Author's note:

This is a bittersweet moment because it's the last chapter and I'm happy that it's done so I can focus on another one of my stories, yet I'm sad because I really do love this story a lot.

As always I own nothing


Chapter 26: I'm only Me When I'm With You

Three Years Later:

Naruto sat in a café, he sighed, and he knew he had to do something to make that night happy, not just another night. He was sick of the routine of college, work, eat, sleep, he needed to do something special, especially since it was July 23. It wasn't that he wasn't happy with his life, it had just been quite a while since something special happened where it was all relax and no stress. Once the whole thing with Sasuke happened three years back, he put himself into work to keep busy rather than think about it.

"Hey," said a smooth voice from behind him.

The blonde grinned, so happy to hear the voice he'd heard little of since it all began, "Hey."

"Sorry I've been so busy," the voice said once again as Naruto turned around to see the perfect face of his Uchiha.

"It's okay Sasuke, I understand, you were forced to take over a company with only the help of some advisers at the age of eighteen," Naruto said, his voice calm and understanding.

"I know, but, it's not fair to you, you shouldn't have to deal with it all," Sasuke said as he sat down across from the blonde, a frown appearing on his face.

Naruto reached up and cupped his cheek, "Life isn't always fair, we've known that for awhile now, but we'll be fine, I promise, but I was thinking that we could got out tonight, just relax and get your mind off of all the work you've been doing," Naruto smiled genuinely.

Sasuke smiled, it did sound nice, and now they were actually legal drinking age considering when they met they were just 17 and three years ago he turned 18, Sasuke wasn't stupid, he knew why the blonde wanted to go out, he knew the blonde was acting like he remembered his birthday but the blonde always remembered, and he thought he always made too big of a deal about it. Naruto always used his birthday as a day to really get him to relax, and though Sasuke wouldn't often say it out loud often, he knew that Sasuke was grateful for it.

They had graduated, Sasuke went to training for the company, and Naruto had gotten into to college, which though he didn't really want the raven's help Sasuke insisted that he help the blonde in whatever means he needed – money or learning. The raven helped more money wise than learning though as Sasuke became increasingly busy, and it wasn't that Naruto didn't understand it, it was just he needed to bury himself in work and college so he didn't think about all the time he didn't spend with his boyfriend. They would eat breakfast together, which was always nice, they would go to work or school, then they would come home too tired to do anything, and the weekend wasn't much better as Sasuke's advisors seemed to not stop working.

"I was thinking," the blonde said.

"I told you, it's not good for you," Sasuke joked.

"Teme," Naruto grumbled.

"What were you thinking?" Sasuke laughed.

"Well, usually people get some time off…like weekends….so maybe…on the weekends…you could, well…turn your phone off…and we could well….just have it to our selves…you know just spend you and me time," Naruto said, and Sasuke had a feeling this would come.

Sasuke wasn't sure if he could, but he knew it would mean a lot to the blonde so he said, "I'll see what I can do."

Naruto smiled, "Thank you."

"I have to go to a meeting, but I'll see you tonight," Sasuke said as he started to get up.

The blonde swiftly pulled the raven back to him, kissing him passionately before saying, "Don't over work yourself, you're not aloud to be too tired tonight."

Sasuke let out a small laugh, "I promise I won't."

"Good, I'll see you in a few hours?" Naruto asked.

"I'll try to get out of there right after the meeting, so I sure as hell hope that it's no longer than a few hours," Sasuke said, giving the blonde a quick kiss.

"I love you," Naruto said.

"I love you too," Sasuke said before walking out of the café.

The blonde smiled, it was times like that that truly made him remember why it didn't matter that the raven worked a lot – sure it was just a little exchange of "I love you" and kisses but it didn't matter, the little things made it all worth it, the feeling he got when he saw the raven made it all worth it.

Gaara glared at the phone that was being held in the pale hands of his lover, whom was quickly texting away on it instead of paying attention to him, yes it was just a short message but Gaara was rather possessive when it came to the brunette just a few feet away from him.

"You are you texting?" he asked.

"Huh? Oh Sasuke, it's his birthday, and if I don't text him now then he'll be in a meeting and after that with Naruto and we both know if I interrupt that then blondie will bite off my head," Neji said.

Gaara visibly relaxed, it wasn't that he didn't trust Neji, it was that he didn't trust other people, but he knew Sasuke was so in love with Naruto that he'd never even think to try anything with Neji.

"Why? Don't you trust me?" the brunette asked, he sounded a little hurt.

"It's others I don't trust," he said.

"If you trust me then what others try shouldn't matter," Neji said, and Gaara smirked at how it seemed he could make the Hyuuga pout.

The red head didn't say anything, but merely got up and made his way to Neji who was sitting at the dinner table in the house they shared. Gaara sat on his lap, quickly capturing his lips with his own before the brunette could say anything.

"I don't even want anyone else to look at you let alone try to get you," Gaara said as he broke away and started to kiss down the pale neck of his lover.

"God you're so possessive," Neji half said, half moaned.

Gaara didn't say anything but instead just kept kissing the brunette, which made said man stop talking all together.

Green eyes fluttered open to the sound of the door closing, she sighed, knowing exactly what it was as she looked at the clock.

"Must you go for a run every day, I mean you could just stay in bed and relax with me," she said as she walked out into the living room of her house where she saw her boyfriend in his all green attire.'

"That wouldn't keep me very youthful now would it?" he said happily.

"Everyone needs their rest to be youthful," she said walking over to him. "Why don't you come and rest with me now."

"But I was going to take a shower," Lee said.

"Well, that sounds just as relaxing, let's go take a shower," she said as she gently kissed him.

He smiled and nodded as she took his hand and led him toward the shower. She'd have to apologize to Sasuke later for forgetting his birthday, but the fact of it was that he wasn't the man that took up her mind any more, nor would he ever be again.

Sai really did love his job. In fact he felt it was the best job in the world. Why? Well currently he was staring at naked men and women and painting them as well as getting paid for it. Why someone wanted the picture he wasn't quite sure, but he wasn't going to protest. His job was to paint not only what he found inspiration in and sell it, but there was also times where he'd get those people that would request things and he'd happily paint them, especially if they were like his latest request. Not only did he get to paint with this job, he got to date the models if they were so inclined to date him.

Kisame felt a small tear roll down his cheek as he looked down at the stone in the ground. He knew it wasn't just one Uchiha anniversary.

"I tried to warn you, I tried to tell you not everyone will follow what you want…people aren't pawns…you can't always control them…life isn't just a big game of chess like you want it to be…but you're just too damn stubborn aren't you?" the man said to the grave stone in front of him.

The fact was he worked for an organization of criminals, and when he convinced them that he could get control of the Uchiha Corporation they went along and followed him, but the leader the corporation wasn't so forgiving when it all fell through. When it was the end of his plan and it failed, it was also the end of Itachi, though they were kind at least enough to bury him by the other Uchihas, no one but them and the ones who they paid off to bury the body and make the stone knew he died, Sasuke never knew he died and maybe that was why he could have a peaceful birthday every year. The man may have killed his entire family, but he knew that deep down there was still the bond of brothers and Sasuke couldn't so easily forget that, which is why Kisame made sure Sasuke didn't find out, he felt Itachi wouldn't truly want it, he'd caused the younger Uchiha enough pain already.

It was a Friday which Sasuke's birthday fell on, and since most businesses took the weekends off the meeting he was in went relatively fast seeing how everyone wanted to get it done so they could be off for the weekend.

Sasuke thought about what Naruto said and he agreed, it was time to talk to his advisors, so he called them in.

"Mr. Uchiha, you wanted to see us?" one of them questioned.

"Yes actually, I have decided that I want my weekends off," the raven said.

"You do have them off," one said.

"No, you guys call me in every weekend, and therefore I don't," Sasuke said.

"You do run the business; therefore you need to be in on every decision."

"I'm sure the decisions made on Saturday or Sunday can wait until Monday morning," Sasuke said. "Besides, I'm sure you all have families you want to see as well."

"Yes sir, but," one started.

"No buts, unless it's crucial to the company, which I doubt taking two days off would be, I don't want to be called over the weekend, and what more I want you guys to go home to your families, you're over worked," the raven said with a small smile.

"Yes sir," they said.

"One more thing," Sasuke said, causing them to turn around. "Please don't call me Mr. Uchiha or Sir, I may be in charge now but you guys have been running this place for most of my life."

"What should we call you then?" they asked, it seemed like they were always afraid of him, probably because of his father and knowing all Uchihas had the infamous Uchiha temper, though his seemed to die down with a certain blonde in his life – usually it did at least since said blonde didn't often do anything to piss him off.

"Call me Sasuke," the raven said as he stood up. "Now if you don't mind I'm getting out of here for the weekend, I suggest you do the same."

He quickly made his way out of the office, eager to get home to his lover and away from work, as he was just dying to relax with the one he loved.

As the raven made the long drive home, to the outskirts of town where Naruto insisted that they build their home, it was getting dark, but it was at least earlier than the time he'd normally get home. When the raven got home to the modest house – considering the money he had now – that he and Naruto shared it was pitch black except for many candles, which were accompanied by rose petals, illuminating the way out to the back yard. Sasuke's jaw dropped as he saw it set up like the time they drove to the outskirts of town and watched the stars, and that was when it hit him why Naruto wanted the house built there, because this was where they came.

The crickets sang and he smiled as he made his way over to his boyfriend who just smiled at him. He straddled the blonde who kissed him before saying, "Happy birthday."

"I thought you wanted to go out tonight," the raven said some what confused.

"No, I just wanted to make sure you got home earlier than normal, I hope that's okay if we don't go out," the blonde said, running his fingers through the raven's hair.

"Of course it's okay, as long as I'm with you I really don't care how I spend tonight," Sasuke said giving the blonde another kiss.

The blonde smiled, he could tell the raven wasn't so stressed and it made him happier, he was always happy when Sasuke was; he loved to see him smile.

"You seem in a good mood," Naruto said.

"I'm with you, and I told my advisors not to bother me unless crucial on the weekends, of course I'm happy," he said.

The blonde instantly got happier, which made Sasuke smile, "Really?"

"I said I'd try didn't I?"


"Well, I was thinking and well, if I'm in charge I should be able to say when I work and don't work now shouldn't I?" Sasuke smirked.

"Most definitely," Naruto smiled as he kissed the raven.

Naruto knew that Sasuke really only did it to make him happy, and even if he wouldn't say it that didn't matter, what mattered was that silent understanding that the raven would do anything to make him happy and vice versa. They understood each other like no one else could. Even if they drove each other crazy at times, their love was so much deeper than any one else's and it was something that no one else could replace.

"Sasuke, you know you're everything to me right?" Naruto asked as he made it so Sasuke was lying on his back and he was hovering over him.

Sasuke smiled and cocked an eyebrow, "Of course, just like you are to me."

"Good," Naruto said getting off the raven, making him more confused.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

The blonde moved so he was sitting in front of the now sitting raven as he was digging into his pocket, pulling out a small box, "I want to be with you forever, will you marry me?"

The raven looked at the now open box, which had a ring that was a simple band but engraved with both their family symbols becoming one, he was shocked to say the least considering that Naruto wasn't the type to put his family symbol on much. The raven's heart felt ready to explode from sheer happiness as he tackled the blonde and kissed him, "Of course dobe."

They didn't care the technicalities of what society thought of gay marriage, if they wanted to get married they would do so and they would flaunt it. And now was not the time to think about the long fight they would have over who took whose last name and how ticked off Sasuke would be later that he was pretty much the girl in the relationship since Naruto asked him, and dominated him. That moment was just for them and the happiness they had, nothing else that came later would matter. This was why Naruto seemed to like the clearing he picked for their back yard, it seemed no matter what, if they were there then they would be able to forget their problems and be happy.

Their life wasn't perfect, in fact at times it was far from it, but they were happy and that's all that mattered right? They were in love, and in the end that was all that mattered. When Naruto met Sasuke the raven's heart was cold, unwilling to love and let himself be loved truly, he dated Karin to get out of the house not because of attraction. Naruto didn't plan on it, but needing help with homework became a love so deep that he didn't even know it existed, and to top it off he warmed the coldest of hearts he knew. With out him Sasuke could have killed himself or become a shell of a man controlled by other people, but the power of love made it so he could put it all behind him and live his life. After all, as Anne-Sophie Swetchine said, "To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others."


Song of inspiration: I'm Only Me When I'm With You by Taylor Swift

OH MY GOSH! It's over, that's the end of the story, I really cannot believe it…really it's kind of weird…but if you think I should write a sequel which would focus on GaaraxNeji relationship let me know cause I am considering, though not until I get some of my other stories done….but please let me know how you like it and VOTE on the one shot you want, reviewers have till I'll say next weekend to vote on it then I'll write which ever one wins.

Hope you guys liked the story and now here's my huge thank you list:


1. .. Favorite Stories

2. Addicted To Yaoi

3. Aerias's Faves

4. All the Yaoi stories I can find

5. Eternal Ice

6. NarutoSasUKE

7. SasukeSakura SakuraKakashi, NarutoSasuke, NaruSasuSaku and more.

8. The I read too much Naruto Fanfic C2 Believe it


1. -Apocolipstic-

2. ..

3. Akachi

4. AmouIsrafel

5. Anime-cazyfan

6. Ankokumen

7. Anybody You Don't Know.

8. ArmorOfDay

9. Aya-xxo

10. Belovedly Loveless

11. BitterSweet27

12. BlackKat200

13. Bookoholic

14. BurningDesires


16. Comlover2u

17. Crescent Ice

18. CrimsonShadows78



21. Darcy Black-Valentine

22. Dark Dreamer 92

23. DarkChocolateCat

24. Death By Squishy

25. DemonInuyasha669

26. Divina16

27. Dizzykins

28. Dragon77

29. Ernoma

30. Evilmonkey4ever

31. FrostPrincessxX

32. Hani-san

33. HarukaSakuke

34. HorrayForSatan666

35. JadeBeam

36. Keamykaykay

37. KhaosKat

38. KimiBear

39. Kinky O o h . l a . l a a

40. KitsuneFun

41. KitsuneKarnage

42. KonekoKitsune33

43. Lightbeauty

44. Lost Kin

45. Masu-chan

46. MikoKriszty

47. MisseTheStrange

48. MoMo-Chan13

49. MunchoNoYaoiStyle

50. NaruSasuYaoi7

51. Nek0Chan

52. Obsession No Es Amor

53. Ookami-nii-sempai

54. OrangeGlowStick

55. Rai Uchiha

56. RaidenSAMAx

57. Rawr - Loves SasUKE -

58. Rogerbaker666


60. SadisticYaoiFanSpaz

61. SakuraMinamino

62. Sasuke Kumi lover

63. Satoshi33girl

64. Shadow Kitsune67


66. Sky-eyed Kitsune

67. StarukiaO

68. The Only Love For Soujiro Seta

69. The Yaoi Pimpette

70. Uchiha-gal18

71. UchihaArisa

72. Undercover Rocker

73. Wild Inu

74. XsuicideXkittyX


76. Yanita24

77. YoukoSakuFan

78. Z Girl Warrior

79. amayaaiko

80. animeinlove

81. blame-my-ADD

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87. chii-yuki

88. chobits chi

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92. famin

93. freaky baby XXkashiXX

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100. kyoko131

101. liferox

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103. lovethelovestories1234

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106. nanachan87

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108. oh-my-Ra

109. palecrimsongoddess

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111. rindill

112. sarena9745

113. sasunaru-16

114. sayuri20

115. sheechiibii

116. shirilyle

117. the western lord sesshoumaru

118. vampires are gay

119. x3WHITE

120. xMyXDoOrXOuTxoFXrEaLiTyx

121. xNarukoxUchimakix

122. yaaaaaaayme


1. -Apocolipstic-

2. -I-luv-Edward-Cullen123

3. A.J. Torres

4. Aerias-A-Writer

5. Akiru chan

6. Amaya Kaida

7. AmouIsrafel

8. Angel Mayu

9. Ankokumen

10. Anybody You Don't Know.

11. Appel18

12. Arkine

13. Ashly

14. Baoz157

15. Belovedly Loveless

16. .

17. Bookoholic

18. Broken Hearted Idiot

19. BrokenxXxAngel


21. Chase Dragons2Candy Mountain

22. Cheerful-Pessimist

23. ChibiKittay

24. ChibiesRevil

25. Chiya-chan

26. Crescent Ice

27. Crescent Kitsune

28. CryingCrimsonEyes


30. Dak

31. Danya2

32. Darcy Black-Valentine

33. DarkAngelJaganshi-Kurama

34. DarkChocolateCat

35. Darkwitch17

36. Divina16

37. Dizzykins

38. Dolphi99

39. Dragon of Blood

40. Dragon77

41. ElizibethKei-ElricAsakura

42. Ernoma

43. Fazzlerap

44. FluffiBunni82

45. ForgetItAgain

46. FrostPrincessxX

47. Girl-Crying-Blue-Blood

48. Haganemaru

49. Hello Mitty

50. HikaHima

51. Hisuinohebi

52. HorrayForSatan666

53. I've Got The Curse Of Curves

54. Ilkar

55. Jade Garden

56. JazzyLuffsBlack

57. Joni-Lee

58. Kakeru-MidnightDreams

59. KariNeko

60. KhaosKat

61. Kina-chan

62. Kinky O o h . l a . l a a

63. Kirdari

64. KitsuneKarnage

65. Kizxm

66. Kojima-chan

67. Kyubbi-Emo-Sama

68. Lapse - Raevn

69. Lee Talennyn

70. Lord Makura

71. Lost Kin

72. Loving91Rain

73. Maaka na Tsuki

74. Marjolein-chan

75. Master of the Toys

76. MikoKriszty

77. MioHiazaki

78. MiyaChan333

79. MsTamagotchi

80. Myriam06

81. NaruSasuYaoi7

82. Obscure Omen

83. RaidenSAMAx

84. Rawr - Loves SasUKE -

85. Rimsha

86. Romantically Dead

87. Ryoko of the Ink

88. RyokoMaxwell

89. SakuraMinamino

90. Satoshi33girl

91. Saya V

92. Sayo124

93. Shadow Kitsune67

94. Shell of the cake

95. Shiro Shade

96. SillyChelle

97. So-muchColder

98. Sordid

99. The Only Love For Soujiro Seta

100. The Yaoi Pimpette

101. TheSunshineGirls

102. Uchiha-gal18

103. UchihaArisa

104. Undercover Rocker

105. Wakaran a i xx

106. Wild Inu

107. Wilfred Humbug

108. WolfyAlex

109. XXXKyuubiXXXKedinXXX

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155. o0Organized Chaos0o

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157. prettystarshine

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161. selfproffesedshuichiwannabe

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164. steelgunner

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167. valdas

168. x3WHITE

169. xMyXDoOrXOuTxoFXrEaLiTyx

170. xNarukoxUchimakix

171. xbloodxmagnoliax

172. xshadows-r-nothingx

173. yaaaaaaayme

174. yet-another-Gaara-fangirl

I really can't thank any of you enough for reading, you're all amazing! AND MOST OF ALL THANK YOU TO ALL MY REVIEWERS YOU'RE THE BEST! Can you tell I like reviews?