Chapter 12-A Strange Happy Ending

Former Espada # 3 Tia Harribel watched the place known as Seireitei from a good safe distance, masking her power so no one would see the former member of Aizen's elite watching, and seeing Zaraki Kenpachi being taken inside its wall to be healed at the 4th Division. The blonde haired woman narrowed her eyes, as she focused her line of vision of the bloody 11th Division member, and ran his name through her mind like she had before many times earlier.

Harribel heard of this Shinigami the instant he killed Nnoitra in battle and had become fascinated by this man calling himself the strongest Shinigami of every generation. This man had gone through Hell to get where he is now and to be honest it was something that made Harribel feel tingly all over. The former member of the Espada knew what it meant to be alone, for people to have joy in their hearts while she had nothing, and hated that feeling so damn much! From a distance, she had seen Kenpachi fight Aizen, and saw the 11th Division Captain come out on top. Then, Harribel saw an army of Hollows come out ready to devour the man in his weakened condition and the former Espada wanted to help the Shinigami Captain yet held back knowing that even she was not up to full strength due to Aizen's attack on her person. All Harribel could do was watch, as this Shinigami fought like a demon, and afterwards drag his body back to Seireitei.

This 11th Division Captain held answers to what it was she was seeking and Harribel have every intention of getting those answers out of him. Without that thought in her mind, Harribel left the spot she was standing, and began the process of sneaking into Seireitei to see this fascinating Shinigami.

(4th Division-5 Days Later)

Kenpachi was once more bandaged up head to toe, every medical means of sustaining his life was being utilized to keep the big man from dying, and two of his many wives (in their minds they were married) doing everything in their power to heal the 11th Division Captain. Soi Fon had a special patrol detail move around the 4th Division to ensure that only Shinigami got in to see him and told them all unauthorized individuals near the 4th Division were to be detained for questioning. Rangiku wanted to spend as much time with Kenpachi as possible so she dumped all her paperwork on the 10th Division 7th Seat Kōkichirō Takezoe with the threat that she would tell her husband the man was sexually harassing her.

Needless to say the man never left his room for some time.

Yachiru being the Vice Captain of the 11th Division that she was, did her duties to whip her surrogate Father's men into shape, but in a depressed, and almost angry way about it. Her Father had nearly died at the hands of the Espada, at the hands of Aizen, Gin, and all those Hollows that came afterwards all because the traitors took her away. The only real comfort given was Nemu, Kukaku, and the others all supporting Yachiru in this matter.

Nemu had stayed by Yachiru's side the whole time when she wasn't by Kenpachi's and helped keep the Vice Captain up to date on the man's road to recovery. Many of the other Shinigami were worried about the 11th Division Captain too, as the various rumors of what he did were spreading all over the place, and so many wondered if Zaraki Kenpachi was really some kind of demon? Or was he Kami's right hand of doom? No one really knew, but that didn't stop the rumors, and the enlistment number for the 11th Division tripled at the Shinigami Academy.

"How's he doing?" said Nanao, as she came into the room, and saw the Captain of the 4th Division going over the bandaged body of Kenpachi with a critical eye while determined not to let a single wound go unhealed by her abilities.

"Good. However, Kenpachi-kun's injuries from before were only just recently healed just prior to the wedding, and when he went to fight Aizen...," said Unohana, as she sensed Nanao's body tense at her words, and then went back to fixing up Kenpachi's wounds.

"They've reopened? All of them? How?" said Nanao, as she saw Unohana look back at her with a grave look, and then down at Kenpachi.

"I don't know Nanao-san. All I know is that Kenpachi-kun needs us now and I'm going to use all the power within my body to heal him," said Unohana, as she made Kenpachi's wounds her primary concern, and kissed him on the forehead to let him know if only on a subconscious level that everything would be okay.

Even the grunts from the 11th Division that were sent to the 4th for medical care were at the moment acting respectful, as they knew that with their Captain down, and the female Captain of this one was in no mood for their wildness. Quite frankly...they didn't feel like it right now. All that mattered to them was their Captain, who they swore to follow, to fight, and die for should he give the order. Ikkaku and Yumichika had requested to be a part of the guarding detail for their Captain to further assist Soi Fon's assigned patrol.

They along with the others knew that just because Aizen along with Gin were dead, didn't mean that those loyal to Aizen were not, and seek to avenge the traitorous Shinigami by finishing off Kenpachi in his weakened condition. At least one Espada had not died while some of the higher numbered Arrancar in Hueco Mundo were still lingering about trying to make a name for themselves.

What better way, then to slay the Shinigami, who killed Aizen, Gin, most of the Espada, and an army of Hollows coming out after it was over.

"I just recently spoke to Soi Fon and she says that there are reports of one of the Espada we lost track of being spotted in Seireitei," said Nanao, as she saw Unohana looking up with worry, and then down at Kenpachi knowing the man was a sitting duck.

"Does she know which one?" said Unohana, as she saw shake her head, and looking at Kenpachi too with worry.

"No. From what Soi Fon can gather, it was a female one, but that Nel Tu woman is with Ichigo, and Orihime right now so its not her. Captain Hitsugaya believes from the various descriptions that it is the other Espada woman named Tia Harribel, who attacked, and lost to Aizen before she fell with everything thinking she perished at his hands," said Nanao, as she saw Unohana knowing the woman's name from the reports, and was ranked # 3 among the Espada like Nel Tu was.

"If she finds out Kenpachi is here and vulnerable...," said Unohana, as she was thinking of moving Kenpachi elsewhere, but if they did, it could make him even more vulnerable then before, and they still didn't know the reason why this Espada was here.

"Yes I know. Already she's having every available member of her Division looking for Harribel and the other Divisions are doing the same. Soi Fon is doing everything in her power to make sure that woman doesn't get within spitting distance of Kenpachi-kun," said Nanao, as she saw Soi Fon sending out every member of her division out with orders to detain, and kill the former Espada if she resists," said Nanao, as she sit beside the tall 11th Division Captain, and runs her hand through his hair.

"That...feels good," said Kenpachi, as he opened his eyes (with one being blocked by the eye patch), and saw the two women looking at him with happiness upon his return from the land of the unconscious.

"Kenpachi-kun! Don't scare us like that. You nearly died again this time and is the most serious one to date," said Unohana, as both women had embraced the bandaged man, and rested their heads on his chest to hear that wonderful music known as the heartbeat.

Kenpachi's heartbeat to be more precise.

"I don't think I'll be doing anything like that anytime soon, which is good since I intend to spend some time with you, and the rest of the girls on our honeymoon," said Kenpachi, as he grinned despite the pain, and kissed both women on their foreheads that made them blush crimson.

"Even though the wedding was crashed by Gin and we were never officially married under the laws of Seireitei?" said Nanao, as she heard Kenpachi snort, and coughed in pain for doing it.

"Screw the laws. We're married in the eyes of each other and I'll get the old man to make it official right now if someone can get everyone together," said Kenpachi, as he now saw them look excited at the prospect, but then fearful of something that they had yet to tell him, and wondered what it was.

"Things got a little hectic after your return Kenpachi-kun. We have to wait until certain things settle down," said Nanao, as she saw the man frown, and began to worry since the 11th Division Captain would want to know.

"What do you mean? Aizen is dead along with his most loyal Espada. What is there left to be worried about?" said Kenpachi, as he tried to get up, but the two women wouldn't let him, and looked even more worried at sensing his spirit energy spiking.

"There were sightings while you were unconscious of one of the Espada known as Tia Harribel. While she has no love for Aizen for his backstabbing her, it is possible that Harribel wants to kill you for taking away the vengeance she so desires," said Unohana, as she saw Kenpachi smirk, and once more tried to sit up.

"That's not it. I know what she's after and its not a fight," said Kenpachi, as he succeeded in sitting up, but that was as far as he got, and saw them looking even more worried for his safety despite what he just told them.

"You need to rest Kenpachi-kun. Your wounds are still sever and even you can't continue to push yourself too far the way the things are," said Unohana, as she saw some of the bandages turning crimson, and saw some of the wound reopening.

"Can't. She already knows I fought Aizen and won. She also knows I took a bad beating and knows I'm here recovering. She could have struck at any time, but chose not to, and went into hiding within Seireitei until the time is right. Remember that Espada chick was ranked # 3 and is a high Captain level. If this Harribel wanted to fight her way to see me, I guaran-damn-tee you she would have done it by now, and killed my ass before anyone could stop her," said Kenpachi, as he saw the wheelchair from before in the corner, and knew he would need it to get around.

"So what do you propose exactly? Have you leave my division and use you as bait?" said Unohana, as she saw look at her, and saw it as a definite yes to the idea.

"Like I said Unohana-chan, this woman isn't out to kill me. Call it a warrior's intuition," said Kenpachi, as he saw them pleading with him one more time, but 11th Division Captain knew this needed to be resolved, and this former Espada wasn't going to go away until she got what she wanted.

So that's what Kenpachi was going to consequences be damned.

(Somewhere Between the 5th and 6th Division)

Harribel cursed herself for being spotted some low ranked Shinigami and sounded the alarm instantly before she could even consider silencing him. Its not like she was here to kill anyone...yet. She needed answers to the questions plaguing her heat and only that barbaric, strong, and sexy looking...wait! Did she just think of him as sexy? No! No! She couldn't like him. He was a Shinigami and she was an Arrancar of the once great Espada led by Aizen.

If anything, the man should be fighting her to the death!

'This is absurd! I'm now one of the strongest beings in all of Hueco Munda and even Soul Society only to hide away like I was some weak animal,' thought Harribel, as she kept her own power down as much as she could given her level, and had several close calls from several patrols from various divisions.

"Keep searching. This Arrancar is around here and I want her found as of last week!" said Soi Fon, as she had sharp detection skills, and knew they were close.

'Oh screw it! I'm going to see this Zaraki Kenpachi,' thought Harribel, as she leaped out of her hiding spot with her power washing over Seireitei to get everyone's attention, and headed straight for the 4th Division.

"Stop her! Stop her now!" said Soi Fon, as she along with every other Shinigami in the area was now swarming to stop Harribel making her way to the 4th Division.

Harribel was dodging them easily while moving from one place to the next, as she was making her way to the 4th Division, and had to knock back a few that got in her way. They wouldn't die, but they wouldn't walk away from where they crashed either, and to be honest the female Arrancar didn't care.

"Out of my way!" said Harribel, as she spin kicked a low ranked Shinigami grunt in the head, and sent him into a nearby wall that helped in giving her a shortcut to the 4th Division.

"You're not going anywhere Espada!" said Soi Fon, as she got in front of Harribel, and began launching hand to hand fighting skills on the female Arrancar while in high in the air.

"That's what you think!" said Harribel, as she blocked a punch, and countered with an fierce uppercut followed up by a vertical kick down that sent the 2nd Division into the ground beneath them.

With no more time to waist, Harribel moved towards the 4th Division area, and when she arrived was surprised to see the 11th Division Captain in a wheelchair waiting for her with a shark like grin on his face. Behind him were several female Shinigami, who from what the female Arrancar understood were supposed to be his wives, and they were not pleased in the slightest.

"Took you long enough to get here. And I thought Yachiru was bad with directions," said Kenpachi, as he chuckled at Harribel while Soi Fon appeared behind said former Espada, and looked ready to kill.

"I didn't come here to fight anyone. I just wanted answers to question I believe only you know," said Harribel, as she saw Kenpachi chuckle a little more before coughing, and blood leaked out of his mouth that Unohana along with Isane quickly helped him with.

"Answers? Questions? What the Hell are you even talking about?" said Kenpachi, as he thought it was kind of funny this woman, and a former Espada at that wanted his help with something he might not even know nothing about.

"When I first heard of you, it was when Nnoitra was declared dead at your hands, and I wanted to know more about you. Even after Aizen attempt to kill me failed, I watched you while I healed, and saw some of the things that transpired that led up to your eventual final battle with Aizen. I saw you fight in a way I've never seen anyone fight before and I want to know why I feel something strange running through my body every time I look at you. I get this way when you fight, when you make love to your wives, and even now as I look at your current state I feel my heart aching inside," said Harribel, as she didn't really understand emotions like others did, and wanted to know why she felt this feeling inside her body when she looked at Kenpachi.

'Don't tell me this woman has...has...,' thought the other wives of Kenpachi's harem, as they saw Harribel looking at him for answers, and he would have if it wasn't for a little girl beating him to the punch.

"Sharky-chan has feelings for Ken-chan!" said Yachiru, as she seemingly popped out of nowhere, and onto Kenpachi's lap with a smile on her face at seeing her surrogate Father awake along with another woman interested in him.

Even if the said woman was an Arrancar and former Espada of Aizen.

"I have what?" said Harribel, as she didn't know whether to be happy, or possibly insulted by this pink haired girl smiling a million watt smile on her face.

"Feelings for Ken-chan. You're just the others. You like Ken-chan and want to be my new Mommy-chan!" said Yachiru, as she saw that even with the coverings, there was a noticeable blush behind it on Harribel's face, and now looking away.

"I don't have feelings for your 'Ken-chan'. Besides, I'm an Arrancar, and a former Espada of Aizen's army," said Harribel, as she glared at Yachiru, who just kept on smiling before getting off Kenpachi's lap, and surprising everyone just walked up to the woman.

"Ken-chan doesn't care if you are an Arrancar or former Espada Sharky-chan! Ken-chan said it himself once about appearances a while back. 'Outward appearances has nothing to do with fighting' and I think you believe that too!" said Yachiru, as she saw Harribel look at her with surprise, and then at Kenpachi now having a raised eyebrow.

"The brat's got a point there lady. I also got to say from what I'm seeing, you are one fine looking woman, and strong too if your former rank in Aizen-teme's ranks is anything to go by," said Kenpachi, as he saw Harribel blush behind her face covering, and Yachiru was laughing at the sight of it.

"Sharky-chan likes Ken-chan! You can see it all over her face," said Yachiru, as she ignored the female Arrancar glaring at her, and moved to sit on Kenpachi's lap again.

"I don't know Yachiru-chan. I don't think she can be trusted," said Rangiku, as she didn't like the fact that this woman had a bust that rivaled hers, and didn't like being third place in that department if not tied for second.

"Why not? We let Nel-chan in and she's always snuggling up to Icchi whenever she gets a chance. Sharky-chan can do the same with Ken-chan!" said Yachiru, as she had seen the two together when the blonde wasn't with Orihime, and she knew that they shared the substitute Shinigami like her new Mommies shared her Father.

"She's got a point," said Kukaku, as she had seen the trio together with Orihime being the shy one of the group, and Nel being the ever energetic adult she was (after her mask was fixed) loved being around the two so much.

'So I feel this way because I'm attracted to him?' But...that makes no sense! I mean I'm an Arrancar and he's a Shinigami. How can we be together? Even if we could, the guy's got so many women with him, and I'd just make everyone uneasy,' thought Harribel, as she looked away, and barely saw Soi Fon still tense should anything happen.

It was only from the gasps of the women around Kenpachi did Harribel turn to see the Shinigami get out of his wheelchair and walk towards her person. The fact he was even walking while using his sword like a crutch to get to her was impressive in itself since the 11th Division Captain's body had to be in constant pain with every movement he made until Zaraki Kenpachi had stopped right in front of the former Espada woman.

"Just because your an Arrancar and I' m a Shinigami doesn't mean we have to be enemies like all that stereotypical bullshit you heard Aizen-teme go on about while following him around. You're you and I'm me," said Kenpachi, as he raised a bandaged hand, and did the one thing no one else had done to Harribel in her entire life.

He reached the zipper of her shirt and moved it up until it no longer hid her face to reveal the lower part of her face being that of a Hollow mask with teeth of that of a shark.

'Why did I let him do that? I should run my zanpakuto right through him and yet...I didn't. Why?' thought Harribel, as she saw Kenpachi look at her for the longest few seconds of her life, and then grinned a shark like grin of his own.

"You have got one of the most bloodthirsty and sexiest smiles I have ever seen on a face like yours," said Kenpachi before letting out a chuckle at Harribel's face now so flushed nearly had her mask doing the same.

"S-Shut up you," said Harribel, as she looked away in embarrassment at fact it was all she could say to him with a stutter no less, but even then his presence out of the corner of her eyes was not something you could easily miss, and the large hand he was now placing on the side of her face.

"Tell you what. We go on a few dates, get to know each other, and see if we should take things farther. Aizen's dead, you've got nowhere to go outside of Seireitei, and I'm sure you being an Arrancar won't be an issue for the Captain-General. Not to mention you are just as strong as any Captain in Seireitei and you could become one if you wanted to be one," said Kenpachi, as he knew that like that woman Nel, who was always drowning Ichigo in her boobs, the woman in front of him right now named Tia Harribel could be granted the chance to be a part of Seireitei regardless of her previous occupation, and be something great.

"I'm not going to be punished for sneaking in and going through Shinigami that got in my way?" said Harribel, as she saw Kenpachi laughing at that before coughing, and trying to regain some measure of stable breathing after spitting out some blood.

"How do you think I got into the Shinigami Academy when I arrived with Yachiru? We came crashing in to this place before literally knocking down the 1st Division's door and demanded to the old man that we be part of it. I took out a few of the Captain-General's own Shinigami, but I didn't kill them, which I can tell the one's got in your way you didn't either, and you can always bond with that Nel chick again since you two are of the same rank," said Kenpachi, as he saw Harribel think about it for a second, and then just nodded her head in agreement.

"I accept," said Harribel, as she saw the women behind him looking peeved, and Soi Fon behind her was growling out in anger.

(A Few Months Later)

Kenpachi sighed, finishing all his paperwork that his 3rd Seat would do with his 5th Seat helping to make the workload go by faster, and wondered how those two idiots got girls of their own. For Ikkaku, it was something no one expected since not many like date bald men, and many suspected it would be a cold day in Hell before Ikkaku got someone since his Captain basically took most of the hottest women in Seireitei with the others going to Ichigo.

However, it came to everyone's surprise that a human girl named Mizuho Asano, who has a thing for strong men with shaved/bald heads, and loved the way Ikkaku acted to tough. For many, it wasn't unlike Ichigo's own Father, who left Soul Society, and fell in love with a human woman. It was a bit difficult to see who was the "dominant one" in that relationship since Mizuho was pretty bossy herself from years of practice in enforcing her will on her little brother Keigo.

As for Yumichika, he had found love in the ever serious woman of a Vizard named Lisa Yadomaru, and found they had a common interest (strangely enough) in the erotic manga she liked to read. It soon expanded from their with Yumichika finally proving he was not gay (just really metro sexual) by being with Lisa, who wore the pants in their marriage, and had the 11th Division 5th Seat "whipped" if you will.

The fact that sounds could be heard from their bedroom with Lisa shouting "say you like eating my beautiful carpet" had nothing to do with it.

As for Kenpachi, after getting the marriages to all lovely women in his life (Harribel soon after) made official, they had one big honeymoon with their subordinates to handle the paperwork, and upon coming back had gotten each woman pregnant with his child. Kind of strange for a man with no sense of direction could be that accurate with his little guys in terms of getting his women pregnant. However strange it was, it had happened with each woman now showing some signs of being with child, and each having their own strange eating habits.

Rangiku's being among the strangest and Kenpachi had to enlist Orihime to help cook the weird meals that the woman desired.

Still, Kenpachi was happy to be a Father, both as a surrogate with Yachiru, and soon to be by blood that in few more years would be here. Sighing a content sigh at finally having what was long denied (by himself and others), the 11th Division Captain decided to head home for the day to be with his wives, and see to it that the many years worth of food he had stocked up for their pregnancies wasn't already depleted yet.

Granted Yachiru was taking care of them now, but the girl was still a child herself, and even with Ganju helping (more like doing most of the work) Yachiru it was still a very difficult task of attending to so many pregnant women. The least fussy out of all of his wives was Nemu, who was glowing at the prospect of being a Mother, and was thinking of names for her baby.

Harribel was taking her own pregnancy very well, as Nel came to visit, and showing her own belly also growing a child inside of her. Ichigo was yelled at when he came over with Nel by Kukaku (hormones were making her more violent then usual) and had it not been for being pregnant with Kenpachi's baby as it was would have made sure the spiky orange haired boy could never produce the means to have kids again.

Rangiku was using her own pregnancy to its fullest to get out of doing all the paperwork that was backed up following the honeymoon and chastising her Captain (in an highly overdramatic fashion) for being so heartless. So after much weeping, crying, and the guilt trip Rangiku laid on the child Prodigy was enough to get her to rest up at the new "Zaraki Estate" as it was called for an undetermined amount of time.

The fact Rangiku threatened Toshiro with that of crying to her new husband about her mean Captain making her do paperwork while pregnant had nothing to do with getting out of work with pay.



Well...maybe a little since this was Matsumoto Rangiku after all.

Making his way to his house, Kenpachi took off his Captain's coat, and headed toward the massive bedroom where he along with all his wives slept. When he entered the room, it came as no surprise to him to see them sound asleep, on their back since by this point sleeping on your stomach was a big "NO!" for them, and a sleeping Yachiru in the spot in the center with a note written in pink saying "This spot reserved for Ken-chan!" on it.

'That's my girl,' thought Kenpachi, as he was tired too, and somehow managed to get into bed without waking anyone while placing Yachiru on his stomach. The little squirmed a bit once placed on his muscled body before curling up further like a cat and letting out a cat like yawn in the process before sleep further instilled its hold on the Vice Captain.

To Kenpachi's right, was Zaraki Nemu, who was proud to be the Mother of his child, and knew the next best thing to having it was to give the child a name. To his left was Zaraki Shiba Kukaku, who also loved him so very damn much, and never found a greater sense of bliss (outside of having sex) then being in his arms like this. The loss of losing her brother had hurt Kukaku, but being with Kenpachi before that, and then again after they reconciled had removed the rift between them. In fact, their relationship only got stronger when the Shiba now Zaraki woman found out she was pregnant, and was happy knowing she was going to be a Mother.

She would joke in front of her brother Ganju about all the things she was going to teach her baby to help keep her little brother in line like Yachiru did already.

All was now right within the realm of Soul Society at the moment, as there was no real threat to the Universe as a whole right now, and Kenpachi had his family with Yachiru benefiting from all of it.

All in all this was one strange happy ending.

But a happy ending nonetheless fitting for a Kenpachi.


(Omake-Nemu Idea)

"Kenpachi-kun, I have come up with an idea to a problem I realized would happen upon most of, if not all of us got pregnant with your child, and wanted to tell you the news," said Nemu, as she was next to a wall that had a curtain, and prepared to unveil her idea.

"Really? I'm interested," said Kenpachi, as he was doing paperwork with his 3rd, and 5th Seat in the room wanting to see this too.

"As you know, during our honeymoon with the others, it is clear that due to your high spirit energy, your sperm will also be very potent every time we are together in a sexual nature. As such, your sexual desires will suffer during this time we are pregnant with your children, and will need to sate your desires in the Months to come while needing an assistant to help you with your paperwork load. So using my knowledge I collected from the 12th Division regarding my own creation, I was able to use it to clone myself, and give to you my husband an army of Nemu mistresses to wait on your every need," said Nemu, as she removed the curtain to see an army of scantily clad Nemu clones, and each of them looking directly at Kenpachi.

'HOLY SHIT!' thought Ikkaku, Yumichika, and more importantly Kenpachi at the sight of the army of Nemu clones all ready to please the 11th Division at his command.

"Command us in whatever way you see fit Kenpachi-kun. We can do your paperwork or if you wish, you can make love to us, and use our bodies to sate your lust. Forever and ever and ever," said the army of Nemu clones all awaiting to obey whatever command Kenpachi would give for either professional or pleasurable use.

"YOU ARE A GOD AMONGST MEN! WE ARE NOT WORTHY! WE ARE NOT WORTHY! WE ARE WORMS! WE ARE WORMS" yelled out Ikkaku and Yumichika, as they got on their knee, and bowed to their Captain like he was a God that deserved to be worshipped.

"SHUT UP AND GET OUT OF MY OFFICE! I to do and it requires all these lovely Nemu's to help me," said Kenpachi, as he looked at the army of women with lust, and then glared at his two male subordinates to leave before he went on a rampage the likes of which had never been seen.

For the rest of the day, no one disturbed Zaraki Kenpachi, and ignored the female noises of pleasure coming from the room.

(End Omake)

(YAY! Its over. This fic is finally over. It was a fun ride that's to be sure, but all good things must come to an end, and I must do so now before taking a well deserved rest from writing since my muse is calling for a temporary vacation. Not a long one, but a much needed one, which I must admit is long overdue, and once rest will be back to take on my other fics that need updating. Until next time...PEACE!!!)