Author's Note: Hello everyone, thank you for being interested in reading my new story. I hope you'll continue supporting this story by leaving me a review and telling me, what you think about it. Cheers! =]
The only warning I have to give readers is that this story has subtle amount of religion. It is in no way meant to offend anyone's religion, but I thought it fitting for the plot since I have always wanted to write a story that involves a ' religious sister' learning to become an ordinary woman and fall in love. So if the plot is not to your liking, Please hit the back button and enjoy reading someone's else fanfiction. Thank you for reading!
Prologue ~
She felt strange wearing a summer dress for the first time in many years. The dress was a light navy color that reached a little past her knees. She knew that she shouldn't feel this way, because she was being given the chance to wear a pretty outfit like this one.
"Rin," a woman in her twenties, called out to the nervous girl.
"Yes," Rin responded, as she stopped fidgeting with the dress fabric in her hands.
"I brought you, your plane ticket." The ticket was handed over to the young girl.
"Thank you, mother superior," Rin said as she stared down at the plane ticket that would take her to Sacramento, California. In that place she would be staying with a kind family that would be temporarily adopting her for a year.
Kaede smiled down at the younger girl. "I want you to experience a new way of life, while still following your moral principles. Your relatives never gave you that chance, by sending you to the convent, and not giving you the choice to decide, if that is what you wanted."
"Mother superior, I appreciate everything you have done to lead me to a good path, but I'm afraid to leave you and my home behind." Rin's voice was laced with fear. A small smile was barely visible.
"Do not be afraid, Rin. Everything will work out for you." Kaede said, as she took hold of Rin's warm hands. "You have lived most of your childhood life inside the walls of the convent. I think you deserve the chance to explore a different way of living your life."
"I want you to enjoy the life of a teenager, okay. Try not to think about your life, here. But, remember Rin, life is not perfect. Problems are always surfacing around us. But being able to endure them makes people grow up to be stronger in spirit. Those feelings might even make you to be a better sister in training. Of course, that is if you decided to return back to the convent after the year is finished."
"Thank you for your kind words. I'm starting to feel more at ease, now." Rin sniffled a little bit holding back her tears.
"I'm going to miss you." Rin answered softly as she took her superior mother's words into great consideration.
A female voice spoke through the loudspeakers calling out the name of the next airplane flight that was ready to allow passengers on board.
"You should get going. I will visit you, when I have a possible time to see you, again." Kaede said as she walked with Rin towards the departure terminal. Rin's hand reached up to hold on to the cross attached to her necklace seeking for courage and strength.
"Take care and be safe."
Once they stood in front of the gate, they both hugged each other before Rin pulled away to walk over to the airline check in where the receptionist accepted her ticket. The brunette girl soon found herself passing through some doors before walking a long corridor. It wasn't long, before she was seated in a chair inside the airplane. She was seated down inside the economy class.
"Please, let me experience wonderful things around my new family." Rin whispered, before she turned to glance at her passenger companion. Her companion was a demon male that was reading a historical book.
Rin recognized the book as she had also studied many subjects during her schooling classes. The book was of little concern to her, what had caught her attention was the race of the man. He was a demon.
If she had been raised in any other convent where Kaede was not present, she knew that she would have grown to detest these creatures.
The bible had taught her many things including things about people being prejudiced about their ethnicity. But, she had grown up to follow Kaede's teaching about how all human and demon beings were equal with one another. It was true that many demons couldn't stand the sight of spiritual sanctuary or objects, but many were trying to accept times were changing.
The male demon placed a bookmark inside his book, before turning to glance at Rin. The girl seemed very friendly, but he wondered why she kept staring at him. Or maybe it was his book…
I wonder if I will make friends with them during my stay. Rin thought absently, a bright smile touched her face. "Hi, my name is Rin Harada." She said in a cheerful and friendly tone, as she introduced herself to the demon.
Inuyasha sat down in the lounging chair that was facing his father, who was already sitting in his seat. Unlike his father, who was wearing a business suit, he was dressed in torn jeans with a blue t- shirt. It read 'Scratch me' in bold words written across in the front.
"Inuyasha, since you don't get along well with your brother. I decided that I want the both you to work together as a team, and create a project that will help others. I haven't been a good father, since the death of your mother, but I hope that will change with due time. I believe moving into a new city will help establish a better harmony to our family." InuTaisho spoke in his deep smooth voice.
"Keh, I hate working with Sesshomaru. He's an ass." Inuyasha stated bluntly. The young hanyou wasn't leaning too keenly into the idea of moving into a new town. He hated packing and moving things out of order, especially since it was still the way it was when his mother was still alive.
"Sesshomaru, you were listening, weren't you." InuTaisho addressed his attention to his older son. His son was sitting down, writing something across his notebook.
"I heard you, father." Sesshomaru curtly, replied back. He turned to look up at his father, who was staring at them apprehensively.
"Once we move in our new home, I will be enrolling you two into a public school. Since you two have fallen behind in academic learning, I'll have to probably get you tutors to discipline you, and help you acquire your diplomas', especially yours Sesshomaru." InuTaisho stared at the glares their sons' were giving him. He had known that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru weren't interesting in attending high school like normal people. It was probably his fault for spoiling his children, too much.
"Hey old man," Inuyasha called out, before receiving a glare from his father's piercing eyes.
"I mean dad, why can't you just pull some strings around and send us to college. Don't you think we're a little too old for high school?" Inuyasha asked as his eyebrow quirked up in questioning.
"I want the both you to start learning things better without corruption in mind. I think, you already have enough of that." His father answered back with a slight bitter tone at the end of his sentence.
"Keh," Inuyasha muttered as he crossed his arms.
"We will be moving to our new house in a couple of months from today. I'm having the house remolded and furnished. It will be ready for us to accommodate inside it, once we move in." InuTaisho informed them, before he stood up glancing at his Rolex watch.
"I have to head back to work. Behave yourselves and try coming up with a project to work on together." The middle age demon said in a secure demanding tone, before he walked off, his footsteps echoing behind him.
"Man, this is a drag." Inuyasha complained as he stood up to walk away. The comfort of his bedroom was a lot better, than hanging around his bitter and silent half-brother.
"Little brother," Sesshomaru said in a monotone voice. "I would hate to work with you, but if we don't cooperate, we will face father's consequences."
"ch, so we have to work on this 'project', huh." Inuyasha replied back rudely. He had his back facing his arrogant brother.
"Yes," Sesshomaru answered bluntly. His voice was smooth and cool, but his amber eyes expressed annoyance directed at his lazy half-brother.
"Fine, you can start listing a list of things. I'm going to go get a beer from the fridge." Inuyasha affirmed as he walked off with a huff.
Sesshomaru didn't answer back as he resumed sketching inside his notebook. He had a few projects to work on, but he didn't feel like sharing them with Inuyasha. Sesshomaru hardily got along with Inuyasha. It wasn't because they had different mothers. The reason was because they were complete opposites, when it came down to thinking. Inuyasha was rash, and irrational. And, he was calm and demanding.
This project was going to be a tough one.