Yoroshiku. I'm Nick Austin, a new writer though I've been writing for a while for myself and some friends. This is the first time I've ever put a story of mine here but this particular story i have had reviews at another site I placed it at. It got good reviews so I thought I might share it with a larger reader group. This is my first time doing this publicly so please be nice. Tell me if you guys somehow want a continuation of this.

Disclaimer: Naruto ain't mine...though he always will be Sasuke's. ( Sasuke's not Kishimoto sensei's!)

Warning: MxM, may contain xxx rated stuff in later chapters (if I'm allowed to continue that is).

"The Screen Wedding. Why that one?" Minato asked in confusion.

"That's what it says in this document," Tsunade said.

"How can something that ancient be in writing?" this time in disbelief. Tsunade shrugged.

"Hashirama can be eccentric in his tastes sometimes. He made sure his will survives till his 11th generation. It is his promise to Madara anyways," Tsunade said in an offhand manner.

"But mom, how can this be? I mean, Naruto won't even get to see who he's marrying," Minato argued, "And not to mention that his to-be spouse is a male."

"That's the point, my foolish son," Tsunade hit him in the head with the oh-so-old text. "If he can't see then he won't object. That's the purpose of a Screen Wedding." She added while her son rubbed the sore spot on his head. Sheesh, who knew ancient texts can be that hard, he thought sourly.

"But mom, you know how Naruto gets if he doesn't know something. I think we both remembered what he did with the store room," Minato reminded her and to his satisfaction the flinch on his mother wasn't unseen. The remnant of said store room was still available in her back yard. A wall was the only survivor of the fire.

"Naruto will understand. He knows our tradition and he will not question it," Tsunade said. Then she turned to her son and sighed. "Minato, believe in your son. He will understand," she said and placed the text back into the ancient case she took it from. She rang her small bell and a woman in her mid 20s appeared.

"What may I do, Hime-sama?" She asked.

"Take this back to the safe, Shizune," Tsunade said as she lifted the chest into Shizune's arms. "Then get me some sake. I'm thirsty," and she dismissed Shizune. Minato frowned.

"Mother, you can't have sake this early in the morning," Minato chastised. "And we are not yet finished with the wedding discussion,"

"That can wait. I need to drink," Tsunade said as she reached for the sake that Shizune had gotten for her. Damn, she's fast, Minato thought when he saw said bottle standing innocently besides his mother. But, he was faster.

"Minato, give me my sake back!" Tsunade shouted as she tried to reach for the white porcelain bottle.

"No. Drink tea if you're thirsty. You will not get drunk till the discussion is over!" Minato said as he –tried to- pushed his mother away from the bottle of hell water as he dubs it. He wasn't one for drinking. He knew the after effects even before he start schooling.

"Sake! Give me back my sake!" Tsunade shouted as she scratched her son's face and arm.

"Mom! Ow! Leggo!" He shouted back.


The door slid open revealing a man in his forties in formal yukata. He looked at the two blonds fighting and scuffling around the room. An eyebrow rose at the sight in front of him. The two occupants were still –sadly- unaware of his presence and he noticed the small bottle in Minato's hands. He sighed. The same argument over and over again, he thought. This is the, he made a small mental calculation, 4th time. He sighed again before clearing his voice loudly. The two blonds froze and the male one turned to look at the one who interrupted their scuffle and he smiled sheepishly.

"Hey Fugaku. Come on in," he said with a big smile that he had passed down to one of his sons. Tsunade got up and patted her clothe and sat down again.

"Yes, come in Uchiha," Tsunade said in a serious voice as if the embarrassing fight did not just occur. Minato took the opportunity to throw the remnant of the sake, that explains the various wet spot on the tatami, outside and that earned him an annoyed tick on the forehead from his mother. His smile was right on top of smug.

"Sorry about that Fugaku. My mother still hasn't gotten over the 'no alcohol in the morning' rule," Minato said cheerfully as he sat beside Fugaku.

"Who the fuck made that rule up?" Tsunade asked in, almost, anger.

"Mother, language," Minato said chastising. Tsunade glared.

"Well good morning to you two too," Fugaku decided that the interruption was needed.

"Sorry. Morning to you too Fugaku. What are you here for?" Minato asked brightly.

"I wanted to talk," Fugaku paused, not in hesitation because Uchihas don't hesitate…in public, "about my son."

"Sasuke?" Minato asked. Fugaku nodded. "What about him?"

"He is complicating matters," Fugaku said slowly, and he bit down the urge to groan at his youngest son's latest 'fit'. "Again,' he added, to replace the groan he couldn't voice. Minato's laugh reached his ears and he had to bit the urge to laugh down. He did, however, smile a small smile.

"What did he do this time? Set the house on fire again?" Minato continued to laugh. Fugaku sighed again.

"I would rather he did that," he said. "No, he brought a hoard of women home and locked himself in his room." Minato's laugh escalated. "Brothel women, Minato," he added. Minato laughed hard again.

"And -hehe-, what exactly -haha- did he do with them?" Minato tried hard to bite down his laugh. A spark of amusement ran through Fugaku's eyes at what happened.

"I guessed he wanted to spend the whole night with them," Fugaku said, "but I knew he didn't know how 'attentive' prostitutes can be," he chuckled slightly while Minato continued to laugh and Tsunade smiled in amusement.

"Did he throw them out?" Minato asked breathlessly.

"The moment the attention gets too much," Fugaku said carelessly and Minato laughed even louder. "Jeez, Minato. Get a grip of yourself before you explode," Fugaku chuckled.

"That's enough Minato. Let's get serious now," Tsunade said and in a matter of minutes the discussion was on and we leave them there.

"Kit! Mom says it's time for cooking lesson!" A man in his mid 20s called from inside the house. He was red haired and tall. His hands were on his hips when he heard no answer coming from thegarden.

"Naruto! I know you heard me!" He called. And then a mop of yellow hair popped out of the farthest bush he could see and the head turned to him. From afar he could see the bright smile his father also has flashing at him.

"Okay! Thanks, Kyuubi nii-sama!" Naruto shouted with a wave and his smile. He jumped out of the bush he resided in and patted away the leaves that stuck to his yukata. In a matter of seconds he was bounding back into the house only to have his big brother stop him. He looked up with wide innocent eyes.

"You have leaves in your hair twerp," Kyuubi said and earned a pout from his brother.

"I am not a twerp, you monster!" Naruto shouted as he ruffled his hair to rid off the leaves. Kyuubi sighed.

"Are you really eighteen, Naruto? You act like you're four," Kyuubi said as he stilled Naruto's hands and picked the leaves off. "Not to mention you're almost half my height," he sniggered.

"I am not half your size! I'm almost near your shoulder, you big brute!" Naruto whined. Kyuubi rolled his eyes. Yup, he liked to tease his brother's height a lot.

"Bet the one you're marrying is taller than you," Kyuubi laughed at the narrowing of Naruto's eyes.

"You don't know that!" Naruto shouted with his fists raised high above his head.

"Oh lookie, you're clean," Kyuubi said and he pushed Naruto towards the kitchen. "Now go and learn cooking, midget," he said with a smirk at Naruto's red face. He'd miss that expression when Naruto gets married. Till then he'll enjoy it as much as he can.


Yeah, he'll enjoy it.

"Naruto, why are you shouting this early in the morning? Some of the maids are still asleep," Kushina said in an irritated voice. Naruto huffed as he entered the kitchen.

"Nii-san's making fun of me again," Naruto said with a cute pout. Kushina really wanted to tackle her youngest son and snuggle him but she was a mother, and she needed to cook.

"If you don't want him to make fun of you then stop reacting to his taunts. He'll stop," Kushina said.

"But he gets ways more annoying if I shut up," Naruto said with the pout still gracing his features.

"Well, he's not teasing you here so let's get working," Kushina said in a business-like tone. "I want to make something I learned from a country south-west of here. You might not like how it sounds but it's a really nice dish," Kushina said.

"What's it called?" Naruto asked.

"Gluttonous rice," Kushina said.

"Eww, sounds fattening," Naruto said earning a glare from his mother. "Sorry! I won't say it again!" Naruto said hastily. His mother nodded. Sheesh, when mom gets angry she's red like her hair! Naruto thought.

That's a tad bit intro to the story. Tell me what you think k?

RnR please!