![]() Author has written 12 stories for Naruto. About me: Sex: Female Hair color: Dark brown Eye color: Brown Hobbies: Anime, Manga, writing, reading, kpop and Yaoi Location: Norway Mother tongue: Norwegian Other languages: English, Arabic, (French & Japanese still learning) Tumblr: ThatNaruSasuAuthor Favorites: Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure & Romance Anime: One Piece Manga: Death Note Yaoi: Junjou Romantica OTP: NaruSasu Color: Pink and Purple Band: SHINee Movie: Spirited Away Game: The Legend of Zelda Mangaka/Author: Eiichiro Oda Book: Vampirates & The Hunger Games Song: Replay by SHINee Season: Winter Food: Sushi Drink: Tea My favorite pairings and favorite character from each of my top anime: Naruto : (Gaara) NarutoxSasuke - KakashixSasuke - ItachixSasuke - ItachixDeidara - KakashixIruka - PeinxItachi - SasorixDeidara - GaaraxNeji - ShikamaruxNeji Death Note: (Light) LxLight - MelloxMatt - NearxMello Kuroshitsuji: (Sebastian) CielxSebastian - AloisxClaude - AloisxCiel - SebastianxClaude - SebastianxGrell - GrellxWilliam - GrellxRonald Ouran High School Host Club: (Kyoya) HikaruxKaouru - TamakixKyoya - MorixHoney Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: (Gokudera) YamamotoxGokudera - DinoxHibari - SqualoxBel Kuroko No Basuke: (Kuroko) KurokoxKagami - AominexKise - MidorimaxTakao Shingeki No Kyojin: (Levi) ErenxLevi - LevixEren - ErwinxLevi - JeanxArmin Junjou Romantica: (Usagi) all couples Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi:(Yuu) all couples One Piece: (Sanji) ZoroxSanji - LuffyxAce x MarcoxAce Durarara!!: (Shizuo) ShizuoxIzaya - KidaxMikado Free!: (Rin) RinxHaru - ReixNagisa - MomoxNitori The Legend of Zelda: (Game) (Link) LinkxZelda - LinkxDark - LinkxGhirahim - LinkxMidna (Other Link pairings: LinkxIke - LinkxPit - LinkxMarth) Non-Anime: Rise of the Guardians (Jack Frost) JackxPitch- JackxHiccup - JackxJamie - JackxBunny What I need more of: Tokyo Ghoul yaoi, Love Stage and Maiden Rose!! |