Summery: Sasuke Uchiha was never considered a normal boy. No, he was able to do something most people couldn't or would never wish to do, see the dead. To start off his first year of collage, Sasuke decides to head to the quad cities. But why is there such a lack of spiritual pressure here? And what's up with all these demons running around?

Expect some oocness guys (sigh)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Sasuke Uchiha aroused slowly to the melodious tone on his phone, sleep still thick in his head. This, most likely, was the first time in his entire life he's had such a restful night. From 8pm to 7am, no interruptions. Just pure bliss. He rolled up and stretched his joints, giving a little yawn one would compare to a cat. His dark eyes adjusted to the soft golden light that streamed through the blinds and he gave a rare smile. Well, here's to a new day.

Sasuke had two eggs frying on a skillet with two pieces of bread launched in the toaster when the late alarm went off on his phone to speed things up. He hurriedly packed some blank notebooks and pens along with a few first-year collage textbooks and his concert flute in his backpack and flew out the door, toast and egg in hand.

Today would be his first day at his University as a freshman. It would also be the first day in this part of the country at all. Sasuke had arrived to the Quad cities yesterday night. His new apartment was still littered with unpacked boxes and wrapped furniture. But, those were just minor details, Sasuke believed. Some said choosing to move here was a reckless decision, and in a way, it was.

The Quad Cities were four closely built quadrilateral cities that were in honest, a collection of beautiful venues, but were always the wayward sites of horrible massacres, crimes, murders, and gang violence that littered through the center of the cities. It made it to be not the most favorable place to study but for whatever reason, his gut was having him drawn to this odd plot. His guts had only ever gotten him in deep shit a few dozen times but hey, who was keeping count anyways?

The Quad Cities consists of the Konoha City, Ame City, Oto City, and The Anthro City. They are all unique in structure; some with tall skyscrapers or dome like building, and they each held a particular climate substantial, despite their close range; some with warm, humid weather and others cloudy or raining all the time. Most were full of dense trees and wildlife with as much a city can allow.

All the cities are pointed in a rectangle formation, leaving an area in the middle that is slanged Central. Here is where any trades or negotiations mainly take place, also where Sasuke's new collage was located, but it also is one of the most dangerous places to be in the Quads.

Battery, murder, gangs, and kidnappings, were just some of the things that goes down in Central. Of course, there are individual issues in each City but it's censored, which makes things tense as to how much power each city was gaining.

Yup, so it was practically a death trap. But death, Sasuke was absolutely positive, is something he is not afraid of.

It was warm outside his apartment. The sun felt amazing on his pale skin and gave the distant cities a colorful gleam. "I'm going to explore the area in Central one of these days." he said firmly to himself, not even fazed by the distant siren somewhere afar. Sasuke was more of a walker but he caught a bus at the end of his block and rode down to the university with no disturbance.

It was very quiet and still, as if none of the dogs had decided to come out and play. He glanced at his smooth nails, bangs covering his eyes as he mulled over a fickling worry. One other thing very few people knew of or believed in, in his case, is that Sasuke can see and sometimes speak with the dead. Sounds farfetched to you too huh? Well, he can. Some would consider it a gift or a curse. Sasuke was still unsure what his meant to him. He had learned very quickly at a young age never to speak of the transparent man that would smoke cigarettes in front of his brother's elite high school or the dog that would faithfully sit next to the cherry blossom tree each day's end. The children at school would never believe him. His father would irrupt in rage at his son's strangeness and his mother slapped him at his tales of seeing her own deceased mother.

"It's horrible irony" he sighed quietly to himself. And now they were all dead… Perhaps he really should have stayed for the full funeral. It was just too much, the spiritual pressure making him ill. And he most defiantly wanted to leave before he could see his parents' and brother's ghosts. Unsure to where they were, but not daring enough to risk their return. But regardless, this place was strange. He could hardly feel any spiritual pressure at all. It was as if people made sure to give themselves a few skips in the opposite direction before they dropped dead. It would certainly explain his restful night, not having it be invaded with some other spirits dreams or memories. The bus jutted to an abrupt stop with funky smoke and a screech in front of his collage. He moved up from his seat and passed a woman who stared at him oddly and silently thanked the bus driver before stepping out.

"Hey hey, all freshman come over here, over here. Hey, that means you with the chicken ass hair!" Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. He followed some annoying white hair boy's ushering call.

The University was newly renovated but Sasuke could almost sense the age the building had. It was omitting and strong like oak. Untreated green and natural tan grass surrounded it in a soft bed, showing long time companionship. There was a growing pile of mostly, what Sasuke assumed, upcoming freshman, just outside the doors of the building. Some 120 other students or so mingled before a small introductory and welcome was given and the students were all finally welcome inside.

The first thing that Sasuke noticed when he entered the building was the vehement sense of spiritual pressure inside the old collage. He wasn't two feet past the front doors before intensity of it had him lurch forward and empty the small contents of his stomach all over the floor. He could hear the others gasp and recoil but his head pounded with such ferocity he hardly noticed.

His world was spinning lazily. He felt a hand pat his back and hold his long ebony bangs. "y'okay chicken ass? I know the first day is always intimidating but it won't be that bad. No need to let your jumpy nerves make you puke all over the linoleum. What will the janitor say?"

"Get your hands off me." he hissed.

Sasuke noticed it was the same white-haired male. He had a sharp-toothed grin and stormy purple eyes. He held up his hands in defense "Sorry sorry, just trying to help". Sasuke glared at him and blushed, shaking his bangs back in place. He felt sheepish as the janitor did trudge over with a mop and bucket, muttering about 'brats and their jitters, happens every year'. He slunk away from the white-haired boy and his mess to his already late first class.

It was around three o'clock when his classes finally ended. He had tried to sit in the front of all his classes to avoid the few stares but he probably gathered more as he almost constantly passed out. There was just so much spiritual pressure. It felt like his head was going to split every second. He would feel embarrassed if he weren't hurting so much. He probably looked ridiculous jerking from side to side as he struggled, and failed, to stay awake through out the day. He could have wallowed when he dropped his precious flute on the ground in a loud clatter during band. It was an honest miracle he made it through the day at all.

This was something that now baffled him. How could this town be barren of spiritual pressure except at this one location? Sasuke hadn't even seen one spirit this entire time. It made no sense. Nope, save thinking. Just don't think. Your head's going to explode if you do anymore. He skipped the bus and just walked home.

Being outside with the fresh air, he slowly began to feel better. He breathed with relief, his headache subsiding gradually. It was rather peaceful and warm out.

"Hey you, with the chicken ass hair!" Shit. He scrutinized as a white-haired bakka came jogging up to him with a grin. He felt his big hand clasp his back once more. "How's it going?"

"Get you hand off me and my name's not chicken ass." he growled.

"Well, wouldn't it be helpful if I actually did know what it was?"

He sighed, not wanting to say anything but knowing this guy probably wouldn't stop calling him that unless he gave it. "Sasuke."

"I'm Suigetsu, nice to meet ya." He held out a hand for a shake which Sasuke ignored as he kept walking.

"You know, you looked as pale as a ghost in the halls. Do you got some disease or something?"

"No, I don't got no disease" he grounded out in irritation. "Why are you following me?"

"You know, you're kind of cold. You should be more friendly, especially to me after I helped you with that little incident this morning." Sasuke stared. "Fine, I live this way too, just wanted to talk is all."

They walked on in silence. Sasuke barely twitched when Suigetsu reached for his schedule sticking partially out his bag. He heard the boy hum in appreciation. "That so cool, you only have classes Monday through Wednesday. You must be really smart. We have the same calculus class tomorrow and Wednesday. Sweet. I'm a sophomore but I had to take an algebra course last year. You're in band too. What instrument-"


"F-flute. Isn't that a bit girl-"

"No. Here's my apartment. Goodbye." He snatched back his schedule and left for inside. He immediately plopped on his bed and fell asleep.

The next two weeks passed as such as he came and went from his school. Normally Suigetsu accompanied him both ways. He went out with him some days he had no classes, paying attention to Suigetsu's lists of okay places to go and places to avoid at all cost. He also slowly became accustomed to the monstrous spiritual pressure at his collage, his head only now feeling a dull thud. It was a Tuesday, after his last class which is always band. He lingered, taking his time cleaning and putting away his instrument in its own little case. The last two bassoon players strolled out and he was finally alone.

The band room was magnificent and spacious, filled with large windows to welcome in light. It was so much more in comparison to the cramped and humid one in his old high school. He felt calmer here. He let his mind go blank in content and his body swayed in relaxation. The melody hummed in his head and he rocked, almost as if he were about to dance. His feet must have found some interest for his body did move. His eyes were closed and the song carried him away. He felt warm, almost eternally happy, with this lulling peace in his soul. It felt so nice Sasuke feared he might break out in song. That'd be bad. He ruefully tried forcing himself stop and return down from his high.

Pulses of the ecstasy were leaving his body calmly. It soon ended to none but a chill cold and he found himself traveled to a dark room.

His eyes dilated to make quiet short shadows. He stood stilly in the silent room without words.

If there were windows attached to the walls, he wasn't so certain. Did he just wander in this random dark room or had he danced for so long he allowed for hours to pass by?

His breath now came out in short smoky puffs. He felt so chilled. His skin prickled in discomfort and his hair rose with it. Sasuke knew the cold had more to do than just with the weather or venting system but the ghost boy had never experienced something like this before. It almost unnerved him in his startled state.

He started to hear a small cry. It was high pitched and eerie. He moved his dark eyes from side to side and around him to see if he could find anyone. "Hello?" he said lowly. He heard it again. It was much more desperate and strangled. It turned into screaming. Sasuke cautiously moved towards the distant sound, it becoming more surreal with each step. He left the room into a hall he didn't recognize in the least. Now that was unnerving. Where was he? The desperate screams screeched as loud as the trumpets and he ran, running running just as desperately to get to it. He felt so weak as he came, his feet wanting to give out. His cold breath puffed and he finally arrived to a long dark corner where a little blue figure sat with her hands clasped around her neck.

Sasuke stilled immediately. No, this wasn't good. It was a little blue girl, her hands choking so tightly around her and she had trails and trails of ruby blood spilling from her mouth and eyes. She continued to scream bloody murder but when her eyes locked on with Sasuke's she suddenly looked possessed and hungry. She glared hotly at him as she screamed out her lungs. Sasuke's body shuddered violently with her demonic look. No, this wasn't good.

Since his youngth, the spirits Sasuke always saw were still fully colored. Not as deeply as living people but enough to tell with their transparent bodies. Most of them either only stared, ignored, or rarely, chatted with him. He could never touch them. But the blue one's were different. They were dangerous, unstable and unpredictable. They were the lost souls of the earth's realm with no way of escape. They were much more desperate and foul. Two years ago when Sasuke went on his class trip to a cottage in the mountains, he encountered his first blue spirit. It was an old man, who was standing just outside his cabin door late at night. He had wiry hair and a blank face. Sasuke's oblivious sixteen-year old self watched the man with curiosity, never seeing such as him. He foolishly risked himself, approaching the man to see if he would respond to him differently or with nothing like the others. Well, respond he did.

The blue man watched him calmly then suddenly got this sinister look in his eyes and a feral grin spread on his face. He quickly grabbed Sasuke. Sasuke was too startled to actually react at first. This ghost could touch him?! It grabbed his nightshirt, twisting it around so it choked at his neck tightly. He gasped for breath, clawing at the spirit's freezing fingers in desperation. He kicked it harshly in its stomach area and he felt it let him go. But not before the man slashed five long trails of finger scratches down his back. It burned hotly into his skin and trails of blood pooled out of him. He yelled out in pain as he bled onto the grass. He tried to stand up to defend himself in case the spirit were to come to him again but the heat of his wound kept him painfully still in one spot. Students and teachers soon came rushing out to see what had happened, horrified to see him lain in his state. He needed stitches and other immediate medical help. He knew he couldn't tell them about the blue man so he had to settle with an animal attack that came from the woods, but the nurses, he could tell, wanted to beg to differ. The scratches did look too human to be completely animal, but what else could it have been?

The scratches burned him for weeks until it finally settled into five thin dark scars on his back. They are still there just as visible to this day, a couple of years later. And as the blue child glared at him, they began to tingle in tenderness. He felt panic as she rose to her small child legs. She began to move quickly towards him. Sasuke was going to turn and run away as far as he could but he noticed his feet wouldn't budge. He couldn't move. I can't move!

His hair rose again and his panic erupted ten fold as he was unsure what to do as this screeching and bleeding spirit child came closer and closer to him. His hands started shaking as the air became more and more intense. His left hand was still grasping on to his flute case, he just noticed. She was only several yards away now, but instead of trying to get his feet pumping again, he tore open the case and snapped his flute pieces in place then begun to play a melody with his eyes closed. It was the same melody responsible for taking him hear. He had never learned officially how to play it, but his fingers glided softly on his flute to make the unearthly melody. It was steady and powerful, commanding of attention. It was confusing but guiding as it ushered you into its tune.

The little girl's screeching started to subside and Sasuke lifted an eyelid to see her watching him curiously one foot away as he made the beautiful and eerie music. Sasuke put his heart into it, swaying in time with the melody once more, watching the small girl do the same. After a while, she sang the melody with his playing, making a ghostly duet in their stride. He wasn't sure for how long he played or for how long she sang but soon warm light began to brighten the room in dawn and the little girl's blue figure began to disappear. He stopped playing, and she was gone.

Spooky ne? Review please :3