Yugioh GX Crowler Au
By: FunahoMisaki
(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)
"Seriously? You think that stealing a deck will make you a different person or a better duelist?" Jaden demanded as he confronted Dimitri who was acting like he was Yugi Moto and that the deck itself was his.
"You should have stuck to focusing on the cards you already have and the decks you already know than trying this, especially against me." Jaden said with a dark tone to her voice as she activated her duel disk.
"I never turn down a challenge!" Dimitri said in a passable imitation of Yugi's voice, just a bit more high pitched since he was a teenager in the midst of puberty and all, and causing Jaden to give a slow chuckle as she reached inside of her jacket.
"Oh no. You've made a grave mistake boya. Because this won't be a challenge. Calling it a challenge means that both players stand an equal chance. This will be a one-sided slaughter." Jaden said her voice low and almost a seductive drawl as she pulled a deck case out of her inner pockets. The deck case was pitch black with a single golden eye of Horus on the front of it.
"You should have more faith in your skills and your cards young duelist!" Dimitri said 'grandly' and Jaden gave a low deep chuckle in her throat that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it.
"I never said that I'd be the one slaughtered." Jaden said and her voice was sounding in a way that no one ever heard her speak before. It was a low almost seductive succulent tone as her eyes glowed gold and red and shadows swirled around her ominously, as if to cloak her or attack it was unclear.
"What?" Dimitri nearly broke character at the way she was acting and he swallowed heavily at the lazy grin she gave him. The grin that was similar of a predator playing with its prey.
"I'll go first." She nearly purred as her duel disk shuffled the cards automatically before she and Dimitri both drew five cards.
Jaden/Lilith: 4000
Dimitri: 4000
"I set two cards face down and summon Brron, Mad King of Dark World in attack mode!" Jaden said playing her hand and summoning her monster who rose up in front of her, looking much like a draugr in green and some hints of gold.
(Brron Mad King of Dark World: ATK/1800 DEF/400. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent. You can Discard 1 card.)
"Since we are not allowed to attack on the first turn then I will end here." Jaden said calmly and coldly as she stared down Dimitri who drew his card.
"I fuse Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts with Berfomet to summon Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast!" Dimitri said while using a Polymerization to fuse them.
(Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast ATK/2100 DEF/1800 When this card is destroyed you can special summon either Berfomet or Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts from your graveyard.)
"Not bad." Jaden said simply while Bastion looked shocked at seeing the card fusion summoned right off of the bat.
"Now go! Attack pulverizing pounce!" Dimitri ordered and Jaden didn't look bothered when the Chimera pounced on her Mad King and destroyed him.
Jaden/Lilith: 4000-300=3700
"Thank you for that. Because now I can activate the effect of one of my cards." Jaden said with a smirk as she held up one of the cards in her hand.
"When a monster I control is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the graveyard I can special summon this card from my hand. Now rise! Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon!" Jaden said making the audience that had begun to gather nearly face plant at the name but more than a few let out gasps and even Dimitri looked a bit shocked at the large dangerous looking purple dragon that had been summoned.
(Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon ATK/2200 DEF/1100 If a monster you control is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.)
"You may take your turn." Dimitri said although he was eyeing the dragon warily.
"Hmph." Jaden smirked as she drew her card.
"I play the continuous spell Burden of the Mighty!" Jaden said playing the spell and causing those that knew what it did to wince. That card was a pain in the ass.
"What happened to Chimera?" Dimitri demanded, not knowing the effects of the card as he saw his Chimera getting weaker. Much weaker.
"Burden of the Mighty makes it so that each face-up monster my opponent, in this case you, control loses 100 ATK times its own level. In the case of your Chimera it loses 600 ATK!
Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast ATK/2100 – 600 = 1500
"Now then. Attack my dragon! Purple Thorn Swipe!" Jaden ordered making the dragon fly over to the beast and swipe it with it's long talons.
Dimitri: 4000-700=3300
"When my Chimera is destroyed I'm allowed to summon back Berfomet from the graveyard!" Dimitri said summoning his monster in defense mode.
"Fine. Your turn." Jaden said shortly, not looking impressed at all with the copy-cat who drew his card.
"I play one card face down and activate Monster Reincarnation! By discarding one card to the grave I can bring back Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts!" Dimitri said summoning the monster out in attack mode immediately.
"Wrong! I activate my trap card, Trap Hole! Say goodbye to your Gazelle!" Jaden said flipping one of his face down cards face up and making Dimitri scowl as his Gazelle was taken from him once more.
"Either way I play Swords of Revealing Light! Now you are unable to attack for three turns!" Dimitri said activating his spell card and giving himself some breathing room hopefully.
"A mere annoyance. It won't save you." Jaden said bored as the swords pierced the ground around her dragon.
"If you say so. Now take your turn." Dimitri said making Jaden shrug and draw a card, looking at it with a small smirk.
"Alright I play this monster in face down defense mode and end my turn." Jaden said setting a monster in defense mode and making Dimitri draw.
"Now that you've summoned a monster, or set in this case, I can activate my trap card! Dark Renewel! By sacrificing one of your monsters and one of my own I can bring back a spell-caster monster from the graveyard." Dimitri said sacrificing her face down monster and his own Berfomet to activate his trap card.
"Spell-caster? The card when you used Monster Reincarnation." Jaden said without batting an eye and making Dimitri nod.
"You know your stuff. Now then. Gazelle and the unknown make some room for the one, the only, my friend Dark Magician!" Dimitri said summoning Yugi's signature monster.
(Dark Magician ATK/2500 DEF/2100 The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.)
"A good move to be sure, but have you forgotten about my Burden of the Mighty? It's still active and therefore your Dark Magician loses 700 attack points." Jaden said calmly although she did raise one eyebrow and her eyes sparkled a bit, dueling against Yugi's Dark Magician? Come on that was a once in a lifetime thing!
Dark Magician ATK/2500-700=1800
"Hmph. Your turn Dimitri." Jaden said ending her turn without bothering to put her Dragon in Defense mode since it's attack was still higher than Dark Magicians.
"That's Yugi." Dimitri said making Jaden scoff.
"And we both know that's bullshit. You aren't the real Yugi and everyone knows it. You're just a copycat, an imitation." Jaden said dismissively and making Dimitri scowl at that as he drew his card.
"I chose to play the spell card Thousand Knives, and when I activate it with Dark Magician on the field, I can use it to destroy any one of your monsters." Dimitri said causing the glowing knives to appear and then fly forward and destroy the dragon.
"Now Dark Magician attack his life points directly! Dark Magic Attack!" Dimitri ordered making the Dark Magician charge his blast before swinging it at Jaden who merely flicked her wrist lazily and some of the shadows circling her absorbed the blow, even if it did still damage her life points.
Jaden/Lilith: 3700-1800=2900
"Give up?" Dimitri asked making Jaden scoff.
"Why because you have a Dark Magician on your field? Not ever going to happen." Jaden said with a sneer.
"That's the spirit. Never give up, always believe in the heart of the cards. That's what I say." Dimitri said and it was almost as if you could see Yugi's shadow behind him.
"Are you done with your fanboy like imitation yet?" Jaden asked not looking bothered at all or even the slightest bit impressed with Dimitri's act.
"My turn." Jaden said drawing her card and then observing her hand for a moment before she smirked.
"I play the spell card Lightning Vortex. By discarding 1 card from my hand I destroy all face up monsters on your side of the field!" Jaden said playing the spell card and sending his other card to the grave. The spell caused lightning to flash out and destroy Dark Magician.
"And since the card I discarded has an effect I can activate that effect and special summon my monster!" Jaden said as one of the cards in his graveyard were ejected into his hand which he then placed on the field.
"Say hello to Sillva, Warlord of Dark World!" Jaden said as the large figure cloaked in pitch black and silver armor stood in front of its mistress, ready to strike upon her command.
(Sillva, Warlord of Dark World ATK/2300 DEF/1400. If this card is discarded to the graveyard by a Card Effect, Special Summon it from the Graveyard. Then, if this card was discarded from your hand to your graveyard by an opponent's Card Effect, your opponent returns exactly 2 cards from their hand to the bottom of their deck in any order.)
"And I'll end my turn here, and if my math is right then you only have this last turn before your Swords of Revealing Light go poof. I suggest you make the most of it." Jaden said with a smirk as Dimitri scowled at her but drew his card.
"Wow. With that Burden of the Mighty on the field and that Warlord there's nothing in Dimitri's deck that can stand up to him!" Syrus said impressed and amazed at how well Jaden was doing.
"True. With no Egyptian God Cards in the deck Dark Magician was the strongest monster." Bastion said smirking slightly as well. Dimitri drew his card and scowled. He couldn't use this now, not without his Dark Magician on the field.
"I play one card face down and end my turn."
"And with that your spell goes up in smoke. My turn." Jaden said drawing a card and watching as the swords made of light faded out.
"First I play one card face down and now, Sillva attack his life points directly! Fury of the Warlord!" Jaden ordered and Sillva immediately dashed forward and took a hefty chunk out of Dimitris' life points.
Dimitri: 3300-2300=1000
"I refuse to give up! I believe in the heart of the cards! My draw!" Dimitri said and then stared down at his cards.
"I set a monster in defense mode and end my turn!" Dimitri said doing the only thing he could at the moment to try and keep from dying.
"My draw." Jaden said looking at her hand and nodding once.
"I place one card face down. Warlord destroy the face down monster." Jaden said calmly and the monster was destroyed, showing it to be Alpha Warrior before it was sent to the graveyard.
"I draw!...I set a card face down and end my turn." Dimitri said with a small wince and hoping that he would fall for it and attack.
"I draw…I activate my face down card Dark World Lightning! I target one face down card on the field and destroy it, at the cost of discarding one card from my hand! I choose your newest face down!" Jaden said and the card flipped up, showing that it was Magic Cylinder before it was destroyed.
"Now I activate my other face down, Dark Eruption! This lets me target 1 DARK monster with 1500 or less ATK in my Graveyard and add it to my hand! I chose my Goblin King!" Jaden said grabbing the card from her grave.
"Now I'll summon Goblin King on the field in ATK mode! He might not look like much but he's more than enough!" Jaden said causing the small green creature in a royal red robe and wearing a crown to appear sitting on a thrown.
"You see his base ATK and DEF are zero…but while I control another Fiend-Type monster he can't be attacked and he gains 1000 ATK and DEF for each Fiend Type monster on the field." Jaden said as the small weak looking being bulked up a bit.
(Goblin King Base ATK/0, Base DEF/0 one fiend type on the field ATK/1000 DEF/1000. While you control another Fiend-Type monster, this card cannot be attacked. The ATK and DEF of this card are each equal to the number of Fiend -Type monsters on the field, excluding this card, x 1000)
"Now Goblin King attack him directly! Royal Goblin Rush!" Jaden commanded.
"Why is she attacking with the Goblin King instead of the Warlord?" Syrus asked confused.
"It's a common used strategy when the opponent has a face down card still on the field. If she used Warlord to attack and it was another Magic Cylinder then she would lose, using Goblin King however means she'd lose a good bit of her remaining life points but still be in the game and he'd use up the spell or trap to stop Goblin King, leaving him open to Warlord." Bastion explained making Syrus nod in understanding.
"The end Dimitri. I win." Jaden said when Goblin King's attack connected and drained him of his remaining life points.
Dimitri 1000-1000=0!
Jaden/Lilith wins!
"Now you can choose to stop this charade and come with us of your own free will…or I can do to you what I did to Beauregard. Your choice copycat." Jaden said narrowing her golden and red eyes as she seemed to glide over the rocks towards the Ra student who seemed to be having a breakdown over not being able to win at all.
"That won't be necessary Jaden. After all I'm already here." Chancellor Sheppard called from atop the rocky cliff face and making Syrus and Chumley look surprised at everyone up there.
"I dare say we all enjoyed seeing the deck in action instead of in a case…although we do wished the duel went on longer it was to be expected that it'd end on such a note given how annoyed Jaden was." Sheppard said with a chuckle and causing Jaden to shrug her shoulders and then turn around to leave.
"I don't care much what happens now. I'm going to return the blazer and then go to sleep." Jaden said coldly as she climbed back up the cliff with ease and then nearly seemed to glide towards her fathers office, Bastion right on her heels.
"Do you need to feed?" Bastion asked quietly once they were away from everyone else.
"I fed a little on the duel energy but he didn't have a lot of it. I might need to take you up on that offer Bastion." Jaden said shooting him an apologetic but thankful look.
"I already promised to be a blood donor should you need it. Don't worry about a thing and just drink what you need." Bastion said smiling at her as he offered her his wrist, causing her to give him another thankful smile before she let her fangs out.
Bastion blushed when she was done and then fretted over him, making sure he got enough orange juice, and then iron rich foods the next day. He had no idea that it would feel that good to let her drink from him.
She smiled as well and she felt stronger than ever. It seems that the difference between bagged blood and fresh was obvious.