Hi everyone I know it's been forever and a day since I've updated and I'm so sorry. I love this story very much and I know sometimes it takes me a long time to update, but I'll do my best to keep updating no matter how long it takes.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful reviews. They always give me inspiration. You guys always make me so happy! Thank you again! I would love to hear from you. Please Review.
This will be boyxboy if you don't like don't read.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Gaara was about to head outside with his lunch to meet Naruto by their tree. He felt the corners of lips turn up a bit. Naruto was probably one of the only people who could tell that he was smiling. He was right in front of the doors leading outside when a tug on his sleeve stopped him, looking over his shoulder Gaara found Sasuke looking like complete and utter hell. Dark circles highlighted his dark eyes and his hair appeared unkempt. Immediate concern sprung forth in Gaara. Knowing how hard it could be to find solace in sleep. And it looked like something big was plaguing Sasuke. Gaara thought they might've gotten a little closer since Sasuke confided in him about Sakura, he wasn't sure if he was up to taking on another task. Sharing was part of friendship, Gaara wanted to take care of the few or two friends that he had.
He turned to face Sasuke leading him to one of the cafeteria tables, placing his own lunch on it. "What's wrong?" Gaara asked without preamble. No, need to stumble around a conversation when something was obviously bothering Sasuke.
Sasuke stared at him for a few seconds, eyes drooping, needing to sleep. Sasuke jerked awake when his chin touched his chest. "Sakura and I broke up last night. We got in a big fight and she said she couldn't do it anymore. We stayed up half the night fighting and talking and I spent the other half awake trying to figure out what the heck happened. And man can she scream. I thought my ears were going to bleed through one of her tirades." Sasuke slumped on the table, laying his head on his outstretched arm. "I really thought we could work through it, but I ended up realizing I couldn't remember why we started going out in the first place. I don't think she knew either. It just became comfortable after a while and we went through the motions. Now I don't know what to do. Most of my time at school and after was focused on us or doing something together and no one else understands. You're such a good listener. You were the first person that popped in my mind to talk to."
Gaara reeled from all the information piled on him. Okay, let's see if he could piece everything together. Sasuke and Sakura broke up and neither could put together why they ever went out. I think that's the jist of it. Gaara closed his eyes trying to think. It sounded like Sasuke needed someone to listen and not necessarily give advice.
"Do you want to have lunch with me and Naruto?" he said, hoping that was the right course of action.
Sasuke smiled, it was mind-boggling especially for Gaara when he rarely saw the other boy smile, smirk maybe, never smile. It was a good look on Sasuke. It made him more approachable, not that Gaara smiled that often anyway. As long as he had Naruto and now Sasuke he was fine. It was a strange feeling having someone lean on him for comfort. Gaara felt a certain warmth flow through him at helping someone even if it was by listening to them. Sometimes that was all someone needed.
"That sounds good. Although I think I'm too tired to eat now. Being around friends will help."
Gaara had no idea what prompted his next sentence other than the need to be there for Sasuke. "Do you want to come over tonight and hang out?" Gaara mentally cursed himself when he remembered his very much wanted time with Naruto. They could always find time to be with each other intimately, Sasuke needed a shoulder to lean on and Gaara gladly offered his own.
Sasuke's eyes widened, gauging Gaara on his sincerity. Was the offer so far off? Gaara guessed it might be especially when him and Sasuke never spent any time outside of school. "Yes, I'd really liked that."
A blond head appeared next to Gaara scaring him half to death. He clutched a hand to his chest over his heart. "I'm hungry," Naruto whined. "Where have you been?" Big blue eyes pleaded with Gaara. His cheeks flamed up at the way Naruto was looking at him. Out of the corner of his he saw Sasuke smirk. Anyone could tell how much Gaara was affected by the beautiful blond in front of him. Being near Naruto's warm body lit Gaara's blood on fire, racing straight down to his groin. Now was not the time to get hard. The whole school knowing he had an erection was not something Gaara wanted to happen. He thought of kittens and puppies. Konkuro in a bikini did the trick, Gaara shuddered as the image remained in his mind. Talk about traumatizing.
"That'd be my fault. I was telling Gaara that Sakura and I broke up." Sasuke gave a pained grimace. Gaara's heart went out to him.
Naruto's empathetic nature took over. He bounded around the table, engulfing Sasuke in a big hug. Gaara wondered if he could ever give affection so freely to someone other than Naruto, even with his own family it was difficult.
"That settles it you're having lunch with us," Naruto said, pulling away from Sasuke.
Sasuke caught Gaara's gaze smiling. "Actually Gaara already offered. And to go over to his house."
That last bit got Naruto's attention. "He did?"
Gaara nibbled his bottom lip, he noticed that also caught Naruto's attention. He worried the bruised flesh. "Yes, I did." Gaara instinctively knew that Naruto would understand his reasoning.
Naruto nodded at Gaara, confirming what he already suspected. Naruto's heart was so big it could encompass the world and still have enough room for more. "I have a whole slew of DVD's we can watch."
"Don't worry Sasuke. We're here for you." Sasuke bobbed his head in agreement. "I'll meet you in the parking lot after school and follow you."
"Sounds like a plan." Naruto beamed at Gaara then frowned when his stomach growling could be heard throughout the cafeteria. "Now can we eat?"
"Yes, yes let's go." Gaara smiled softly as Naruto raced outside. Gaara and Sasuke not far behind.
Gaara thought the night held wonders of skin on skin touching with Naruto now something foreign was thrown his way. He was a little nervous at the idea of Sasuke going over his house, also very excited. He was sure he gained a true friend through this experience and Naruto's presence always brightened everything up.