Author's Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story/posting it. Chapters will also be longer in the future. There will be other pairings as well. Forgive my grammatical errors, it gets better!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Same goes for every chapter.

Warning: Will eventually contain YAOI (BoyxBoy), Dark themes, mention of non-con, violence, swearing, mild BDSM.



In the middle of an abandoned warehouse, tied to a chair, bloody and beaten sat Hanzo the Salamander.

The man once feared and respected all throughout the criminal underworld was at his breaking point. To think that he, Hanzo the Salamander would fall for another man so carelessly was a smudge on his honor. When he first saw the raven-haired man he just knew he had to have him and he did everything in his power to woo said man.

After all of his romancing and flattery he was finally invited to the handsome man's bedroom. Hanzo was elated, he would fully have a taste of the man he had desired for months, but that feeling of completion never came. He was drugged and tied up and brought to this warehouse on the outskirts of town. He had been tortured for eighteen hours and was on the brink of death, but he had always been a stubborn man.

Hanzo looked up through bloody and swollen eyes to glare at the tall dark-haired man that stood over him. He silently cursed himself for his weakness of the flesh. It was for that very reason that his guard was let down in the first place. The man that stood before him was beautiful, like an ethereal being. He had been courting him for months and was foolish to believe that this man was a gift from the heavens. With his elegant brows, chiseled body, full lashes, long black hair that was as soft as down feathers. And those eyes, those dark eyes that were the bottomless pit incarnate.

Hanzo watched as the handsome man walked to him with a pen in one hand and a contract in the other. A smooth emotionless voice spoke and filled the shabby warehouse. "Hanzo-sama, don't carry this out any longer. Just sign your name on the dotted line and end this. I do have a prior engagement to attend."

The crime lord Hanzo put his head down as the reality of his situation settled in. He had been careless, too blinded by lust and maybe even love -as sappy as that may sound. He was ashamed to admit that he had grown quite fond of the man. But by being so careless he had unknowingly jeopardized his entire organization. He knew that that filth, Pein had been trying to usurp him for years now but Hanzo had been too cocky.

The Salamander had underestimated his opponent and look where it landed him. Tied up to a chair, with broken ribs, three fingers missing, and burn marks all over his body. He was not an idiot, he knew that regardless of if he signed his name or not he was going to die tonight.

He was going to die by the hands of this beautiful man.

But there was one thing that he needed to know before he left this world. He opened his dry mouth and swallowed thickly.

"I-I will sign but before I do. I want to know one thing."

The dark-haired man slightly narrowed his eyes."Just one question."

Hanzo licked his bloody lips and eyed the man with an almost pleading expression. "Did any of the time we spent together mean anything to you?"

The younger man looked at Hanzo with a blank expression and extended the pen and contract. The Salamander hesitated, then gave in and signed the piece of paper. He had just given over everything that he worked so hard to build with only a few strokes of a pen. With his job almost completed the man sat the contract down and picked up a gun and slowly put the silencer on. He walked over to Hanzo and aimed his gun right between his eyes. Before pulling the trigger he finally answered the man's question.

"It was only a job." With that he pulled the trigger.

Uchiha Itachi disposed of his bloody gloves and pulled out his cell phone. After punching in the intended numbers he waited patiently for the person to pick up on the other end. Three rings later a gruff voice answered with disgruntled string of curses as the greeting.

"Quite the colorful vocabulary as always, Kisame." Itachi said with a small smirk gracing his handsome face.

The man on the other end, Kisame chuckled. "Itachi I assume you completed your job. Correct?"


There was a slight pause on the other end and Itachi could hear hushed voices in the background.

"Leader said your work here is done for the weekend. We will meet up at the usual spot Monday morning 0600."

Without another word Itachi ended the call and checked the time. It was 10pm and he was an hour late.

The Usually quiet Uchiha estate was filled with teenagers and the sound of loud hip-hop music could be heard coming from the mansion. Itachi used a remote to open up the garage door and he parked his sleek black sports car inside.

The elder Uchiha let out an audible sigh. Today was his younger brother's birthday party and he was two hours late. Normally, he did not allow strangers into their home, for several reasons, but Sasuke had been nagging him for weeks. So, being the gracious brother that he was, he relented. Itachi had to make a "stop" before rushing to the party. By stop, he meant dispose of Hanzo's body.

He had promised Sasuke that he would be here on time, but as usual he could not keep that promise. Ever since the murder of their parents, Itachi had taken care of his younger brother. When the social workers tried to step in and have Sasuke put into a foster home, Itachi went to his uncle Madara (reluctantly) and asked that he became their guardian. Of course Madara would not just sit around and play house until they turned eighteen; he was too busy pulling the strings in his own criminal organization. So in exchange for Itachi's membership into said organization, Madara became thier guardian but only on paper.

Of course Sasuke had no idea that his elder brother was a member of a ruthless criminal organization. Known in several countries as, Akatsuki. He and his teammates were at the top of Interpol's most wanted list. Well not them, but the different alias that they went under.

Whenever Itachi was not on a mission or doing some other trivial thing he was spending time with his younger brother. He knew that at times Sasuke felt lonely, but he just had one more year until Sasuke was eighteen and afterwards Madara could suck it. The brief image of Madara kneeling between his legs made Itachi want to empty his stomach.

Shaking his head to rid himself of those disturbing thoughts, he grabbed his gift from a bag in the backseat and stepped out of his car. The music had changed to some annoying Miley Cyrus song and he immediately regretted showing up at all.

But this was for Sasuke, his foolish little brother, whom he loved dearly. When he opened the door to the mansion the music and the scent of alcohol attacked his senses. Itachi was never a fan of parties in his youth even before the death of his parents. He would receive countless invitations to parties and of course he had declined ever offer. The only time he would even go to a club now was when his missions called for it - or to relieve a little tension.

After moving gracefully through the crowded mansion and sending a few glares of disapproval here and there he stopped in his tracks. Sasuke was nowhere to be found. On the outside Itachi was the epitome of calm, cool and collected but on the inside his mind had already created a thousand possibilities.

But if Itachi had ever just accepted any of the invitations to high school parties in his youth he would have saved himself the trouble and went straight to Sasuke's room.

Sasuke was a seventeen year old on his birthday; he practically had the house to himself and alcohol. Itachi scoffed at his ignorance and headed to his little brother's room upstairs. Sasuke was probably making out with some girl that he couldn't even give two shits about. Itachi smirked at the thought of interrupting his little brother's make out session. With a hint of amusement in his eyes he opened Sasuke's door without knocking and stopped dead in his tracks.

The younger Uchiha was indeed having a make out session, a very steamy one at that.

A blond boy was straddling Sasuke and working towards pulling his shirt off when Itachi cleared his throat loud enough for the two teenagers to hear. Blue eyes widened before the blond was thrown unceremoniously on the floor. Sasuke stood up and clumsily tried to adjust the visible bulge in the front of his pants.

"Itachi! What the fuck?!"

Sasuke was as red as his favorite fruit while the blonde was now trying to hide in a corner and was visibly shaken. Uchiha Itachi was never surprised; he was also very good at reading people, but for once in his life he had been wrong about his little brother. He didn't know that Sasuke was gay - not that it really mattered to him. That would be like the pot calling the kettle black or however that saying goes.

Itachi was just so used to Sasuke talking to him about everything, but his little brother never even mentioned the possibility that he could be gay and also attracted to his best friend Naruto.

The blond teenager must have took the silence of the two Uchiha brothers as a sign of impending doom because he got up and tried to scurry for the door. Itachi had to hold back a chuckle at this.

"Relax Sasuke. I was only trying to let you know that I made it." he smirked, mirth swimming in his dark pools. "Although, if I knew you were 'occupied' I could have just left a note."

Sasuke didn't relax a muscle; he was way too embarrassed so he tried to hide his embarrassment with anger instead. Naruto was just as tense; he had always known that Itachi was way stronger than he looked and he did NOT want to ever cross his path. He could only imagine how Itachi would act if he thought Naruto was trying to take Sasuke's virtue - which was barely hanging on.

"Naruto, would you mind stepping out so I could have a word with my brother." Itachi's smooth voice held no hint of his current mood so it was hard to tell if he was upset or not.

Naruto shot a glance at Sasuke, who only nodded his head. The blond took his best friends' head nod as a sign of reassurance that he would be fine and he walked silently out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Itachi could tell that Sasuke was on full defense mode and that he was prepared to go head on with him if he needed to. The expression in Sasuke's eyes actually hurt the elder Uchiha. Did Sasuke truly believe that he wouldn't accept him anymore since he was gay? After everything they had been through his little brother couldn't really believe that he would ever turn his back on him. Could he?

Well Sasuke had always been foolish.

"Yes I am gay Itachi and I don't give a shit if you or anyone else agrees or not." And Sasuke had always been brash and impatient as well.

Itachi took a few steps until he was standing directly in front of Sasuke. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box and handed it to the younger Uchiha.

Sasuke eyed Itachi warily but took the box anyway. When Sasuke opened the box he looked inside and just stared at the object in silence.

"Happy Birthday, Sasuke."

The box contained a platinum chain and a small Uchiha fan. On the back the words, to my Otouto were inscribed on the back. Itachi watched as the hardness of Sasuke's black orbs softened and he pulled his younger brother in for a hug.

"Itachi, thank you." Sasuke held on firmly to his older brother and secretly prayed that this meant his sexuality would never make his brother look at him differently. Itachi looked down and smiled at his little brother, as if reading his thoughts he said, "I do not care about you being gay Sasuke, you should know that I will never judge you. Although I am a little put out that you did not tell me sooner."

The younger raven stepped back and pulled the necklace out if the box and put it around his neck. "It's not like I didn't want to tell you, it's just that you are always busy. And I was pretty sure that I was straight until that idiot came and starting screwing things up."

Itachi noticed that when Sasuke said idiot it held a bit of fondness in it. He also noticed that his younger brother was smiling and not smirking. When was the last time Sasuke smiled because of anyone other than him? Never the one to beat around the bush Itachi calmly asked, "Do you love him?" It was an amazing thing to witness, in a matter of seconds Uchiha Sasuke went from pale to a lovely shade of firetruck. There was Itachi's answer; Sasuke did not have to say a thing.

When Sasuke was fifteen he transferred from Senju Prep to Konoha Public. There he met Uzumaki Naruto; a blond hair, blue-eyed, loud mouth who could warm even Jack Frost's frozen heart. His parents died when he was two and he was raised by his Godfather Jiraiya - a famous author of adult novels. Naruto and his guardian lived two blocks from the Uchiha estate. The author traveled a lot so Naruto would come over and stay at the mansion for days at a time.

Itachi knew from the moment he met Naruto that he would be a positive influence in Sasuke's life. His bubbly personality and loyalty was what the younger Uchiha needed in a friend. He was glad that his brother had chosen a person that could be the light in his darkness.

After a few moments of contemplation Sasuke spoke up. "I am not sure if it is love that I am feeling but I know that I really enjoy the feeling and Naruto is the only one that has ever made me feel this way..."

That was the most that Sasuke had ever voiced about his feelings. It wasn't a definite answer but Itachi understood how serious this was to his little brother. Although, there was one thing that he really wanted to know. Was Sasuke having sex already? He wouldn't just ask just yet, but he could have a little fun.

Itachi smirked. "Should I have gotten you lube instead?"

The booming pop music was not loud enough to drown out Sasuke's outraged response.

After a few more minutes of assuring Sasuke that he was only joking and that he was truly happy for him, Itachi stepped out into the hallway to see Naruto standing against the wall. The elder Uchiha knew that the blond wouldn't go far, not if he thought that Sasuke was truly in trouble.

He greeted Naruto with a small smile and leaned over and whispered in his ear. The teenager visibly paled and looked at Itachi and nodded. Sasuke saw the entire exchange and wondered what his older brother said, but decided that it was best if he didn't know.

Itachi faced the two teens and then glanced at his watch. "Sasuke, I hope you enjoy the rest of your party. I will be in my room until all of the guests leave..." he paused and looked at Naruto intently. "See you two later."

With that the elder Uchiha turned around and went inside his dark bedroom and closed the door behind him leaving the two teenagers in the hallway.

Naruto turned to his best friend and scratched the back of his head, "Your brother scares the shit out of me." he shuddered as he recalled the man's threat.

Sasuke silently agreed. "Come on idiot lets go back downstairs."

"Right after you, bastard."