Tsuna: There, there. -pats back-
Me: But Tsuna, its so sad! NO MORE YOU GETTING RAPED! That is until I make another story of your getting raped.
Tsuna: Lets not.
Me: Well, unlike Broken so Sweetly, this story is a bit shorter, because this one was actually a prototype that I decided to stick around. Its still sad that this is going to end.
Tsuna: That's because you've been working on this one for so long! Its natural that you be sad.
Me: Tis true! So everyone, this is the end! I hope you all enjoy!
===== In Mukuro's Room =====
Mukuro sat down in one of his lush chairs over looking the fire place. The fire shown brightly as if dancing with the sparks that it made. He was slumped in his chair, flying photographs into the flames, before watching them all burn and turn to ash. Each picture having the family in them, but none had Tsunayoshi. "None of them, have the man that saved everything, that truly did everything." thought Mukuro as he kept on flinging them into the flames, feeding the hungry element.
He looked beside him on the table were only a few photos were saved. A few which had Tsunayoshi, even if it was small. A glass of red whine also stood tall, as if asking the person on the chair to drink even more. Even though there was already two empty bottles on the floor. Mukuro, even though knowing this, did he take another sip.
"Tsunayoshi, you may have given me the order to tell everyone to aim to kill you, but..." he whispered, as he threw more pictures into the fire. "But...I will be the one to save you." he whispered as he leaned back in his chair, breathing in with a smirk dancing onto his face. He stood up, letting the album he had drop onto other empty albums at his feet, before he left the room. Mukuro continued to walk, before going into the garden.
He stopped a bit, before he kept going, into the maze that was built in honor of the Vongola family from a much smaller family. As Mukuro walked, did he remember all the events that happened. Did he remember the face of Tsuna, who looked at him with nothing. But, deep in those eyes, Mukuro could see, He could still see Tsuna, crying out for help.
He finally came to stop as he was in the center of the maze. Which had a beautiful garden, filled with all kinds of roses and other beautiful flowers. Mukuro walked over to own flower in general, which was a white orchid. He quickly picked it, before smelling it. "Disgusting as usual." he whispered, before crushing the poor flower. He let it drop with a smirk as he saw many more crushed orchids under it.
"This used to be your favorite flower." he whispered, as he looked at the very few white orchids. "Back then, you would bring those naughty children here all the time." he whispered, breathing in, before taking out a picture. "In a sense I cannot blame them, for I would have done the same..." he placed the picture down in the flowers, before turning around.
"But I will not forgive them Tsunayoshi-kun, because they had stolen you away from me." Mukuro hissed, before leaving without a second glance. And as he left, did the picture stand alone in the flowers. The picture which held Tsuna, with two small children, all smiling together, with Mukuro grinning beside them.
===== Dream =====
"Its so dark." whispered the grown man named Tsuna as he looked at the dark abyss that seemed to surround him. "It has to be dark." Came another voice, making Tsuna look up, to see a a child, probably in early teens, that looked just like him. This confused Tsuna as he stared at the child who smiled back at him. "Who are you?" asked Tsuna as he continued to stay where he was. The child frowned, walked over to where Tsuna was, before smiling at him.
"Why silly! I'm you of course!" he grinned, but something in the other boy's eyes seemed wrong. "Almost as if he just really wants to scream." Tsuna mused, before he noticed he started walking where the boy was taking him. At this the scene seem to melt into different things, and soon they inside, what looked to be a burning mansion.
"Its dangerous." was all Tsuna could state, but the grown man did nothing, as they smoothly walked through the chaos. "I guess it is." whispered the child, as they continued to walk somewhere inside the mansion. "Do you remember your favorite saying?" asked the child as he turned around. Tsuna noticed something wrong with where they were standing. As everywhere was burning or blazing with flames, was the door in front of them unhurt. It even looked brand new with the polish wood and golden handles.
"What?" asked Tsuna as the man looked at the smiling child. "I said...Do you remember your favorite saying?" asked the little child, making Tsuna blink. "I never had a saying." He stated, making the child smile. "Do you remember who was the mist?" he asked, this earned Tsuna, yet again to be confused. "What are you talking about?" he asked, but the child still smiled. "Do you know what you are?" He asked, making Tsuna open his mouth and close.
"I..." he whispered, but stopped. "I can't remember." whispered Tsuna, making the child sigh. "Yes, I suppose you can't." the child stated, before stepping away from the door. But, as he did, did another door appear where the flames were. But, the flames, couldn't seem to touch the dark polished wood. As if touching it would cause them to flutter out of their powerful blaze.
"You have two choices, one you must chose, one you must sacrifice." stated the child, holding one finger up and then the other up. "Both door hold 'Truths', both doors will make you remember, but they are both different." stated the child, this time the child stood tall. Before the child who looked liked Tsuna grabbed at his face, before tearing off the skin. Tsuna eyes widened and was about to stop the child, when he noticed no blood. And that the skin that was being torn off, looked like paper.
As the child tore more and more skin off, did it only leave a skeleton, that soon grew larger, before standing slightly shorter than Tsuna. It gently pointed to the door again. "This door." the skeleton stated, in a more female voice, "This door holds the emotion of wanting to stay with family and be with them, to start a new". The skeleton finger pointed on the door that was against the wall.
"The other, holds the dark truth, the emotion of saving the lives of two, as well as ending." stated the Skeleton, pointing to the one in the flames. "Both will end of with someone crying, both will end up with someone dieing, but one will end of with you surviving." the skeleton stated. "What will you choose Tsunayoshi? Will you choose family or will you chose the two dark truths?" she asked, making Tsuna hesitant, before looking at the doors. "I have no memories...But, you seem very familiar." stated Tsuna, earning the Skeleton to look down a bit as if thinking, before chuckling. "Yes, well, lets say I'm just a good friend repaying for all the kindness given to me." the Skeleton whispered.
"Then, please tell me, as advice, which one would you chose?" asked Tsuna, making the Skeleton look up, before looking at the two doors. "It would be hard to say." 'she' as now Tsuna thought, said. "While I would want to start a new with my family, do I want to save the darkness of the two suffering." stated the Skeleton, before going to where the burning door was. "While the one with family holds life, this one holds demise...but, if I had to chose, I would chose the one who suffers the most, who doesn't have much around them." she stated, before bowing.
"But, of course that is my thoughts, you must decide." She stated, making Tsuna think over what she had said. "I for some reason feel as though I can trust you with everything." stated Tsuna as he walked over to the burning door. "And for some odd reason, I feel this door crying out louder than the other door." He whispered, taking the door handle. "If that is your choice." the Skeleton stated, before giving Tsuna a quick hug. "Alas time is short, go through the door, Tsunayoshi! And Good Bye, for this will be the last you will ever see me." she stated, making Tsuna blink.
"Why is that?" asked Tsuna, making the Skeleton point to another door, which appeared back where they were coming from. But, that one seemed cold and put out many flames around it. "I have my own destiny I must go through." she stated, before chuckling. "And sadly, where I am going, you are not." with that the Skeleton walked over to the opening door as Tsuna opened his. "Good Bye, Tsunayoshi, my only dear friend." with that the Skeleton waved, before walking inside. Tsuna narrowed his eyes, as for a glimpse as the door was shutting, did he thought he see the Skeleton form, be not of bones, but a human female. Though, the door shut too quickly for him to actually see anything else.
"Good Bye." whispered Tsuna, before he opened the door to his path and walked inside. It was dark, which Tsuna noticed first. He couldn't see anything, but himself which seem to glow in the deep abyss. He silently shut the door behind him, before walking away, not caring that the door vanished behind him. He would not look back and he would not take back his decision.
"Hey! Tsu-chan look at me! Smile!"
Tsuna instantly turned around to see a circle of an image appear. It showed Byakuran, as a child, holding up a camera to him. Shoichi, also shown as a child, ran behind Byakuran, with his own camera also wanting a picture.
"My you two, it seems you are enjoying the gifts I got for you." stated Tsuna. "Of course! Everything Tsu-chan gives us is wonderful!" stated Byakuran earning a shy nod from Shoichi. Tsuna chuckle, before smiling at the two, earning two clicks, with two flashes.
"Oya! Oya! What do we have here?" asked a man.
"" whispered Tsuna as he looked at the man in which he slowly remembered. "Mukuro." Tsuna said again, this time with more confidence. "My memories are slowly returning." thought Tsuna as he continued to watch the image.
"Ah! Mukuro-san! How was your trip?" asked Shoichi as he and Byakuran ran over to where Tsuna's leg was. "Ah, boring as usual." stated Mukuro, earning a snort form Tsuna. "Next time, I'll keep that in mind." chuckled Tsuna, earning Mukuro to grin. "Hey! Hey!" stated Byakuran, earning the two adults to look at him and Shoichi.
"Lets all take a picture together!" Byakuran and Shoichi both chimed.
"Well, that sounds like a lovely idea!" stated Mukuro, earning Tsuna to nod. He motioned for a man who wasn't far away to help. They all soon got into positions, before smiling. A click came and then a flash, showing the picture was taken, making the still group to move again. "Yay! When can we get them developed? Huh? Huh?" asked Byakuran, earning Tsuna and Mukuro to chuckle. "How about we go tomorrow and get all the film develop? You two sill need to take more pictures!" state Tsuna earning the two to nod, before going off and taking pictures.
"You are a completely different person when you come here Tsunayoshi." stated Mukuro sitting down at a round table with Tsuna. The man smiled sadly, before breathing in the fresh air. "The Altair Family gives me great joy Mukuro, they have been loyal to me for a very long time." stated Tsuna, looking down at a teacup. "And when Byakuran's and Shoichi's parents died, well, I wouldn't hear of it." stated Tsuna earning Mukuro to nod.
"So you then became the boss of the Altair." stated Mukuro, earning a nod from Tsuna. "Also." whispered Mukuro looking at the two boys. "You had become the parent of those two." he stated, earning the man in front of him to smile. "They give me great joy, these boys and everyone else in Altair." stated Tsuna.
"More joy than Vongola can ever give?" asked Mukuro, earning Tsuna to smile sadly. The man looked at Mukuro in his eyes, surprising the other man with how pained they were.
"Yes, and that is the sad truth."
The image soon repeated itself, making Tsuna look away as more started to appear around him. Tsuna looked down at his hand, before the man brought them up to his head. "So, I did know who they were." he whispered, before rushing over to another image to remember everything. To remember on what happened to everything.
"Taichi, I told you that it was a trick." whispered Tsuna as the man sat beside a bed, with two people on it. Both critically injured and dying. "Lily, why did you go along with it?" asked Tsuna as he looked at husband and wife, who only smiled at Tsuna. "Yes, yes." coughed the man named Taichi as he held his wife. "You see Tsuna-chan, we would do anything for this family, even sacrifice if we have too! To us, even though we knew it was a trick, knowing that we saved our men, is good enough for us." whispered Lily, earning Tsuna to look down.
"What about your son! Already Shoichi's parents are dead! They both needed you two!" stated Tsuna, earning the two to chuckle again. "Everyone has their time here on earth Tsuna, some people's times go out faster than others." stated Taichi, while Lily nodded. "Especially being in the Mafia, time is very fragile and you should make the best of everyday! When the Gresso Family said they would give back our men and a peace talk, we knew they were only joking." stated Lily as she hugged her husband tighter.
"But we went, because, if there was a chance to end the war, if there was a chance to save our family, we would do anything." stated Taichi. Lily slowly raised her hand up to touch Tsuna's cheek, who held her warm hand, which slowly started becoming cold. "We give our family to you Tsuna-chan, until Byakuran and Shoichi are old enough to take the role..." she stated, earning Tsuna nod, while Lily smiled.
"We always saw you as another son Tsuna." stated Taichi petting the man's hair.
Tsuna's eyes softened at this, before clutching both Lily's and Taichi's hand. "You will understand why we did, on what we did Tsuna-chan." Lily whispered. "We love you Tsuna, never forget okay?" Taichi asked, earning Tsuna to nod. "You two have been more like family to me, than my own so called 'family', I treasure you all deeply and will engrave this memory in my heart." whispered Tsuna, earning the two to smile.
"Good, my boy, good my son." grinned the two. "I will bring Byakuran and Shoichi inside to be alone with you two." stated Tsuna. The two dying adults on the bed nodded, as Tsuna walked over to the door and opened it. He was faced with the many worried faces, especially two little ones who look at Tsuna's face with fear. The man smiled sadly at the two, before stepping aside, letting the two boys rush over to the parent's side. Tsuna allowed other men to go in as well, wanting goodbyes to their boss.
Tsuna waited as he heard the talking, he crying and the screaming from inside. But, what Tsuna heard the most, was the slow beeping of the heart monitor.
Tsuna looked up and walked back into the room to see the two pale bodies of the two people he considered as his parents. Tsuna watched as Byakuran and Shoichi had rushed over to Tsuna's side, crying into his chest as Tsuna looked into the scene.
"You will understand why we did, on what we did Tsuna-chan." those words rang through Tsuna head as he stood tall for the mourning family.
Tears were going down Tsuna's face as he watched this memory. He understood, he finally understood. Remembering on going to the meeting for Byakuran, knowing it was a trick, but still going. He finally understood now. Tsuna continued to watch all the memories he forgot play over for him. Tsuna slowly remembered the memories that the medicine had destroyed. Tsuna watched a the Altair Family were being slaughtered in front of Shoichi and Byakuran. He watched in sorrow as he noticed their little beings become consumed in darkness. And he watched the accident that took his memories.
The last memory that Tsuna saw was the orders he had given out. "I will not take back those orders." stated Tsuna as he looked at the image. "I will die, as well Byakuran and Shoichi on the day of the battle." stated Tsuna, while looking up at the Vongola and Millefiore symbol. The Vongola will conquer the Millefiore, but they will lose the family member they were trying to get back." stated Tsuna watching as the Millefiore symbol shattered.
"I'm sorry." stated Tsuna as the man walked up to the Vongola symbol. "How would I love to start all over try again...but, these two need me." whispered Tsuna, before letting the darkness consume him.
===== Ship: Master Room ======
Tsuna awoke gently, with his eyes fluttering open. He saw the white ceiling, decorated with beautiful flower designs, before looking around. He noticed that he was all alone, making the man grateful at that. For Tsuna wanted to think over the things that happened. To fully breath in, the air, as he finally remembered, everything. He opened his eyes to footsteps, before looking at where the door opened. "Ah! Tsu-chan is awake!" stated Byakuran.
"Tsuna-chan, did you have a good rest?" asked Shoichi, as the two instantly got onto the bed. Both kissing Tsuna on the cheek, who smiled. "Yes, I had a wonderful dream." Tsuna smiled, making Byakuran grin as he slowly kissed Tsuna on the lips. Tsuna returned he kiss, feeling Byakuran's tongue all around his mouth, before breaking apart. Repeating he same thing to Shoichi when he came forward for a kiss.
"That is very good Tsu-chan! But we need to get you ready! Were almost at the island where those meany clams are waiting for us!" pouted Byakuran. Shoichi nodded, but looked down a bit. "Sho-chan, whats wrong?" asked Byakuran, making Tsuna look over to Shoichi with concern. "If this doesn't end out well...Will we still be together?" asked Shoichi, making Byakuran blabber how they were going to win and not to worry. But, Tsuna looked at Shoichi's eyes and remembered. He remembered he had the same eyes when he had lost his parents and then the family he used to belong to.
"Shoichi, Byakuran, come here." spoke Tsuna softly, as if he was afraid he would break the two if he spoke too loudly. Both the younger males stopped, before scooting closer to Tsuna, who slowly wrapped his arms around he two's necks. "We'll always be together, always." Tsuna whispered, not seeing the shocked expressions the two had. But feeling them clutch back and shaking was enough for Tsuna.
It was enough for him.
===== Battle Field =====
Tsuna watched the battle begin and heat up as he watched safely away from everyone. He watched how hard his brother and his guardians fought for him. He watched Byakuran and Shoichi do the same. He wasn't allowed to fight. He could only watched in a safe zone like Kyoko and Haru were doing. Tsuna though paid more attention to where his mist was. To where Mukuro may be lurking. But, it seemed he was no where in site, which to Tsuna, was very a good thing, but at times was a good thing.
"Kufufufufu, found you." came a voice, making Tsuna smile softly, before turning around to see Mukuro. His trident never looked so dangerous before as well as the man in front of him. "Good Day, Mukuro." greeted Tsuna with a smile, while Mukuro stiffened at the response. "Tsunayoshi?" whispered Mukuro, making Tsuna put one finger to his lips to a secret sign. "Now, now, please don't alarm the others." He stated, making Mukuro look away for a second, before looking back at Tsuna.
"I wish, I could have remembered sooner Mukuro." stated Tsuna, earning Mukuro to look with a curious look, before looking down gravely. "Your memories were erased from the blow to your head...I didn't want you to remember the family that truly loved you, so I let you lived blissfully." stated Mukuro, before gripping his trident with shaking hands.
"But, I had just made everything worse." he stated, earning Tsuna to shake his head. "No, I am glad you didn't make me remember." Tsuna stated, looking back at everyone fighting. "How can you say that when you went through so much, because of me, because of your family, because of those children!" stated Mukuro, earning Tsuna to chuckle. "You can say Mukuro, I also wanted to live in bliss and I was grateful everything gave me a harsh wake up called." Tsuna grinned, before hugging Mukuro quickly. "Mukuro, you, will always be, my mist." whispered Tsuna, kissing a the mist users cheek, before stepping back. "Mukuro, your last orders are continued!" yelled Tsuna, stopping everyone from battling.
"Tsuna?" whispered Dino, while he helped his brother up. "Tsu-chan?" asked Byakuran with wonder, while Shoichi looked with fear. "Tsuna? TSUNA IS THAT YOU? MUKURO WHAT IS HAPPENING!" ordered Tsunami looking in fear as Mukuro pointed his trident at Tsuna. "Yes, my precious Boss." whispered Mukuro, while Tsuna smirked. "Now Mukuro, Kill Me." grinned Tsuna.
"TTTSSSUNNNAAA!" screamed Shoichi as he saw the trident go right through Tsuna. Tsuna just grinned, as he felt the cold weapon pull out of him as quickly as it was put inside. He felt himself fall into Mukuro's arms and the feeling of overwhelming coldness came to his whole body. "Tsuna! Tsuna!" cried Byakuran as he rushed over with Shoichi as they two hugged Tsuna, who laid in Mukuro's arms. "Why? Why did you do this?" whispered Shoichi, while Byakuran was too much in shock as he continued to clutch Tsuna's dying body.
"I remembered." whispered Tsuna, making the two look into his fading eyes. "I remembered..." whispered Tsuna, before he winced as he saw a bright light start to appear. "You three better move in time when Tsunami lets go of his X-Burner." stated Tsuna, feeling the last bit of his life slowly leaving him. "Kufufufu, I think it would be more interesting to stay." stated Mukuro as he looked at the powerful attack almost being ready. "We will not leave your side, we won't lost you again." stated Byakuran, with a nod from Tsuna.
"You boys are certainly a handful." stated Tsuna as he watched his enraged twin finish powering up.
"Good Bye Tsunami."
"My names was Tsunayoshi Sawada, Boss to the Vongola Family as well as the Altair. I died at the age of twenty seven, with my most precious people beside me. Where we go now, is a mystery, but I know we will all go together. I hope my story is told through the right people with the right words. Here is my story to tell." read the teenage girl sitting in a lounge chair of a very beautiful and large library.
"What are you reading?" asked a boy, making the girl grin, before showing the book. "EH? Your reading the story of the Vongola Decimo again?" asked the boy, earning the girl to nod. "Its your favorite right?" he asked, making the girl nod again. "I feel so many emotions with this book! As if I was there!" she stated. This made the other boy chuckle at that. "You didn't read the parts where I put the sticky notes right?" asked the boy sternly earning a giggle from the girl. "Yes, I didn't, but why can't I?" she asked, making the boy blush a bit.
"You can when your a bit older!" he stated, making the girl pout. "How old would I have to be?" she asked, making the boy grin. "Eighty Nine." he stated, making the girl nod. "Okay! …..but, how long will that be?" asked the girl, making the boy grin. "Hopefully not for a very looonnngg time." with that he held out his hand.
"Come on! Dad will be made if were late for dinner!" stated the boy, earning the girl to nod as she placed the book down and grabbed the boy's hand. "Brother! Is it true, that great grandpa wrote the book about his twin brother?" asked the girl, making the boy nod.
"Yeah, he said something about regretting or something last time I saw him and asked him about it." he stated, making the girl nod. "But, he had help writing it, as they found a few notes in the Old Millefiore Base." he stated as he lead the girl to the dinning hall. "Daddy says I looks just like great grandpa!" state the girl proudly making the boy nod. "Yes, Great Grandpa Tsunami also said that." chuckled the boy, before he spotted their father.
"But, lets not dwell on it! Come! Before those two boys try to punish me later for making you late!" stated the older child, making the girl smile. "They sure can, be sneaky." she stated, making the boy softly smirk.
"Kufufuf...that's because they are very naughty children at times...But, then again aren't we all, ne? Tsunayoshi?"
====== END ======
Tsuna: Yes, yes, please don't cry again, we are out of tissues and you know toilet paper sucks as tissues!
Me: I do hate the fell of that crap when I have a stuffy nose!
Tsuna: Well I think it was fine.
Me: Hopefully, well I guess this story is finally ended! I hope you all read the upcoming stories have coming!
Tsuna: We hoped you enjoyed!