Anime/Manga » Naruto » To teach and preach and work

Author: glorybrightone

1. The calling 2. teaching 3. Church 4. wash 5. Practice 6. Enough 7. Feeding time 8. Stuck 9. Charity 10. Tears 11. Disgusted? 12. Thoughts 13. You and me and what can be 14. In the dark 15. During the night 16. Uchiha family Shang high 17. Fantasies 18. Unconditional 19. You are mine 20. Seeing Fireworks 21. Turbulence 22. Pain 23. Firsts

Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Reviews: 185 - Published: 04-03-08 - Updated: 07-22-12


Synopsis: Naruto has been a faithful Mormon all of his life, but when he meets the Uchiha Sex god, Sasuke, on his mission will he choose to follow God or his heart? SasuNaru SasuRandom in small amounts

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor Latter Days which this is inspired/crossed over from.

PS. This is Yaoi, you know boyxboy action between Naruto and Sasuke, cause they belong together. So if that's not your thing, I'm sorry, because you're missing out.

This is also not for or against Mormons.

There is some Mormon terminology used which I tried to explain at the bottom, things explained are underlined in the text. If I used a term you are confused about and care to know more about please let me know.

PS this is unbetaed so yeah there are going to be grammar errors.

PPS I am still working on my other fics worry not.


... keep it separated ...

Sasuke was a genius, that is he was a genius when it came to: A) seducing men and B) pleasuring men

"You know guys give better head. It's a known fact. It's just you, me, and this one time. Live a little." The dark haired man said huskily tempting the blonde.

"Dude I'm straight. Besides if my girlfriend found out she would kill me."

"Don't tell her, but she might suspect something when she no longer can bring you off."

"Please you're not so good, that I'll only be hard for you."

"Deidara, I can suck so hard Hoover wanted to patent my lungs. I feel so tight that you'll swear your going to burn in the pleasure, and I've never let a guy leave with out coming at least three times."

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"How did he come the third time?"

"For that you'll need to be a live participant."

"So?" Haku inquired.

"So give me my money losers. For the record he's a screamer." Sasuke stated smugly

"No, fucking way?" The red head, green eyes bar tender stood in disbelief.

"Hn. Whatever, just give me the money Gaara."

Haku, Gaara, Karin, Temari, and Sai all handed their coworker a twenty. Sasuke really liked nailing the guys they bet he couldn't sleep with, but he liked getting the pay off even more. Sasuke was no doubt a sex God. Unfortunately for him, that only paid the bills if he became a prostate and with the weirdoes in San Francisco that just wasn't a good option.

He took a look at the table charting for the night. He had section B. At least it was a nice restaurant and the tips were pretty good. Plus, he ended up getting a lot of rich 'boyfriends'. Sasuke didn't see anything wrong in pleasuring himself and getting little reward for it too. But he never held on to those guys. Several had asked him to be life partners, but that just wasn't appealing to him. It was about the chase, and getting the impossible, cause only an Uchiha could do it.

... keep it separated ...

He looked in the mirror one more time. He had fixed his hair for the thousandth time. It would be the last time his golden locks were this long for two years. Maybe if he was lucky his mission president wouldn't notice when he conveniently forgot to get a few hair cuts in the future. For now though he needed to look the part when he walked through the doors of the Missionary Training Center(MTC), not but ten steps from the school he had attend for the past year.

The door bell rang. His mom had one installed that played, "when the saints come marching in." It really annoyed him, but his parents were great. Well, they were the people that he considered parents at least. He found out at the age of sixteen that he had been adopted. It was a bit of trial for him, but after praying about it for months he finally found peace in knowing that this was god's plan for him. His adoptive parents were not able to have children, but he knew that he was truly their child, he was just delivered in a special way.

He also had hope that God's plan for him involved flying to some exotic country like Japan, or China for two years, but instead his mission call was to San Francisco, California. How little did he know that it was a different world than the safe shell he resided in. He had visited California a few times in his life, making the 10 hour ride from Salt Lake City to LA. His mom really liked the beaches and his dad wanted to go on real roller coasters not the 'no thrill' ones at Lagoon.

"Naruto, Sakura is here to see you." His mother called out.

Naruto sighed at his reflection. 'So long beautiful locks of hair.' He stepped out of his door and took the few steps down the hall to the kitchen where he was greeted with his pink haired girlfriend. They had met her at a church dance early during fall quarter and hit it off immediately.

If he wasn't 19 and about to leave on a mission he would have asked her to marry him that night, but instead she had promised to wait for him. He already knew their relationship could make it through anything. First off, she already lived over three hours away, so they had only been visiting each other on weekends for the past year, so they already were familiar with the long distance thing. Second, people were not always accepting of different people in Utah. Sakura got plenty of weird looks at church. But when he found that he liked her anyways, and could trust her and she him he knew there could be no other for him in the world. Two years away and only letters to speak to each other just made their relationship more romantic for the both of them.

He caught a glimmer off of the gold chain she wore around her neck. The rest of it was hidden under her shirt, but he knew what was strung on it. He had given her the ring only the previous night. He was worried what his parents would say to him giving a promise ring to her, so she kept it slightly hidden, but knowing that it was there gave him comfort. It was next to her heart, so that she wouldn't forget about him while he was working for the Lord.

"Ready sweetie?" She held up some clippers. Sakura had gone to beauty school while still in high school so that she would have a way to put her self through college. She had been doing his hair for over six months now and a fabulous job she did. This however would be the first time, that she would make him look like everyone one else. Completely clean cut.

"Ready as I'll ever be. The stake president will be over in a few hours to set me apart. So it's now or be a rebellious missionary from the start."

Sakura and his mother laughed together and his little joke. He sat down on the chair his mother placed in the middle of the hard wooded kitchen floor. Tears started rolling down his mother's checks. "It's just hair mom."

"I know, baby, but I love those locks, and now their going just like you will be." She sobbed a little harder.

His parents were proud of him for going on a mission. It was going to be the best two years of his life. It changed every person that went. It brought a man or a woman closer to God than they would ever be in their life. That didn't mean his parents weren't going to miss him though, nor he them. But that was the sacrifice, and the experiences were the reward.

"All done."

"That was fast."

"Well it's not exactly a hard hair cut."

She brought up a mirror to his face. His hair was still their, just only about a half inch of it. It seemed to also be strangely tamed and uncharacteristically straight, but with the distraction gone his sapphire eyes shown more than he could remember.

"You look so good Naruto." His girlfriend squeezed into him hoping that he wouldn't be upset from having to do that monstrosity to his hair.

"Thanks. It's great Sakura really, could you squeeze a little less hard?"

"Oh, sorry."

He stood up to look at his mother. Her eye's gleamed with happiness though her cheeks were running with tears of sadness. He knew the conflict in her heart all too well.

Naruto and Sakura sat outside on the porch swing while the few hours Naruto had left as a free man dwindled down. They chatted about past experiences, movies that Naruto wouldn't be seeing any time soon, and then shared a few last passionate kisses.

"Ahem." Naruto and Sakura both blushed as his Stake president approached the door.

"President Owens, I was just saying goodbye to my girlfriend."

"Well, she's a cute one, I'm sure you're torn about leaving her."

"Yeah, I am." Naruto responded quickly and embraced her hand reassuringly.

"Well, the only comfort I have for you two, is that this boy is about to go and do the Lord's work. You will become a stronger man, feel the spirit inspire you like you never have before, and when you're done, if this relationship was what God had in mind for the two of you, you will return to her more capable of love than you or she couldn't possibly imagine right now. Shall we go inside?"

Being set apart as a missionary was one of the greatest moment of his life. Not quite as good as hearing the words of his patriarchtical blessing, but great none the less. The spirit burned in his heart and he new he was doing the right thing in serving the lord.

That was the memory that kept him going through all the hours of boring lessons for the next two weeks at the MTC. The food was okay. Not as good as he had heard, but it wasn't bad.

When he got down to the airport, he knew not to except anyone. No last minute goodbye from family. Those things were no longer permitted after 9-11. But he was still excited. He would finally be in the mission field. He heard the stories of hours of fruitless endeavor, but meeting that one person that would accept the lord was what would make it all worth it. If he could just help God change one person's life for the better then it would all be worth it.

... keep it separated ...

Sasuke hated riding the BART(bay area rapid transit) but he did it every day. He was just too damn hot to use public transportation, but it was this or face the hilly landscape of the city on a bike.

The lady across from him was vicariously complaining about him. See he had his foot up on the bench across from him, and she was complaining to the air about how people didn't respect each other anymore.

"Damn, kids with their feet on the benches. Don't they realize that other people sit there and then their cloths get the dirt from the bottom of shoes." He sneered at the implications and then rubbed his shoes all the way across the seat. No one got the better of this Uchiha!

"Powell. Powell station." The intercom announced his stop.

He hurriedly got off, then proceeded up the escalator, inserted his ticket in the little machine and went through the doors as they opened. The mall was on his right, but he wasn't there to shop, he just wanted to get home.

He did love the size of the city. Every day when he got outside from the confinement of public transit he took a moment in awe at the large human built constructs. Huge glass panels glowed with the light of the sun. He went over to a building housing a GameStop at the bottom and took the hidden staircase up on the side to a locked door. Keys already in his hand he had no troubles unlocking the door for the thousandth time. He headed down the hall and waited by the elevator.

Just then a bunch of loud boys entered the hall from the same door. 'Great the Mormons.' He didn't know much about them, but that they didn't have premarital sex and they didn't drink, like anything. He was accustomed to them going around in pairs, but had deduced that there were four of them staying in apartment 343, right next to his.

He took a peek over to the boys, though he didn't really care for their religion, the boys had a tendency of dressing pretty nice, which just turned Sasuke on. Today he had an extra surprise; one of the usual ranks was missing and seemed to have been replaced by a blonde with sparkling blue eyes. 'Wow. I'd fuck him all night.'

The well dress men walked casually over to the elevator and waited just the same as Sasuke. He heard a loud cluck and glanced over to the noise. The blonde certainly had a large suit case.

"Hi I'm Elder Uzumaki. I'm from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and if you have some time I'd like to share a brief message with you."

Sasuke liked that that missionary was talking to him. He didn't like the laughs the others were holding back though. 'What a church of jerks.'


"Is that a yes? Come over and teach you tomorrow at 7:00?"

"Hn, keep dreaming, dobe."

The elder gritted his teeth. "I'm going to covert you. Believe it!"

"Sorry to disappoint you but I wasalready converted by the time I was 16."

"So you're already a member?" The boy just wouldn't understand, and his companions' laughter had changed from amused sounds to nervous ones.

"A really reeeally great member." He took a step closer and leaned into the innocent ear and whispered. "Want to try it out?" The Blonde smelled like candy apple, obviously just some cheap shampoo, but Sasuke wanted to eat him all the more for it. His scent was pulled along with it's owner away from Sasuke's reach as the elevator door beeped.

Naruto's face showed the remnants of confusion from the seductive words which entered his ears.

"Elder Uzumaki, let the nice man take the elevator." The Elder with the shortest bowl cut he'd ever seen had protected the naive Elder out from under the sex maniac's grasps. It was obvious that the bushy eye browed missionary had no intention of squeezing himself or any of the other Elders into the small elevator with Sasuke, so Sasuke resigned and simply stepped in.

However, said man was not yet intent on giving up.

Sasuke stood in front of his door waiting. Those missionaries could be so self righteous. He was just having a little fun with the cute blonde, and now they were going to pay by him having a little fun.

The elevator doors finally opened and the four servants of god stepped out. Uzumaki was happily carrying his stuff down the hall. He looked so much more eager to be there than the other three. An eagerness that Sasuke wanted to put towards something else, like sucking his dick.

Sasuke gazed at the boy with the bright smile as he walked down the hall. Though his abs were completely hidden behind the layers of his suit, Sasuke could still tell that the boy was ripped. He had started his evaluation from toe to head, knowing that once he reached the eyes he wouldn't be able to pull himself away. And so it was, the blue diamonds were looking straight at him as his gaze finally rested upon them. 'So beautiful.'

"What are you looking at?" His full attention was broken by the overly youthful voice.

"I just wanted to make sure Elder Uzumaki knew where I was incase he neeeeded me." Sasuke winked and went inside.

"What does that mean?" He could here the cute squally voice from behind his door and smiled.

... keep it separated ...


"Harder Harder."

It had been going on for at least thirty minutes. This was certainly not the righteous environment a missionary should find himself in.

"How long have you guys been here?" Naruto inquired.

"It wasn't always like this. That guy only moved in here a few months ago."

"Probably got kicked out of his old place."

There was silence for a few more moments.


"That's it." The greeny declare,

He popped up out of his bed, went through the living room slammed opened his door and started banging on the one next to it. The door opened after about five minutes. A dark hair man stood in front of him but not the one he was expecting.

"Uuuuuumm," he struggled for a moment. "Ummm, could you please keep it down I'm trying to get some sleep."

"Sasuke, someone is here for you're services. Says he needs help sleeping." 'Services?'

The door was pulled open further by the raven he knew. Only instead of the suave clothes he had adorned earlier he now only had red boxers on. His hair was rustled, his entire being just wreaked of unbridled sexual pleasure.

"I DON"T NEED ANY SERVICES! JUST SHUT UP!" And with that Naruto stormed off.

"I told you he was cute Sai."

... keep it separated ...

The next day Sasuke took the degrading transit system again to his high end serving job.

"Hey, Sasuke," Temari rushed by, her pom-pom hair bobbing up and down as if it were saying 'go team.'

After serving several demanding tables he breathed out in exhaustion leaning down the white kitchen wall.

"Crazy night huh?" Sai said rhetorically.

"Hn." Is all he could muster out.

"Well, you get off in another two hours and then we hit the town."

"You mean the Castro."

Temari walked up and slid right next to Sasuke and leaned her head over. "I hate Fridays!"

"Just until we get off, then your going to be raving about them." Sai snickered back.

"As long as I find a cute guy I don't care what day of the week it is." Sasuke muttered.

"Speaking of cute guys, the one from the door was amazing."

Temari perked straight up. "Tell!"

"This guy he's living next to is an angel. Sheesh he's got this soft golden locks and bright blue eyes. He's got to be only like five nine. So he's perfect height."

"How much are we going to bet? Sound like an easy lay."

"No way." The raven objected.

"What? You've never turned down a challenge before." The girl was seriously confused.

"He's one of those Mormon missionaries. You guys only ever give me two weeks."

"Fine we'll give you three." Sai stated.


"What?" The slutty water asked.

"Seriously, these guys are hardcore, they don't think you should have sex outside of marriage and being gay is a sin, heck I think they think they are sinning just living next to me."

"The blonde did seem pretty up tight about… our video game playing." Sai smiled fakly to Temari.

"I know you guys fuck." Temari stated like it was nothing.

"Fine we'll give you till he leaves. How about that? And a hundred dollars each if you do it."

That money was tempting to the young Uchiha, but losing that much would be hard and the blonde was something else. He leaned his head back and thought of those sparkling eyes. It wasn't like he wasn't going to try anyways. The blonde was too beautiful there had to be a way to get him, had to be.


Elder: Elder is a title used for missionaries, similar to Bishop. Elder is also used for the highest leaders of the Mormon Church, apostles.

Apostles, and the first presidency: the top leader of the Mormon Church is the prophet, he has two councilors, this is known as the first presidency. Under them are twelve apostles. The prophet is also call the church president and the two lesser members of the first presidency and apostles are Elders.

Patriarchtical blessing: A blessing, AKA a special prayer that is person scripture for a Mormon. This is given by a Patriarch whose soul 'job' in the Mormon Church is to give these blessing. The Patriarch is believe to be a convoy in which god can speak and give each person a special message once in their life.

Set apart: Mormons have no paid positions in their church. However, with each calling or 'job' they are given they first get a special prayer asking god to help them in the task. This is 'setting' them apart from the rest of the congregation for that task.

MTC: Missionary training center, in Provo Utah.(There is one more but I can't remember where it is.) Basically, missionaries are trained in ways to teach about the Mormon Church to people of all faith. They used to have memorized scripts to follow, but now it is opening up to more of a discussion format. Missionaries going out with in the US only spend 2 weeks there while ones going to a non-English speaking one spend 6 weeks.

Stake president: This gets into the organization of the Mormon Church. There are wards, which is just a single congregation. They have a bishop with two councilors that are 'called' from the congregation to serve as the bishop for about 5 years and then a new man is chosen. Wards are grouped into stakes. It is done mostly by geographical regions. The Stake president is in charge of all a stake like a bishop is a ward. He handles things like, setting apart missionaries, ex-communications, and other stuff that I don't know about.

Greeny: new missionary.

Okay let me know if I missed anything. I've been using these terms all my life so I don't really know which are foreign.