Wow, I've been gone a month. I'm hella rusty so this won't be the best. I also based this off of Sherlock Hulmes's game of Betrayal at the House on the Hill. So go look that up for the pieces I didn't write.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Teams RWBY, NPR, Illia, Sun, Neptune, Penny, Saphron, Terra, and baby Adrian had all settled down in chairs eager to see what shenanigans that the game night world would be up to.

"Have any of you played Treachery at the Mansion on the Mountain?" Sun asked. "Because it sounds a bit complicated." No one raised their hand...except Terra and Saphron.

"We play board games with some of Terra's coworkers once a month. Lets us drink a bit and enjoy the company of others," Saphron told them. "Also, it lets us leave Adrian with Terra's parents to have some time to ourselves."

"Amen," Terra nodded.

"Is it a hard game?" Penny wondered. She saw a copy in the game room and maybe she'll play it later with the others.

"Not really. It just takes a bit of reading and set up," Terra told her. "I can teach you after this. Given that we won't be having any sort of holograms to make it look cool."

"That is fine!" Ruby grinned. "We'd love to play!"

"Me too," Neptune nodded his head.

The screen comes to life with Jaune sitting at the table in the library looking a little more than ragged. His right eye was twitching at team SSSN who looked sheepish. "Hi guys, it's the current face of Sunrise Gaming. I don't know why they keep using me, something about better views, but I'm here to apologize first and foremost about this one."

"Uh...why?" Yang asked as she sipped some soda. She forgot to get some when they watched the Renewal Taekwondo world so she got some now.

"Just let him speak," Blake told her partner. On the tiny table in front of her was once again some tuna sashimi.

"Seems like during our gameplay we may have forgotten some rules during the heat of the moment. That and well…" Jaune glared at Sun again who was whistling innocently. "Care to say why?"

"Oh, that's usually not good," Weiss said. "And they had people overseeing this? Must have been a hard game."

"Okay fine! I may have misinterpreted the incorporeal rule!" Sun mumbled.

"Don't worry, it was not just him the entire team didn't understand it well," the Curator told them. This puts Sun at ease.

"So yes, If it looks like someone is cheating, just know it's all because the book had worded it weirdly. So let's go on with the recording!"

"At least there was a disclaimer so people wouldn't be mad at us," Neptune sighed sipping some sparkling water. "That would have been uncool."

The screen shifts and shows four people standing in a large blank room. "Hello there! Welcome to Game Night, where a bunch of us nerdy-ass Hunters-in-training come together and play board games! I'm Jaune Arc and today we're playing Treachery at the Mansion on the Mountain."

After a quick explanation of how the game works, Jaune points at the other people playing with him. "Why don't we introduce ourselves and our characters?" he said smiling at the newcomer. "Why don't you go first May?"

"May?" Nora asked munching on...waffles! When she grabbed that people had gasped at first, but she gave them a look saying that she'd like to change it up from time to time.

"I guess she's a random addition this time around," Ren replied as she drank his tea.

The lightly tanned girl with the beanie and sweater nodded before speaking. "My name is May Zedong of team BRNZ. I was just walking down the halls bored since my team was going out to drink. I said sure to play a game with these weirdos. I shall be playing Professor Longfellow with a speed of 4, a might of 3, sanity of 3, and knowledge of 5. I'm 57 years old, born on July 27. My hobbies are Gaelic music, drama, and fine wines. And I'm afraid of losing all that I have."

"That's very in-depth for a board game," Pyrrha commented on the amount of info they had gotten.

"Most of the time you need a little bit of that to play the game," Terra replied.

All of a sudden she was dressed in a white lab coat and had a fake bald head. "I...who did this?" she asked pouting.

The teens all had a good laugh at the absurdity of it all. Even Adrian was giggling along at the funny sight. However, Weiss was a little flabbergasted. "That is some high tech hard light equipment if they can do something as detailed as clothing like that."

"Maybe they're more advanced than our world?" Ruby suggested munching on strawberries.

"The Curator said it was only slightly different, namely the fact that Jaune hangs out with team SSSN more often," Blake pointed out. "But you might be right."

"The one in control of the holograms is Sage," Jaune snickered.

"I am...not pleased with this," May said as she messed with the hard light costume.

"I wouldn't be either," Ilia blanched. "I mean look at that! Who would like to look like an old dude?"

Jaune pointed at himself. "Well, I am Heather Grandville. I also have a speed of 4, a might of 3, sanity of 3, and knowledge of 5. I'm 18, born on August 18. I like watching TV and shopping! And I'm scared of not being perfect."

Much like May, Sage gave Jaune a costume. This time a large purple dress. People could hear some laughing on the sides and Jaune just snorted. "Joke's on you guys. I've been forced into a dress before."

"That's true, we had forced him in a dress," Saphron giggled. Terra just shook her head remembering what the sisters had done to Jaune.

"Would you happen to on you by any chance?" Nora cackled.

"Sorry, none on me." Nora snapped her fingers in disappointment.

"Geez Jaune, that's not something to be proud of!" Ruby laughed.

"Well, then Ruby who are you?" Jaune asked while raising an eyebrow.

"I am Madame Zostra! My speed is at 3, my might is at 4, my sanity at 4, and knowledge at 4 as well! I am age 37, my birthday on December 10. I like astrology, cooking, and baseball...eww. And I'm afraid of death."

"What's wrong with baseball?" Penny curiously asked. "I heard it was a major pastime."

"It's just people hitting a ball with a bat and running around a diamond! It's so boring," Ruby explained with a huff.

"Uncle Qrow would disagree, Rubes," Yang replied. She found it boring too but her dad and uncle love the game for some reason.

Ruby was then changed into some sort of gypsy looking dress, in blue. She had a white bandana and noticed all the sequins on her body. "Huh, I would usually never wear this."

"Looks nice on you though," Scarlet complimented her as he stretched his neck. "My turn?"

"Is he hitting on Ruby?" Pyrrha asked. It wasn't rare to see that happen in real life but Yang would usually nip that at the bud.

"No. Scarlet doesn't swing that way," Sun said offhandedly.

"Really?" Ren asked.

"He's not flamboyant or whatever you assume, he just prefers men," Neptune explained. "It doesn't make him any less a friend for us." The monkey Faunus nodded his head.

"I didn't say it as a bad thing, I was just surprised," Ren replied.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter what he is! As long as he's not an asshole he's good in our books," Nora said, giving them a thumbs up.

"Yup!" Jaune grinned. Ruby grinned back, cheeks a little red.

"Isn't this the world where he had sex with that Ciel girl?" Ilia wondered.

"It is...whatever happened to that storyline?" Blake asked the Curator.

"Oh. That. They talked it out and agreed it was a one night stand. Although, despite all this General Ironwood is a little miffed at Jaune for exposing Penny to those sorts of things," the Curator informed them.

"So they are not dating?" Pyrrha asked happily.

"No, they are not."

The pirate-themed warrior of team SSSN nodded and waved at the camera. "The name's Darren Flash WilliaMiss My speed is high at 6, might is at 3, my sanity and knowledge are also at 3. I am 20 years old with a birthday on June 6. I like track, music, and Shakespearean Literature. And I'm being caught by whatever is chasing me."

Scarlet then had his red naval jacket switched for a red tracksuit.

"Huh, that still suits him," Saphron noted.

"Want to trade?" May immediately asked, longing on her face. Namely, because that would look like something she would wear normally.

"No thanks," the man grinned as he looked at her. "I like red."

"Me too!" Ruby cheered.

"Am...Am I the only one in this group who's favorite color is orange?" Jaune asked. The three other teens then looked at one another before looking at Jaune and nodding. "Great, pretty sure I'm going to be the traitor…"

"That's not ominous at all," Blake giggled.

"I's like they know what's going to happen," Terra laughed.

"Don't worry about it, bro!" Sun said over the loudspeaker from the box that controlled holograms. Inside were Sage, Neptune, Sun, and Glynda overseeing all of the holograms herself. The boys were there to help figure out the design of each room.

"She's also getting 5% of that week's earnings, so that's why she agreed to help out," the Curator added.

"So on top of the 10% the school is getting, she's getting 5% herself?" Weiss gasped. "How much do they earn again?"

"A good couple hundred Lien each time they do this, but recently they get over a thousand each time."

"Okay, while I may have been the one who chose this game, I haven't played it. So, it's a little weird that I'm the one talking," Jaune laughed. "So, I'll let Scarlet and Sun take the lead."

"Of course Fearless Leader would do that," Nora snickered.

"I can see him making a small mistake like that," Pyrrha giggled.

"It's not a mistake he just didn't do research," Ren corrected them.

After Scarlet gave a quick explanation of the rules and how stuff works, Jaune was the first to go. But before he does, the whole room changes to look like the entrance hall and foyer of a mansion. "Huh, neat," Jaune mumbled before he took his first turn.

"That is neat," Saphron agreed with that version of her brother. She didn't see stuff like that often.

Jaune is first and goes through the foyer and into an abandoned room. It was mostly empty save for a large carpet on the floor and a heater off to the side. There were also two holes in the floor. "Wow...this feels so real…" Jaune mumbles. He looks around and hears some cawing before noticing a raven on the heater.

"So there's an omen in there," Terra said. "I like the attention to detail."

"Shit…" Jaune groans. He walks over and reaches into the heater and pulls out a Ring.

"A battered ring with an incomprehensible inscription," Sage in an eerie voice. It was deep and booming that echoed in the room.

"That was a scary voice," Penny said, shivering. "Mr. Ayana is good at that."

"That wasn't creepy at all!" Jaune shouted, getting a few laughs from those in the room with him.

"Oh yeah, they're all still in the same room despite being in different 'rooms'," Yang said, remembering where they were.

The blond in the purple dress slowly put the ring onto his finger. Suddenly, six large dice dropped into his hand, each one having two sides each with either a single pip, two, or none. "Right...right. Roll for the Haunt." Jaune tossed the dice into the sky, and it rolled on 7.

"Woo no Haunt!" Nora cheered happily.

"I mean, it wouldn't happen the first roll Nora," Ilia snickered.

"My turn!" Ruby said as she walked forward through the foyer. Turning to the right, opposite to how Jaune went. There she finds the panic room. There she hears the metal door lock behind her. In the room was a room stocked with food, a small cot, a desk, and a nightstand.

"Wow...this looks like something from a horror movie!" Ruby said as she looked at the room.

"It looks like that movie Escape Room!" Sun fearfully said.

"It's supposed to, Ruby!" Sun said. "Now touch the token!"

"Token? What token?" The person in blue dress looked around before noticing the giant swirling orb. One that floated in the middle of the room. "Oh, that one…" Ruby blushed in embarrassment. How did she miss that?

"No! Stop embarrassing us!" Ruby complained at her other-self.

"She would have missed it in our world too sometimes," Yang joked, gently elbowing her sister's side.


Ruby touched the floating spiral and suddenly felt something slimy grab her ankle. "AHHHH!" she screamed.

"Something Slimy. What's around your ankle? A bug? A tentacle? A dead hand clawing? Do a Speed roll Ruby," Sage said.

"What is grabbing me!?" she shouted in response before tossing 3 dice, getting a 3 as a result.

"As you tug your foot free, it hurts your foot as you rip it out. Lose 1 might."

"Dang it!" Ruby groaned. The words Might 4 appears over her head before it goes down 3.

"Oh dang, with hard light holograms, that would make the entire thing scary," Neptune said. He shuddered thinking what would happen if his worst fears came to life like that.

"My go," Scarlet said as he went through the foyer and up the stairs. Seeing four doors, he went to the one in front of the stairs. goes to the upper floor landing and into the Widow's Walk. It was a large room with a giant floor to ceiling window. Each side is adorned by giant gargoyles. "Not creepy at all," he mumbled.

The room flashed with lightning just to emphasize the point.

The room jumped, not expecting the jump scare. Adrian cried a little and was quietly shushed by his mothers. They both hugged him and tried to calm him down.

There he saw a floating spiral and touched it.

"Something Hidden. There's something odd about this room, but what? It's tickling the back of your mind," Sage announced. "You can try to figure it out with a Knowledge roll."

"Sure, I'll try," Scarlet replied. He got three dice and rolled them. And like Ruby, it landed on a 3.

"You can't figure it out and that makes you a bit crazy. Lose one sanity."

Scarlet snapped his fingers as the number for his Sanity dropped from 3 to 2.

"Wow, so this game punishes you rather consistently if you do bad rolls," Pyrrha said, understanding what is happening.

"That they do, but if you roll well you get good items," Terra informed them.

"I guess, I should do my turn," May sighed. She goes up to the second floor and turns to the left and goes through that door. Here, May found herself in a large movie theater. Everything was in red satin, with five rows of five chairs. An old projector was showing an old horror movie. "Amazing," the girl with the bald cap said, as she walked through the old room.

"I'm a little jealous," Saphron said as she bounced Adrian on her leg.

"Why?" Illia asked looking over at the mother.

"While the whole thing is fun to see on a board, seeing this happening in the simulation must be amazing to see."

Cawing got her attention and she saw a raven atop the projector. Approaching it, May reached behind the object and grabbed the Medallion.

"A medallion, inscribed with a pentagram," Sage announced. "Roll for the Haunt."

May grabbed the six dice from the air before tossing them. They rolled on the ground and landed on four. "No Haunt."

"She's a little apathetic isn't she?" Blake said. When the others looked at her she continued. "I mean she's just taking this and doesn't seem to enjoy it at all."

"I mean they did just pick her up from the hallways and have her play with them," Weiss told her. "I too would be more than a bit miffed."

"That's true."

The game continues and the people were scurrying about the holographic home. Some found items, others had terrible things happening to them, and of course, several omens had appeared as they explored.

From the basement, Jaune walks into the room just below it. The blond froze as he heard a click and the door closed. "Uhhhh...guys?" Jaune said as he noticed he was in a room full of doors. The wall to the left having numerous bells. But all the other walls were covered by doors. "Guys?" Jaune repeated as he tried a door, only to find it locked. Not just that one but all the doors were locked!

"Oh, that is scary," Ilia shuddered. "I would hate to be stuck in a confined room like that."

"Claustrophobic?" Yang asked her friend.

"Just don't like being in tight spaces, especially since I'm used to info gathering and that would be a death sentence." Blake nodded her head, fully understanding what her friend meant.

"Thankfully I'm not claustrophobic or else I'd be freaking out," he muttered to himself. Turning around he saw a table of food, with an Event Token floating over it. "Let's see what happens." Walking over, Jaune grabbed the token.

"A Moment of Hope. Something feels strangely right about this room. Something is resisting the evil of the house." Sage announced. "Place a blessing in this room. Each hero rolls an extra dice on all trait rolls in this room."

"Woo! Something good!" Jaune cheered happily as the room started glowing a holy white light.

"...that must be the worst place to put the Blessing Token ever!" Penny giggled. Everyone joined in the laughing.

"That it is," Saphron laughed. "But hey, at least it will help him get out of the room easier."

Ruby walks through a door in the basement and enters the new room. There the room was split in half and there was a large vault. "Oooh! What is here?" she asked as she snooped around.

"There are two items behind that vault Ruby. But you have to pass a knowledge test. But first, there's an event token for you." She blinked and nodded. In the corner, she saw the token. Running up she grabbed it only to hear a cough behind her.

"AH! DON'T HURT ME GHOST!" Ruby shouted in fear before she turned around. Her eyes take in who was there and it was…"Miss Goodwitch?"

Glynda Goodwitch stood there dressed in an ancient Great War medic outfit. "Don't ask," Goodwitch asked. She didn't want to tell her that someone donated enough money to have her get dressed like this.

The students of Beacon dropped their jaws as they saw that. Even those who knew Glynda were speechless. The woman herself looked shocked. "I would never wear a costume like that!" she complained.

"Who would pay for such a thing?" Ozpin wondered.

Within the flagship of the Atlas fleet within Vale, James Ironwood sneezed for some reason.

Everyone turned to James who looked shocked as well. "I would never donate to see her in that!" James said.

"Yeah, you'd probably ask her to wear something more risque," Qrow chuckled. An empty bottle of water smacked his head.

"But I am here for the event," she said with a sigh.

"The Lost One. A woman in a Great War dress beckons you. You fall into a trance. Do a Knowledge roll," Sage contacted.

"Okay, okay, I got this!" Ruby said as she took some dice and rolled them. Sadly, she didn't beat a five. "I didn't have it."

"Man, your rolls suck here, Ruby," Nora told her friend.

"My dice rolls aren't that bad usually," the reaper replied.

"Okay, roll 3 dice to see where you go." Ruby pouted and then rolled three dice and got a 1.

"You shall be following me through the basement Miss Zostra," Goodwitch said as she led Ruby through a few doors before appearing in a large chasm with a wooden rope bridge that creaked. "Now if you will…"

Glynda walked through the room leaving Ruby in the place with the howling wind. "Okay, Ruby you got got this..." She uttered to herself. "Why did I say yes to playing a horror game?"

"Thank goodness I'm not afraid of heights," Ruby sighed with relief.

Scarlet sighed as he looked around the wine cellar. "I wish this was real," he sobbed comically before leaving the room. He goes back through the wine cellar, basement landing, past the caves, taking a single point of damage to his Might reducing him to 3, and ends up in the larder. "What's a larder?" Scarlet asked as he looked around.

"Isn't lard fat?" Penny asked. Her father didn't give her knowledge on some of the older medieval stuff.

There were several shelves of food, a few large barrels of drinks, and bags of flour.

"It's a fridge before the refrigerator was a thing," Neptune informed them. A chorus of "nerd" was heard from the control room. "When you end your turn here, you gain a Might so put it back up a pip."

"Oh! You learn something new every day!"

"Why do they call you a nerd?" Pyrrha asked.

"I'm an intellectual," Neptune replied.

"Not all the time," Weiss sighed. The odd time flow of this place made her feel like months had passed when it was only within a few days since arrival. So she was less hurt by what he had done and found him tolerable.

"Thanks," Scarlet grinned as he didn't have to adjust his stats. "And I get an item right?"

"That's right bro!" Sun said.

Scarlet saw something glowing. Curious, the young man approached and found a teapot, the shelf it stood on labeled with a bull's head of all things. "Oh, when someone gets hurt in my room, I get a free item."

"That's a strong item," Terra said, blinking in surprise. "Wait, I just noticed this has the expansion pack."

"No wonder there were some cards I didn't know!" Saphron clapped her hands together.

"WHAT!?" May shouted from within the hologram. "I barely got any items! That's unfair!"

"ME TOO!" Ruby shouted. "He has the boomstick, a chainsaw, and now this? Hacks! I call hacks!"

"Come on guys, it's just luck of the draw!" Jaune told everyone.

"But he has too many things! What happens if he turned traitor!" Ruby complained.

"Ruby it's just a game," Weiss reminded her partner. "That and you're not even playing."

"Just let her have her moment Weiss cream. She gets like this when watching videos about games that interest her."

May takes her turn and enters what looked like a messed up room. Everything had been turned over or destroyed. It looked like a hurricane had been through this room. The young woman frowned. "This looks like a mess," May said as she kicked some stuff out of the way. The young woman heard some cawing and saw the next raven sitting on the only upturned desk.

"An omen," May frowned. This would be their seventh one. Approaching, the raven flew off and she opened the desk. In there was a rope but it wasn't just any normal rope. It was…"A noose," May gagged.

"That is dark," Ren mumbled. He didn't think a game could get dark like that.

"It's a game based on horror movie tropes," Ilia told Ren. "A noose makes total sense to be there."

"Rope. It probably wasn't used to hang anyone. Today." Sage said the last word as if it were an afterthought. "Roll for the Haunt."

"Okay, that description is morbid," Pyrrha agreed with her friend.

May took the six dice and threw them. They rolled on the broken floor…only to land on three.

"Not good," Sun gulped, but Brothers were his eyes glued to the screen.

The whole hologram shook as if something evil was awakening in it.

"The Haunt shall now begin. The traitor is to the left of the Haunt revealer." It was quiet for a moment since everyone was actually in a different holographic room, and everyone can hear Sage sigh. "It's Jaune."

"Wait, what!?" Jaune shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. "I'm the traitor? But I'm stuck in the locked room!"

" not a good start for him," Penny frowned.

"Unca Jaune!" Adrian clapped seeing his uncle again.

Glynda appeared right behind him, causing Jaune to scream in fright. He didn't expect her to appear all of a sudden right behind him. "How are you so quiet?"

A few of them laughed at his girlish scream.

" you should have been doing," Glynda said readjusting her glasses. "Come with me so you can read your side of the Haunt without them hearing."

"That makes sense, thanks Miss Goodwitch!" Jaune grinned. He was led out of the hologram, giving the blond a weird sense of vertigo as it suddenly went from a haunted house back to Beacon. "Weird."

"That would make someone have a sense of vertigo," Pyrrha said.

"That is such a weird thing to see," Blake agreed. "It's like getting teleported. And we know how that feels like." Everyone nodded remembering how they were brought here.

Lead to another room with a camera waiting, Jaune was handed the traitors tome on the page. "Ahem," he said, sitting on the stool and looking at the camera with a smirk. "The Other Side." Jaune began to read in a scary voice.

"It's taken a while but you've finally managed to contact the spirits of the house. They are not friendly."

"So we won't be seeing what the heroes' point of view?" Nora asked. "Because it would be totally cool if we did."

"No, we will be seeing this from Jaune's point of view," the Curator replied.

"No wonder then, the last three attempts to sell the house had fallen through. The Estate Agent seemed exasperated over the phone. Ridiculous superstition he said. Bunch of people hangs themselves in a house and people assume it's haunted."

"That sounds like something my father would say in his business practices," Weiss scoffed.

"The paycheck seemed good when you accepted, but now you're standing in a locked house with manifested ghosts that are dangerous as they are insane. There's no way you're being paid enough for this."

"That sounds like something my parents would say about working in the Schnee mines," Ilia blinked.

"What sort of story is this?" Jaune chuckled. Glynda giggled beside him. Even without the costume, it was an eerie sound to her student.

"Has...anyone ever heard Miss Goodwitch laugh?" Ren wondered, looking at each of them in curiosity.

"I don't think so," Pyrrha replied. Her brow was furrowed trying to think of a time Miss Goodwitch would have laughed.

"It sounds odd," Weiss mumbled. She couldn't remember anything about her professor ever laughing.

"A rather morbid tale it seems," she interjected.

"So I have to set aside, two tokens for each of those ghosts," Jaune said to the people and Neptune gave him a thumbs up. "And I raise my Sanity and Knowledge to my max."

"If we can only do that to our students in real life," Glynda sighed. That made Jaune pause and look at his professor.

"Did she just…" Nora gasped, wondering if Miss Goodwitch actually said that.

"Uh…are you trying to say something Miss Goodwitch?"

"That some of you could just do a little better in class Mr. Arc." That made the younger blond flinch and blush in embarrassment.

"She did!" Ruby said. "Wow, she must be tired of us."

"Miss Goodwitch seems to have some hidden aggression," Penny blinked

"Moving on, I also get some chalk, the device, and the ceremonial robes items since there are three ghosts. Wait… didn't Ruby have the chalk?"

"HEY! That's mine!" The two blonds heard the reaper shouting through the walls.

"Aren't they reinforced and soundproof?" Jaune asked Goodwitch.

"They are supposed to be…" Glynda mumbled. "Miss Rose has a set of lungs on her."

"Like that couldn't be taken out of context," Ilia snickered.

"Wait, what does she mean?" Ruby asked innocently.

"Your father must have kept her rather sheltered," Saphron told Yang, who nodded.

Jaune shrugged before continuing to read. "The only way to win is for me to appease the spirits of the dead and put them to rest. To do so I need to…" He squinted his eyes as he read. "I have to steal items from them and go to an omen room. Place a counter there to show you appeased the ghosts. If you do, the ghosts lower their stats to the lowest value."

"That makes it easier on him I guess," Penny nodded her head, thinking of the possibilities Jaune could do to win.

"You can only attack with Knowledge and Sanity. If you win a fight, they lower their Sanity, and you gain one of either trait and one of their items."

"Again, showing a way for Jaune to win," Pyrrha said. This would make it easier for Jaune to survive.

The screen cut to an annoyed Jaune at the table from the beginning. "Gods, we forgot to do that. So it was like playing hard mode for me. Thankfully I did remember the whole not taking damage if my sanity wasn't at its lowest first value first."

Saphron smacked her forehead as did Sun and Neptune. "Damn it guys," Sun groaned.

"I can now see why they apologized," Blake rolled her eyes.

Jaune re-enters and appears back in the locked room. He was now dressed in some ceremonial robes, had a weird machine on his back, and some chalk. "Well then, it seems like the game has me buffed up for this entire thing," Jaune laughed.

"You stole my chalk!" Ruby complained. "I found that fair and square!"

"Yeah! You tell him!" Ruby cheered her other-self on.

Jaune was about to reply but stopped. He blinked and saw all the others looked different. "Why are you all grey?" he asked.

"We're ghosts," May replied. She lifted her arm and saw that the fake lab coat was also pale grey. "This technology is crazy."

"Again it is a rather strong piece of tech," Penny commented on their version of hard light systems compared to their own.

"That it is," Scarlet sighed. "Grey is not my color. But we can ignore that. We just have to kill Jaune and we win."

"Ugh, that is going to make this a lot harder," Jaune sighed.

"Well, at least we can get to him so easily," Ruby grinned. "His stats were lowered during this whole thing so it should be easy to gang up against him. He's stuck in the locked room."

"Ruby, do you understand how badly you jinxed that?" Nora asked, grinning at the reaper.

"I do!" Ruby sighed completely understanding what the bomber meant.

"Oh, poor delusional Ruby. You see, I'm not your average lady anymore, for I am a SUPER LADY!" Jaune cackled. "My Knowledge and Sanity are bumped up to the max!" The number for his knowledge jumped up to 8 with his sanity going to 6.

"Not your average lady," Sun snickered. "Someone should use that as a battle cry."

"It might be a little sexist though," Weiss frowned. "When taken the wrong way."

"You just had to jinx us, Rose!" May groaned. "And it's his turn!"

"Ah! The bald girl understands!" Nora laughed.

Jaune goes to one of the doors and eight dice appear in his hand. Rolling it, he got a 10, 5 more than he needed, meaning that the door opened. He goes to the room where Ruby is. "Hi, Rubes!" he greeted her.

"Uh...hi Jaune?" she replied. "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to run away from us or something?"

"Oh. They don't know what Jaune has to do?" Pyrrha asked.

"That was the reason they had Jaune leave the room P-Money," Yang replied giggling.

"Or something." Jaune walks up to her and attacks. "I'm going to hit you with Knowledge. But if I win, you must take Sanity damage."

"That's not fair!" Ruby groaned. She had drawn 4 dice and rolled a 2. Jaune grinned as he threw his eight dice, landing on 10. "Oh crap!" She felt a force slam against her and she stumbled back. Ruby's Sanity couldn't go down any more pips and was stuck at four though.

"Damn!" Terra applauded. "That was a really high roll."

"But the problem is that Ruby can't go any lower than that due to the circumstances of the whole ghost thing not being able to die," Saphron sighed.

"I win!" The blond shouted happily.

"Why would you do that?" Ruby asked as she attacked. "I choose to attack with Might!" She got four dice and rolled getting a 3. "Crap baskets."

"Crap baskets?" Penny asked. "Didn't a few worlds say that."

"Seems like a thing most worlds would use," Pyrrha nodded. "Plus it doesn't sound so offensive."

"My turn!" Jaune rolled three dice and got a 5. "Haha!"

"Roll better!" Ruby complained again.

"NOOOO!" Ruby fell to her knees. Her Might goes down to 2. "You haven't heard the last of me!" Ruby runs away, into the adjacent room where the Vault Room was. As she stood there, her eyes widen. "Wait. We're not affected by the negative effects of rooms anymore! Give me those items!"

" that legal?" Weiss asked, thinking about what has been explained and couldn't think if that was right or not.

"Got it, Ruby!" Sun replied. Ruby stepped through the large metal vault door and found two items on a desk. One was a medicine bag and the other was a demonic idol.

"Oooh...pretty…" she replied as she added those to her person.

"That's nothing you should call pretty Ruby!" Yang chastised her sister.

"But it looks pretty!" she countered.

"It looks evil!"

Scarlet sighed and shook his head before walking to the door that leads to where Jaune was. Kicking it in, Scarlet takes his Boomstick from his back. "I'm going to take my shot against Jaune with Speed!" Scarlet grabs 7 dice and threw them up into the air, getting 8.

"Shit! I need a perfect roll for this!" Jaune shouted as he threw his four dice. They bounced onto the floor and they tumbled quickly, landing on...8. The shot goes off but Jaune managed to roll out of the way.

"That lucky son of a gun," Scarlet scoffed. Jaune just gave him a wink and a thumbs up. Scarlet just chuckled.

"Scarlet would enjoy seeing that," Sun smiled happily.

"Now, how does incorporeal form work?" May asked the people in the room. "Just to be sure."

"Uh...use a Sanity to go to an already discovered room as if there was a door there," Sun said reading the book.

"So...I can teleport if I just spend a Sanity?" May asked once more, a little more curious. Up in the control room, Sun, Sage, and Neptune were all arguing with one another. They didn't know how to use the rule.

"Ah...the other mistake," Ren nodded.

"Bad wordings tend to mess things up," Blake sighed. "Many a good book ruined by bad writing."

"Guys?" Jaune wondered. His form was nervous as he was trying to figure out what would happen if they said yes. That would mean they can get to him or run away so easily.

"Sure!" Sun said.

"And that's why Jaune is angry at Sun," Neptune laughs.

"He's angry at you too!" Sun countered.

"Then I spend a Sanity, going down to 3, to go through the walls to end up where Jaune is," May announced. Her sanity went down to 3 as she appeared next to Jaune.

"And I attack with Knowledge. Despite your numbers being higher than mine, it is my highest stat." Five dice dropped into her hand and she threw it. Landing on a 4.

"Let's do this then! I'm ready for you!" Jaune had eight dice and threw down. It landed on 7. "You take 3 damage to Sanity!"

"His rolls are really good," Yang whistled. "I think he may win this."

May flinched as her Sanity stat went down to 1. "Damn. I still have movement, so I'm going to leave." She runs out the door and into the basement landing.

The video cut to the once more the haggard Jaune once more. "So, as you can see," Jaune glared at team SSSN, well except for Scarlet, before turning back to the camera. "They made this whole game harder for me."

"I said I was sorry!" Sun groaned.

"Yeah, I can see why this is annoying," Terra sighed.

"They could all teleport to wherever they wanted!" Jaune countered. "Do you know how hard that made it for me?"

"We were there man," Sage sighed. The green-haired man hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry that happened though."

"Yeah, dude. That was our bad," Neptune said scratching the back of his head.

"Just forgive them," Sun said.

"He probably will, it just takes a bit," Pyrrha replied. "Jaune takes a bit to talk about his feelings."

"That he does," Saphron nodded her head.

The video cut back to the utter hardship that Jaune had to go through finding all the people and have them constantly assaulting him. May was the hardest to get to but finally, finally, after six turns, managed to get what he needed from her. Her item.

"I bet she kept teleporting away," Nora guessed.

"She only teleported twice, but it was at opposite ends of the house when Jaunce got too close," the Curator told them.

Jaune stumbled into the basement landing, after getting ganged up by all three of the ghosts. "This is bullshit," Jaune groaned. "After all that they're just trying to kill me now."

"I've got you!" Ruby shouts as she ghosts through the door and rears her fist back and attacks! "I use my Sanity!" Ruby shouts. She threw four dice against. Jaune throws his own six dice to counter. Her roll ended up lower than his and Jaune smacked her down with a light slap to the shoulder.

"His luck is good here, truly," Ren said in surprise.

Scarlet enters the room running forward and threw his dice. "I attack with Sanity!" the redhead shouted. His Sanity was at seven after abusing the fact that the stat would go up if he didn't attack. And for five turns Scarlet just explored to get his Sanity higher than Jaune's six.

"That is smart of him to exploit the system," Weiss complimented the young man.

"Well, he might be the smartest on our team," Neptune replied.

"Damn it Scarlet!" Jaune shouted as he threw his dice at the same time. Scarlet's dice ended up as 10. And it seems like Jaune luck finally ran out, with his result being a 5. "Oh that's not good," Jaune said.

"And his luck has run out," Blake sighed. "It was a good run."

He felt a little woozy from the room shaking, due to the group making him feel dizzy.

"Finally!" Ruby shouted happily as she pumped her fist.

"We can finally attack his other traits!" May grinned. "And it's my turn."

"That's not good," Saphron said, crossing her fingers in the hopes her brother's other wins.

She ghosts into the room where Jaune, Scarlet, and Ruby are. "I attack with Knowledge!" The two rolled their dice and they clattered to the floor with both of them rolling five. "Damn it."

"I guess you were wrong Friend Blake," Penny grinned. "His luck hasn't run out just yet."

"D-Do I have enough speed?" Jaune asked himself. He had to use up an extra speed to get away from all three ghosts, before running into the wine cellar. Using the dumbwaiter, he teleports to the sewing room on the roof. "Oh my god...I did have enough!" Jaune laughs as he steps into the rookery and places the item he stole from May.

"I win!"

"Woo go Jaune!" his friends and family cheered.

The video cut to Jaune once more sitting on the stool where he read the info for the traitor's tome with a smug Jaune. "The house seems brighter now as if the windows were letting in more light. You pack up the rope that the old occupants used at the end of their lives along with the rest of the tools of your trade. It would be nice to have new lights in this house as well as a new coat of paint."

Jaune turns to the camera once more and grins. "Thank you for watching this rather hectic episode of Game Night. I'll see you guys next time! WHERE I READ THE RULES!" He shouted the last part at team SSSN.

The screen turns black.

"Seems like he'll be keeping track of that small grudge for a bit," Nora giggled as they left the room.

Those that entered this time were Qrow, Winter, James, Glynda, Salem, and Ozpin were the ones to enter.

The screen flickers to life.

And standing there was one blond dressed similarly to Scarlet. He had on a red naval jacket, a black vest over a white shirt, black pants, and boots. His eyes looked over a city atop the bow of a ship.

"So, Marvelous," a voice said from behind him. Jaune turned his head to show that he was listening. There was Ren dressed in a blue leather jacket, black shirt, jeans, and boots. "What are we doing here?"

"Don't you know?" a cheerful Emerald said as she stood on the other side of Jaune. She had on a yellow jacket over a black and white striped shirt. On her legs were some jean shorts, leggings, and boots. "This is where we were lead too!"

"Emerald you're too loud," said one Neptune nervously. He was dressed in a green jacket with a grey shirt, checkered grey pants, and suede shoots. "The natives might hear you!"

"Neptune, you're being the loudest right now," Penny told him kindly. She had a pink jacket over a white dress with some cloth boots on her feet. "But is Miss Emerald right Captain Marvelous?"

"That's right!" Jaune Marvelous said happily. He turned to face the group and it revealed that they were standing on a flying ship. "The universe's greatest treasure is here! And we shall be taking it!"

The camera aimed up and showed off the jolly roger of the ship. It looked like two cutlasses crossed behind a key that looked loosely like a skull.

The next chapter is going to be Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger! I actually flipped a coin between that and Gekiranger, because love both seasons. Gokaiger won.

So please leave a review and tell me what you think of this chapter!