Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters.

Well, I was doing Saiyuki for a while, but now its time to go back to a little SasuNaru for a while. Hope I can get to it as often as I would like!

The King of the Academy!

Chapter 1: Dropping off an Angel

The sunlight burst through the crisp clean hallway of Akatsuki Dorm as a young man paced his room. Reaching into his pocket, he produced a sleek smart phone and moved his thumb across the screen to turn it on. His dark eyes squinted at the screen as it only read four numbers past as of the last time he looked at it. He sighed in frustration as he set the phone on his desk and turned toward the window. He reached up and smoothed perfectly manicured fingers through his hair and let it settle on his back. Reaching into his other pocket, he produced a hair band and proceeded to tie up the long strands to the back of his head. His phone buzzed a moment later, and he spun around. Quickly picking up the phone, he answered.

"Itachi speaking," he announced on his end. The young man nodded toward the phone as he turned back to the windows of his room.

"Yes mother . . . No he hasn't arrived yet. Yes, I know. I'm excited to see him too. He'll do well here; he has a brilliant potential . . . Yes mother; I will take good care of him; I won't leave his side. Yes . . . Yes . . . All Right, you and father enjoy your holiday; I'll be sure to call by next week. Okay, yes mother, I love you too," he said to the person on the other line. Hanging up, he set his phone back on the desk. He walked to his neatly made bed and smiled at the clothing folded across his sheets, a brand-new school uniform, pressed and ready. Stepping to his mirror, he straightened his school jacket and made sure his prefect pin sat perfectly and visibly against his collar. Looking at his phone again, he sighed impatiently. Walking over, he pocketed the phone and decided to get the room next to his ready.

One more would be joining the Akatsuki dorm today, his little brother, Sasuke Uchiha

The large coach bus stopped with a hiss in front of the sidewalk. The sleek bus opened its door for only one passenger that afternoon. A young body stepped down from the stairs as he turned and waved to the driver. Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, he stepped onto the sidewalk. He watched the bus driver pull away and drive down the extremely long street, lined with greens and foliage. The boy turned to the sizeable gates in front of him and felt a substantial bout of nervousness coat his insides. He took a deep shaky breath and read the large decorative sign above the monstrous iron gates.

Konoha: Village Hidden in The Leaves Academy

Founded in 1898

His dark ebony eyes scanned the wording as he looked over both ways along the street. Sure enough, the whole place looked like it had been swallowed by trees. The entire academy looked to be blocked in from the outside world by a large brick wall that overlapped onto the streets next to it. If the boy didn't know better, he could have sworn that the village itself was trapped inside these rusty colored walls. The wind suddenly blew, causing the trees to sway and appear intimidating. The boy closed his eyes as his dark hair whipped back and forth before finally settling in the calmness.

"Nii-san did say this place was large. I had better call him to let him know I'm here," the boy said to himself. He started walking through the gates and stared at them in amazement as he passed. Feeling apprehensive, as he walked in more, the place seemed to grow larger by the moment and with every step, he took. Finally, after walking down the extensive drive way, he stopped and gaped.

"Whoa," he breathed.

It was like an entire village was packed behind brick walls. On either side of him, leading from the walkway, were massive buildings. He turned his head to the right and gaped at the building; it was for lack of a better word, a disaster. The bushes outside and the lawn itself looked like it was dying, browning terribly and dry from the heat throughout the day. A half-broken basketball hoop, with no net, hung from a rusty pole on cracking cement. The building which was two stories, desperately needed a paint job, especially on the wording on the sign just before the small gated entrance. The front porch looked to have holes through the floor from as far as he could tell. Ebony eyes looked to the wooden sign that was close to falling off.

Konoha Boy's Dormitory: Years 1 & 2

Red Fox's Dorm

Deciding to move on, the boy walked further down the drive until he saw another building. Looking to his left, he was a little more impressed. The building had a better paint job, set up much nicer in comparison. The lawn looked kept if not a little dug up, a badminton net set up in the yard and several soccer balls piled near the head steps. It was set up exactly the same as the one he saw, two stories tall with a large front porch and a sign hanging above the entranceway.

Konoha Boy's Sports Scholarship Dormitory: Years 3 & 4

Green Bull's Dorm

"Green Bull?" He thought. Shaking his head, he hitched his bag higher on his back and walked further in. He was soon in a courtyard, a huge circle encased with a short stone wall with a rather great fountain in the middle. He studied it for a moment, and looked at the plaque of dedication cemented in the side. Sitting on the edge of the fountain, he pulled out his iPhone and slid his thumb across the screen. Roughly, in the distance, he heard voices but ignored them.

"Better call Itachi so I know where I'm going," he said to himself, looking for his brother's number in his contact list. Before the phone could even ring, it was taken out of his hand. He looked up quick when suddenly a tall boy stood in front of him.

"Yo, pipsqueak, what are you doing out of class?" The boy asked him, waving his phone in front of him. Slightly apprehensive, the boy stood up and sighed.

"I'm not in class because I just got here. Now could I have my phone please?" He asked the other boy. Seeming unconvinced, the boy lifted an eyebrow and eyed him up and down.

"New huh? That must mean you're a freshman. Do you know what happens to freshman around here?" He sneered. The ebony haired youth had some idea, but he didn't want to go into details. More boys stood behind them, and the youth noticed they were all wearing green uniforms, an animal patch showing at the sides of their sleeves. The boy noticed they were bulls.

"Are they from that green bull dorm?" He thought. He was pulled from his thinking as the boy in front of him snorted.

"What's your name tiny?" He asked obnoxiously. Frowning, the boy answered.

"My name is Sasuke, Sasuke Uchi– hey my phone!" Sasuke yelled. Just as he was introducing himself, the boy in the green uniform tossed his phone to another boy. The other kid easily caught it and looked it over.

"Oh, what an expensive toy! I wonder how much it costs?" He asked carelessly. He tossed it to another boy who almost dropped it. Sasuke gaped and made to go over to him.

"Knock it off! That was a birthday gift!" He yelled. His backpack was grabbed by the boy who had taken his phone in the first place. He stopped short and almost fell; his bag ripped from his back. Sasuke fell onto the ground, scuffing his hands on the gravel and dirtying his knees. He looked up into all their smiling faces with disgust.

"Figures, a bunch of jocks, how stereotypical, " he said out loud. Before the boy behind him could retort, something sounded like it was running toward them.


Sasuke blinked as something flaming red came bounding down the walkway, right from one of the dormitories. Sasuke blinked as a flash of scarlet and yellow zipped toward them and jumped. The boy closest to Sasuke was kicked hard in the back, sent flying into his friends. Sasuke watched in horror as his phone dropped to the gravel. Scrambling toward the device, he looked up to see the person who yelled steadily kicking and knocking heads with whatever he could.

"THIS WILL TEACH YOU BASTARDS A LESSON! BELIEVE IT!" The person yelled again. Amazingly, as Sasuke sat upon the ground, the three boys in green were sent running. Huffing and puffing, a youth much like himself stood there, yellow hair wild and the redcoat slightly dirty from the shuffle. One of the teens in green looked back at the blond, shaking his fist.

"Damn you Uzumaki!" he yelled. The fair-haired fireball shook his fist right back.

"Keep running jackass! Don't pick on people or I'll set your gym on fire!" He threatened. When the three boys were out of sight, did the blond turn to the boy on the ground. Sasuke's eyes widened as a large smile broke over his face. He walked over to Sasuke and held out a hand.

"Those guys don't know their ass from their heads. You are okay?" He asked. Sasuke took the hand and climbed to his feet. He faced the blond boy and was only slightly annoyed that the other was a few inches taller than himself. Much like the green uniformed boys, his was an exact one, with the exception that it was red with the animal patch being a fox instead of a bull.

"He's from red fox dorms?" He thought.

Spiky blond hair framed a tan and slightly round face. Large oceanic eyes opened wide in excitement as they regarded him. His uniform was a mess, the jacket open and white shirt underneath rough and desperately in need of an ironing board treatment. His shoes were scuffed terribly and for all the world, certainly looked like he had just been in a scuffle.

Regardless, Sasuke smiled at the blond thankfully as he dusted off his pants and pocketed his phone.

"I'm fine, not impressed with the welcome wagon in the slightest though. Who were those guys anyway?" Sasuke asked him. The blond crossed his arms and snorted.

"They come from the Green Bull dormitory. They're all only here on an expensive sports scholarship award. Not a smart bone in their bodies," he almost announced to an imaginary crowd. Sasuke nodded and picked up his backpack. He frowned at how dirty it looked as he tried to clean it off with his hand. He suddenly realized he had forgotten to thank the stranger.

"Oh . . . Um, thank you for doing that. I hate it when they gang up like that. Moreover, it's my first day so . . . I don't want to get in trouble for fighting," the ebony haired teen mumbled. The blond let out a laugh and slapped his back, almost causing him to fall with the force of it.

"A good-guy huh? No problem, if they bother you again, just call out NARUTO UZUMAKI! And I'll be there to kick all their sorry behinds! Believe it!" He yelled with a wink, striking the air with a fist. A little taken back, Sasuke gave him a strained smile and bowed to him slightly, holding out his hand.

"I'm Sasuke," he said. Naruto smiled if possible even wider and grabbed his hand, shaking it quickly and then letting it go.

"Nice to meet you!"

Itachi Uchiha stood in front of a door just to the right of his own. He slipped a new name plate into the plaque by the door, smiling as he used his finger to swipe across the shiny surface. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he quickly retrieved it; he smiled at the number. Immediately, he answered it, his eyes going soft.

"Little brother . . . " He said in affection. He nodded a couple of times before he turned to walk back to his room. "Yes, I'm glad the trip was good. I know; I can't wait to see you again too. We'll talk more in person. Where are you? Good, walk straight and head west from the school entrance, and you'll be at a plaza near the gymnasium; I'll meet you there. See you soon brother." Itachi hung up the phone just as another student walked up the stairs to the second floor. "Itachi-Senpai, has your little brother arrived yet?"the student asked. Itachi regarded him and nodded.

"Yes, I'm on my way to fetch him. Could you please make his bed and get him the necessary schedules and identification forms? Furthermore, let Neji know I need to talk to him and that Deidara should keep his boyfriend under control. You know how excitable those idiots get when new students arrive," Itachi instructed more than asked. The younger student, a first year, nodded in obedience."Of course Itachi-Senpai," he nodded. The raven nodded back before handing the boy the keys to the new student's room."Thank you Haku," he said. Without any other words, he turned and walked down the hallway and to the staircase. He smoothed his pony tail and straightened his student jacket. Reaching to his wrists, he folded back the cuffs of his crisp azure school jacket, and his animal patch, the blue tiger, sat proudly on his sleeve. Other students and underclassmen showed respect as he passed them, bowing and nodding to him. A student was by the door as he approached and immediately that student stopped what they were doing and opened the door, holding it ajar for the older boy. Itachi nodded as he passed and walked down the marble steps to the sidewalk. Making his way to the plaza, Itachi tried not to jog, eager to see his brother after such a long time apart.

Sasuke hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. Naruto watched him curiously, his hands crossed behind his head.

"My brother said to meet him near the plaza by the gymnasium. Do you mind taking me there?" He asked of the blond. Naruto nodded eagerly as he uncrossed his arms and nodded toward the continued path next to them.

"Sure thing! Follow me!" He said. Picking up his backpack, Sasuke followed the hyperactive blond. There was a bounce to the blond's steps, something Sasuke was not used to in people. Everyone he had ever known walked as if they floated on air, the way Sasuke usually walked as his mother had taught him. The other boy hummed under his breath to some imaginary tune as the ebony walked beside him. Sasuke couldn't help but study the other boy as he continued to hum. He didn't even realize he was staring until Naruto looked curiously at him. Immediately, Sasuke turned his head forward with a blush on his face.

Shit . . . How embarrassing . . . I was caught staring!

So busy with his inner thoughts, he didn't catch the smile Naruto had on his face. Sasuke's embarrassment faded though as they finally reached the main yard. Sasuke stopped and stared at everything.

"Wow, that school is huge," he whispered.

"Yup, sure is! Welcome to Konoha Academy!" Naruto announced, sweeping the air in front of them with his hand. The raven didn't know where to look first. The building in front of him was so grand that it had to be at least three stories high. The entire academy looked like a fortress, bricks and stone combined to make a delicate masterpiece of a household of learning. Students wearing different colored uniforms filled the yard as the bell rang, stragglers rushing off to classes or clubs. Enormous painted glass windows coated the tall tower on the top of the building that held the bell that rang, signaling all the classes. Substantial oak doors framed the front way as students flowed in and out of them. The plaza itself held a large fountain, much more creative then the one when you first entered the grounds. The sizable bronze statue was a weave of animals and art. Four animals, a fox, a bull, a horse and a large tiger, lined the imaginary cliffs that must have made up the school's dorm inhabitants. Their mouths opened wide, spitting water through the air or into the waters below. Sasuke walked up to the statue in order to read the moss-covered plaque on the fountains base.

May these four animals always protect the students which they represent.

Fox: Cunning and brave

Bull: Strength and honor

Horse: Majestic and sound

Tiger: Smart and ferocious

Trees and flowers were well kept between all the walkways and benches. Everything combined was like a work of art; it made Sasuke have a nervous knot in his stomach.

"Yeah, I wanted to run into the hills after I arrived. The whole damn place looks so fancy that it made me want to scream," the blond said casually. Sasuke continued to look around as he started heading west of the school. Naruto followed and nodded to people he knew. Some students stared curiously at Sasuke as he passed and that made him nervous even more. He stopped though when another gate to his left led up a set up steps to a tall church looking building. His eyes traveled to the bronze lettering above the entrance way.

Uchiha Clan Library

Founded 1898

"This is . . . "

Naruto watched in confusion as Sasuke ran up to the plaque attached to the stone pillar at the gate. He squinted at the small writing and smiled at it a moment later. He lifted his hand and ran his fingers over the names there.

Founded in 1898, this library was named after one of the co-founders of Konoha Academy. Due to his dedication of education and generous financial support both involving functions and scholarships, Madara Uchiha of the Uchiha family is honored. Along side him, his brother, Izuna Uchiha, both spent their lives' teaching and donating vast irreparable valuable collections of books in literature from around the world. This library is a forever memorial to the Uchiha family for its dedication to the students and the value of infinite knowledge. These wonderful contributions continue to this day and shall be honored as long as Konoha Academy stands.

Sasuke read the plaque and smiled at how much it affected him. Realizing he was keeping Naruto waiting, he coughed in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I've heard a lot about this library from my parents. I can't wait to go inside," he said dreamily. Sasuke smiled and scratched the end of his nose. Naruto scrunched his face up at the very thought.

"A library? Yuck! I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those!" He said loudly. Sasuke snapped out of his day dream and frowned.

"What? This library is a legacy that people during the past spent their lives dedicating to complete strangers! How could you not want to go in there at least once? You must study?" Sasuke asked him in disbelief. Naruto shook his head and crossed his arms.

"Nope," was all he said. Sasuke stared in utter shock at the blond. Slowly, he shook his head and slapped his forehead.

"Oh, just . . . Just take me to the plaza please, I've had a long bus ride," he said in defeat. Naruto looked at him strangely as Sasuke passed him and walked on. They went around the school through the back and walked through another grassy area. In the distance, Sasuke could make out what appeared to be a large stadium, next to it surely, had to be the gymnasium. They came across the plaza, and Sasuke spotted a bench. He noticed as he sat how Naruto stared at a gate that led to another walkway and out of sight.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked him. Naruto turned to him and shrugged.

"Eh? Nothing, I just hate coming down this way. This is where usually the jocks hang out or . . . The preps," he said in disdain. Sasuke visibly frowned.

"What's wrong with the preps?" Sasuke asked him. Oh how Sasuke regretted asking that question.

"EVERYTHING! They think they own the place! They get away with everything! They get the best seats at the games; everyone treats them like royalty; they can cut class whenever they want, they cheat when it comes to events because they can buy whatever they want . . . And worst of all they just act like they're gods' gifts to man! I hate those bastards!" the blond growled, slumping on the bench. Sasuke stared at him as he pouted and mumbled beneath his breath. He looked to the side before he looked again at the blond boy.

"That sounds really unfair. I'm sorry," he said softly. Naruto snapped out of his fuming to look at Sasuke. The ebony haired boy looked sad and Naruto realized it was because of him. Sitting up straight, Naruto laughed nervously.

"I-Its not your fault! It's just the way it is around here! No matter where you go, ya know? You just can't escape it! However, there is one prep you really need to stay away from. He is the worst! He'll make your life a living hell if you let him!" The boy warned. Sasuke blinked and tilted his head.

"Who?" He asked in confusion. Before Naruto could say something, he was cut off.

"Sasuke!" A voice called out. Sasuke looked away from Naruto to see a tall handsome older boy approach him. Instantly, the boy broke out in a large and beautiful smile. His eyes lit up like stars as he rose from the bench.

"Nii-san!" he called happily. Sasuke didn't think twice as he ran across the plaza. Itachi Uchiha smiled brilliantly as he opened his arms to intercept the boy. Sasuke reached him and wrapped his arms around his older brother's waist. His elderly brother wrapped one arm tight around his waist as the other came up to grab his chin. Sasuke's face was raised to peer into his big brothers.

"You've grown," he smiled. Sasuke pulled back and took his brother's hand.

"Two inches," he announced happily. Itachi smiled kinder at him before he looked up a bit from his brother. He frowned as he spotted Naruto sitting on the bench where Sasuke had come from. The blond's mouth was agape as he stared at them both. Itachi narrowed his eyes on the boy and his red uniform.

"It's rude to stare Uzumaki," he said almost coldly. The blond blinked and closed his mouth, an ugly look coming over his face.

"Sorry, you're so ugly it's hard not to!" He said back. Sasuke looked at Naruto in confusion before turning toward his brother.

"Nii-san, you know Naruto?" he asked. The blond looked back and forth between them before he jumped from the bench and pointed, face in utter shock and disbelief.

"NII-SAN? NANI?" he said loudly. Sasuke continued to frown in confusion.

"Naruto?" he asked. Itachi shook his head before he noticed Sasuke's appearance. The boy's shoes were scuffed, and his backpack looked dirty. His jacket had dust over it also.

"What happened to you?" Itachi asked alarmed, putting his hands-on Sasuke's shoulders. He looked the boy over worriedly as Sasuke blushed in embarrassment.

"Well . . . You see, I . . . Sort of . . . " he tried to say.

"I saved him!" Naruto said suddenly. Itachi looked at Naruto and laughed bitterly.

"Saved him? From what? Your stupidity?" He asked.

"No shit head! The so-called jocks you keep on such short leashes! They attacked him as soon as he got here!" Naruto said in defense. Itachi ignored the tongue that the boy stuck out at him as he turned back to Sasuke.

"Is that true? The jocks from the green bull dormitories?" He asked in anger. Sasuke fidgeted and finally nodded after rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I was about to call you, but they spotted me and took my phone. Naruto came running and helped me. It was really nice of him nii-san," he said kindly. Itachi narrowed his eyes at the Uzumaki that now stood looking smug by the bench.

"Really? Well then, I'll let you off with my praise this time Uzumaki, but don't expect me to be nice to you from this day forwards," he told the blond. Itachi firmly set his hand on Sasuke's elbow as he led the boy to the path that followed away from the plaza.

"You can go now Uzumaki, back to red dorm and all your delinquent friends," He said. Sasuke stared helplessly after Naruto as his brother nearly dragged him away.

"B-but Nii-san!" Sasuke tried, looking back at Naruto. The blond watched as Sasuke was taken away and headed off to the prep dorm.