The Meeting and the Downfall

Sasuke's back cracked when he pulled his shoulders back in a stretch and he let out a deep sigh, leaning back in his office chair. He had been sitting by the computer way too long and his eyes and head were beginning to hurt. As he rubbed his temples his eyes fell onto the picture frame on his desk, the one Itachi had put there for him. He had printed the picture he had taken of Emi, Naruto and him that day they had been home sick. Emi was asleep in Naruto's lap while both he and Naruto stared blankly at a point behind the camera, where Itachi stood. It wasn't the best picture, but it still managed to put a smile on Sasuke's lips.

The picture of Emi's sleeping form directed his thoughts to the past five mornings, when he had woken up to find her curled up either beside Naruto or in-between them. She had never had trouble sleeping alone before, and Sasuke was beginning to wonder if he would need to have a talk with her. He brought this up to Naruto, who told him she felt guilty and worried about wanting to meet her mother. Apparently she'd had nightmares about Naruto leaving because he either thought she didn't love him anymore or because he stopped loving her because she wanted to meet her mother. So when Naruto asked him to let her continue sleeping with them Sasuke had relented, at least until everything with Miyo settled and she didn't feel so uncertain anymore.

He sighed again. Emi hadn't even met Miyo yet and already she was causing her stress. He was beginning to regret allowing this to ever happen.

A knock on the door brought him out of his musings and he looked up to see his secretary open it.

"Your appointment, sir," she said and stepped aside to let the root of at least half of Sasuke's stress in.

Miyo looked around his office curiously while Sasuke thanked his secretary. She bowed out of the room and Miyo's eyes settled on him. She looked a little nervous. Sighing, Sasuke motioned to one of the two chairs in front of his desk. He watched her silently as she sat down, careful and tense.

"Though we were married, this is my first time in your office," she said, breaking the silence. "It's weird, isn't it?"

Sasuke shrugged.

"You didn't care and I wanted peace at work," he said.

Miyo bit her lip, looking a little hurt.

"Do you bring Emi here often?" she asked.

Frowning, Sasuke shook his head.

"No, only if I have no other option," he said. "Why?"

"I just wondered if I'd be able to catch a glimpse of her here," Miyo mumbled and took a breath. "Did… have you decided? Can I meet her?"

Sasuke appraised her for another moment before he heaved another sigh.

"I asked her," he said and folded his hands together on top of his desk, "and she says she wants to meet you."

Relief flooded Miyo's face. She still fiddled nervously with her fingers but a smile pulled at her lips. It all looked so genuine Sasuke was beginning to wonder if maybe Naruto was right.

"When can I meet her?" she asked, eager. "Soon?"

"On Sunday," Sasuke answered and took out his phone. He opened the recording app and pressed record. "I haven't drawn up a contract, so this will have to do for now." Miyo seemed confused. "I will allow you to come back to the house, but only because it is a safe environment for Emi. Should you make her uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form, you will leave without protest or discussion. Do I make myself clear?"

Staring down at the phone, Miyo frowned. She looked like she wanted to protest but Sasuke didn't let her.

"If you do not agree to this, you will not meet her," he said before she could argue. "I do not want Emi to feel stressed and unsafe, just because you think you have rights as her biological mother."

Miyo's eyes narrowed and she pressed her lips together.

"Of course," she said.

"Do you agree to these terms?" Sasuke clarified.

She nodded and after a scowl from Sasuke, cleared her throat.

"Yes," she answered. "I agree."

Sasuke stopped the recording and sent it to Itachi immediately in case anything should happen.

"That will be all," he dismissed her.

Miyo didn't move and he looked up at her, waiting. She wrung her hands together.

"Sasuke, I–," she began but stopped. She rolled her lips together and she took a deep breath and stood. "Thank you."

"Hn," Sasuke answered, uncommitted, and looked to his laptop in an attempt to make her leave faster.

When she didn't get the hint he looked back at her, eyebrows raised, and she startled.

"See you Sunday," she mumbled and made her way out of the office hastily.

Once the door closed behind her Sasuke slumped back in his chair, rubbing his temples. Why was his life turning into such a mess?

To say Naruto was nervous was an understatement. He was a wreck. But he had to keep it together, for Emi's sake. Miyo would arrive in just a few hours and he couldn't let her see how anxious he was in case Emi interpreted it wrong and refused to meet her mother. It wasn't that he was afraid she would stop loving him. He was rather terrified Miyo would take one look at him and somehow know what his relationship with Sasuke was. And he had no idea what she thought of same sex relationships. Hence, the worry.

He managed to preoccupy himself as well as Emi by practicing her reading together. They were sitting on her bedroom floor, halfway through the third children's book, when the front door opened. Both Naruto and Emi stilled, looking at each other with wide eyes as they listened to the muffled conversation down below.

"Emi?" Sasuke called from downstairs after a minute. "Come say hello."

Though he was so nervous he felt nauseous, Naruto managed to smile at Emi and got to his feet. Emi stood too and grabbed his hand, the other twisting in her dress. If Naruto was nervous, he couldn't imagine what Emi was feeling.

"It's going to be fine," he reassured her, as well as himself, and tugged gently on her hand. "Come on."

They slowly made their way down the stairs, Emi a few steps behind him, hiding behind his leg. Voices floated out of the living room and Naruto recognized Sasuke's and Itachi's along with a female voice he had never heard before. He and Emi stopped in the doorway, from where he could now see Miyo. She was a petite, impeccably dressed woman, her skin porcelain and her hair ebony. There was a bag on the floor by her feet, which she was currently staring at, her fingers fiddling together anxiously, and somehow that made Naruto less nervous. His smile came easier and he cleared his throat to make their presence known.

They all turned and Miyo's eyes widened for a second before she schooled her expression.

"You must be Emi's caretaker," she said. "Naruto Uzumaki?"

Naruto nodded.

"Yeah," he answered. "Nice to meet you, miss Miyo."

Miyo smiled faintly and her eyes fell to Emi, still hiding behind Naruto's legs. Naruto reached back to put a hand on her head, caressing her hair. The hold Emi had on Naruto's pants tightened so he reached down and grabbed her hand. She tore her eyes away from Miyo and looked up at him. He gave her a reassuring smile and kneeled down.

"Do you want to go say hi?" he asked gently.

Emi's free hand came up to play with the collar of his shirt, her eyes trained on her fingers. She was silent for a while and Naruto wondered what was going through her head. He waited patiently, as did the other three behind him, until Emi looked up at him and nodded. He smiled again.

"Come on then," he murmured and stood.

Emi's little hand gripped his harder as he led her over. Miyo was fiddling with her fingers again as she watched them approach. She shot Naruto a nervous look before she kneeled down, a little awkwardly. After a moment's hesitation she held out a hand.

"Hello Emi," she greeted, voice breathy. Naruto felt bad for her, she was so clearly nervous. "I'm Miyo, y-your… your mother."

Emi watched her, eyes intent. Seconds passed and Miyo grew visibly more nervous before Emi reached out her own hand and took hers.

"Hi," she said.

A shaky smile grew on Miyo's lips and she turned to her bag.

"I got something for you," she said as she rummaged through it. "Your father said you were learning to read and I thought…" She pulled out a colorful book, animals and kids painted on the front. "The clerk at the book store told me this one was popular."

Emi let go of Naruto's hand to take the book and look it over.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

Emi usually wasn't this shy and Naruto wondered what she was so hesitant of. Maybe it was different to actually meet her mother than meeting strangers? Or maybe she was still worried about his feelings?

Naruto cleared his throat and all attention fell on him.

"I'll go make something to drink," he said. "Do you prefer tea or coffee miss Miyo?"

Miyo glanced at Sasuke, frowning a little.

"Coffee," she said.

"I'll help!" Itachi offered.

Emi let go of her book, which dropped to the floor, in order to grab onto Naruto's leg.

"I'll go too!" she said.

Naruto smiled down at her and caressed her hair.

"It's fine, baby," he said and saw in his peripheral how Miyo raised her eyebrows. Okay, so maybe he shouldn't use pet names. "Stay here and talk to your mom."

"But you'll come back?" Emi asked, voice small.

Naruto's heart stuttered.

"Of course," he promised. "I'll be just a minute. Besides, your dad is with you."

Emi looked at Sasuke and nodded. She released Naruto's leg and made her way over to him as Itachi moved to the kitchen, subtly motioning Naruto to follow.

"I've never seen Emi so hesitant around new people before," Itachi muttered as he turned on the coffee machine.

Sighing, Naruto moved to the cupboard to bring some cups out.

"I think it's because she's worried I'll go away because she wants to meet her mom," he answers, voice soft. "She's been having nightmares about it too."

Itachi's face fell and he sighed too.

"That's horrible," he murmured.

"Yeah," Naruto agreed. "Sasuke and I have been trying to reassure her it won't happen, but…" He shrugged.

Itachi shook his head.

"Let's just hope Miyo won't be too threatened by Emi's love for you," he said.

Naruto's heart sank a little and he bit his lip. He had thought about it, worried he would be a problem to the reconnection between Emi and her mother. He didn't want to stand in the way and if Miyo felt threatened he hoped she would bring it up so they could solve it without hurting Emi. He really, really hoped she was mature enough to do it. For Emi's sake.

"I guess we'll just have to see," he sighed. "She does seem to genuinely love Emi though."

Itachi hummed.

"Let's hope it is enough incentive for her to mature beyond what she was two years ago," he said. "Because then she cared more about herself than either Emi or Sasuke."

The coffee machine beeped and Naruto swallowed.

"Let's" he mumbled.

After the first few times, Emi opened up a bit more to Miyo. She wasn't as hesitant anymore, though she still referred to Naruto as Na-chan whenever Miyo was over. Miyo seemed to genuinely want to be with Emi without any other scheme, so Sasuke never saw any reason to not let her visit. He did miss Naruto, though. They couldn't be as open as they had been before, as Miyo soon became a near constant presence. But if it was for Emi's happiness Sasuke could sacrifice some of his own.

Sometimes he felt a spike of worry when he caught the hurt in Miyo's eyes whenever Emi climbed onto Naruto's lap instead of hers or when she would rather spend time with him than Miyo. He also worried when Miyo at times would try to compete for Emi's affection with, at first an oblivious, Naruto. Naruto never complained about it and told Sasuke it was fine, to leave it, that Miyo just needed to get more comfortable as a mother, but that if she continued when everything had settled they needed to talk to her.

So Sasuke reluctantly let it go for a while. Naruto had said it would probably go away the more time Miyo spent with Emi and saw that one person could love several people at the same time.

He regretted it soon enough. He should have known good things don't always last and he should have seen it in the way Miyo seemed to grow more frustrated with each day that passed where Emi still preferred Naruto over her.

What eventually ended it all was Sasuke's own carelessness. He'd grown too comfortable, the time he had spent with Naruto had made him less on edge for everything that was out to get him. He stopped thinking of dangers at every turn, he was less suspicious, he was happy. Naruto was just so free and he felt free with him. He forgot for a moment who he actually was supposed to be to the public and it really shouldn't be a surprise it came back to bite him.

Sasuke came home from work later than usual the day before everything fell apart, exhausted with the beginnings of a headache pulsing at his temples. Some of the shareholders in the company had demanded ridiculous changes and he'd had to deal with them for the entire day.

Miyo was in the kitchen cooking, something she had begun doing whenever she stayed late. He had been surprised the first time, because he didn't remember her liking to cook. She had pressed her lips together when he'd asked and said she learned because she wanted to cook for her child. According to her a child should always eat their mother's cooking and so she had told Naruto not to cook anymore. Sasuke had merely stared at her for a moment, before shrugging and letting her continue. At least it gave Naruto more free time to study.

"Hello Sasuke," Miyo said as he passed.

Sasuke grunted something unintelligible back. For a brief moment he found himself missing the way Naruto would move about the kitchen, singing to Emi as she sat on the counter and watched him work.

He passed the living room, where Emi was coloring. She looked up as she noticed him. Naruto was nowhere to be seen.

"Daddy!" she called happily and threw herself at him. Sasuke caught her and lifted her up. "Mi-san is making dinner. I told her what you like, daddy, but she didn't want to eat that so we're eating noodles."

It had been a month and a half and Emi still hesitated to call Miyo 'mom'. Sasuke had no idea why, but he wouldn't push it. Miyo had tried to get Emi to do it but given up after nearly three weeks.

"That's nice," he mumbled and made his way to the stairs. "Where's Naruto?"

"Upstairs," Emi told him. "In the room."

Sasuke hummed and carried her over to his bedroom, where he found Naruto folding laundry.

"Hi," Sasuke greeted.

Naruto jumped a little and turned, smile spreading on his lips.

"Hey," he said. "Welcome home."

Sasuke managed a tired smile back.

"What are you doing?" he asked and deposited Emi on the bed beside the folded clothes. "Our maid usually does this."

Naruto shrugged.

"Miyo's making dinner and I finished studying so I had some free time," he said. "I didn't feel like watching TV and saw that the laundry basket was full so… here I am."

Sasuke's jaw clenched. More like he didn't feel like being downstairs when Miyo was there. Naruto must have seen through him because he smiled softly and smoothed out the frown with gentle fingers.

"Miyo loves Emi a lot," he said. "She's trying really hard to make her love her back. I tried talking to her about her insecurities, but I'm not sure she wanted to talk to me about it."

Sasuke sighed.

"I'm afraid she will be disappointed," he muttered. "We already were a family when she came along. Of course she will be a little of an outsider."

Naruto bit his lip, his eyes sad.

"Yeah," he murmured. "Maybe she'll be more willing to talk to you?"

Sasuke closed his eyes with a heavy breath and let his forehead fall to Naruto's shoulder. Naruto let out an amused huff and his hand came up to rub his back.

"I'll make time this weekend," Sasuke grumbled and pulled back.

A soft smile pulled at Naruto's lips and Sasuke watched him for a moment. Then he glanced over his shoulder before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. Naruto's eyes widened and shot to the door anxiously. Sasuke wanted to hug him and just stay in his arms for the rest of the evening, but it was impossible as long as Miyo was in the house. She had already questioned the lack of formality between them and Naruto's position in the household as a helper. They needed to be careful.

Still, Sasuke couldn't help gravitating towards Naruto for the rest of the evening. They weren't really touching, but they were closer than normal. Sasuke just needed the comfort of Naruto's warmth after the strenuous day he'd had and Naruto let him.

Then the next day came.

Sasuke had barely arrived in his office and sat down for five minutes when there was a knock on his door and Miyo entered. He sighed and put down the pen he had just picked up. His computer was still waking up.

"What?" he asked, terser than needed. He couldn't help it; he knew he was in for another stressful day with the shareholders judging by the notes his secretary had left him on his desk. He glared at them.

"I want to move in and Naruto to leave."

Sasuke's eyes snapped up to stare at her, all thoughts coming to a screeching halt.

"You what?"

Crossing her arms, Miyo sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"He's taking Emi away from me," she said. "She treats him more like a parent than she does me. So he needs to leave, because I'm her real parent. He's not. You're supposed to be my family."

Sasuke couldn't find words. Miyo continued, ignoring his speechlessness.

"I also need to move in to make Emi my daughter again," she explained. "That's why he's winning. Because he lives with her and I don't."

"Miyo," Sasuke said. Her reasoning was worrying. Winning? What did that even mean? "What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with who lives where. Naruto is not going anywhere."

Something dangerous flashed in Miyo's eyes.

"So he's not only Emi's caretaker."

Sasuke's heart dropped and suddenly his throat was too dry to make a sound.


"I saw you two being close yesterday. He isn't just helping you take care of Emi," Miyo said and Sasuke could see that his fumbling was proof enough for her to confirm the nature of Naruto's and his relationship. "The media was right, he actually got to you somehow, didn't he? What is it? Blackmail?"

As much fear as Sasuke was currently experiencing, fury still boiled in his blood at her audacity to brand Naruto as a swindler. He glared at her.

"Don't you dare say anything like that about Naruto," he warned, voice low and dangerous. "It is entirely mutual, which I don't think you've ever experienced."

Miyo scoffed, but there was pain in her eyes.

"So, what? You're queer?" she questioned, eyes narrowing. "I didn't notice you having any problems being with me."

"Well, you were there and you were supposed to be my wife," Sasuke scorned. "Not much else I had going for me unless I wanted a scandal."

He took great satisfaction in the offended look taking over Miyo's face.

"And yet you risk a scandal with Naruto," she said.

Sasuke's stomach dropped and she raised her eyebrows. All of a sudden he felt wide open.

"You do know that if I go to court with this," Miyo said, dangerously calm, "they will most likely give me custody of Emi."

A cold grip settled around Sasuke's heart and his lungs refused to work properly.

"It's not even legal for gay people to marry, what do you think they would say about an unmarried gay couple raising a child?" she questioned. "So, unless you want me to take Emi away, we're going to make this family work."

Sasuke could do nothing but stare at her.

"Why?" he croaked. "I know you don't love me that way."

Something dark passed Miyo's eyes.

"Even if I don't love you as a husband, you and Emi are mine. This is our family," she said. "And family is supposed to be together."

Sasuke sat paralyzed.

"So, whatever you have with Naruto has to stop, because he's not a part of our family. He simply borrowed it." Miyo stood and straightened her clothes out, face determined. "I expect you to fix it by tomorrow."

Then she was gone. Sasuke felt empty as he stared at the closed door, mind spinning. No matter how much he hated to admit it, there was no decision to make. Emi came first, all else deferred to her. If she was threatened he needed to protect her. He couldn't let her be taken, god knows what would happen to her if she was cut off from him. Miyo clearly wasn't completely stable. But if she took it to court the judges would be in her favor. The odds were against him. Sasuke knew she could give a perfect sob story and of course it didn't help that he was in a relationship with another man.

Hands trembling, heart punching his ribs, he reached for his phone.

Hey so... I'm not dead. Life just punched me in the face and I was down for some time. I have school and two jobs so I don't have that much free time either. I've also been dealing with some things. But I'm better now! Though I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get you a new chapter.

That being said, this is the beginning of the bad :( I don't actually know how bad or angsty this will get, but we'll see. Miyo is not the most stable person and there's a reason for that. She's not evil, she's just lost. Let's just hope she finds her way!

Also, I'm sorry if there have been some inconsistencies. I haven't really had the time to check back and this fic turned out to be waaaaay longer than I intended it to be. Like seriously. It's a fucking monster. One day I might actually edit the entire thing so it's better, but it won't be anytime soon. I also will only do it on AO3 because FFN is a bit of a pain to use. I don't even know why I'm even on here anymore. Loyalty? So yeah, after I'm done with this fic I'll probably only post future ones to AO3. If you're interested in finding me there, just let me know.

Anyway... This became a really long author's note Dx Don't mind me, just venting.

So, um, for those of you still there and still waiting for me (god how do you even deal?) thank you. I love you. I hope you liked the chapter and that it was worth it.

See you in the next chapter!

(I usually find it hard to be this personal in author's notes. I don't know what happened. Please don't mind me and go on your merry way).