Through The Darkness ch. 17
Thank you to everyone that read, reviewed, favorite and followed this story. I think that this story has reached its limits and I want to thank you for sticking with it for this long. Here is the last chapter to Through The Darkness
Naruto's P.O.V.
I was at home, washing dishes. I ate some of the ramen that my mom had made before she left. There was a knock on the door and I put the last bowl that I was washing on the dish rack before walking towards the door. I opened it to see Sasuke and Mizuki on my front porch. Mizuki was wearing the cute little pink sundress that I bought her not too long ago and she looks super adorable in it.
I missed her a lot while I was on the road. She looked at me before reached for me. I grinned like a idiot and took her from her Daddy.
"Hey Mizuki-chan, you gotten so big since I left. Did you miss me?" I asked kissing her on the cheek.
She giggles as I tickle her. I smile because her laughter brings a smile on my face. I feel like I'm a parent because I put her needs above my own and I want her to be happy. I want her to have everything she needs and want. I looked at the handsome creature standing in front of me with a small smile on his face as he watches me playing with his daughter.
I have been thinking for awhile about asking Sasuke if it was okay to legally adopting Mizuki. I love this adorable little girl with all my heart and I really want to be in her life for a long time.
"You're staring, dobe" Sasuke said smirking.
"Well I can't help it. I have two very beautiful people in my house so why not" I said smiling.
A small blush crept its way onto those porcelain cheeks. I chuckled a little to myself as how easily Sasuke blushes to a simple compliment. I make my way to him and place a peck on his cheek. The blush made it's way up to his ear and I laugh.
"F-Fuck you, dobe" Sasuke stuttered.
"Language Sasuke-chan, there's a child present" I said looked at Mizuki.
"You're such a dobe" Sasuke said rolling his eyes.
"That may be but I'm your dobe" I said grinning.
"How was the Superbowl?" Sasuke asked sitting on the couch.
"It was amazing. It still feels so surreal that we won but feels really good to be home" I said playing peek-a-boo with Mizuki.
"Most people who have won the Superbowl would out partying and drinking but you're not. You're here playing peek-a-boo with a baby. You are definitely one of a kind, Naruto" Sasuke said chuckling a little.
"Well I'm not most people and I like spending time with Mizuki-chan. She's my little ball of sunshine. Sasuke, can I ask you something though?" I said turning to the brunette.
"You just did but go ahead" Sasuke said looking at me.
"I want to be here for you and Mizuki-chan. I want to provide for the both of you"
"You have been and I couldn't ask for more. You have here for my daughter and I and there's no way that I'll be able to repay your kindness. Thank you, Naruto" Sasuke said smiling.
"I don't want payment, Sasuke. I love you and Mizuki more than anything in the world. I want you to be mine forever" I said taking Sasuke's hand in mine.
"W-What are you talking about, dobe?" Sasuke asked obviously confused.
"I want you to marry me. I don't mean right away but some time in the future. I want you to be part of my family" I said confidently.
I know that I haven't known Sasuke for that long to be thinking of marriage or anything but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him and Mizuki. They make me happy and I want to be the reason that they're happy as well. These two mean so much that being away from them so long as I have is slowly becoming unbearable.
I want to be around to see Mizuki grow into a beautiful woman that I know she will be. I want make Sasuke happy every single day and I want to make crazy, passionate love to him. I can see the shock in his eyes and I can feel the lump forming in my throat. Was proposing to him a bad idea? I can't believe that I did that. I know that sometime that I can be unbelievably stupid but this definitely takes the cake on stupid.
Is it too late to take it back? Way to go, Uzumaki! I scratch my right cheek nervously, unable to look the brunette in the eyes.
I almost gave myself whiplash as I stared at Sasuke in shock. Did I hear what I think I heard? Did Sasuke just say yes to me?
"You know you should pay attention when people agree to marry you" Sasuke said folding his arms.
"Sorry but I can't believe that you actually said yes" I said still shocked.
"Was you expect me to say no?" Sasuke asked raising an eyebrow.
"The way that you was staring at me. For moment I thought you were going to say no but I can't believe it. Hear that Mizuki-chan, I'm gonna be your Papa" I said raising Mizuki into the air.
"You been her Papa for the last 6 months now, it's going to be legally now" Sasuke said smirking.
"Your snappy comment aren't gonna ruin my mood, okay" I said looking a finger in his face.
"Whatever you say, dobe" He said pushing my finger out of the way.
He grabbed the back of my neck, pulling my head toward his. Our lips came together and sparks went flying. I almost forgot how good Sasuke's lips felt or how addicting they could be. I pull back because there's still a child present and I don't want to get hot and heavy with her in the room.
Maybe later tonight. I can't believe that I am marrying the most beautiful person in the world. I lean back into the couch, pulled Sasuke with me. He rest his head on my chest and Mizuki was playing with my blonde hair for whatever reason why. Nothing can ruin this moment for me. My life is definitely perfect.
16 years later
Sasuke's P.O.V.
I was looking over the monthly report over the Uchiha Aquarium. The original owner was getting old and he wanted me take over the place because I was so dedicated to the place when I was working here. He trusted me with it because he knew that I would take care of the place and the animals. I was trying hard to take of the business and raising a teenage daughter but I am managing to do both.
I also have to take care of my idiot athlete/author of a husband as well which can be difficult at times. My relationship with my father has improved over the years since my mother forced him to come see his granddaughter. I'm not sure what she did to convince him to do it but I really don't want to know. My mother can be a rather convincing woman when she wants to be and my father can definitely be a very, very, VERY stubborn man.
At first, we didn't speak at all but it seems like Mizuki managed to melt his frozen heart somewhat with one smile. She's just like her Papa meaning that she's an hyperactive, overly positive, friendly girl. I'm kinda glad that she didn't take after me in the personality department but does take after me the brain department.
As much as I love the dobe, he can be a bit of an idiot. I hear a knock on my office door before opening. I look up to see that it was Mizuki in her soccer uniform. When she told that she wanted to go for the team, I was proud because it means likes sports like her old man.
"Mizuki-chan, do you need something?" I asked looking up.
"I was just to check up on you. I promise Papa that I would check up on you every so often to make sure that you're not overdoing it" Mizuki said putting her hands on her hips.
"I'm fine, Mizuki-chan. You and Papa worry too much" I said looking down at the report.
"For good reasons, you don't know when to take a break or to relax. You are gonna take the rest of the day and spend it with me" Mizuki said smirking.
I glare at my daughter which she returns. We glared at each other for a moment but I sighed. She's definitely an Uchiha. I know that I couldn't say no to her. Sometimes I swear it's like going into a mirror. I get up from my chair and grabbed my jacket. I follow her out the door to spend the rest of the day with my little girl. She might say that she's not a little girl anymore but she'll always be my little girl to me.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as I kissed the top of her head. Mizuki is definitely the best decision that I made besides marrying Naruto.
The End