As always, this ended up being a bit longer than I had anticipated. So I broke it into two parts. The second chapter is mostly finished. Which means hopefully not too much time in-between posts.

I apologize if there are more errors than usual. I wrote most of this on my iPhone, during the half hour commute on the bus.

'Hey! I'm not answering my phone right now, obviously, so call me back later!'

Kaoru swore under her breath, disconnected the call and then hit redial. Even with the phone pressed tightly against her ear, she couldn't quite manage to block out the echo that followed each of her heartbeats.

'Hey! I'm not...'

Lowering her phone as the call went to voicemail again, she swallowed painfully and wondered what she was going to do. The bathroom she was hiding in was beautiful and spacious, with its large shower, tub and marble floors. But all she wanted was the worn, comfortable familiarity of her home.

"Your friend seems to have turned her phone off."

Her phone creaked dangerously with the amount of pressure she excerpted and she forced her fingers to unlock. And that voice was the reason she was hiding like a child instead of acting like an adult. Glancing at the lock to verify it was still in place, she took a deep breath.

"I'll wait."

The silence was hardly relaxing. She knew he was sitting outside, could almost feel the weight of him pressing against the door. The echo of her heartbeat was his. She knew that given time, they'd settle into a rhythm that would make it impossible to tell one heartbeat from another.

She thought she was going to throw up.

"Perhaps you'd like to come out?"

Kaoru shook her head firmly, even if he couldn't see it. "No."

More silence. Kaoru was going to cause physical damage as soon as she saw her best friend. She could take responsibility for her actions, although this particular pill was not going to be easy to swallow. But in moments of crisis – and this was a crisis– Misao had absolutely no excuse to not answer her phone.

"I'm Kenshin."

Kaoru crossed her arms and hunched into herself. The floor was cold, she was wearing the sheet she had grabbed in her mad dash to the bathroom and she felt like bawling. It was only stupid luck that she'd tripped over her purse and brought it with her. But it wouldn't do her any good if Misao didn't answer her phone!

"I can order breakfast."

He wasn't going away. Scowling at the door, she bunched the sheet under her breasts and growled. "Look, waking up heart-bonded to a complete stranger with nothing but my purse and apparent wedding ring doesn't make me hungry. It makes me want to throw up. And I think the situation completely warrants the fact that I'm freaking out, okay?"

And oh gods, did she care that he was going to think that she's crazy? Pressing her face into her knees, she started counting breaths, desperately trying to fake some calm until she actually managed it. When he spoke again, his voice had lost that placating tone that made her want to fling something at his head. He still sounded too patient, but she had the sense that he wasn't as indifferent as she'd thought.

"I apologize. I'm not... Would you like a robe?"

Kaoru turned to glare at the door. "Is that a rhetorical question?"

A huff of a breath, as if she was starting to fray the edges of his temper. There was no need to irritate the possibly crazy person she'd married. Closing her eyes, she swallowed her pride. "I would really appreciate a robe. Please."

"Okay. I'll get you one."

Nodding, even though she knew he couldn't see it, Kaoru took a deep breath. Then she found the courage to stand up, so that when he returned she could open the door. She felt him approach before she heard him and she refused to admit that her fingers trembled when she turned the lock. Slowly, hand white knuckled in the sheet, she peeked around the door.

He was short, only a few inches taller than she was and he looked exhausted. His hair was shockingly red and his eyes a mix of gold and near indigo blue. He'd found his pants and pulled on his shirt, but hadn't been able to close it since she'd apparently torn several buttons. Her face burned with embarrassment. At least he appeared to be Fae. She'd never forgive herself if she'd heart-bonded a human in a drunken haze.

"Hi." He said softly, offering her a heavy hotel robe. Swallowing once, she pulled the door open enough to take what he offered. Holding it tightly to her chest she lifted her chin.

"Is there coffee?"

He tilted his head and considered her. "There can be."

"I'd appreciate coffee."

His mouth quirked at edge and she narrowed her eyes, but nothing else about him changed. When he nodded, she shut the door in his face and leaned against it. She gave herself one more moment of self-pity and terror. Then she dropped the sheet and pulled on the robe. Warmer now that she was appropriately covered, she avoided looking into the mirror and forced herself to leave the bathroom.

He'd moved into the kitchenette. And from the sounds, he was fussing with the coffee maker. She knew he felt her approach, the bond was too new not to be sensitive, but he didn't move until she'd sat down.

"I'm afraid I don't remember much of last night." He said finally looking up at her as he rested his hip against the counter. "That is... unusual for me."

Kaoru shook her head. "I don't remember you at all. That's never happened before."

His brows tucked together as he turned away from her. She wondered what he was thinking. Resisting the urge to press her hand to her chest to feel that strange double beat, she accepted her coffee when he offered it.

"So now what."

Those unusual eyes glanced at her. "I don't know. It would have been one thing if we'd only exchanged vows but..."

Kaoru winced. She was most definitely sore. And the feel of his heartbeat told her magic had been part of whatever marriage ceremony had been performed. A heart-bond was no light matter. Chewing on her bottom lip, she stared at the man in front of her. What had she seen, what kind of compatibility was between them that she'd heart-bonded a complete stranger?

"My name is Kaoru Kamiya." She told him reluctantly. "You said your name was Kenshin?"

"Yes. Kenshin Himura."

Kaoru nodded. Before she could start the conversation they needed to have – was there someone else he'd been seeing; where did he normally live – the front door exploded inward. She didn't have time to react before the world tilted and she was pressed against what might have been the hallway wall.

"Dammit! Kenshin! You fucking asshole, I thought you were dead!"

Kaoru blinked twice when she realized how firmly she was pressed against Kenshin's chest. And that he was holding a gun.

"Sano. You should've knocked."

"That doesn't mean you should've shot me!" More swearing was coming from the sitting area and Kaoru poked the firm abdomen in front of her.

"You're too close."

He blinked and looked at her. The slightly dazed look that had been part of his expression all morning was gone; burned away by the adrenaline. But the sudden, unexpected intensity behind his eyes caught her off guard; the way he arched an eyebrow said how he felt about her comment. Fighting down a blush, she set her jaw.

"I don't care if I spent all of last night rolling around naked with you. I don't remember it. So. Space. Now."

She wished desperately that she knew what that expression behind his eyes meant. But he stepped back and the gun disappeared. Nodding her thanks, she followed him back into the sitting room and stared.

This Sano was not short. His height spoke of more than just Fae blood, as did the easy strength in which he was putting the door back into place with one hand. His other hand was pressed against a bleeding thigh.

He'd shot his apparent friend. Without any hesitation. She'd probably freak out about that in a moment.

"Sano. Why are you here?"

"You mean other than the fact that Magdalia was found dead this morning? And that the last person who'd been seen with her was you. Or how about the fact that you didn't return to your hotel room? Oh! Or that Megumi's spells went nuts before you dropped off the grid? The ones worked into your aura! Of course I was worried."

Kaoru swallowed at the sudden knot in her throat. Who was Magdalia? Megumi? And who - what - had she married?

Kenshin shook his head. "I remember meeting with Magdalia as planned but anything after the casino is gone."

Sano's eyes cut over to Kaoru, who narrowed her eyes. "Oh, don't look at me. I don't even know where we are or what hotel this is."

"Don't yell, had to check. For something to knock Kenshin off his game this badly..."


Sano lifted his hand from his leg and glared at it. Kaoru was surprised to see the wound had closed over. Then he scowled at Kenshin.

"You disappeared. Like I said, wasn't worried until Meg called panicking. Aoshi's been combing the city for you. He finally got a tip that you were here and I was the closest. I ended up walking the halls, couldn't feel you till I got close. How was I supposed to know you'd gotten married and were hiding?"

Looking from one to the other, Kaoru's breath hitched as she glanced at Kenshin. His eyes were more gold than blue and the sudden sparking awareness down her spine surprised her. But it was the sudden, predator stillness to him that made her insides flutter.

"The last thing I remember is getting into a cab and returning to my hotel. Is that where we met?" Kaoru fiddled with the ends of her belt. "I wouldn't have gone into the casino or the bar."

Both men glanced at her and Sano blinked. "Wait, what do you mean 'is that where you met?' You don't know?"

Kenshin ran his hands through his bangs. "No."

"... But you got married last night."


Kaoru was relieved that someone seemed more shocked by her marriage than her. But the shock on his face was draining away and the alertness rising behind his eyes made the butterflies in her stomach worse.

"What did she hit you with?"

"How did Magdalia die, Sano?"

"She was cut in half."

Kaoru gripped her belt and slid around the biggest piece of furniture in the room. Kenshin watched her and she swallowed hard to keep her panic from overriding her common sense.

"Kaoru," he said carefully.

"What exactly are you?" She asked flatly, proud that her voice didn't break with the strain she was feeling.

"I was an assassin." He said quietly. "Previously, I worked across the veil and for the military. Until yesterday, I worked with a friend. We look into cases either the human police cannot or our people will not. I've never killed for the joy of it."

Kaoru licked her lips. She should've doubted him. He seemed so unconcerned that he'd apparently killed someone last night. He'd also just shot someone in front of her. She would've doubted him, except the bond between them told her his words were true. "You're not a part blood."

"No, I am not."

Kaoru shook her head and swallowed. "Then how did this happen? It should've been impossible for you to be drunk enough to not remember, even with what they serve here. And there are rules to prevent this kind of bonding while inebriated."

Sano made a gesture. "And ways around them. What are you doing in Vegas?"

Kaoru blinked at him, still feeling her panic thrumming at the back of her mind. An assassin. Misao was never going to let her live this down. "What?"

"What brought you to Vegas?"

"To Vegas? It's my friend's birthday. She likes the Casinos." She pushed her hair out of her face. "We went to dinner and then a show. I ended up taking a cab back to our hotel because I was tired and she wanted to meet with someone."

"What is it that you do?"

Kaoru tilted her head uncertainly. "I'm an instructor. But what does that have to go with getting black out drunk and married?"

"She isn't involved." Kenshin told Sano. The firmness to his tone surprised her. "I killed Magdalia for a reason. If she'd been involved I wouldn't have married her, regardless of our compatibility."

Kaoru chewed her lip, staring at him. "How compatible do you suppose we are?"

Indigo blue eyes caught hers, held them. "Very."

Kaoru nodded slowly. Compatibility was complicated. Part magic, part instinct and part personality it was a barometer that helped defined relationships among the Fae. The only Fae she'd ever met and connected with instantly was Misao, but their compatibility was in their personalities and magic. Her dad had told her that she'd know when it was different, when physical attraction became the spark that lit compatibility into something extra. Something more. He just never told her what to do when she woke up heart-bound to an assassin who she didn't remember meeting.

"Then you were right. Magdalia was obviously involved in the disappearances." Sano rubbed his face. "I agree with Missy though. How does that translate to you getting hitched?"

"I don't know." Kenshin said quietly. "Tell Aoshi what you know. I want to know what his diagnostic spells of the scene reveal as soon as they are finished."

Sano nodded. "Alright. What are you going to be doing?"

"I'm going to get Kaoru and myself a change of clothes. Then we're going to breakfast to talk."

Kaoru swallowed. Oh boy.


Kaoru had no idea where Kenshin had located a t-shirt, jeans and shoes for her, but she'd decided not to question it. Or how he'd guessed her sizes. Not when she appreciated having clothes to wear, food in front of her and his willingness to give them both time to think.

It helped that the diner he'd picked was surprisingly quiet and her coffee cup was constantly being refilled. There'd been a moment where she thought he was going to say something about her food choices – French toast, bacon, eggs – but the flat stare she'd directed at him had apparently changed his mind. So he'd eaten his omelet, she'd eaten her breakfast and they'd both left the other in peace.

Setting her fork down once she finished her last bite of egg, Kaoru curled her hands around her coffee cup and nodded. "Okay. You said you wanted to talk."

Kenshin leaned back and studied her. It was becoming extremely obvious to her that this husband of hers was careful to... not appear harmless, but seem less dangerous. And he did a good job of it, right up until he focused on something. The intensity of his regard was both flattering and alarming.

He sighed, closed his eyes and when he opened them again she was startled to find the blue had deepened into a true violet. "I find I'm at a loss for words."

Kaoru made a face. "I'm not really sure how to talk to you either. Getting married always seemed like a daunting task... without the part of you being a stranger and neither of us remembering it."

"I scared you this morning."

Kaoru tucked her brows together a gestured with a hand. "I felt my reaction to seeing you shoot someone and discovering your line of work was completely reasonable."

"You didn't run." And there was something behind his expression, something that brought little flecks of gold into his eyes that made her stomach flip.

"I distinctly remember running to the bathroom."

"But you didn't run after. And you gave me a chance to explain."

Kaoru swallowed and pressed her free hand to her chest. "If I didn't feel you here, feel the magic backing your words as truth... I would have. Truthfully, I still might. Your occupation is... daunting."

Kenshin shook his head. "Ex-occupation."

Kaoru blinked at him. "I beg pardon?"

His lips curled a little at the edges. "Company rules. Aoshi won't be happy, but I'll no longer be active in the field except for extreme situations, and never in my previous role. Which suites me, as killing isn't something I do lightly."

"I don't know what to say to that."

Kenshin nodded. "When you do have questions, I'd appreciate it if you'd ask them. I might not always be able to answer, but being able to talk like this is important to me."

"Okay." She could do that. He might regret it later, but she could do as he asked.

"And if you don't mind me asking," Kenshin said quietly. "Why are you taking this so well?"

"Me? I'm sorry, do you remember this morning? Didn't I just bring up my dash for the bathroom? The forty-seven phone calls to a friend who didn't answer her phone and who I'm having words with as soon as I see her?"

This time his mouth twitched and she narrowed her eyes. He set his coffee mug down and leaned forward, violet melting into burnished gold. "But you left the bathroom. And you stayed. Even accounting for the fact that you're apparently amazingly brave, being married to a stranger is...daunting."

Kaoru fidgeted and sighed. "Because until we actually figure out what happened last night, I have to accept the fact that I made a decision. I might not really know what prompted that decision or what it is about you that I obviously... Well, I married you. And honestly, I think I'm in shock. What about you?"

He raised a brow in question and she pointed at him. "You're seemingly handling this much better than I am."

Kenshin made a self-depreciating sound and shoved his fingers through his bangs. "I wouldn't say that. Generally, I wouldn't have shot Sano. He's..."

He paused and Kaoru watched him mull his words over. Then he reached up and rubbed his face, the motion somehow tired.

"Sano is one of the truer friends I've had. I've shot him before, and I'll probably have to do it again, but this morning? No."

Kaoru pursed her lips. "You're aware of how that sounds to those of us who aren't assassins?"

He smiled at her. The edges of his eyes crinkled with it and her heart skipped in her chest. If the way his eyes widened at the edges said anything, he'd felt her reaction.

She would not blush.

There was only one thing to do. Brazen it out. "You said but..."

He blinked at her. "Sorry?"

"Well, perhaps you implied." She firmly pushed down the heat trying to crawl into her cheeks. "Why aren't you... well, hiding in the bathroom yourself?"

Another of those blinks, and he shook his head, a faint smile catching at the corner of his mouth. "Not particularly my style. I suppose it helps that I know how compatible we are for me to consider marriage – drunk, drugged or sober."

Kaoru sipped her cold coffee and winced, and set the mug down. "What do you mean?"

His gaze caught and held hers. "I'm guessing based on what you've said and not said, I'm older than you. With age comes the opportunity to meet others, and I've spent time with those whom I share a higher than average compatibility."

"Oh." Kaoru chewed on her lip. "How old?"

Laughter lightened his eyes. "Perhaps we can discuss that later."

"That old?" Kaoru said weakly.

He just smiled. But then he turned serious. "You should know that at one point, I nearly married someone else."

Kaoru allowed her surprise to show. "I... I've not heard of many broken engagements."

Kenshin made an agreeing noise in the back of his throat. "Yes. But what I learned is that for me, compatibility is only a guideline. It's not enough."

The sudden heat in his gaze left her flustered. Determinedly, she shook her head. "We don't know what prompted this... why we got married. This could just be the result of some spell gone bad or... I don't know."

"It wouldn't have mattered." Kenshin said quietly, the intensity of his voice matching the sudden gold in his eyes. "I might not remember what drew me to you, Kaoru, but I've seen flashes of it all morning."

Kaoru blushed. Then she became annoyed with herself. Before should could ask a question to redirect his attention from her flaming face, her cell buzzed from inside her purse. Seconds later, Kenshin's cell also started vibrating.

Blinking, she reached for her phone. "Ah, it's Misao. The friend who failed to answer this morning."

"I should take this as well." Standing, he moved to the front of the diner. She didn't answer her phone before it stopped ringing, distracted by the figure he cut walking away from her. It was when her phone starting vibrating a second time that she snapped out of it.


"I know, I know. I missed your calls. I'm very sorry, there was this really hot guy – but that doesn't mean you can ignore me!"

Kaoru waved the waitress off when she held up the pot of coffee. "I cannot believe you ignored me for a guy."

"Really hot guy. And I apologized. But in the spirit of fairness, it wasn't so much ignored as didn't hear due to being unconscious. Hot guy had to leave for a work emergency. I was trying to recover."

Kaoru sighed. "Misao."

"Anyway, you're not at the hotel."

"No. I'm not."

"Is there food? I'm starving. Also, what did you need this morning? I mean, I'm assuming you weren't just calling to confirm that I wasn't dead in a ditch."

"I'm married."

There was an endless silence.

"I'm sorry. Did my sensible, too serious and uptight best friend tell me she got hitched in the... Oh my god, it hasn't been eight hours since I saw you. You got married?"


"I'm sitting down now."

Kaoru sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose and hurriedly gave details. She didn't know how long she had till Kenshin returned and she'd blushed enough in front of him.

"Heart-bonded a complete stranger," Misao said, sounding faint. "I don't know if I'm horrified or proud."


"I know. I'm sorry! I realize that your practical, sensible soul must be in a state of shock, but this is something that even I've never managed. I promise to never call you boring again."

Rolling her eyes, Kaoru ignored her husband as he sat back down. "Misao, please focus."

"Is he at least hot?"

Kaoru hung up the phone. And ignored it when it started to buzz. "How'd yours go?"

"There was significant spell work at the main meeting site as well as where Magdalia was found. Aoshi wants us to come by."

"Wait, what?" Kaoru straightened, feeling alarmed. "Where they found Magdalia?"

Reaching over, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, fingers lingering along her jaw. "I promise. Any sign of Magdalia will be gone. Aoshi wishes to see if the site or residue spells trigger a memory."

Kaoru blew out a breath. "Bodies and spell work, is this how your life usually goes?"

"Sometimes," he admitted. "Other times its long days of paperwork and weeks between active cases. Sometimes we even do consultations."

Shoving her phone into her purse, she slid out of their booth and started digging for her wallet. Fingers caught and tugged at the ends of her hair.

"I already paid."

Kaoru looked up. "You didn't have too."

His arm slid along her shoulders as he steered her out of the diner. "Our first meal together – that we remember? Yes. I did."

Kaoru paused. Looking up at him, she pushed her hair out of her face and shook her head. "This might not be permanent."

Kenshin stopped with her, his expression serious as he looked at her. "Kaoru..."

She closed her eyes and nodded. The odds that their binding could be broken were small. Marriages could be annulled. Magic could be broken. But to bond your heart to another...

"Come. Let's see what Aoshi has found."


Kaoru didn't need Kenshin to tell her they were getting close to the... site. She knew. She didn't know how the full humans couldn't feel it. The spells were cloying and heavy, searching for something to latch onto. Swallowing hard as they stepped out of the cab, she glanced at Kenshin.

His head was tilted, allowing his bangs to hide his eyes, but the heartbeat echoing hers was beating fast. She wished she could read his body language. His shoulders had tightened the closer they'd moved to their destination and now she was fighting the urge to reassure him somehow. Uncertain, she chewed on the inside of her lip as a tall man walked to them.

"Himura," the unknown Fae said quietly. He had cold eyes, but he didn't seem unkind. Just... remote. And his height told her that he too was a mix. "I apologize. But you need to handle it."

Kaoru realized that this must be Aoshi. And that the spells she was feeling press and search against her skin were part of what was bothering her husband. Before she could ask what he was supposed to handle, Kenshin's fingers wrapped around her wrist. Following the tugging motion, she blinked at him.


"I apologize."

Then he kissed her. Hands lifting to frame her face, his mouth slanted across hers, hot and demanding. The sudden rush of heat was unexpected, so was the way her head spun as his tongue brushed hers. Gripping his shirt for balance, she kissed him back. The sound of her heart – his – was loud in her ears when he lifted his head.

For a moment, all she could see was the yellow ring burning a thin line along his pupils. Then the world slowly returned to normal and she realized someone was whistling. Flushing red, she took two quick steps away from Kenshin. But she was unable to stop the way she licked along her bottom lip or the way she shivered as his eyes obviously followed the motion.

"I've got to say, Missy, you sure give as good as you get."

Kaoru turned, balled her hand into a fist and punched Sano in the gut. He let out a pained noise and she glared at him.

"You're being rude."

Coughing and rubbing his abdomen, he scowled at her. "You hit me."

"You seem fine after being shot this morning. Be thankful I don't have something heavy to hit you with."

Sano blinked at her and then reluctantly grinned. "You're alright."

Ignoring the weight of Kenshin's stare she continued to glare at Sano. When he held up his hands laughing, she faced the other two Fae. "So what was that?"

Aoshi was studying her, but she couldn't read any judgment in his face. "I apologize. Nothing in our diagnostics suggested that the spell was lingering in such a way."

Kenshin had kissed her because of the spell. Why? Kaoru crossed her arms, feeling unhappy.

"Really? Was it reacting to Kenshin then? Because it was nearly suffocating when we got here."

That seemed to surprise Aoshi. Eyes narrowing, his gaze flicked to Kenshin.

"I noticed it a few blocks out. I didn't expect it to be so potent when we arrived."

"What was it?" Kaoru asked.

"It appears that Magdalia set a spell trap for Himura." Aoshi said quietly. "Thankfully my spells were still in place when you arrived, so we should have the specifics shortly. But it appears that somehow Magdalia has figured out how to... confuse and overwhelm how Fae sense compatibility. But since you are bonded, it pushed at the bond instead."

Something deadly flickered through Kenshin's eyes before he ducked his chin. The small hairs on the back of her neck rose in warning, but there was no stomach churning fear. Three hours ago, she'd have moved so Sano was between them. She wasn't sure how she felt about the gut level trust that he wouldn't hurt her.

Sano whistled. "Fuck. That does explains why you killed her Kenshin."

Kaoru shifted her weight, still trying to wrangle the new knowledge of trust. "It does? Why?"

Kenshin lifted his head and caught her gaze. "This isn't the first time someone tried to use compatibility to control me. However, Magdalia and I were not compatible. There wasn't anything for her to manipulate."

"It is possible that she tried to force it." Brows tucking together, Aoshi scanned the site. "It might explain why you don't remember last night. Too much shock to your magic. But that also suggests you might remember eventually."

"But how does that involve me?" Kaoru asked. "I certainly have never seen any of you before."

"I felt you."

Surprised, Kaoru turned to face Kenshin. "What? I thought you didn't remember last night either?"

"How far is your hotel from here?" Aoshi asked, expression intent.

Blinking, Kaoru looked around. "I've no idea. But we are staying on the strip."

Sano whistled. "That might explain things."

"Explain what?" She didn't like missing what was apparently abundantly clear to everyone else.

"You arrived two days ago." Kenshin said slowly, his eyes unfocused as he clearly struggled to remember. "I felt you."

Starting to feel testy, she settled her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. "I don't remember feeling you."

Instead of looking annoyed, his eyes gleamed at the sudden show of temper. Before she could decide how to deal with that, thin arms curled tightly around her waist.

"Kaoru! I've been so worried! You hang up on me, you refused to answer the dozens of calls I rang you after, and you're married! And this whole time you've been with Aoshi! My feelings may never recover."

"Misao," Kaoru gasped. She ignored the way both Aoshi and Kenshin had gone so still in front of her. "What are you doing here?"

Bouncing around her, Misao shoved a finger at her. "Meeting your husband, obviously. As your best friend I should have been at the wedding. But I'll forgive you if you tell me that you didn't marry this behemoth."

Sano looked offended. "I'd make a great husband."

Misao gave him a once over and snorted. "Not for Kaoru."

Kaoru rolled her eyes. "Misao... did you say you knew Aoshi?"

The smile on her friends face was predatory as she looked at the remote Fae. "Hi again."

Aoshi nodded. Misao's smile widened. Then she turned back to Kaoru.


Kaoru blinked. "Well, what?"

"Did you marry the behemoth?"

"What? No."

Misao tilted her head and locked onto Kenshin. "That means she married you."

A hint of a smile on his face. "Yes. I'm Kenshin."

Misao tilted her head and studied him. All her bubbly brightness faded and magic darkened her eyes. For one long moment tension crackled between them and Kaoru wondered if she was going to need to step in. But then Misao nodded and offered her hand.

"Misao. You look like you can take care if her. Good. She needs that. How are you with cooking?"


"What? It's an important question! You've told him about your lasagna, right? Kaoru?"

Kaoru covered her face with both hands. "I can't look at you."

"Awe, don't be like that." Misao patted her back. "Best to clear the air now."


Kaoru peeked through her fingers as Aoshi called her friends name. Was that amusement she was reading?


"How did you locate us?"

"It's Kaoru." Misao said patiently. "I can always find her. Didn't I tell you last night I always find what's important to me?"

Kaoru dropped her hands. "Wait, he's the reason you didn't answer my phone calls this morning?"

Misao blinked, obviously confused. "I told you I was with a really hot guy."

Kenshin made a pained, choked sound. But when Kaoru looked at him, his face was straight. Misao seemed baffled by that reaction. "What?"

Aoshi ignored the byplay. "The new heart-bond should have disrupted any tracking charms."

Misao tucked her brows together. "It's Kaoru. I don't need tracking charms. She's family."

Kaoru took pity on Aoshi. "I think he wants to know how you track me."

Misao waved her hand dismissively. "Not important. What I want to know is why this place stinks of so much foul magic. It's awful."

Kenshin gave her a long, considering look. "We believe a recently deceased woman attempted to manipulate me into a heart-bond."

"Did you kill her?"

"Yes." His eyes were flat, tone cold.

Misao nodded. "Good."

Kaoru wondered if amusement at her husband's surprise was unbecoming. Kaoru had no love of killing. The fact that Kenshin was willing, had already given up that part of his life was a relief.

She'd been raised to believe killing was a last resort, and not something done lightly. But what Magdalia had done was a form of rape. And killing in self-defense was justice.

"But then how'd you end up with Kaoru? I mean, don't get me wrong – I can totally see the romance of love at first sight, heart-bonding at first kiss! However, Kaoru's too practical for that. Unfortunately."

"Were still working those details out." Kenshin murmured. "Aoshi... I believe your spells are finished."

Kaoru tried to ignore the way Kenshin glanced at her before he followed the taller man over to where she assumed Magdalia had died. Turning away from him, she blinked at the narrow eyed look on Misao's face.

"I think I like him."

"But not Sano?"

"Eh, his aura is too much like yours. I think it'd have been like having sex with a brother."

"Thank you for that," Kaoru groaned, trying to scrub that mental image. "Just want I needed to make my morning even better."

"Yes. Waking up to that face had to be difficult." Misao smile turned into a leer. "He's hot."

Kaoru crossed her arms. "I didn't really look at him."

Misao blinked, opened her mouth and shut it. "Pity."

Kaoru started to say something cutting, but Misao held up both hands in a placating gesture.

"Sorry, sorry. I know. You had every right to freak out and I can't apologize enough for not being there for you. Also, what I was trying to tell you this morning when I called you back, before you distracted me with your marriage news. I ran into Gohei. He had the balls to ask about you, surprisingly."

Kaoru blinked at the rapid change in conversation. "What? Gohei Hiruma? He's here?"

Misao looked strangely serious. "I've got some feelers out about that. Usually, Judgment isn't so forgiving. And he's already pushed more than once. I keep hoping lightening will smite him, but maybe fate gave you the redhead instead. I think I might be okay with that."

Kaoru glanced over where Kenshin was talking with Aoshi, and shook her head. "Gohei is an idiot. And the last time he scared me was a long time ago. Without his brother he's annoying, but Judgment ruled on that. And it wasn't your fault that you weren't there. You were there later, when I needed you."

Misao shrugged one shoulder. "It matters to me. Are you going to tell Kenshin about it?"

"Kenshin... Kenshin doesn't bother you?"

Misao eyes unfocused. "He's fire and steel. There's hurt there, old betrayals. But his soul is wrapped tightly around what you gave into his keeping."

Kaoru swallowed the sudden knot in her throat. Blinking rapidly, she fought the sudden ride of emotion that she'd been ignoring since she accepted a robe that morning. "I don't know. Maybe. Probably. How do you start that conversation? This... bond between us is terrifying as it is. I'm not ready to give up all my secrets yet. I don't think he is either."

"That's your practical brain. What does your heart say?"

Kaoru looked over at Kenshin as he was studying something Aoshi had handed him. "I trust him. There are so many reasons why that's a stupid decision, but I do. My heart is bound to his now and that's terrifying."

"It could go very right, though. Aren't you due that kind of break? Hey, how are you dealing with the fact that he killed someone?" Misao searched her face. "Your dad..."

Kaoru groaned and rubbed her eyes dry. "He's an assassin. Ex-assassin."

Misao stared at her for a long moment before she started laughing. Kaoru poked her several times before Misao finally caught her breath.

"Please tell me you're not just pulling my leg. An assassin. You of all people married a reformed assassin!"

"Oh, bite me." Annoyance and embarrassment scratched at her temper. Looking up, Kenshin caught her eye before walking over.

"And not a word!" Kaoru said fiercely.

"I seem to have missed something important." Kenshin commented when he was close enough to touch.

Misao wiped her eyes, smile over wide. "What's your preferred weapon?"

Kenshin paused, eyebrow arching. "I beg pardon?"

"You know, to fight with."

"Misao!" Kaoru growled from clenched teeth.

"What? It's an important question. What if he fights people with paper fans?"

Kaoru huffed at her and pressed one hand to her temple. "You don't have to answer that."

Instead of looking insulted, he just looked bemused. And thoughtful. "It depends on what I'm hunting. But I prefer my sword. Although fans can be dangerous if made correctly."

Ignoring Misao's renewed laughter, Kaoru watched him from the corner of her eye. Tried not to imagine him with steel in his hands. A broadsword wouldn't fit his frame but there were others. She couldn't think of any of the mainstream styles that would suit assassinations. But he'd said he'd lived on the other side of the veil and been military...

"A sword is a little old fashioned to hunt with on this side of the veil, isn't it?" Kaoru asked, thinking of the gun he'd had that morning.

"Those are not usually the questions I'm asked," Kenshin said slowly. "Although I admit no one has ever asked quite with Misao's flair. What exactly are you an instructor of, Kaoru?"


She lifted her chin and stared him down when both of his eye brows lifted. But instead of commenting, his eyes dragged down her body, lingering on her hands. Feeling warm, she shifted her weight and looked at Misao.

"Why don't I be useful and find out if Aoshi is done with us. That way you can talk to your hot swordsman." Misao said with a giant grin before bouncing off.

Kaoru sighed. Closing her eyes, she wished for just a moment to herself to decompress. He was a swordsman. This was becoming ridiculous.

Warm lips brushed her ear. "I'm an excellent cook."

Kaoru jumped a little and turned and poked Kenshin in the chest. "Don't do that."

Catching her hand, he stroked his thumb along her calloused palm before nipping the pad of the finger that had poked him. Then he tucked her hand close to his heart.

"I like cooking."

"That's nice." Her tone was flat, and she stared at him suspiciously while trying to ignore what that playful bite had done to her heartbeat.

He seemed undaunted by her tone, violet eyes warm with amusement. "You don't like cooking?"

"You're not going to let this go." Kaoru growled, mentally cursing Misao.

His smile widened. "No."

Sighing, she pulled a face. "I'm banned from anything more complicated than the microwave. That includes the toaster."

"Wouldn't the toaster be less…" His words trailed off as he caught her expression.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Clearly keeping his face straight for her benefit, she let herself glare at him. That just seemed to delight him. Distracted by that, his next question caught her off guard.

"Why kendo?"

She blinked at his question. "Why... kendo?"

"It's not a common art. Not anymore."

"Family style. I was an only child raised by a single dad. His family came over from Japan and brought their sword style with them." She shrugged. "I like it."

"What ages do you teach?"

His interest mollified her embarrassment from admitting she couldn't cook.

"My biggest class is the beginners three through six." Her lips curved in a fond smile. "The babies are so much fun to teach."


"Usually mixed heritage, the only true humans are older. Why?"

His eyes were indigo and warm. "Our most honored teachers are those who teach babies."

"Oh no," Kaoru protested. "It's nothing like that. I enjoy teaching and they seem to like learning. They make it fun."

But that warm expression behind his eyes didn't fade. It just colored with amusement. "I'd like to watch a class."

Sano appeared before she could answer. "Aoshi says he wants you to stick around Kenshin, but the rest of us can clear out. Anyone hungry?"

Misao bounced into the conversation. "I bet Kaoru would like some of her actual clothes. Or a shower. Our hotel is close by. Stop pouting, we have room service."

"I'd appreciate your keeping an eye on things, Sano." Kenshin said before Sano could open his mouth.

Misao narrowed her eyes. "Heart-bonding aside, Kaoru and I can take care of ourselves."

Kenshin smiled before executing a perfect bow. "My apologies. I mean no insult, but since we are still unaware of who Magdalia was working with it would make me feel better if Sano was with you."

Misao pointed at him. "You're smooth. I like it. He can tag along. I'll get us a cab."

Kaoru glanced at Kenshin. "You realize that's the only time she'll let you get away with that."

Tugging her hand to his mouth, he kissed her palm. "And you?"

"I suppose you'll find out." Kaoru said lightly before tugging her hand free.

"I look forward to it," he agreed. "I might need to spend a few hours here, but I'll return by dinner."

Sano slung an arm around her shoulders and steered her to where Misao was waving down their ride. "I'll keep her out of trouble Kenshin."

Kenshin sighed. "Be safe."

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