Reviews for freedom fresco
rynne chapter 17 . 4/14/2019
it's already 2019 but I'm still waiting for update XD
PegasusInCage chapter 17 . 2/8/2017
this story was changing.. from okay, good, nice, better and if you finish I believe it will be BEST!
Darffiarr chapter 17 . 11/12/2015
It's been 4 years and you haven't updated yet.i like your story please continue...
Ps:i'm not an english so my grammar is bad-,-
xx2991xx chapter 17 . 10/22/2013
Wow reversal..
Anyway, if you are not continuing, why not write out the summary of the plot you had thought of?
mrs. zala chapter 17 . 10/23/2012
you update!
and yet, i only found out about this years later...

well.. it seems that everything he's done (rau) solely because of cagalli's mother. he's a romantic..
ahahahhaa... i never get an impression like this about rau before.
something fresh anyway...

what is in uzumi's mind?
i sense there'll be death in the conference. maybe uzumi? or someone else?
i think uzumi's plan has much more than in the eye..
what he's thinking?
what happened next?
so the the end has come...

please... update soon! it almost a year since your last update.


take care ya!


mrs. zala
rynne chan chapter 17 . 4/5/2012
.., i know this review is super late but i'm still reviewing

.., i really like the story and i'm curious to know what will happen so i hope you will still update..,

.., i'm actually beginning to think that maybe..., just maybe... Rau is cagalli's father.., lol...,
37th Street Goddess chapter 17 . 5/2/2011
I had to read the chapters to understand and remember the story. I've actually been busy lately so I didn't know that this story has been updated. I'm putting it on my favorites and alerts because this story is worth a lot of people who knows to appreciate good stories and good grammar, not just been put up together! I hope this encourages you to update sooner because I am craving for good fanfictions.
Dhevz chapter 17 . 5/1/2011
Glad we succeeded on pressuring you *peace*.Welcome Back! :D

Now I'm more confused of the story, to much mystery! I can't pinpoint the ending.. hehehe but I do have a few hunches. I do hope you update sooner. :) Don't make it a whole year again X Onegai, You might lose your muse aaaaand that's a bad! X

Hope Cagalli knows what she's doing..
FalconRukichi chapter 17 . 5/1/2011
uh~ u should not stop this story~ i love the plot-storyline and more than that. i can even wait to know the next chptr. what is she's thinking? how can they save her? ongai!
gonturan chapter 17 . 5/1/2011
Overall interesting. I've really enjoyed your story thus far. I hope you continue to update. I completely understand the whole meaning to, but haven't for a while. Life does get in the way sometimes, and computer virus's don't make it any easier. Good luck with the rest of the story. I look forward to the rest of it!
FushionAC chapter 17 . 5/1/2011
wow u upload it early that's good...thank you

i really wanna know what did cagalli have in mind after saw lau crusette state...feel pity?, symphatic? or did she come in plans (in the end she'll help him anyway)?

expecting your next chap as soon as possible, hope the twisted (if you really did it) didn't do too much...
littlemsstrawberry chapter 17 . 5/1/2011
oh my gosh! why did cagalli agree? oh man when are you going to update? i'm dying of anticipation here!
Miyu Nanami chapter 17 . 5/1/2011

OMG! It is getting interesting~

Climax part :)

Le Creusset really like Cagalli's mum~

OMO ! Cant wait for the next chapter :D

ATHRUN~~~ U must forgive Cagalli
EternalXHaruka chapter 17 . 4/30/2011
wha...wha...wha...!you updated at last!

OMG its getting kinda exciting...hehehehe...

what does she mean by I simply must trust you?

whoa i think le creusset is a good guy...?

Update PLS!
Fate Camiswhil chapter 17 . 4/30/2011
this is like an introduction to climax, I want to read the next chapter now! (*sigh*)

great chapter! as always...

I'm so excited for what will happen next! can't wait!

thank you so much for continuing! I love you for that!


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