gaze on him as he returned with a plate carrying a slice cheesecake dessert on it. Pyrrha's favorite apparently.

"Thank you, Johnathan. There's my little boy." Pyrrha giggled rubbing his little head and making him giggle happily she took it.

Squeals abound, diabetes contracted.

Sitting back and eating her sweetened piece of cake Pyrrha's mind went back to theorizing how this all came to be. Still writing it all off as a dream, a very realistic and lucid one, she simply went along with it for now and wondered about Nora and Ren coming over.

"Oh right, I already told Uncle Ren and Aunt Nora about tonight, dad. They're gonna be here around seven thirty." Athena chirped cutely when looking up at her father. Jaune just nodded with a smile and rubbed her head, making her gush and giggle, as he pulled both Pyrrha and Athena closer together in a family huddle on the couch.

"YES!" Nora did a happy dance. "We are honorary uncle and aunt!"

"Of course," replied Pyrrha absent-mindedly, still mesmerized.

The television came on revealing Velvet Scarlatina wearing a sexy magician outfit with fishnet leggings and a top hat. She hardly looked different save for being taller and looking filled out. She performed various 'magical' acts using her camera weapon as well as other props wowing the family of five as they watched in comfort.



Velvet wanted to crawl someplace and hide after getting seen like that. Then her mind came up with the image of performing a "cloth-vanishing trick" for her crush and went on lockdown.

Pyrrha couldn't be happier as she snuggled up next to her husband clutching his hand affectionately.

Later, after spending some time with the family and playing with the kids, slowly getting accustomed to it all with unbridled happiness welling inside of her, Pyrrha was then greeted by the surprise of both Ren and Nora arriving on their doorstep.

Jaune opened the door revealing a mustache wearing Lie Ren with long hair tied into a low ponytail resembling his father. Nora simply had shoulder length hair now and looked more womanly, she had the entire 'Wild Fun Aunt' theme just airing around her. Athena looked to her for guidance and knowledge, which admittedly frightened Pyrrha a little considering she liked to blow things up for fun. Shy Jonathan looked to Ren for guidance and peace of mind seeing as they were both the quiet gentle types.

"wWh-wh-wh-" Yang sputtered out before laughing. "What the fuck is that 'stache?!"


"It's a traditional style..."

"Heee, it's nice how we fill out our roles, huh, Renny?"

John kept smiling, watching his small grandson running about being cute and completely ignoring his wife, who started smiling like a maniac and scheming for the future.

"Well, you two are looking ready for your evening here. We're glad to take the children off your hands for tonight." Ren said with a gentle smile.

"Yeah! We've got a whole fun night planned with these little rugrats. I've been itching to do Red Vs Blue pillow fort warfare for a while now. Hoo boy will the living room be a mess of pillow when we're done." Nora cheered out with a toothy excited grin.

"I call red!" Athena chirped out cutely.

"I call blue!" Jonathan spoke up loudly, both kids were eager to throw down with the 'Queen of the castle' Nora as she likes to often call herself.

"Oy, I will have such a mess to clean up later." Ren sighed earning some laughter from Jaune and Pyrrha. The baby infant Patroklos reached a hand over to Ren's slumped head and patted it in support.

More diabetes.

"Yay! Pillow fight!"

"Nora, if that ever happens, you will watch out for how hard you will throw them," Ruby tried. "Right?"

"Of course!" replied the bombastic ginger. "I'm a responsible aunt!"

Ren, meanwhile, smiled a Patroklos trying to comfort him.

"Well we won't let you down, you two! Now go on and have a nice dinner, then hehe knock boots like it were your twentieth anniversary all over again." Nora added with a winking gesture causing Pyrrha to blush and Jaune to nod thankfully.

"Nora! Don't say that in front of the kids." Pyrrha stammered vehemently as her friend waved it off with a chuckle.

"Ah, they don't know what I'm talking about." Nora dismissed with a smile as Ren took the bag of supplies for the youngest such as snacks, toys, and diapers, from Jaune. Nodding their thanks Jaune and Pyrrha waved them bye as they then left with the kids.

A very un-Pyrrha-like sound emerged, making Nora jump in her seat and the other look to her, this time with mild worry. Said redhead was starting to breathe heavily...

Once the door was closed Jaune turned to his wife Pyrrha and pulled her into his arms again for another deep passionate embrace. Pyrrha instantly melted into his arms as she wrapped hers around his neck pulling herself up closer to his body. Their lips entwined gently with unrestrained passion ad they held each other closely melting into each others world without a care for the outside.

Jaune hummed deeply as he expertly swirled his tongue around inside his wife's mouth, Pyrrha was on the receiving end enjoying every single minute of it and finding her body ignite with growing pleasure. Her mind this was a dream come true in every possible instance, so much so that she'll dread waking up to reality, regardless of how real this dream felt. She tasted every bit of Jaune, smelled his essence and knew it to be really him. The warmth he exuded from his body made her feel comfortable while she gingerly pulled apart his lips romantically with her mouth.

The pair hummed and softly moaned together in their embrace for several minutes until eventually they ceased their makeout session, leaving Pyrrha's face flushed and happy.

"Well if that did you wonders, then honey, you'll love tonight." Jaune stated with a confident smirk and cradled her chin. "I'm gonna go and get dinner started then, I'm cooking your favorite; Mistral cooked salmon with salad and sides of white rice."

The sound returned, now even louder and more lustful. Meanwhile, the other girls - yes that includes Yang and Blake and Weiss this time - were blushing at the wild tongue action on screen. Tai was secretly happy that he didn't see something regarding his daughters-

Oh no, there was one featuring them someplace, wasn't there?

Now he had to stick around to seek and destroy any copies.

Pyrrha felt herself salivate at the mention of it. She was surprised to hear that he could cook it with confidence when it was a recipe only her father knew how to cook just right.

"Oh I am looking forward to it, honey. I'll go upstairs and prepare 'that' for what happens afterwards." Pyrrha cooed seductively making Jaune blush and nod before heading into the kitchen to prepare the meal.

Pyrrha skipped up the stairs back to the bedroom to ready the lingerie piece she saw earlier labeled 'That'. She knew Jaune knew what she was talking about and it made sense why he would be flustered about it.

She took it out of the closet and removed the protective wrap revealing an extremely provocative lingerie set that left nothing to the imagination. It had no bra or straps to cover her breasts up, it was attached to short transparent upper body veil colored in red, and the part covering her mound was thinner than even a G-string.

Mouths were dry, as no one had an apt comment for such a racy set of lingerie. Up until Coco spoke up. "Kinky~"

Ruby and Velvet both decided to step up their game. Winter contemplated requesting a transfer to Vale as, say, Assistant Combat Instructor. Nominally for building her already impressive resume and widening her horizons.

Though everyone that knew what was going on in her head would know that that was as bold-faced a lie as a fat font on the first page of a book that read "This is a TV".

"My! When did I purchase this anyway? Where did I get it from?" She questioned feeling a deep blush on her cheeks as she continued to look at it. Deciding to condition her hair and make herself up for tonight, Pyrrha spent about half an hour fixing herself up to look even more dazzling for dinner with her husband. She put on her green eyeshadow, applied some soft pink lipstick, blushed her cheeks, and curled her eyelashes.

"Your ass is mine..." Yup, nora was now a little scared of Pyrrha. For Pyrrha, too.

By the time Jaune was finished preparing the meal downstairs Pyrrha walked down the steps wearing an elegant red dress sashed around the back of her neck. The sexy lingerie she chose was worn underneath it ready to be revealed once she takes her dress off.

Jaune was seen lining up forks and knives and preparing two glasses of wine while she watched adoringly from atop the banister.

'Haaa, like a true gentlemen. He really has changed into the perfect man I always knew he could be, yet he's still Jaune alright. My Jaune, and whatever this dream is or whenever it ends I'm determined to enjoy it to its fullest.' She settled with herself as she watched Jaune finish the setup before looking up at her with a warm kind smile before heading over to the bottom of the stairs waiting for her.

Kali sighed wistfully at the sight. "So romantic~ Ghira, we should do that more often!" Prompting the panther man to look at his wife wide eyed, but conceding the point after internal deliberation and nodded.

John would like to inform his wife of similar plans, except she had that scheming smile on her face.

Bart suddenly spoke up once more. "Reminds me to get back into the dating scene sometime soon."

"Ah, youth, romance, love!" waxed the ever-proliferating Port. "What wondrous and magical sight to look at. Glynda looked down, not wanting anyone to see her visage marred with jealousy.

"Milady, care to come down and enjoy your mother's day dinner?" Jaune asked in a courteous suave manner as Pyrrha stepped down the steps and took his hand.

"Hmm, no need to be so courteous, Jaune. I prefer the traditional good old fashioned approach to romance than extravagant gestures." Pyrrha said with a hum of delight as she felt her hands pulled on his gently till he pulled her into his broad chest.

"Well that's a relief. Let's eat, shall we?" Jaune let out with a hearty chuckle and cradled Pyrrha closely letting her nudge her head into his chest happily before seating themselves down at the table.

Once they started eating, which Pyrrha found the food absolutely exquisite, they started reminiscing about the first time they started dating. Namely Jaune did and Pyrrha listened with rapt attention.

The redhead in the theater now sat up with all senses oriented towards the screen, fully intent to absorb the information to woo her own dense blonde.

According to Jaune it was during their second year after they had upgraded their outfits, one time Pyrrha saved a nearly dying Jaune from being killed by a trio of Alpha Beowolves. As she fought them off in her gold and dark outfit with hair flowing freely, Jaune fell in love with her right then and there. He had his epiphany that she was always the perfect girl for him, so sweet and kind as she was, as well as fierce huntress warrior.

"Step one, change outfit," Pyrrha recounted while blushing, swaying and giggling. "Step two, fight with him against Grimm. Step three, let hair down and fight the last ones that way. Step four, profit!"

'Not on my watch.'

It was later that night that a fully recovered Jaune and called Pyrrha to the rooftop where they first started training so long ago, it was there that he confessed his feelings and asked her out on a date. Pyrrha did literally faint upon hearing it, thinking it was some sort of fever dream, but then once she woke up in their room Jaune kissed her for real and convinced her that it happened. That he fell in love with her and confessed, from then on it was considered Pyrrha's happiest day of her life, and the two began dating from there onward.

'Wow, so that is how it happens!' Pyrrha squealed mentally in utter excitement taking mental notes on dressing in that new outfit and coming to Jaune's rescue if he gets in a pinch. Or at least fight Grimm in that attire and looking good while doing it.

Pyrrha in the audinece nodded furiously, having made up her mind on this course of action. There were others, however, who would interfere without hesitation.

Yang found that her chest stung a little seeing Jaune and Pyrrha like that. She wondered why.

The two ate comfortably in each others company for thirty minutes, then Jaune went and turned in the dishes to wash later on and cleaned himself. He stood up before Pyrrha and took her hands, she giggled happily as she was led up by the hands and taken up the stairs into their bedroom for the main event of their evening.

"Here it comes," Tori shot up. "Everyone vacate-"

"Huuuh?" She awoke and blinked open her eyes when she woke up back inside her bed at Beacon, within her dorm.

"The theater what?" Everyone was dumbfounded. After the shower scene there was nothing else, just returning to the waking world? Sure, Pyrrha was glad for it, but there was als osome disappointment.

Sitting up she looked around marveling at how everything was the same then feeling so confused as to how that dream felt so real. She touched her face to make sure then looked over to Jaune's sleeping form before getting out of her bed and softly walking over.

Noticing Ren and Nora still slept in their beds, the latter snoring loudly, looking unchanged from when she saw them in her dream. Pyrrha stood by Jaune's sleeping form and eyed him with an intense look of longing in her eyes. She gently moved her right hand over to his sleeping angelic face and gently lightly stroked his cheek affectionately.

"I will make that dream a reality. I swear it. Maybe it was a possible future shown to me in a vision, but now more than ever, I want to make that dream I lived a reality. My dream is you, Jaune." She said soothingly and leaned down kissing his forehead before eventually going back to her bed to sleep again till morning.

"So, that's that, then." Tai sighed, with a hand sliding down his face. "Okay..."

He was interrupted by something mechanic shifting at the wall, revealing a scroll with a blinking display, showing the words "Explicit scene". Above said scroll was a different display which showed. "ID: Nikos, Pyrrha".

The named did not hesitate for a second, immediately grabbing the scroll and disappearing into a conveniently placed adjacent room while giggling maniacally.


"And now for something different..."

"ooh, it's still going!"

Suddenly, wild giggles turning into maniacal laughter erupted from the room. "Jackpot!" could be heard, as well as a muted "So big!"

Just like that, the girls were immensely jealous, with Tori cheering unironically alongside Nora.

(Yeah, I'm gonna do it like this. Actual scene here from "Team Neighborhood 2 Episode 2: Cable Calamity" by Great Dictator on Youtube.)

The screen showed the title "Tai and Qrow go shopping".

Two eyebrows from two different people rose up. "Okay…?"

The two stood before an empty fridge, before Qrow snorted, took his flask to his lips and grabbed Tai along for a ride.

"Oh no."


"You're a menace as a driver, Qrow!"

Winter was aghast. "He's going to drive? That drunkard?"

His nieces winced, knowing this was not going to go well.

The father of two was thrown into a dinghy Pick-Up truck with Qrow making to drive...and whipping out a grenade launcher instead, which he used to propel the car into the air, flying towards Vale, with the blonde man screaming in terror.


No one was prepared to see that. And Weiss had flashbacks to the first world.

The car landed seamlessly onto a street in the big city, with Qrow not setting down his flask once and Tai still screaming his head off.

"Accurate reaction! Holy sh-crap!"
"Tai," John looked at the other blonde quizzically. "She's 15, not 5."

"Screw you, she's my baby girl!"

"Daaaad," whined the baby girl.

The car then made to drive over several hapless civilians on the way to the nearest supermarket, with Tai now screaming at his partner. The drunkard looked back before the father suffered a hallucination of a demonic drunkard playing the bagpipe and the background turning into a plaid hellscape.

The screaming became more terrified.


"What- I," Winter was at a loss. "What did I just see?"

"Basically?" Coco answered. "This is what went down in the first viewing. Just think of it as a comedy skit." The specialist remained nonplussed, but nodded.

At last, the joyride ended and the tow arrived at the supermarket, with Qrow standing in front of an unamused cashier babbling incoherently.

How unfortunate that neither of them could grab their respective wallets.

"All of that," the dad breathed. "For nothing."

"Well fuck," commented Qrow succinctly.

The screen turned back to their home in Patch, with Qrow sitting on the couch and weeping.

"I did all I could!" he babbled, with Tai looking utterly dumbfounded.

"What the bloody hell just happened?

"Well, stuff, you know," Fox sarcastically remarked. His sentence was weirdly underscored by the viscerally sensual sounds of a spartan enjoying herself getting dicked by her crush.

"Can we watch something else?!" came the panicked voice of Velvet. The screen answered.

(Original from "Code: MENT Episode 16" by PurpleEyesWTF)

Sun and Neptune and Soup

"Soup?" the two boys looked at each other quizzically.

Sun rang up Neptune on his scroll, attempting to reach him…

Sun: "Hello?"
Neptune: "Hey, what's up?"

S: "I need your help, can you come here?"

N: "I can't, I'm buying clothes."

"Oh?" And immediately, Coco sprung up. "This should be interesting."

S: "Alright, well, hurry up and come over here."

N: "I can't find 'em."

"He what?" That baffled them. How hard could that be?
"Did he mean he can't find the right ones?" Sun suggested.

S: "What do you mean 'you can't find 'em?'"

N: "I can't find 'em, there's only soup."


S: "What do you mean there's only soup?" both Sun on screen and Coco in the theater asked that at the same time, making Velvet suppress a chortle.

N: "It means there's only soup."

S: Well get out of the soup aisle! Again with Coco yelling, now making Fox and Yatsu bite their tongues.
N: Alright, you don't have to shout at me!

Footsteps could be heard next, then...

N: There's more soup!
S: Whaddya mean "there's more soup"?! Teams RWBY and NR started to laugh as well, yes, even Weiss, who found this syncronization quite funny.
N: There's just more soup!
S: Go into the next aisle!
N: There's still soup!
S: Where are you right now?! The parents were chuckling now.
N: I'm at soup!
S: WHADDYA MEAN YOU'RE "AT SOUP"!? Yang was howling with laughter now.

That did it; now everyone was laughing while Coco was frothing.

"I'm at soup!" cackled Tai, again and again.

After everyone calmed down, they said their goodbyes, seeing that time was running out for today, some not looking forward to the chores to be done. However, promises were made to return tomorrow for another round of fun. Just as Jaune's parents made to leave, Pyrrha emerged from her own video session. She seemed to be glowing and, generally speaking, much happier than before. No one had to guess why she looked like that, and it only intensified the jealousy others felt.

"Don't forget!" Tori sang. "Bring Jaune here next time, please!"

"Sure," Nora replied. "But go easy on him," she added with a mild whimper. The mother seemed confused more than anything.

"I'm not gonna hurt him, if that's what you worry about. Do I look like some psychopathic womanchild with anger issues?" she asked with a cheeky smile. Nora, smiling, just shook her head in reply.

"Do go easy on him once you ask the question, Weiss," Winter reminded her sister. "Remember that he most likely had a valid reason to do what he did."

Weiss sighed in reply but conceded to her sister's wishes. "I will at least hear him out, Winter. Do not worry."

Smiling and nodding, the specialist took her leave, much like the others, Kali with a cheery "Bye Blakey, see you tomorrow!"

Thus, the students made their way out of the theater as well, stepping through the wooden door and closing it; Nora briefly opening it again just to check.

Pyrrha didn't register a thing. She was a happy camper, while two others schemed to make ther respective move first.

All in all, a eventful day.