Author has written 12 stories for Naruto. Name: Shi no Tenshi NickNames: Shi-kun,Tenshi-kun, or Lady Fox (Friends each gave me a nickname) Age: I am a year older than I was last year if that helps anyone out Gender: Female (If you haven't figured it out) Muses: The Moon, Stars, Night, Fire, Kitsune, & Krappy Prince Favorite Animes: Naruto and others, but as of yet, I only write Naruto because that the only fanfictions I have written about that I feel are okay and should go up. Favorite Pairing: SasukexNaruto Quotes: "Everythings Possible just not Probable. So is it possible for something to be impossible?" Kage (My Brother) "If you hear anything suspicious, say like sirens...floor it." "Whoever said sunshine was happiness has never danced in the rain." "Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect." "Warning: Trespassers will be shot; Survivors will be shot again." "Children: You spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then the next sixteen years you're telling them to sit down and shut up." "Cool? I do not know what is wrong with you, but you're freaking me out." "So...we can call this year 'The Apocalypse?'" "I'm just a total gensius!" "I told you I was sick!" (Tombstone) "What the hell are you on today?" "You're not going crazy. You're going sane in a crazy world!" "This handsome yet incredibly annonying looser is my brother." (Always wanted to introduce Kage like that.) "That's it! This is just some horrible demented dream!" "Oro." "Ru-mumeto Ga Imasuka? (Do you have a roommate?)" Krappy Prince talking to his classmate in Japanese class. "Iie, Koroshimashita (No, I killed him.)" Classmate's answer. "As I lay in bed last night, looking up at the stars and the moon, I thought to myself, 'Where the hell is my ceiling?'" "We're still friends. Just now, we can make-out." "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." "I lost my mind a long time ago. Hm ... But, I haven't missed it yet." "I'm not crazy I’m just ... well, I’m not crazy!" "Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies." "3 out of 2 people don't understand fractions." "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." "The worst feeling in the world is to be sitting right next to someone you know you can't have." "The greatest feeling in the world is finding out that the one who you like likes you back." "I'm NOT LADY DEATH! I'm the ANGEL OF DEATH! Get it Right!" Stories: Going Home- Naruto one-shot. Crossover between Naruto and Inu-Yasha. No pairings. Complete. Fears & Foxes- Naruto one-shot. Poem with story. SasuNaru. Complete. Leaving- Naruto one-shot. Poem with story. SasuNaru friendship. Complete. Another World- Naruto multi-chapter. Corssover between Naruto and Yu Yu Hakusho. SasuNaru. Complete. Spring Time in the Fox Den- Naruto multi-chapter. Alternate Universe fic, sorta. SasuNaru. Complete. Family and Balance- Naruto one-shot. Poems with story. SasuNaru. Complete. Save Me- Naruto two-shot. Twisted story (Can't really describe it). SasuNaru. Complete. Attack- Naruto one-shot. Twisted story (I was in another one of my moods). No pairing. Complete. To the Snow Dogs- Naruto two-shot. Alternate Universe fic. SasuNaru. Complete. A Grave of Broken Dreams- Naruto one-shot. Inspired by gift-pic from beta. Slight SasuNaru. Complete. Second Heart- Naruto one-shot. Alternate Universe fic. SasuNaru. Shouta. Complete Eerie Visions- Naruto multi-chapter. Alternate Universe fic. SasuNaru. Complete. Fanart Pictures: I got my very first fanart! I'm so happy. It's for Another World, check it out: http:///art/The-Fox-Prince-95257208 My Beta's pic that inspired A Grave of Broken Dreams: http:///art/Don-t-Cry-Teme-113608129 Notes: I really don't ask people to review on my stories, just when I'm totally done with the story or if I want the readers' opinion on my writing. Other than that, it is up to you guys if you really want to review, but reviews do make me happy and a happy writer is a more productive writer. I know, I'm fishing for reviews, but I'm also telling the truth, so bare with me. If you want me to write anything more to my one-shots just tell me and I might do it, but if no inspiration then it is a no go. I never want to give up a story and stop it, I hate writers who do that and I don't want to become one of them. So, I'm determined to get all my stories done -even if it takes me a long time- in other words, don't give up on me. I try to do only one big multi-chapter story at a time and I'll do so one/two-shots in between chapters. Sorry I'm slow to update though. Also I am not the best at grammer and if there is any mistakes in any of my stories, please tell me. I really don't want to look bad with horrible grammer or spelling. Okay, I don't think I'm going to write any long chapter fics anytime soon because I have so much going on. Though I do plan on continuing with writing, but they will only be one or two chapter fics. Sorry and thank you. THIS IS AN ACCOUNT HIGHJACKING! Praise a~ll mighty fox writer, Shi no Tenshi 902!! She is my favorite writer. Knows why? It's not because she's my best friend, but it's more of the fact she is an evolving writer! I've known her for three years and hella more to come. (There better be more to come, dammit. If not I'm going hunt you down and choke you. I'll also drag Yami with me Nods nods Also! Although critism may discourage her, she'll still think about it and in all out pride she will prove you wrong. Thus is her ablity to grow stronger as a writer. So I'm a spazz and you don't have to listen to me but mark me for a dead man; this writer's got two guardians with her. Look out for her works! Onegaishimasu! Shameless advertising. That's what I'm doing as I aimlessly mess around on this account. _ That would be my beta up there... Krappy Prince. Until futher notice, I'm taking a break from writing. I'll still check my notes, so feel free to email me, but other than that, I won't be doing much. |
gingeringfigs (21) | michelerene (29) |