Laura: Ok what can I say about this... I found this on my computer from who knows how long ago and I'll admit, It wasn't supposed to be a NaruSasu story. Originally this was going to be a Twilight Fan Fiction... But after messing around with it a bit and adding my favourite Yaoi couple I was hooked! It may be complete junk but I just thought it would be nice if I could give you something else to read while I'm working on "A Blast From The Past" I have about 10 chapters for this story and I'm JUST working on chapter five, for ABFTP, so you see my dilemma.
Naruto: Just shut up and let them read.
Laura: Kay, ENJOY!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto, unfortunately, but Sasuke does! And vise versa!
"Hello Naruto, How are you?" Fugaku, the chief of police greeted me at the front door. "Hey Fugaku, I'm good, yourself?" Fugaku stepped aside and motioned for me to step in. I smiled at him and made my way into the living room. "Oh hanging in there." He replied behind me. "Any big news going on?" I asked staring at the news papers on the coffee table. "There have been a few robberies in a few towns over but other than that every thing seems to be fine." He said taking his seat back down on the couch in front of the flat screen TV.
"Well, except for my wife making me go furniture shopping every damn day..." He grumbled to himself. "Sounds fun." I chuckled. "Naruto come on up!" I heard my best friend yell from upstairs. I smiled to myself, nodded to Fugaku then made my way up the stairs. I couldn't help but smile at the pictures of him and I on the wall as little kids. He was adorable with his big dimples and braces in his teeth, always wearing a goofy smile on his face. My favourite one is of us at Disneyland when he was giving me a noogie and smiling like an idiot the whole time. I didn't look much better, pretending he was choking me to death.
I hurried to his bedroom door and knocked before entering. I always loved his room; it always had a unique feel to it. The walls were a dark blue with beautiful dark wood flooring. His walls were covered in posters of singers and actors he liked. On the left near his closet was a huge mahogany bookshelf filled with all sorts of different books from romance to mystery. There, sitting on his single bed, was my best friend. Sasuke Uchiha. Ever since Sasuke and I met in kindergarten we have been inseparable.
I couldn't have asked for a better friend than Sasuke. He's always had my back as I've had his. I remember in kindergarten a couple of jerks stole my stuffed fox, Kyuubi, and hid him from me. Sasuke, who hated bullies even back then, yelled at the boys and told them they were meanie heads. After he told the teacher what had happened he spent his whole recess helping me look for him. At that moment I knew Sasuke and I would be the best of friends.
When he and I got into high school Sasuke never left my side. If people were jerks, I would bitch out at the ones who made fun of him for being so smart, and he would tell the football players to fuck off if they would mock me for not making the team. We made quite an interesting pair. My Mum would always say that Sasuke and I were meant to be together... Of course she didn't mean just as best friends, which was a little weird considering she was basically telling me to be gay, but I never really put much thought into that...
I knew that Sasuke was openly gay, but I could never tell him that I... might be too. Of course we had our fair share of fights. Like the time when he agreed to go out with that douche bag Neji Hyuga. I told him he was stupid for agreeing and that Neji would just take advantage of him. Yeah, I could have handled it better, but I knew who he really was. I knew how many dates he had a week and I needed to protect my friend.
Sasuke did not appreciate me putting my two cents in and told me to mind my own damn business. He wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the day and I regretted saying those things to him instantly. But later that night he showed up at my house with a cup of ramen noodles (my favourite) and told me he wasn't going out with Neji. He understood that I was just looking out for him and that I wanted the best for him.
Sometimes I swear he could read my mind. We spent the rest of the night watching videos of people falling on YouTube than snuggled up on my bed and fell asleep in each others arms. I know how that sounds, but Sasuke and I have always been like that. It was normal for us and we didn't care what anyone said about it, we weren't going to change. It was always impossible for me to stay mad at him, he's never actually done anything to make me seriously mad before. (besides that whole thing with Neji) But for some reason I seem to fuck up a lot...
I can't help it though. The worst was always the dates. I hated hearing about them. Every time he gushed about going on a 'perfect' date with some douche from our class there was a slight burning in my chest. I didn't really know what it was, but I didn't like it... So here he is, my brilliant best friend, sitting Indian style on his bed, smiling at me with his dark ebony eyes fixed on my blue ones. I couldn't help but give him my signature crooked smile. I quickly made my way over to his bed. "Hey." He grinned at me as I sat down next to him.
"So-" I said, as he continued to smile knowingly at me. "Are we really going to do this?" He laughed but nodded his head. "I want to know what's so interesting about it." I chuckled to myself knowing he didn't want to say what it was out loud. "Ooookaaaay... but what about your parents?" Sasuke jumped off his bed and headed towards his black lap top. "My Mum went shopping and we'll hear my Dad if he comes up stairs... Besides, he's watching cop shows. Do you really think he's going to walk away from that?" He said with a smirk. I sighed and made my way over to him, pulling out a chair in the process. "So are we just going to search the web or do you-"
"I picked a site." He interrupted as he logged into his lap top. I couldn't help but grin at him. He looked up at me and blushed slightly. "Don't think I'm weird! I just... I figured it would be easier than wasting time searching for one..." I nodded still smiling. Sasuke turned back to the screen and mumbled "Asshole…" under his breath. I chuckled then sat down next to him. As Sasuke opened up a new tab I couldn't help but think about what we were about to do.
This morning in Social Studies Sasuke and I were silently reading our text books when the whispers started. It was Temari and Ten Ten, the head cheerleader and co captain, also known as the "Stuck up bitches who think they're better than everyone else." as Sasuke put it. I tried to concentrate on my book but it was impossible with their constant giggling behind us. I eventually gave up trying to ignore them and started to listen. "He was so hot I swear to god I'd fuck him any day." Ten Ten giggled and I could imagine her twirling her dark brown hair with her finger. I rolled my eyes and groaned. Of course they were talking about boys...
Sasuke lifted his head and smiled at me deliberately. I smiled a little back but couldn't help but listen to them again. "I know right? I got wet just watching them fuck. Damn could that girl scream." I had to do a double take on what they were saying. What the hell? They watched... people... wait. Oh my god they're talking about porn in class? What the hell is wrong with these girls? "Yeah, let's try to find a new site tomorrow, okay?" Tamari said followed by a set of giggles. Not only were they watching it but they were watching it together! I don't understand girls.
I sneaked a glance over at Sasuke and saw him staring at his book again but I could tell he wasn't reading. He was thinking. So here we are about to watch our first porno together. Now I know that might seem creepy but...what could it hurt? The worst that could happen is we get a boner in front of each other. Huh… This might not be such a good idea after all. "Teme, are you sure you want to do this? It's going to be... I don't know weird." He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "Scared you're going to get turned on Uzumaki?"
"Yes." I said seriously.
Sasuke chuckled then went back to typing on the computer. "What's the site called?"
"It's a surprise." He said smiling to himself. I sighed and waited for his computer to load up. "Oh come on old girl don't fail me now." Sasuke whispered to his beloved computer. "Sasuke, why don't you just let me buy you a new one?" His computer is absolute crap. I've offered many times before to buy him a better one but he always refuses. "Because I won't let you buy me anything else Naruto. You spend too much on me as it is."
It was true, I have bought Sasuke a lot of things (with lots of complaining on his part) and on birthdays I would always buy the most exquisite thing I could find. And those things just so happened to cost a lot of money, but I didn't mind. I loved buying Sasuke things. It's not like I couldn't afford it with my Dad being a successful doctor and all. I sighed in defeat and watched him refresh the page. "Wow. The one time we wanna watch por- it and the internet wont work. Does this only happen to me?!" I couldn't help but laugh at him. Sasuke did have terrible luck.
He fell down constantly and always got hit in the face with dodge balls in gym. He says it was bad luck, I say its lack of coordination. "Ah ha!" He yelled causing me to jump. "Sorry..." He quickly mumbled. "But it worked!" I smiled and gave him an unenthusiastic thumbs up. "You're not into this, are you?" He asked quietly. I opened my mouth to respond but he cut me off. "Shit do you think this is creepy? Do you think I'm a total freak who enjoys watching people do it with my best friend in the room?!" He was panicking now, his breaths were short and shallow and he looked close to tears. "What?! No! Not at all!" Sasuke immediately relaxed.
"I just- I don't know, I mean why is this important?"
"It's not." He replied a little too quickly. I gave him a 'yeah right look' and he sighed. "Look, it's not really important but come on! I think we're the only teenagers who haven't ever watched it... It's damn peer pressure!" He whined crossing his arms. I chuckled at his expression, he looked pretty cute when he was pouting. "Alright. Well hurry up, I haven't got all night." He smiled at me then went back to the computer. The two of us spent the next half hour watching porno's. Luckily nothing gave me a boner. (Amazing I know.) I decided studying Sasuke's reactions were more fun to watch then the actual porn.
The way his eyes would pop out of their sockets when the couple did something strange. The disgusted look he got when they did the whole BDSM thing. At one point he actually dug his face into my shoulder and laughed uncontrollably. It was quite entertaining. "Okay one more than we can-" He was cut off by his bedroom door slowly creaking open. "Sasuke I just-" Sasuke squeaked and started clicking buttons trying to shut the computer off. I quickly reached over and clicked the escape key just as his Dad was coming into the room. "wanted to tell you I'm..."
"Yeah Dad?" He replied a little too sweetly. "I'm working late tomorrow so I won't able to help you with your broken draws. We can do it another day, okay?"
"Okay." He said quickly. I stared at my feet to try to hide my growing smile. "Alright...Goodnight." He came over and patted Sasuke on the head then made his way to the door. "Goodnight Naruto."
"Goodnight sir." I replied as my chuckles started escaping. We stayed silent until we heard the click of the door telling us we were once again alone. Sasuke let out a big sigh of relief as I burst into laughter. "Did he see?!" Sasuke asked twiddling his thumbs. I shook my head still laughing. "I don't know Sasuke but that was fucking hilarious!" I said covering my mouth with my hand, trying to silence myself. A slow smile started to spread across his face and he began to chuckle. "Oh god did you see his face! He knows we're up to something." He said through his laughter. I nodded trying to control my breathing. At the end of our laughing fit we were both close to tears. Sasuke went into the bathroom to change into his pj's while I shut down his computer and made my way to the window seat that I helped Fugaku make.
I sat down and couldn't help but think about Sasuke. I really was lucky to have someone like him. Every boy and girl in our grade asks him out but he always stays with me. I can't really blame them for falling for him though. Sasuke was perfect, from his long lean legs all the way up to his silky raven locks. I never understood what he saw in me. He tells me that he always thought of himself as the geeky boy that nobody liked as a child and yet here he is, boys and girls drooling over him and president of the activity committee for Konoha high school. Geek my ass, he's amazing...
Now you might be wondering why we're still just friends. Don't get me wrong, saying that I was Sasuke's boyfriend couldn't make me happier, but... I won't risk our friendship because of my selfish need for more of him. Besides, I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I'm gay! I'm happy with what I got and I hope he is too. "Whatcha looking at?" I turned around to see Sasuke prancing into the room with his favourite black pj pants on and a dark gray tank top. The shirt allowed me to see some of his smooth, unblemished skin around his stomach. "Nothing in particular." I said giving him my crooked smile. He smiled back then wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. "Thanks."
"For what?" I chuckled, putting my arms around him. "For watching... porn with me." He whispered the word like it was a sin. I chuckled again and started to rub small circles on his back. "No prob Teme. What are best friends for?" He chuckled then pulled back. "You wanna stay tonight?" He asked as he headed back over to his bed. "I can't, I didn't bring my stuff." I sighed wishing I wasn't such an idiot for rushing out of the house without thinking about my suitcase. "Can't you sleep in your clothes?" He smirked giving me an 'are you stupid look?' I chuckled then leaned against the window sill. "I don't have my school stuff either smart ass."
"We can get it in the morning." He said pulling the covers back. "No offence Sasuke but you take forever to get ready. By the time we leave the house and grab my back pack we'll have missed 2 classes." I said grinning at him. He paused his movements to turn back and glare at me. "Fine." He grumbled getting under the covers. "I'll just stay here... all alone..." He sighed looking around the room longingly. "In this cold bed... Wake up in the morning to an empty... unwelcoming house." I groaned and rolled my eyes. "That's not going to work. Besides, your Mom will be here." I said making my way to the door.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard whimpering coming from behind me. I spun around and sure enough Sasuke was giving me the puppy dog pout. Looking into his big, dark eyes and seeing his lip quiver... I had no chance. I sighed and walked back over to him. "Okay that works..." I mumbled in surrender. The smile that Sasuke gave me was completely worth missing any class. I pulled my orange hoodie off and snuggled next to him in the bed. Since it was a single I had to wrap my arms around him to keep either one of us from falling off (not that I mind) Sasuke sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder. "Good night Naruto..." He whispered already falling into unconsciousness. I smiled. "Goodnight Sasuke..."
I awoke to the sound of something crashing on the floor. It sounded like glass shattering. I sat up slowly noticing that Sasuke was nowhere to be found. I rubbed my eyes and peered out into the hall where a light was coming from the bathroom "Shit..." I heard Sasuke curse off in the distance. My body suddenly went into panic mode. Glass… "Sasuke!"I yelled, hopping out of the bed and hurrying to the bathroom. I pushed open the door and the first thing I saw was shattered glass next to the sink. I assumed it was a cup from the little designs on the broken pieces.
I looked up to my left and saw Sasuke leaning against the wall, even more pale than usual. I glanced back down and noticed he was holding his hand tightly to his chest. Shit! I carefully made my way around the glass and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Sasuke, are you okay? What happened?" He stared at me for a second before blinking his eyes repeatedly. "I-I knocked over the cup and-and tried to clean it up." He stopped as a shiver took over his body. I noticed he was starting to slide down the wall and my grip on him tightened. "Sasuke we need to get you down stairs. I need to look at your hand. Where's your Mom?"
"She... left early to drop off my Dad's breakfast at the station..." His head lolled to the side as his eye lashes started to flutter close. Sasuke had a horrible fear of blood. The tiniest speck of blood had him getting dizzy or nauseous. "Oh no you don't." I said pulling him back up to me. "Come on Sasuke stay with me." I bent down and carefully picked him up bridal style. As I cautiously made my way past the glass, Sasuke started to whisper my name. "I'm here Sasuke. Just hang on." I said gently as I made my way into the kitchen. I carefully placed him on one of the counters and hurried over to the sink to grab a dish towel.
Sasuke was silent as I soaked the cloth in warm water. It made me worry that he had passed out. I turned around and felt relieved to see his eyes were open, but he was still pale. He could go any minute. I made my way over to him and positioned myself in between his legs. "Sasuke I need to look now, okay?" He nodded slightly, staring at the floor. I lifted up his hand and saw a cut on his thumb. Not bad enough for stitches but bad enough to bleed. A lot. That's the thing about fingers; they tend to bleed quite a bit. I wiped the blood off carefully and told him to keep pressure on his finger while I got a band-aid.
See? There were other perks to being the son of a doctor besides money. He taught me a lot about how to take care of people so I would know how to handle something like this. With cuts he always told me to keep pressure on it. I went back down the stairs hoping he was still conscious. I came into the kitchen to see Sasuke staring out the window while holding the cloth on his hand securely. Good boy. I quickly bandaged up his finger and kissed it as a sign of good faith which earned me a slight smile in response. I managed to get rid of the blood stained towel without him seeing and came back to stand between his legs.
"Are you okay?" I asked softly. He nodded once and smiled. His color was finally starting to return back to normal and I couldn't help but sigh with relief. "What were you doing Sasuke?" I asked looking at the clock on the stove. "It's only 6:50." I turned back to see him smiling sheepishly at me. "I was trying to be ready early so when we picked up your stuff we wouldn't be late." Well now I feel like an ass. It's my fault he's hurt! If I hadn't have made a big deal about it... "Sasuke I'm so sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" He asked confused. "I'm the one who picked up glass with my bare hands." I couldn't help but chuckle at his stupidity. "You know you're not supposed to do that right?" I asked with a smirk. "Yeah... Now..." I laughed again and shook my head. "Sasuke what am I going to do with you?"
"Put me in a straight jacket so I can't hurt myself..." He mumbled while hopping off the counter. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked as I watched him stagger over to the living room. "Fine... Hey, do you know where my back pack is?" I smiled and nodded toward the front door. That's my Sasuke. 2 minutes ago he was about to pass out cold on the floor and now he's happy as a clam wanting to go to school. If I cut my finger I would tell my parents that I would die if I went to school just to get out of it. I decided to keep watch on him as he ran around the house getting his things ready.
Around 7:20 Sasuke was ready to go. I was pretty impressed. At this rate I would have time to get my stuff, have a shower and change my clothes. I smiled as he pulled me out of the house (with his good hand) and locked the door behind us. We ended up taking Sasuke's new car seeing as that was the only vehicle available. I suddenly regretted walking to his house last night. If I had brought my Volvo I could have left by myself at a good time and Sasuke might not have gotten hurt. I frowned. "It's not your fault Naruto." Sasuke said as we pulled into my drive way.
"Sasuke can you read my mind? Like seriously?" He smirked as I cut the engine. "No, but I can read your face and it's not your fault. I'm a clutz, remember?" I smiled at him and opened my door. "I'll see you at school." I said getting out of my seat. "Hey Naruto?" I turned around just as I was going to shut the door. Sasuke smiled sweetly at me. "Thanks for taking care of me." I grinned back and nodded then I closed the door and jogged up to my porch. I turned back around to see Sasuke in the driver's seat with the window rolled down. "See you later Dobe!" He yelled as he backed out of the drive way. I sighed and leaned against the front door. I have got to get a grip...
Laura: So that's it! Please let me know if you want more of this or if I should just trash it? It would really be helpful to me :)
Sasuke: Fun fact! That whole thing with the blood was a re-enactment of how Laura freaks out when she see's blood!
Laura: How is that fun?... I practically faint!
Sasuke: *Rolls eyes* You could never be a ninja.
Laura: *Sighs sadly* I know...