![]() Author has written 29 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Beyblade, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Final Fantasy VII, Inuyasha, Seto no Hanayome, Gundam Wing/AC, and Rush Hour. Sup' this is The Only Love For Soujiro Seta! I was complete opposite with Soujiro Seta from Rurouni Kenshin.He is awesome! I like Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Naruto, Code Geass, DBZ, Erueka 7, Spider Raiders, Beyblade, and many others. I don't like Coffee-it's disgusting but I LOVE chocolate and it makes me sleepy. It does the oppisite of what it does to other ppl who drink to wake up in the morning. I adore yaoi-it's my favoirte. I don't mind yuri, seeing as I only have a few pairings of them :3 Fav Couples: Rurouni Kenshin: Kenshin/Kaoru, Kaoru-Centric Naruto: Temari/Shikamaru, Sasuke/Naruto (minor: Neji/Gaara, Neji/Shikamaru, Shikamaru/Gaara) YugiOh: Seto/Jou, Jounouchi-Centric Inuyasha: Sesshomaru/Rin Yu Yu Hakusho: Kurama/Hiei Beyblade: Rei/Kai (minor: (Metal) Hikaru-Centric) Sailor Moon: Usagi-Centric Code Geass: Lulu/Suzu (minor: too many) Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Hibari/Tsuna/Mukuro (minor: Tsuna-Centric) Full Metal Alchemist: Envy/Edward Card Captor Sakura: Syaoran/Sakura (and in Tsubasa), Toya/Yukito(Yue) (minor: Syaoran/Eroil ) Digimon:Jerri/Takato, Ken/TK, (minor: Mimi/Joe, Tk/Kari, Koji/Takuya, Koji/Kouichii,Koji/Kouichii/Takuya (3-some)) Gundam Wing: Relena/Heero, Trowa/Quetra Gundam Seed: ASUCAGA!, Cagalli-Centric Bleach: Orohime/Ulquiorra, Ichigo/Grimm (minor: Orohime/Ichigo, Gin/Rangiku, Yoruichi/Soi Fon (these two need more love)) DBZ: Bulma/Vegeta, Trunks/17 Justice League: Batman/WonderWoman (must need more LUV!!) Yugioh 5D's: Jack/Carly(needs more luv!), Jack/Yusei (minor: Yusei/Akiza) Guilty Crown: Daryl/Tsugumi (4EVER!) HunterXHunter '11ver: Gon/Hisoka (yum :3, Gon needs to get older lol), Gon/Killua Night Walker: Shido/Riho (Tch, of course :3) SUITS: Harvey/Mike (Woa! My very first BL pairing that came from TV :D) SUPERNATURAL: Dean/Castiel (Woot! Dean-TOP always! and my second BL pairing that came from tv :D) 12/08/07: OMG now i know why ppl like Boyz, holy crap, i re-read it and it was actually pretty imaginable, so guess i can think of other parts for the story and...has anyone read Sweet Sugar, i know its a Yuri but you know...i've never wrote a yuri before. the story Sorry is a on completly on HOLD right now, i really have now idea where i'm going with this And the story The Dragon that Stole My Heart is on complet HOLD, like i said before i have no idea where i'm going with this but the reviwer that suggeted something for the story gave me a few tricks for the story but i'm still at a loss. Only You, please review that story, I only wrote it because i thought Boyz was going to flop and i wrote Boyz when i was in middle school, and the only reason why Only You for the frist chapter is bad, is becuase my computer didn't want to open Micorsoft Word so i had to write it in Word Pad, and Word Pad doesn't really have speel check. Also, don't even read the Shika/Tema story i really have to do something about that story cause it just seems horrible 12/22/10: The Gaara/Naruto "You're Worth Living" is on HITATIS because I lost the story, sry fans. I'd hate to re-write the story, so I'm going to continue to look for it. 6/7/11: I will changing a few things with Gaara and It All Started With A Pregnancy Test stories--I want the chapters to be longer so I'm going to changing/adding/deleting some things to chapters 11/11/11: I have many things coming up but it's not going to be anytime soon. "Forbidden Romance" "Gaara" "You're Worth Living" "It All Started With A Pregnancy Test" are all going to be updated, yay! I also thought of a new Jou/Seto Yugoh story, I've came up with many chapters so be prepared for that :3 "My Choice" "The White Wolf and His Jewel" "The Dragon That Stole My Heart" all great Rurouni Kenshin stories, are all getting a make over, well kinda. "My Choice" formally known as "Sorry" is finally getting more chapters. The other two stories are getting completely different stories but pretty much the same plot. They will still be up, I don't intend to delete any of those stories. And I was thinking about OneShot Drabbels of most the couples I haven't made stories for. Athrun/Cagalli–Gundam Seed, Kurama/Hiei–Yu Yu Hakusho, Envy/Ed–FMA, Sesshomaru/Rin–Inuyasha and many others, Digimon couples, Bleach and many others. 7/29/2012: "What? Another update? But what about the stories you keep promising us?!" Yea...about that lol, I can assure you that I have not abandoned the stories, I just haven't gotten around to updating them (Lame I know). Well just know that I have been working on two Sesshomaru/Rin fics! Yay and I have been working on Hikaru/Kyoya from Beyblade Metal Maters, I love that couple! I really wish I could upload incomplete stories/chapters so you can at least read them so if I don't finish them, you guys can get the gist of it. And I really gotten into Kurama/Jou cross over fics, Yu Yu Hakusho x Yugioh lol yea...sorry they are just kinda of sexy together. Now i know why people like cross overs so much and why there are so many Sesshomaru/Kagome fans (Sorry people but I am NOT one of them, I loath even the idea of them being a couple) 06/12/2014: It seems that I missed 2013 lol, well yea I haven't been in the writings lately only because of school. But I have many unfinished one-shots and random chapters to stories -; so yea, nothing positively productive tho. I need to just do it. But let's just hope that this summer will be more productive in writing. (But there's soo many games that I want to play lol) 07/24/2015: Oh jeeze well...its the summer again and I have yet to ever start to type up those one-shots. Haven't been through plot planning with my unfinished stories, so I know I need to do that at least for one of the my stories. The only thing that I've done with promise is...GAMING! Omg! Ever since I got my own PS3 (so now I don't have to share with my bros) I've been on a game binge ever since the start of summer X'D |