Reviews for Signals
Sherbet lemon chapter 1 . 8/14/2019
HMP chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
Gaara was kinda OOC but who cares; this was a little funny and sexy and awesome. You think of the best pairings.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
yoloswagmaster chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
Awesome fic :]]]]
Hina Sarutobi chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
funny, sweet, sly, a perfect romance story! I love it, it had perfect ammounts of sections. it was funny yet slightly secretive then sly and of course the humpty dumpty scene was delicious and well detailed, and the end was funny. maximum ratings for you! story and you dear author are now located in my favorite author and favorite story lists ;)
AlpacaCokelat chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
So, actually, Gaara already known that Neji has a crush on him? Djagahdbsgahsbsga anyway, the smut scene is hot ] Keep writing
Profound Yaoi chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Unusual pairing...
You've done it very well. Now I'm curious as to what else is out there for them. ;)

I like the way you've written Gaara. I think that, after socialising with Naruto for a few years, he would have a wicked sense of humour and would probably want to try a bit of everything because he was deprived for so long.

You're amazing. :)
yamiXyugi-setoXjou-4ever chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
wooooooooo _ lol gaara is totally awesome. love the line "Do I need to strip naked or something?". that was just awesome. poor neji. i bet his brain got fried by that lol ;p
o-o-o-VampirianWolfGirl-o-o-o chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
This was brilliant! Just sayin!... And I loved ur characterization of gaara! In stories when he is kazekage people often write him to be how he was during the chuunin exams but I think after what he went through with naruto that he would be a lot gentler and fun loving! I loved this well done!
Ligeta-Chan chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Perfectly written! Loved how you portrayed Gaara in this fic! :) I'm off to read your other stories and this one is definitely going to my favorites! ;) Hot lemon - liked how you could make it so breathtaking without too much details (like some writers tend to do) So glad you created this fic, once again! THANK YOU HINATA! You blushing virgin! :P I like her more now.. Thanks
YaoiOverlord chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
Wow. Amazing lemon.
sweetiepiemarnie chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
I have to admit, I'd never thought about this pairing before. o_o

But this write has definately made me want to check it out! I thought it was nicely written (as always with your works :) ), and the characterization of Gaara was perfect to me. That's quite how I imagined him to act after he got through the hurdle that was three-tails(? I haven't watched Naruto in quite a while). Neji is so totally in character for me, even in his shock about Hinata's scheming.

It's not just about the smut when it comes to fics, but you always manage to mix the general story and the smutstuff so well, that I can't truly put it under the PWP catigory. I can't. xD

Beautifully light-hearted piece, I enjoyed it throughly. :)
Callmepapercandycornyay chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
*currently random camelldansen with Neji, Hinata, Gaara and Naruto* o TOTALLY WICKED AWESOME! For once Hinata has something to be proud of.
Bbubbii chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
Amazing. Just... argh! AMAZING!
Bbubbii chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
Amazing. Just... argh! AMAZING!
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