Konnichi wa minna-san, this is my second story which I hope will be as successful as my first. This one is alternate universe, but they are not humans, I can't strip them of their abilities. Well here goes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho -_-

Chapter 1

The sleep was one of the best I had in months, and the dream was promising. I was relieving stress the only way one could, with a band of demons. My blade sliced through them as easy as butter, and I took great pride in that because that was one of my many stills, sharpening objects. I was in the clear until a woman appeared.

She descended as a goddess with the most beautiful revealing female warrior wardrobe I've ever seen and I admit, I was distracted for a bit by her radiant beauty, but she was my enemy so I would take care of her as I do all my painfully beautiful opponents. Those were the special ones, the strong women that I would take my precious time to finish with my dragon. As she attacked me, I dodged and she realised that I had impeccable speed but with the way she was looking at me, I knew she had other things in mind than attacking me the way she was doing.

We partook in a dangerous dance that I was finally ready to end, as I called upon my dragon. I just love the feel; the rush of liquid heat engulfed my body and the thrill of setting it free. As I unwrapped by warded arm, she lay there looking at me. That was the first time my wounded opponent looked at death in the eye, but she loved what she saw, and so did I, but you come as an enemy, and you will die.

When I was finished, her eyes widen unnaturally wide as she saw my dragon tattoo come alive as I fed it more ki, it arose as the majestic creature it is and charged at her engulfing her in flames, burning her as much as it could, but somehow she wasn't charring. It was good, because that body needed to stay that way even in death.

She let out her final scream of agony as I finally called back my dragon. She was now almost dead as I walked towards her with my sword, a bit surprised she was still alive. Kneeling down besides her, I helped her sit up a bit.

"You were a worthy opponent and I am honoured to die by your hand." She inhaled out as I looked down tenderly at her wiping some strand of hair away for her face.

"If only we met under different circumstances, I would make you mine." I said feeling bold as I draw her closer to suffocate her with a kiss, but I kept hearing an annoying sound. Almost close to her lips, I looked up but saw nothing, therefore I went back down, and there is was again and it was getting louder. It was very frustrating that I couldn't pin point the origin of such an annoying sound. I looked down at her again and she began to fade. As I tried to hold on to her I saw that the whole landscape was melting as I heard that irritating sound again.

'Beep, beep, beep.'

The alarm went off as my hand came crashing down on it shattering it to pieces. An irritated sound emerged from my mouth, as I lazily forced my body to rise from my soft warm bed and into the cold hard shower, but not until the alarm clock was noticed. I loved that fact that it paid for rudely awaking me but it was only doing its job, I began to feel sorry for it as I looked down at its mechanical insides scattered all over the rug.

"Damn, now I have to get another one." I mumbled groggily to no one in particular as I slowly walked over it as I shook my head. I know sometimes I over do it and forget how strong I really am, but this was overkill. I picked it up, piece and piece and trashed it and then walked into the shower to prepare for a long day at the University where he is a PhD student.

I am Jaganshi Hiei, the PhD student, the older brother of the always sweet, aqua haired Koorime, Yukina and friends to the delinquent and idiot Urameshi Yusuke and Kuwabara Kazuma. When we first met, they never bothered because I was very antisocial, and that usually how Goths are. I used to tell them that knowing that they wouldn't know if I was lying or not.

It was a social misconception, but they would never get that. I intimidated them and used that to my advantage, especially when I saw Kuwabara, with his tall clumsy muscular physique, orange hair rocking an outdated hairdo and this obvious attraction to Yukina. I was happy, no beyond happy, when he thought she was my girlfriend.

I would go along with anything to keep him away from her, but that delinquent, Yusuke, with his always greased slick back hair, and those taunting big brown eye, just had to open his big mouth and tell the fool we were siblings. Yusuke would constantly tease him and their quarrelling would always end in a brawl. At least they were not weaklings. Just looking at them you would know not to mess with them, and that's why it wasn't a complete waste befriending them.

I stepped out of the shower and took a long look at myself in the mirror. That dream was still repeating itself over and over in my head. What I would do, to just go back in bed just and continue, but I have to be responsible. I continued to stare at myself as the water slowly dripped off my spiky black hair, with a white starburst to my muscular chest as it caressed my well toned body all the way down to the mat. I am not oblivious to my looks, and I could tell that others take note of it as well. I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and existed to my bedroom to reward the dragon on my right arm.

I am always prepared with extra wards, because I know there are demons hunting, and constantly trying to get a hold of me and Yukina. We were both born in Makai, to a Koorime mother and a fire youkai father. Their love was forbidden therefore my mother's people had us hunted.

I was surprised that those women, the Koorime, had nothing better to do than to constantly hire mercenaries, demons for hire and assassins just to get rid of us, for what, just because my mother hated the all female society and bedded a male. Isn't that how nature supposed to work? God knows if I had to bed a man, I would run as far away as possible. Eventually, after being tired of running father brought us to Ningenkai, about a century, or more ago to settle and have a more peaceful life.

When we assimilated into society, which wasn't too hard, when we created wards to fit our individual selves, and my parents build a business empire with their centuries of knowledge, but two decades ago, they were killed on a vacation back to Makai by one of the assassin that were apparently sent to kill them. My father invested in me when we were in Makai, by almost forcing me to get a jagan implanted, so when the need arose, I would have an edge over the unsuspecting opponent, but I never took it seriously, and then we moved here, so what's the point. I think he knew it would only be the two of us left. I would never know how they died and what really happened, but maybe it's better we don't know the details.

Ever since their murder, I began rigorous training again and focused on the jagan to get sharper with my natural and supernatural skills, especially since father kept telling me that it wasn't necessary for me to train as much anymore considering how weak humans naturally are, and looked what happened to them. Had he thought that our enemies would forget about us?

Luckily Yukina and I were not there. The more I think about it, the more I am beginning to think he may have planned it. I vowed to get revenge one way or the other and gain ways to kill without leaving traces behind after considering all the enemies my family has in Makai and now Ningenkai due to the family success.

It was only until they died, and I took over the business then I decided to take a shot at school. It wasn't a big deal for me but Yukina was dying to attend, so I didn't have a choice because I knew that would distract her and give her a fair chance to be a female without having to worry about her life. I saw the way she use to look at those romance movies, and I knew she wanted to experience the human life with all the romance, so who was I to object.

Thinking about Yukina always made me smile; as I looked at myself in the mirror and quickly erased it. I never like to see myself smile. It seemed too sweet for the tough guy image I adore so much. I straightened my clothes as I went down stairs into the dining hall for breakfast.

"Good morning sir, how did you sleep?" Hideo greeted me as I entered the kitchen. He already had my breakfast out waiting for me.

"Good until I woke up." I said as I sat down on the dining table and took a spoon full of my cereal and looked at him.

Hideo was more of family than my butler, always caring and nurturing. He always wore a smile on his slightly wrinkled face, and was always formal, even when he was "off duty." I smiled up to him when I remembered one day when a Sumo match was going on and he would constantly pass in my study to peak at the game. I forced him to take a seat to relax and watch the game. Even then he was still worried about doing something else until and reassured him that he can take breaks whenever he wanted. He became our acting parent when they died and then he backed away slowly when Yukina moved out. Maybe he figured I needed some space, or that I finally "grew up" mentally to finally let her go.

When I was finished, I bid goodbye to him as I grabbed my backpack and left the house. It was winter, and I knew where ever Yukina was, hopefully not with the fool but I know she is, she would be enjoying this weather. Why can't she have sleepovers with Keiko so I can feel better about her relationship with the fool? I climbed into my car and drove off.

Walking through the university gates, I began to think why I decided to pursue a PhD in Microbiology. This was the only time I have second thoughts, when I have to wake up so early and face the cold morning air, and seeing the deserted campus, not that I liked people anyway. It was because I knew that I am one of the very few people that are up at this hour at eight o' clock on a Monday, because school is technically still out for regular students.

'Curse Yusuke and the fool for keeping me out so late.' I thought as I took out the key to the lab. Yusuke and Kuwabara after college went straight to work since they both did business, and didn't need to go further in their studies to get a decent job, as if they would want to spend unnecessary time in school anyway. They always wondered why I decided to go further seeing that they refer to me as a trust fund baby. Yes I did have enough money to not to work for the rest of my life and beyond, but I liked to keep occupied and I always thought that if you have a gift use it, what's the purpose of just sitting on it.

Yusuke and Kuwabara were my only two real friends and the only ones who know about my financial situation and also that I am a demon who moved to Ningenkai with Yukina and our parents to escape a life of being hunted. They even offered their fighting skills whenever I do decide to go on a rampage to kill. I know deep down they believe I will tick any minute. They always try to predict my next move, but they never predicted this route in life that I took. We all didn't care much for science, but sometimes when something calls your name, it is better to answer.

I did not always like Biology, but after taking a class that I was forced to take because of the university's curriculum, I actually fell in love after learning the weakness of living organisms, foundation of life and no matter what you are, once you are alive, manipulating this science, you can kill anything, as fast or as slow and painful as you'd like. Therefore now, I am here, getting pay ¥3,000,000 a year for researching, which was not a problem for me. I would do it for free because my knowledge will be the end of my enemies. I am taking this whole knowledge is power to a whole new level.

One other reason that fuelled my passion was that I will be able to create biological warfare against demons as well as humans without suspicions and legal problems and the funding will not be track back to me in any way or form, clever isn't it. One thing I adored about my position now is that I did not have to socialise with much people, just stay in my desk and bury myself under research papers and I always do my experiments when the lab was almost empty and even staying late, just to avoid the complexly evolved but annoying organism. I did not have anyone to go home to anyway, well besides Hideo, and living in a house that big, gets lonely especially after Yukina decided she wants to move in with Kuwabara now that are officially engaged.

As much as I am against it, I knew the fool made her happy, and after all we've been though, she deserved it as well. Money can only buy so much happiness, that's why every chance they get, Yusuke and Kuwabara drags me out for a night on the town, as if that will help me. They go as far as coming into the lab and harassing me trying to set him up with other 'nerdy girls' in the lab because somehow I let it slip that I do not want a bone head or ditzy girl, with overly developed assets, but one with intelligence because that is sexy.

I sighed as he turned my computer on to check my e-mails. This is the time I savoured because there were no undergraduate or master students in the lab, just me alone. '

Ah peace and quiet.' I thought as I opened the e-mail from Professor Akashi. As I read, a groan escaped my mouth. She will not be back from vacation in time for the beginning of the semester, so she wants me to teach her lecture class, along with my own lab class the department gave me to teach.

"Why me. PhD students don't usually teach lecture classes." I said out loud, but I do not have a choice. I got up and began my experiments for the day. I just hoped Yusuke and Kuwabara do not show up today. Because I am be very busy.

As the semester began I was half way done with most of the major experiments, so now I can continue working on my thesis and the classes. It was first day of school, why it's a Friday I'd never understand the administrators, and I was already exhausted. Looking at my watch I saw that it was the weekly night out with the rest of the guys. They forced me to promise that since they think I would become boring and stress myself to insanity or something.

Five o' clock and I was out, not even saying anything to the other students as I dashed away secretly, especially to that new master student, Tokine. She just met me and found any reason to bother me at my desk. First I just thought she was stupid because of the mediocre questions but then she began stealing glances at me then turning red when he caught her staring, creepy.

'Yusuke and the fool would love this, fat chance of me breathing a word of it to them.' I thought as I braced myself for the cold as I stepped out into the frigid air, loving the way the campus and its trees and shrubs looked covered in a blanket of snow glittering in the moonlight having a glowing effect on the whole environment. A blistery breeze blew my way with the scent of pine and evergreen loving the fact that they kept the campus forest-like with the school's original Georgian architecture, wrought iron sodium street lamps with its warm amber light contrasting the cold bluish hues, and cobble stone pathways. It is enchanting, a real winter wonderland. Hearing my cell ring, I fished it out from under all the layers of clothing to retrieve it. It was Yusuke. I sigh knowing he just like to bother me.

"What? Aren't you happy I'm coming, why do you have to call me?" I greeted stoically.

"Hey, where is the love? I just wanted to make sure you got out in time." He replied happily. He would find any reason to drag me to a bar.

"You're not my damn girlfriend, stop checking up on me." I snapped just because could.

"Hiei, this is exactly why I want you to come out, you are too damn uptight. You need to unwind." Yusuke scolded and I could picture his hand gesture, a wave as he said to unwind.

I was going to give a good rebuttal, but something unusual caught my eye. Someone was crouched under a tree. The main reason it grabbed my attention was the contrast with bluish-white snow and crimson. Examining closer, I realised it was a person and the red was actually hair, but what was that person doing? Then I saw, the person was cooing a squirrel to come closer. 'Wasn't the squirrel supposed to be in hibernation?' I thought as I saw the female figure pulling out a bag of nuts, feeding the squirrel and seeing it running into the hole in the tree base and then back out to get more nuts from the stranger.

"There are strange people in this place." I commented out loud forgetting that I was still on the phone with Yusuke.

"What are you talking about man? Are you even hearing what I am saying?" He said with annoyance.

I really did forget Yusuke was still on the other end. "I don't know how Keiko keep up with you and your nagging. I'll see you and the idiot at the bar." With that I disconnected.

Walking towards my car, I turned around just from habit, but saw no one, and I then noticed that the redhead was gone. It was as if the person just disappeared. Thinking about it, I don't recall seeing any footprints in the snow, and there was a good few inches on the ground to have prints visible from where I was standing.

Even though the stranger was well strange, it was nice that the person took care of the squirrel. It showed that there are at least some caring and nature loving people out there, not just me, who adores nature, especially trees. I would rather take a walk in a forest, with moss covered stones and tree barks, with the sound of rushing waters, than to sit in a dark theatre with one hundred other strangers watching an overpriced movie with a predictable plot. I was rich, but it doesn't mean I would spend my money senselessly. I drove off into the night, not so eager about what awaits me when I reach the bar.

Getting out of the car, someone sneaked up on me but before the person could do anything, I pivoted on the ball of my foot and swiftly grabbed the person's arm, twisting it behind the person's back and slamming the person into my car.

"What the hell man. I came to greet you and you do this to me. At least you could have felt that it was me." Yusuke could barely speak as he got the wind thrust out of him due to my forcefulness.

"I always tell you don't sneak up on me." I released him as Yusuke rubbed his chest and wrist.

"I hope you listen to him now Urameshi, and you know why, but you are so stubborn." Kuwabara commented. Sometimes he lets his genius shine through. Did I just say that? Just don't tell anyone.

"You sound like Keiko. Let's go in please; I need some liqueur to warm me up." With that he led the way into the cosy looking bar as we soon followed.

Hours after

"Wow, man I am so drunk." Yusuke said as he stumbled out the bar, with a not so sober looking Kuwabara, and I was very sober. I knew my limit and besides, that stuff was child's play.

"Urameshi, you know they say when a guy drinks so much it's because he is masking hurt underneath." Kuwabara paused and looked at him. "Are you hurting? Is Keiko abusing you? You know you can tell us." Kuwabara commented jokingly, pretending to be serious.

"You know she hits hard man, but I can't tell people that. I'm a man." Yusuke hiccuped as he rubbed his eyes with his arm. No one knew if he was crying or dramatising the moment.

I just shook my head at both of them, it was amusing. Of course I knew Keiko hits Yusuke, but when he deserves it. It was funny really. Looking them over, I decided to call my driver to get them home. There were no taxi in this area, it was too sub-urban and even if I let them wait for one, it would be better for them to just walk home.

"You idiots, you both have issues. Anyway I called for my butler to pick you both up, so stay here and wait for him. I have to go home and figure out what I have to teach those damn children next week." I hoped Hideo could do it because my driver had an emergency.

"Yea, teacher, see yah." Yusuke commented while snickering, about what? Do you really want to be in his head to know what make him laugh in this state?

"Yea bro thanks for the ride." Kuwabara thanked as he, being more sober than Yusuke, led him to sit on the bench outside the bar and waited for the ride.

I took off in my red with black leather interior Acura TSX, which I thought was not too expensive that it would not alert anyone. I didn't flaunt my wealth but I do love to at least enjoy some luxury. I was ready to go and finish drink in my own private bar. Sometimes I just need to be numb, even for one day. I knew alcohol did not affect me as it would humans, but I still didn't over do it, just on 'special' days when I think it is necessary to drown in it.

Pulling into my hidden driveway, I opened the door and left the keys on the table, then headed for my room to wash the contamination of the lab away before heading to the basement. My house was not flashy, neither does it screams billionaire lives here, but it still was a huge house, and was well concealed with mostly pine, juniper and other types of evergreen trees.

In just t-shirt, which was always tight on me because when one trains, well, muscles form, anyway, and a loosely fitting pyjama pants, I made my way down the medieval- dungeon style spiral stairs and into the stone covered floor, brick exposed walls, candles lit spacious room. Hideo stood behind the bar, ready for orders as Ii took a seat on the weathered looking wooden bench and long rectangular table.

He came back fast, but maybe because he only made one stop. Yusuke never liked to go home when he drinks too much, especially now that Keiko was pregnant. Keiko was a beautiful intelligent woman with lovely brown hair and eyes to match. She could have gotten any guy she wanted, but I would never understand why she chose Yusuke especially after all the things she had to put up with.

Sitting back fully and turning my head upwards towards the ceiling, I closed his eyes as music began to play. I smiled when I realised that Hideo remembered this as a routine. I would usually come down, sit there and request his playlist, and then the first song will always be Ave Maria, sung by Barbara Bonney. I loved listening to soothing Opera and classical music, whenever I'm not listening to my beloved metal.

Yusuke and Kuwabara made fun of me and my slow depressing songs but I knew it was because they were too idiotic to appreciate it rather than those songs played on the radio these day. Most of the singers can't even hold a decent note, so what are they singing? The only reason those song s are popular is because they makes the beat catchy with senseless lyrics, because people are even too lazy to listen to good meaningful music.

Then Kuwabara commented on metal, saying that he could not understand a word the guys' growls. I had to explain the difference between heavy metal and symphonic with the female opera like voices, which it is the latter I listens to. Lame idiots, was my only comment after they wasted my time.

Getting the whisky, I closed my eyes and sip on the warm amber liquid as I became lost in the soothing sounds that echoed throughout the room.

"Would you like any more, Sir?" Hideo interrupted, realising that I was looking at the empty glass with a look that says, 'when the hell did it go so fast.' He smiled down at me and refilled it quickly and I requested Ave Maria to be on repeat.

Next week

Walking back to the lab from his professor's lecture class, I was utterly exhausted. Standing in-front a class full of unruly freshmen for one and a half hours, was not something I like to do. It seems as if they were thick headed, even Yusuke would not be that bad. Of course they were some that was into the material, but others, what they are even in college? As I walked through the door, I saw a red flash and took a double look, but there was nothing.

"I did not know I would have gone crazy so fast." I mumbled to myself as I sat down and breathe out a long sigh as I rested my head on my folded arms on the desk.

"Um, Hello Hiei!" Came the always annoying Tokine.

"What do you want?" Was my muffled but slightly harsh reply. She never brings out the good in me.

"Well we were hoping that you can show us how to do some of the staple experiments that we need to master in this lab. Since we are new, we do not know anything," She replied happily, and that ekes me so much.

"Who are we?" I said not caring, but continued. "There is a folder with the recipe for the cultures media and well written detailed steps on how to do the procedures, practice makes perfect." I continued to mumble on the desk as I pointed to the shelf where the folder is stored. I hate this, I put the folder together to avoid training the newbie but they still bother me especially the persistent ones.

"But we need to see it to know what to expect..." She was cut off by the other person.

"In any procedure, seeing it being executed the way it should, step by step, will enable us to avoid unnecessary mistakes. Also, after every step, a conclusion is made, and that will enable us to locate and indicate whether an error has occurred, which may be rectified thus saving the experiment, time and money." Was the intelligent response.

I had to look up, because after one day with that girl, it would be a miracle if she learned to speak in such a way.

"Oh um... Hi my name is Minamino Suuichi. I am a new PhD student here in the lab." The person replied shyly and an awkward smile on her face. Then she began to feel nervous under my piercing glare. I could see in her eyes that she heard rumours about me, everyone does.

"Oh, hi." I responded curtly. "So I wasn't going crazy." I thought out loud as I glanced again at the redhead. So she was the one feeding the squirrel.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked as she seemed somewhat surprised. Did she hear me? I have to stop thinking out loud.

"Nothing, welcome to the lab. Go look over the procedure folder and if you have any questions, you know where to find me." With that I got up and went out and that girl think I could not hear her as she spoke to the new girl.

"I am sorry Suuichi, he is a bit antisocial, and really not much help." Tokine said with nauseating smile as she clanged to the new girl. "I am so happy I made a friend in this lab."She smiled giddily.

"Oh it's alright. I think I will just do as he says. He probably has a good reason for telling us." The new girl said with a smile. I had to admit, her smile was not as annoying as others I've seen.

"Well, if you say so." Tokine said as she shrugged. She always want to fit in, maybe that's why I can't stand her.

They sat down as the redhead took the folder and as she started going through it, I came back to my desk to see her copying the procedures and making notes while Tokine just talked and asked. "What do you think they mean by that." Or "How blue or pink does the Gram stain has to be?" The redhead was answering as I shook my head, better she than me. Then I realised that I was staring so I turned back to my computer and tried to start writing up a quiz for my lab and also the lecture, just to know who to consider failing.

By the time I was ready to go home, everything was finish, and it felt good not having assignments hanging over your head.

"Excuse me Hiei, but I am having problems with the pipettes." The redhead asked cautiously. I really should try to remember her name.

I did not say anything but got up and went to see the problem. I knew we needed new ones, so this wasn't a total waste of time.

"These here," I said pointing to the blue ones, "are good, but the reds, it is a bit hard to manoeuvre the knobs to your desired volume."

The redhead looking on intently asked. "So what if I have to use the reds, how should I..." she stopped knowing that I understood what she was trying to ask.

"Well, you press it down first to make sure suction is good, and use the small dial here," I paused and look to see if she was paying attention, and she was. "And turn it towards your left slowly, and then turn the larger knob. The tips for the pipettes are in the blue containers, and you wash then after using then autoclave it (A/N sterilise with extreme heat and pressure). If you are working on DNA, use the tips with plugs in them and you can throw them away afterwards." I finished and I knew she got every word, unlike some people.

"Thank you very much." She said with a smile and I smiled back.

"What's your name again?" I asked, feeling a bit awful that I did not care to remember it before.

"It's Suuichi." She said with a lovely smile and I could not help but smile back again and bowed a 'nice to meet you,' before I left.

I knew Tokine was spying to see if I would actually help or not and was surprised I and then became astonished when I smiled back when Suuichi smiled. Everyone in the lab who saw that was shocked. I know, I hate smiling especially in public, but shocking people was somewhat pleasing along with scaring and implementing fear.

'She is actually really nice.' I thought as I packed up, and bundled up for the cold, always for show. If I just walks out with a t-shirt, it will sure attract attention. Swinging on my book bag, I walked through the door.

"Bye, see you tomorrow." Said Suuichi and Tokine shook her head yes, as if she saw food. I am not food woman.

"Bye Suuichi." I replied without looking at the annoying girl and finally getting a chance to say her name, now I will never forget it. Why is there always a crazy one here? They should have an assessment test on behavioural and cognitive skills before accepting people.

The rest of the week went by with basically the same scenarios. Suuichi asked and took my advice, and was competent in the basic lab skills that cannot be said about Tokine. She would spend her time talking about how cute and awesome I am to Suuichi who did not want to hear that. She did not know how annoying it was hearing her talk about me in that way. I had to leave the lab, because she didn't know how to be discrete.

-Normal POV-

"Tokine, can I speak to you for a while." She pulled away from the microscope.

"Ok, I am listening." She smiled as she folded her hands on her lap.

"Well, uh, I've realised that..." Suuichi was cut off.


"Uh no. Tokine. I am not a female. I am a male. I realised you mistook that when you kept talking to me about Hiei and um other stuff." Suuichi said embarrassed. 'Was that really what girls talked about? I thought they were the intelligent of the two genders.' Was his thought.

"Oh uh, oh I am sorry. Well now I know. Are you really?" Suuichi nodded as he stepped away from Tokine's fast approaching hand, aiming for his chest. She seemed genuinely sorry especially since she now knew that Hiei was still her eye candy and no one else.

'Is that why Hiei is nicer to him, because he is a guy, but Suuichi wasn't the only guy in the lab so why...Hmmm, maybe it's a special guy thing.' Tokine thought as she went back to do her observations.

"Thank you, I will be heading out as well. See you tomorrow." He said his farewell and was out.

============End of chapter one===============

I hope you all enjoy it, and review to let me know what you think. I would love to thank my very wonderful Beta, Marikalay. Thanks again and happy reading.