Hey everyone! I got the ideas for these fics from different sex tip articles in Cosmo magazine. I would often read them and be like "hmm…these would make cool fanfics." So…here it is! I don't know how many one-shots I'll write. I just hope you like them!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation or any part of Cosmopolitan magazine. If I did, I would be a VERY happy girl

Plot: Shuichi knows one of Yuki's weaknesses!!

Ch.1: Those Damn Shorts

That damn brat! I can't believe he's doing this again! I have a deadline next week and he's prancing around in those…those shorts againIf you can call them shorts at all I don't think they even qualify as clothing by most people's standards.

The shorts in question were something Shuichi wore in one of his music videos. I almost killed someone when I found that out. The skimpy garment sits low on his hips and barely covers his ass, the skin tight material hugging to him in every way. There was no chance for Shu to wear underwear and they left little to the imagination. When he brought them home and wore them for the first time….oh my god. I could barely think. The way his shorts showed off my little lover's legs and ass made me instantly hard. I just had to have him right then and there. From then on, Shuichi knew exactly how to distract me.

And distract he does.

Shuichi isn't as innocent as people think. He can be a little sex demon when he wants to be. Not that I mind, but sometimes the things he does borderlines cruel. Like now, he knows what he does to me when he's wearing those shorts and I'm supposed to be writing. It's his not so subtle way of telling me he wants some attention. I understand that I tend to ignore everyone and everything when my deadline date approaches, but come on! I have to sit here and suffer till I finish what I'm working on for the day to finally get my hands on him.

When I do finish, Shuichi is usually waiting in the bedroom. He gives me the sexiest smile when he sees me and giggles as I resist the urge to run and jump onto the bed. The rest of the night is spent having as much passionate sex as we can.

I will give him this though. He knows when he can and can't wear those fucking shorts. He won't wear them when my deadline is only a few days away and I'm working like mad. Right now it's still in the safe zone. Somewhere inside of me knows that Shuichi does this for me, as well as himself, giving me a break from writing to relax.

Yuki looked up to see his pink haired lover walk past his study door and give him a playful wink. I guess now is time for my break.

He saved his work and got up from his chair. Stretching his muscles, the blonde made his way to their bedroom.

"Didn't take you long," Shuichi said, spreading his legs as Yuki crawled on top of him. The singer was already aroused and moaned when his lover ground their hips together.

"Don't act innocent Shuichi," Yuki replied. He claimed the pink haired boy's lips and kissed him deeply, taking Shuichi's breath away. "You know I can't stay away when you wear those damn shorts."

What do you think? Hope you enjoyed it! This is my first Gravific to finish and actually like. There wasn't a smut scene in this one. When I was working out how I wanted to write this I thought it was good without one. But don't worry! There will be plenty of Yuki/Shuichi sexiness in the future! I promise!! Reviews are welcome! Flames are not, so don't eat me alive!!!

I found this tip in the June 2007 issue of Cosmo in the article "75 Hot Mattress Moves." It was number 10.