Chapter 51- Prologue: Good-Bye, Allen
Author's Note: Yes, it says Prologue. U.U; I'm not stupid enough to put Epilogue here. Enjoy!

Like the snow, you always seem to melt away before I come.

She looked back at her dresser where Timcanpy quietly was as it looked down at the floor.

A folded up letter next to him, and Lenalee slowly took the letter, and she opened it.

Two objects suddenly fell to the floor from the letter, and Lenalee looked down at them in surprise.

When she saw them though, she smiled as she slowly picked them up.

"Allen…" She muttered as she held the two objects on the palm of her hand, and she looked at the letter.

Dear, Lenalee

If you're reading this, then something went wrong and I'm unable to see you again.

If you are reading this and nothing wrong happened, then I should have really grabbed the letter back before you read it.

Anyway, no matter what happened, just know that I'll always be here for you.

Tim has his recording you can watch if you must, but please never forget that I never left you.

If I can ever get back from whatever happened, I want you to be here with me.

Keep what I have left with this letter safe until my return, and then, we'll never be apart again.

So if you could, Lenalee, please stay alive until I'm back.

I'll miss you whatever happens, and I'll never forget your smile.

Always know, that I love you, Lenalee.

Forever Yours,


Teardrops stained the letter as Lenalee held it with shaking hands while the two objects dug into her palm.

She looked back at them, and she smiled as she examined the two small rings to see Lenalee and Allen's names on them.

"Allen…" She whispered as she slipped the ring with Allen's name on her finger, and she put the one with her name on it back into her dresser with the letter.

Timcanpy flew to Lenalee's head as it peered down at the ring while Lenalee also looked at it.

She fell to her knees while holding her hands together, and she cried as the sun peeked into her room.

Lavi slumped down against the outside of the tower as he gazed up at the cloudless skies above. "Damn it all… Why did this happen?" He muttered as he reached up for his head band, and he took it off as his hand fell back to the ground, and he closed his eyes to the sun.

Kanda was in his room as he stared at the lotus in the hourglass.

He was grimacing as he stared at it, and he then lay down on his back as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Che…" He scowled before jumping to his feet, and taking Mugen outside to practice.

Milly was in the kitchen as she helped Jerry do the cooking, and she solemnly helped while always staring away from people. It hurt too much to see the happy faces frown when they didn't see Allen or Lenalee anywhere.

Komui had his head on his desk as the usual work was brought in, but none of them even tried to get Komui to work as they just left the papers there silently before walking away.

Krory was in the library with Bookman as they just sat at one of the tables with two glasses of tea in front of them. Each was reading a book as they tried not to think about what had happened, but Bookman seemed to be more uneasy as he constantly glanced around.

"Man, how can those guys wear these!?" Tyrir grumbled as he fixed the collar of his black uniform that had row of crosses around the collar to symbolize them being Noah.

Kiki's and Seedry were normal except for Seedry's being his usual white jacket with an added cross on it, and Kiki's was exactly like Lenalee's.

Cedric shrugged at Tyrir's question as he started to drink a new bottle while the rest of the Noah just sat around one of the tables in the dining hall while the rest of the finders and Exorcists were informed about them.

There was once two pierrots both alike.

One chased love and the other was blight.

The two wanted to prove which one was right.

So in the end they both had a great fight.

The white ghost that chased Auguste.

"Time seems to be against me once more." The person muttered as they stood on the top of the cross of a church while the sun rose.

"Time for me to continue my search then." Gin said as he disappeared into the air, and the people of the town started to wake up without ever knowing of the danger they were in mere hours ago.

"I'll always be here, waiting for you to come back…" Lenalee muttered as she sat down on Allen's bed in his room as she had moved the bed so it was below the window.

Lenalee faced outside into the sunlight as she looked down below at the ground.

Timcanpy was on her lap as it snuggled closer to her. "I'll always be here for you… Allen."

"Whew, what the hell did I miss?" The person said as they sat on the Black Order's roof as he smiled at the sun.

"It sure was a party here though." He added as he glanced over at the two large slash marks in the tower.

"I guess it's almost time for it to come again. Three more years…" The person muttered as he stood up, and looked toward the sun.

"The Rose of Blood is coming once more…" He muttered before shattering like a mirror.


Okay! That's it! Innocence of Noah is officially over! Thank you all my readers and reviewers such as: Raven the Ravenous, iceflakes, Skipper Cyba, neoe207, Takai Kushinawa, addenza, Insane, AznGummy, dbzgtfan2004, Memmi, Jacknoonan, Worin, sweetgal144, ZBoi, thinkerandwriter, and any other reviewers I didn't find. ARIGATO! It's so sad to see this fanfic end though, but never fear! For the sequel shall come along with the standings of my longest fanfic ever, the most pairings I've ever done at once, deaths, Noahs, and good AllenxLenalee!! XD

Also, the winner of the polls is none other than the Cupid of the OCs! Seedry Utarso with five out of twelve votes!!

Seedry: -falls out of chair- I won!?

Yes you did. People must really like you.

Seedry: U.U I see... Well then... THANK YOU!! XD

Okay, okay... Time to go. -drags Seedry off into the darkness- Oh, and here's a small sneak peek. XD

Sneak Peek:

"Let me go..." The person said as the white moon overhead shone down on the person as he sat next to a large lake that glowed red. "They stole her from me..." He muttered angrily as his golden eyes flared from the shadows of his face. The row of crosses along his forehead gleamed deathly as he glared at the lake. "I will kill them all... The ones who stole you... I'll kill them all!" He shouted into the still air, and the moon overhead suddenly went pitch black.