Title: Bound to you
Warning: Congratulations, peeps, this chapter has not only one but two smut-scenes. And as we recall there was a reviewer who was hoping for some kinky rinharu so… yeah. The rinharu-scene has some non/dubcon elements to it so if you're triggered by that stuff we suggest you skip it. Also sort of kind of fluffy makoharu.
Disclaimer: We do not (unfortunately) own any of these characters (yet), nor do we get money from this bullshit.
AN: We're a little bit late with this update, and we truly are sorry. Really. Stop looking at us like that!
The second vase was thrown into a wall, followed by a small chair.
"Who the fuck does he think he is?!" Rin yelled as his fist hit the wall.
"Y-Your Highness! You need t-to calm down!"
"When I get my hands on that piece of shit I'm going to make sure every fucking part of him that has touched Haruka will be burned!"
Rin slumped against the wall, breathing heavily. He felt a stream of blood flow from his knuckles. Aiichirou seemed to notice that too as he took a few small steps closer, trying to inspect the damage the prince had done to himself.
"You're bleeding, Your Highness! Here, let me help you…"
"Damnit Ai, I don't need your help!" Rin said and closed the distance between them, grabbing the collar of Aiichirou's cloak. The smaller boy flinched and grasped the prince's hand, shielding his face with the other.
"You knew it before, didn't you? You knew about the intentions of that asshole guard and told me nothing?"
The smaller boy quivered and turned his gaze down.
"You fucking knew and didn't tell me?!"
A wave of anger washed over Rin's mind. All he saw was red.
"You're fucking useless, you know that?! Useless and unloyal piece of trash!"
The prince threw the other boy to the ground and focused his anger on a plate full of fruits. The plate fell near the boy on the ground, who put his hand over his face to protect himself from the prince's anger.
"Y-your Highness…"
Rin kicked down a small stand. He hadn't meant to, but it hit Aiichirou's legs, making the boy cry in pain.
The use of his name brought the prince somewhat back to his senses. He noticed the mess he had done and the crying slave on the floor. Aiichirou was laying in a fetal position, covering his face and his body shook as he sobbed.
Rin had been taught that slaves' feelings didn't matter, but seeing Aiichirou on the ground crying and scared because of him made his stomach twist uncomfortably.
"On your feet."
Standing up, Aiichirou was still alerted of Rin. The prince gestured the boy to come closer, which he did after a couple of seconds. Rin pulled the boy in a tight hug, resting his head on Aiichirou's. The smaller boy buried his head in the crook of Rin's neck, knowing this was the closest thing to an apology he was going to get from him.
"...Are you still angry?"
"Would you w-want to take some frustration out on me?"
Rin looked down, searching Aiichirou's face. The blush covering his face was enough to tell him what the boy had meant.
"Thinking about perverted things at a time like this?" The amusement in Rin's tone relieved Aiichirou, even though he was embarrassed. He played with the front of Rin's cloak with his fingers, too flustered to look up.
"I know I'm useless, but… if I can make His Highness feel good for awhile…"
Rin was still full of tension and anger, that was true enough. Aiichirou hadn't said it straight, but there really was nothing Rin could do while the palace guards were searching the city for the runaways.
Rin grabbed the back of Aiichirou's neck and pulled his head back, forcing the other to look him in the eyes.
"I'm not feeling too gentle or patient tonight, you know?"
Nitori smiled up at him. "I know."
Rin leaned in to kiss him, pushing his tongue in greedily. Aiichirou obeyed and let the prince do as he wished. Rin's hand found themselves on Aiichirou's ass, grouping the soft flesh without any shame. The sounds the smaller boy let out only encouraged him to go on.
Ending the kiss, the prince let his slave to steady his breath before leading the boy in a corner full of pillows. Aiichirou soon found himself getting pushed down. He let out a surprised yell, falling on his back. Rin kneeled in front of him and pushed his legs apart, settling between them.
"No take backs, Ai."
Rin's hands and lips were on Aiichirou again. His usual gentle ways were gone as he pushed his full weight on the boy. All his movements felt desperate, the way he clung to Aiichirou and buried his mouth into the crook of his neck, biting down. A silent whisper left the smaller boy's lips. Rin started to rock his hips against Aiichirou's, arousing sighs and whimpers from the other. The prince's hand went under his slave's cloak and started to palm the growing erection.
"Rin… C-could you give me some oil?""
"If you want some, you're going to get it yourself. Check the drawer."
The prince gave a final thrust with his pelvis and sat back on his knees, waiting for Aiichirou to get the oil. The smaller boy stood up shakily and walked quickly over to the drawer, enthusiastic to please his master. After getting the casket he went to stood next Rin, looking down while a small blush covered his face and the tips of his ears.
"Your Highness… W-would you mind laying down on your back?" Aiichirou asked, looking at the prince under his browns.
"Are you going to do dirty things now, Ai?" Rin asked. He was rewarded with a stuttering and embarrassed boy.
"N-no, well, I-I thought that since…"
Rin clicked his tongue and yanked Aiichirou by his cloak while he lay down on his back. The shorter boy ended up straddling Rin's waist, his left hand on his chest.
"I told you I'm not feeling too patient. Now finish what you started."
"Y-yes!" Aiichirou cried. Rin gave him a crooked smile.
"That's more like it."
The grey-haired boy slowly undid the laces of his cloak and pushed it down to his shoulders with averted eyes while Rin was enjoying his stripping, crossing his hands behind his head.
Once Aiichirou's petite upper body was exposed he proceeded to take off Rin's cloak.
"You really have an amazing body!" Aiichirou said as he massaged Rin's abs.
"You always say that."
"Because it's true."
The smaller boy then proceed to lower his head to trail kisses over the prince's neck to his stomach. Rin's hands were put on Aiichirou's waist. As Rin started to feel pleasantly hot, he reached out to put his hand in Aiichirou's hair and pulled it so that he could whisper into the other boy's ear.
"You better get to it soon or I'll have to encourage you."
Aiichirou nodded hastily (mostly to reassure himself) and dipped his fingers into the oil. Then he firmly stroked it all over Rin's length, making it as slippery as possible. Rin hissed at the sudden contact, anticipating what was coming next.
The smaller boy lifted his hips and positioned himself over Rin's pulsing erection, using his hand to guide the prince's dick to his entrance.
Then he slowly lowered himself on Rin's cock, letting out a high-pitched moan. Aiichirou had been doing this for awhile so he didn't really need preparations anymore. It felt good almost immediately, being completely filled up by the prince. He started to move on a steady pace, moaning loudly at the same time. They hadn't been in this position for a long time, and Rin too was enjoying the change.
Rin stroked Aiichirou's waist and in a rapid movement stilled the other boy's hips and thrusted his own upwards. Aiictirou's head jerked back and he let out a choked moan. The slave tried to get a hold of himself and started to move his hips in a rythmic, not too fast pace. He put his hands on Rin's muscled chest for support.
Rin was enjoying the ride. The younger boy definitely knew what he was doing. First he had intended to allow Aiichirou to set the pace, but his dominant, impatient side was taking over again as he couldn't help thrusting with his hips.
"R-rin! A-aah!" Tears were streaming from the corners of Aiichirous eyes. It was very cute, but… Rin stretched his hand and put his fingers in the other's mouth. Aiichirou sucked on them and increased his pace, causing the other to grasp a pillow with his free hand.
Aiichirou kept the desperate pace up until the prince reached his limit. Now even Rin was gasping for air and moaning.
Aiichirou's eyes shot open and he looked down in shock. Rin's eyes were squeezed shut tightly and he was biting his lower lip. Aiichirou forced down a lump that had quickly formed in his throat and came on the prince's stomach, all strenght leaving his body after that. He slumped on top of Rin.
The prince pulled out of Aiichirou with a slick sound. His anger had calmed down a little, but it was still bubbling under the surface. A sound of clothes rustling pulled him back to reality.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I… I think you should focus on getting Haruka back, Your Highness."
The end of the sentence was said as a low murmur and Rin could immediately tell that something was wrong. But this wasn't the time to worry about that. Aiichirou was right, Rin had a bone to pick with Haruka.
Meanwhile Haruka and Makoto were strolling the crowded streets of the city. It was the safest course of action at the moment since the gates were already guarded and it would be hard to spot them in a crowd. Makoto had lead Haruka to the poorer part of the city, since it was very heavily populated and even now they had to hold hands in order not to get separated.
"Are you hungry, Haruka? Or do you need something else?" Makoto asked, sounding concerned.
"I'm fine. Where are we going?"
Makoto pulled Haruka's hand and guided him away from a cart that was going towards them.
"We need to keep a low profile until the dawn. I made a deal with a man that trades camels, and he agreed to take us to the nearby city."
They continued walking, surging through the sea of beggars, traders and bypassers. During his days in the palace Haruka had forgotten the stink that was imprinted on people living in poverty. Well, he would soon get used to it.
A long yawn left Haruka's mouth and averted Makoto's attention.
"Hey, do you want to sleep?"
"No need to."
"Haruka! I can clearly see that you're tired! Okay, I think I saw a guesthouse a while back, let's go there."
The guesthouse was a small house near the main streets. It had definitely seen its better days, but neither of the boys complained when they finally got to lay on the thin mattress.
"We're all by ourselves in this guest house. I'm getting nervous."
They laid side by side on the only mattress in the room. The cool night air brushed over them by the open window.
Both of them just stared at the (slightly crooked) ceiling in silence. Haruka was vaguely surprised that Makoto hadn't made a single move at him yet. What was his motive, exactly? Maybe the ex-bodyguard was just taking his time. Or perhaps he was feeling shy? Haruka tried not to sigh. Anyway, it didn't matter really. He pretty much knew already how things would fold out from now.
Haruka wrapped his arms around himself, closed his eyes and waited for Makoto to fall asleep. Then he suddenly heard metal clatter outside the window and couldn't help but think about all the people who were out there, after this man's head because he had wanted to free Haruka.
"Hey, Makoto," Haruka heard himself say.
"Mh?" Makoto sounded like he was half asleep already.
"Doing this… I appreciate it."
For a moment it was silent.
"Haru?!" Makoto jerked up, but Haruka turned around, facing the wall, and shut his mouth for good.
Soon after that Makoto got down again and while minutes passed Makoto's steady breathing filled the room.
Haruka knew from the start that he hadn't got many options. He could have told the prince about Makoto's plans about saving him, but that would've gotten the other in deep trouble. But the route he had chosen wouldn't end well either. At least this way he could save him. If Rin got Haruka back, there would a chance he could persuade him to give up searching Makoto. The brunet was so nice, Haruka doubted the guards of the palace were too eager to execute him anyway.
That in mind Haruka got up slowly, careful not to make any noise. He tried not to look at the sleeping Makoto whose features were barely visible in the faint moonlight, guilt squeezing his guts. This is the right thing to do.
As Haruka had almost reached the door, a hand shot out from the dark and grabbed Haruka's cloak firmly.
"Why are you leaving? Haruka!" The taller one cried as Haruka tried to free himself.
"You know that Rin is furious about this. If I leave and let myself get caught there's a chance he won't come after you."
"But… It might work! If we just manage to leave this city we could…"
Haruka placed his hands on Makoto's face and made the other look in his eyes. After making sure he had the other's attention he started to talk.
"Would you understand if I told you I can't leave Rin?"
Makoto looked lost.
"But he-"
"I won't. Leave. Rin." Haruka swallowed hard, looking up to Makoto's helpless face. "I'm so sorry."
Before the other could say another word Haruka pulled his face down and kissed him. It was a brief but firm touch of lips that sent numbness all over Makoto's body.
Then it was over and Haruka was gone. Makoto stood there, his hand on his mouth, staring at the place where Haruka had been just seconds ago.
He could still feel Haruka's lips on his.
When was the last time Haruka had worn shackles? Rid had never made him wear any and the Time Before Rin felt very distant to the black haired slave. He hadn't missed it at all and now he remembered why.
As soon as Haruka had turned up to the palace gates, his hands up as a sign of surrender, they had thrown him down to the dungeons for defying the prince. He had been there, wrists chained together, having no idea for how long. It was hard to estimate time without any natural light. There hadn't been any whipping (for now at least). Haruka most likely had Rin to thank for that.
Haruka knew upfront when Rin was about to come see him. Some servants (none of them Aiichirou) turned up first to rinse him thoroughly clean and even fed him some soup so he wouldn't faint in the middle of their conversation.
Some time after the servants had left the prince arrived with Mikoshiba, but after seeing Haruka he sent the guard away and opened the prison door.
Haruka gazed up and looked at Rin, who stood by the door. He got up quickly and shivered because of the cold air of the cell.
"Rin, I…!"
With couple of fast steps Rin strode to Haruka and yanked him by his cloak.
"For now on it's Your Highness to you, you piece of shit!"
Haruka flinched. He had expected Rin to be furious, but it was still something he wasn't used to. Rin showed him against the prison wall.
"I hope you had a fun little adventure out there, Haruka," Rin's voice was cold and mocking. Haruka tried to think of a strategy on how to calm him down.
"Please, listen to me! Just this once."
A weird laugh escaped Rin's lips.
"After all this you want me to listen to you? You fucking ran away with a guard." His tone was even colder than the air in the room.
"Speaking of which, where did your little guard go, huh? Do you think you 'saved' him?"
"Look, it's not like that. Makoto is-"
Haruka received a hard slap to his face. Rin gritted his teeth. Hearing Haruka say his name with that hasty tone made it that much worse.
"You have lost your right to speak to me," Rin growled. He hoisted Haruka's arms up. His hands were chained together, and with a smug grin the prince lifted the other up, attaching the chains to a hook that stuck out from the upper wall. Haruka was left hanging back against the wall, his soles barely hitting the floor. He felt uncomfortably defenseless in this position.
"Ri- Your Highness, what are you-"
Rip. Rin tore Haruka's cloak open from the middle. Then he ripped a piece of fabric from it.
"I think I told you already; you're no longer allowed to speak to me," he said as he showed it into Haruka's mouth, muffling the other one efficiently.
"Much better."
The prince put his body against the other boy's and his hands wandered down Haruka's torso and on his ass.
"You know what, Haruka?" Rin said, biting down to the black haired boy's neck. Haruka let out a muffled cry of pain.
"It think you need a little punishment to remind you about who's your master." Shivers ran down Haruka's spine. He still hadn't forgotten the last time he had heard those words.
"You know… I could go with whipping if I happened to feel old fashioned," Rin ran his hands over Haruka's chest and down to his stomach, while purring to his ear, "but I don't think I'll go that easy on you. After all you're no use for me if your body is all scarred and unattractive." Rin bit Haruka's collarbone this time.
"Well, except for these marks, of course."
The coyness dropped from Rin's tone and his hands gripped Haruka's thighs harshly.
"Well, I'm not sure yet if you're of any use for me anyway, now that you've been touched by that asshole…" Haruka could only let out muffled cries of frustration. The cotton was clogging up his mouth uncomfortably.
Suddenly Rin's warmth was removed from his skin. Mikoshiba had left a lantern by the cell door. Rin fetched it with slow, lazy steps and brought it closer to Haruka.
"I need to see this properly," he murmured. Rin then proceeded to tear Haruka's cloak completely open so he had a full view of his slave.
"Let's see what kind of marks your new friend left on you," Rin said and ran his fingers over Haruka's chest again, rubbing his nipples longer than necessary. Haruka's breaths were more shallow than usual.
"Nothing here…" Rin crouched down and carefully ran his fingertips over the slave's skin.
"What's this?" Rin caressed a bite mark on Haruka's hipbone. "Who's this from?"
You made it a few weeks ago, Haruka would have told him if he could.
"I'll bite on it just in case, okay?" As the hotness of Rin's mouth enveloped Haruka's hipbone he let his head fall back. It wasn't actual biting, but rather sucking and nibbling. It would definitely leave a mark, though. Rin was playing around on the border between violent and stimulating which was even worse that outright hurting him, since it left Haruka completely defenseless.
As Rin's worked with his tongue, his hands traveled from Haruka's stomach first over his behind and then between his legs. The prince rubbed Haruka's inner thighs, still not touching his (worriedly swelling) sensitive areas. Haruka's body reacted to his touch, like it always did, and his hips jolted.
Rin pulled off, stood up and looked over Haruka, gleam in his eyes.
"Why, why, turned on already? Don't look at me like that, your body is being honest as always." Haruka averted his glaring eyes from Rin. Drool was dripping down his chin.
"Could it be that your new lover didn't satisfy you? Oi, look at me when I'm talking to you." Rin grabbed Haruka's chin and made the other teen meet his eyes.
"Your body is mine, but I think your soul isn't. That's something I'm eager to change."
The prince lifted Haruka's leg and pushed himself against the other. Haruka let out a growl and started thrashing around.
Still misbehaving, Haru?
Rin had had enough. He violently turned Haruka around and pressed his face against the wall.
"Very well then." Haruka turned his head enough to see the casket of oil in Rin's hand. Where did that come from? And more importantly: why was this happening?
Haruka's trail of thought was interrupted by cold, slick fingers pressing against his ass.
Rin showed no mercy and put two fingers in, knowing that Haruka couldn't do anything about it. The preparations were done hastily, and in no time the prince was lubing himself up. A silence fell between them.
"And I really thought I had found something to treasure…" Haruka barely heard the words and was about to send a questioning glance to the other, but Rin didn't give him a chance to do so.
"Spread you legs."
His pulsing penis was put inside Haruka in one, shift movement.
It hurts!
Haruka couldn't voice his opinion in any other way than groaning loudly in discomfort.
Rin grunted as he slowly pushed himself in, all the way down to the hilt. The traitor's ass felt as good as ever. The prince wasted no time setting a a quick speed for his thrusts and left nail scratches all over Haruka's chest. While enjoying himself he slipped his right hand between the other boy's legs.
"Half hard? After all this? At least one part of you didn't betray me." Haruka tried to smash the back of his head at Rin's face, but the other dodged it easily. Rin got some weird sense of satisfaction from being able to anger Haruka like this. At least he invoked some sort of emotion from the other.
Rin's grunts and sighs grew louder as he felt the sweetness gather up in the pit of his stomach. However, after hearing Haruka cry out when his head hit the wall, Rin decided to do something for him. Not that the little shit deserved it. A firm grasp on the black haired boy's half hard erection and a slow pumping motion soon got something more than pained cries out of Haruka. The mix of lust and frustration in his voice was so delicious, Rin buried his nose in Haruka's neck and inhaled deeply. He slowed the pace of his thrusts, setting and slower rhythm and focusing on hitting Haruka's sweet spots. He could tell Haruka was trying to suppress his groans.
"What's this, you're resisting it?" he purred. "That's pointless." Rin empathized every word with a thrust. "I know you… way too well, Haruka."
Despite the pain in his wrists and the roughness of Rin's movements, Haruka's head felt fuzzy and his toes were twitching. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. Suddenly Rin halted, still inside Haruka, and kept rubbing his tip absently.
"Geez, I really don't get you at all… I gave you a comfortable, safe life with the pools and everything. Why isn't that enough? What the fuck do you want?" Haruka was having a hard time focusing when he was constantly stimulated by Rin's fingers. "Maybe I should just keep you down here so that you can't leave me." Precum was seeping out already.
"Hey, tell me," suddenly Rin pulled out of Haruka, making the other whine quietly. He flipped the slave around so that he was facing Rin again, his legs wrapped around Rin's waist. Then the prince slowly pushed back inside Haruka, squeezing the other boy's hilt so that he wasn't able to ejaculate. A low whine escaped Haruka's throat. The sensations were making him mad.
Rin examined Haruka's face carefully. With a little smirk Rin closed the distance between them and instead of kissing the other, the prince removed to cloth from his mouth. Haruka, finally able to breathe freely, gasped for air.
"Beg for it."
"If you want this," Rin said as he slightly pushed out and then back in, "you're going to beg for it."
Haruka was silent. He didn't want this, but his own body was betraying him.
"...please?" he spat out reluctantly. Rin stayed still and looked at him determinately. Haruka rolled his eyes.
"Please, Your Highness?"
"Swear that I'm the only one who is allowed to touch you. Ever."
"I… I swear. Only you, Rin."
Rin was somewhat content with Haruka's promise.
"No need to keep your voice down."
Taking his length all the way out, the prince slammed back in. Within no time Haruka was moaning and trying to get Rin to let him come. They were both really close. After a final tight squeeze Rin let go of Haruka, letting him splatter semen over their stomachs. The prince followed suit seconds later, enjoying the pleasure and staining Haruka's insides with hot liquid.
After that Rin put Haruka's legs down, adjusted his clothes and simply left. Haruka was about to yell after him when Mikoshiba entered the cell.
"And once again I'm cleaning his messes… You okay?"
Haruka nodded weakly when his hands were released from the nail that was holding them up.
The red haired bodyguard got a new cloak for Haruka, and after asking once again if Haruka was okay, he too left. Haruka was left alone in the dark and cold cell.
He couldn't really tell how much time had passed. It felt like he had been in the cell for months, but it could've been only a week too. Rin hadn't visited again, as if to make sure his point had went across. The only people he saw were other slaves he didn't know. Haruka really had started to miss the past. The pools, the food they served, the prince that wasn't angry. Even Aiichirou's annoying voice.
Haruka woke up from his musings and lifted his head. He could have sworn he had heard the gray haired slave's voice.
"Aiichirou?" He asked. The prison door opened slightly and the boy in question peeked inside.
With his eyes not used to the light, Haruka closed them when Aiichirou came in with a torch. He put it on the floor, ran over to Haruka and tackled him down into a hug.
"I missed you so much! It took me weeks to convince His Highness to let me see you! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Should I g…"
The smaller boy was interrupted when Haruka hugged him back. He hadn't expected the other to do so, but it made sense that weeks without human contact had had an effect on him.
"Hey, it's okay now. You can let go!" Aiichirou said, smiling lightly. Without Haruka around things had been quiet in the palace, if Rin's occasional tantrums weren't counted on that.
Haruka averted his eyes and fixed them on the floor. Nitori had spend with him enough time to know that he wanted to say something.
"What is it?"
Haruka fiddled with his cloak.
"How is… he?"
Aiichirou smiled gently.
"His Highness… I didn't tell you this, but he clearly misses you. His pride just won't allow him to let you out already. You really hurt him, you know?"
Haruka bit down to his lower lip. Even after everything he still couldn't, he wouldn't think he didn't do the right thing. The question about Makoto's whereabouts and well-being raised in Haruka's mind. Had he gotten caught? Were they still looking for him?
Haruka knew better that to voice out these questions. He would find out, eventually.
"...I wonder when I'll get out of here."
Aiichicou looked at him apolocically. "Who knows. I wish I could do something… ah!"
His face suddenly brightening, Aiichirou shuffled through his pockets and pulled out a small key. Haruka just stared in an awe as he opened the locks of his shackles with it.
"Do I even want to know what methods you used to get that?"
"No, you really don't. You'll have to put these back on eventually though."
"I know."
The skin around Haruka's wrists was red and covered in abrasion, mostly as a result of Rin's previous treatment. It was painful even to look at. Aiichirou gasped and gently trailed his fingers over the wrists.
"I might have something to make you feel better. Lay down."
Haruka eyed him cautiously, but did as he was told. Aiichirou had always been good at treating Haruka's injuries after all.
Aiichirou sat next to Haruka on a thin mattress and tenderly put his hands on the other boy's stomach.
"A little massaging can't be bad, right?" Haruka closed his eyes and allowed the younger boy to do as he liked. Aiichirou first worked on the tense muscles of Haruka's chest, moving to his neck and arms. Only now Haruka realized the impact beng in imprisonment had on his body. He relaxed slowly with a sigh.
Aiichirou lifted Haruka's hand and pressed his lips lightly on the other slave's wrist. He kissed it carefully all over and did the same to the other wrist.
"Does it hurt?"
"Not really."
Aiichirou kept holding onto Haruka's hand, tracing the lines of his palm with his fingers.
"I wish you could come back to us…"
"Yeah, me too."
The smaller boy continued his massaging in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, quite the opposite. Haruka let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
The time flew by quickly, and eventually Aiichirou had fallen asleep next to Haruka. While fulfilling his duty as Aiichirou's personal body pillow Haruka lied awake and just enjoyed the human contact. Aiichirou felt really warm. It was a pity when Mikoshiba arrived to fetch the boy.
"Until next time," Aiichirou said and rubbed his eyes. He gave Haruka a final hug before standing up.
"Yo, Haruka," Mikoshiba said, "come here for a moment. Bring your shackles too."
Haruka walked over, a bit nervous. The red-haired bodyguard grabbed his wrists and… wrapped them with gauze? Haruka stared, startled. Mikoshiba put the shackles back on, but this time they were much looser.
"Prince's orders," he said and winked.
After waving at Haruka for the last time Aiichirou followed the guard out. Haruka returned to his sitting position by the wall and exhaled deeply.
The torch had died down and the darkness had taken over of the cell. His spirits were little higher now that Aiichirou had visited him and he knew that the prince wasn't as angry as before. Looking at his bandaged wrists Haruka genuinely smiled. Looked like he had already hit the rock bottom. Things could only become better from now on.
AN: Yoooo we're done! This was the last chapter of this story (how many times have we said this already?). We hope the readers deemed this ending at least somewhat satisfying. As you can see it didn't get too romantic between Haru and Rin (that's only because Janice's sadistic side took over and I had to keep her happy in order to survive -Jazzy. What Jazzy means to say is that fluff is not in my division. Sorry. -Janice)
Buuut fear not, we are planning on the next story (Jazzy insist we make a 50% fluffy, 10% smut & 40% plot included rintori-oneshot) so there will be moar stuff. Yay.
Huge thanks to all reviewers who have supported us! You made us want to continue this fic even when we should've done something not as important, like school work. Also, dear Wanderer: you really made us BOTH blush when we read your comment. Good job!
Thanks and see you soon!
~Jazzy & Janice