Reviews for To Warm The Coldest Of Hearts
Guest chapter 26 . 7/31/2018
This fanfiction was a mess. The plot, if you could call it that, was nothing but Naruto doing stupid shit and them breaking up because of it. I lost track of how many times they broke up in this fic. It was a lot, I can tell you that much. Naruto would do something stupid, Sasuke would break up with him, Naruto would get fired up about coming up with a plan to get Sasuke back, and then they'd reunite, only for Naruto to do something stupid again the very next day. I swear there were times when they broke up, got back together, and then broke up again all in the same damn chapter. Even if I'm wrong and you didn't have them break up more than once per chapter, it FELT like you did. That's the point. You had them break up so much it felt like a really bad drinking game.

If that wasn't bad enough, the ending was completely rushed and half-assed. I got a sinking feeling once I realized there were only three chapters to go and NONE of the major plot threads were even close to being resolved. You still had FOUR love rivals (Sakura, Sai, Neji, and Gaara) that were actively trying to make Naruto and Sasuke breakup because they wanted the guys to themselves. Orochimaru the rapist pedophile was still skulking around. Itachi the murderous psycho was still trying to cause trouble. And then what did we get? Neji has a miraculous change of heart and talks Sakura and Sai out of continuing to mess with Naruto and Sasuke. So easy! After they'd been causing trouble for the whole fic, all it took was a single pep talk from Neji to make them stop. Looks like Neji has surpassed Naruto's talk no jutsu skills. Next we get NejiGaa "pair the spares" to get the both of them out of the way. A side-ship with Neji and Gaara might have been okay, EXCEPT they'd never met until the second to last chapter, and in just a couple of paragraphs, true love!

The way the love rivals was dealt with was bad enough, but the true insult is how the actual villains of the story were handled. Itachi kills Orochimaru for random reasons and the fic sort of forgets about all of the rape and physical abuse he'd given Sasuke over the years. Then there's Itachi who dies off the page. He was alive up until the second-to-last chapter, but in this final chapter, Kisame tells us the higher ups finished him off because he failed his assignment. Is this supposed to be satisfying? Itachi and Orochimaru cause so much carnage, yet their deaths were basically footnotes in the story.

You had the entire fanfition to do something better than that, to actually develop your plot points, and in the end what we got was so weak. You couldn't find a better way to get rid of Orochimaru, but you could come up with a bunch of repetitive breakups for Naruto and Sasuke?

So lame. Despite all the positive reviews, I can't recommend this fic to anyone. It starts off okay, then becomes repetitive with all the breakups, then ends in the most half-assed way possible.
FrayWrites chapter 26 . 12/13/2017
even the coldest of can be melted with love
Li chapter 1 . 10/19/2017
I love Narusasu
sapphire80 chapter 18 . 8/27/2016
sigh xD so much drama and I forgive you about the smut thing now that I see you added one in later xD
sapphire80 chapter 11 . 8/27/2016
frowns, well that was disappointing, why the edit?! and why no link or mention to somewhere else that has the full smut? well the story is going pretty good, some things feel rushed and could be written better but overall I like the story despite this chapter being a fail xD yes a bit bitter ignore me xD
smoleren chapter 26 . 2/26/2016
One of my favorite stories :)
RoniBopShop chapter 20 . 6/4/2015
I'm so hoping you come back to this story. There is so much unresolved and I'm totally hooked and can't wait to see what happens next. Please finish.
Tsukihime1991 chapter 26 . 6/1/2014
Awwww i loved the end so sweet
Tsukihime1991 chapter 11 . 6/1/2014
What jus happened... Lol that was very ... Empty
nazurath92 chapter 25 . 4/10/2014
Ok I need to review I just couldn't stop reading first I would like to say Itachi you are such a evil badass, Orochimaru that is what you get you fucking sick pervert, Sasuke I felt bad the way you felt but in the situation you was in I could understand thank god you have Naruto, Sakura and Sai how dumb are you two really just because you break them up what makes you think they will go to you and last but not least Neji thank god that your smart I almost lost hope so thank you for saving the day

Oh and I can't forget about the wonderful author you are a amazing writer :)
nazurath92 chapter 19 . 4/10/2014
I have noticed that when Sasuke and Naruto started dating almost everyone started going after them where was they before the only one that I don't have a problem with is Gaara because he loved Naruto first but dang really people... anyway don't mind me i'm just rambling on with the great story :)
Teppen chapter 26 . 8/16/2013
This story is so good, I absolutely loved reading it!
Guest chapter 11 . 7/17/2013
Hmmm to be honest the sex between Naruto and Sasuke was not very detailed, I happen to have a very active imagination but my imagination was very limited as I read the sex scene... Please try harder I know you can do it, I am a very big fan of yours... You just need to change things up a bit... Please know that I am not trying to be rude... it is merely constructive criticism.
Xyra Kaze chapter 16 . 3/26/2013
I love this chapter. i'm so glad that sasuke leaves
Xyra Kaze chapter 14 . 3/25/2013
this is getting a lot better lol
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