Mature chapter ahead ~(◕▽◕ ~)
Eren wrapped his scarf around his neck tighter as he walked down the bustling streets of the town. There was a light snowfall indicating that winter was definitely here. It was only a matter of days until his semester ended and he could finally earn a short break. This little walk into the shopping district part of town ended up being something he had done every day for the past week. He never bought a single thing and instead just window shopped, occasionally entering a store to take a brief look around before leaving.
He absolutely wanted to make sure he got Levi the best Christmas present he could find. Even though he had gone so much during the past week, he hadn't found the one thing to grab his attention. The reason that Levi's Christmas present was so important was because it was also his birthday. Eren even got himself a part time job to afford it, even after Levi vehemently advised against it. But Eren eventually won the argument stating that it would look irresponsible on his end if he went his whole college career without any work experience, and that volunteering at Levi's office wouldn't be enough.
Plus, he just wanted to buy Levi something with his own money. But what would be the best thing to get for your boyfriend's combined Christmas AND birthday present? Not only that, they were technically 'engaged' so shouldn't he go all out with the present? But Eren was at a complete loss as to what to get. Levi wasn't a very materialistic person, and in the past Eren got him simple things like a tie or cuff links. One year he had even gotten him a mini vacuum (which he still used).
The young man felt like maybe he would give up for the day until he passed by a shop he walked by every day, but today, something caught his eye. He halted and all of his attention was on the item on display in the window. It hadn't been there before so it must've been put up today. Eren wasn't sure why, but he knew that this was the present he was looking for. Holding back his excitement, he opened the door to the store in a hurry. The bell caused by the door opening gave a pleasant chime as Eren walked straight to the check-out counter.
"Can I ask about something in the window?"
Levi was working over-time in the office the last couple days. Just because the holidays were nearing didn't mean that the cases coming in got any less sparse. In fact, it seemed that even more crimes were committed around the holidays. He gave a huff as he finalized a case that ended the previous day and moved on to another that he, unfortunately, would have to be doing two days before Christmas. It seems that justice never has a day off…
As Levi thumbed through the details of the new case, someone burst in through the office, giving him quite a shock.
"Levi! Hanji!" Erwin sounded flustered, which was honestly something that did not happen often.
"What is it?" Levi asked after getting over the initial shock.
"Yeah, what's got you so worked up?" Hanji added, peaking up from her desk.
"There's an important trial to be held against a key player in a major crime syndicate coming up…" Erwin's face had a hardened into a serious look.
"You don't mean…" Levi trailed off under his breath.
"It's exactly what it sounds like. One of the members of Eotena is being tried for grand theft in multiple instances along with several other charges. This case is huge and they are requesting prosecution from our office."
Hanji and Levi looked to each other and then back to Erwin.
"Are we taking this case?" Hanji asked with a bit of nervousness in her voice.
"It's less of them asking and more of them insisting…" Erwin's brow wrinkled slightly. "In fact, they're specifically asking for Levi."
Hanji's head turned toward the man in question with a worried look on her face.
"Don't worry, I'll take it," Levi said in a calm voice.
"No! It's dangerous!" Hanji tried not to shout too loudly.
"Levi, you don't have to do it. Hanji is right; trying such a high-profile criminal can be very dangerous. Think about the peripheral damages it could cause from other members of the group… The danger it could put Eren in," Erwin sided with Hanji, his eyes sternly settled on Levi.
The shorter man remained quiet for a moment. He knew just as much as Erwin and Hanji how dangerous prosecuting a criminal like this was; it would turn the entire organization against him. And of course because of this, Eren could be put in potential danger. But this was the organization Eren was determined to take down, wasn't he already putting himself in danger anyway? It was difficult to say, it was one thing if Eren was doing this trial himself rather than Levi doing it. And Levi couldn't deny that he had worried about Eren getting involved with this group ever since he discovered they were connected to his mother's murder.
"I'll do it. We're all in danger whether any of us does it, right? Besides, I'm the best prosecutor in this firm. If this were a defense case I'd hand it to you, Erwin, but I can handle this." Levi made his claim with conviction. He wasn't a dominant figure in the legal world for nothing. "Besides, if we keep cowering in fear from this organization they'll never be put to an end. This could be the first step to cracking down on them. We'll show them that the law is not something to mess with."
Erwin's eyebrows rose for a moment and slowly his face softened into a smile, still with a bit of worry, but he knew where Levi was coming from. "Alright, I trust you, and you're right. I'll get you the case info as soon as I can."
"If anyone can get a guilty verdict, you can, Levi," Hanji gave a smile of confidence and a thumbs up.
"Let's show them we're not a force to be reckoned with," Levi couldn't help but smirk despite his lingering nervousness about the case.
Eren arrived home later that night, glad to be out of the chilly weather. He noticed that Levi was home after seeing his car in the driveway so he hid the small package with the present in a pocket of his coat.
"I'm home!" he announced after taking off his shoes, scarf, and jacket.
"Welcome back," Levi called out from the living room where he was watching TV.
Eren walked past the couch, leaning over to give Levi a peck on the cheek before heading towards his room to hide his present.
"What do you want for dinner tonight?" Eren asked, coming back out into the living room.
"Whatever is fine," Levi's eyes didn't leave the TV.
Eren sulked a bit, "Okay, I'll make 'whatever' then."
Eren walked towards the kitchen and looked through the cupboards for something to cook. He knew Levi was still handling a lot of cases and was drained by the end of the day so he tried not to take his lackluster behavior personally.
Deciding that he didn't want to cook something too complicated, he settled on spaghetti after spotting a package of pasta on the shelf. After getting the necessary ingredients ready, the water in the pot was hot enough to add the uncooked pasta. Eren began to slowly plunge them in the boiling water as he heard Levi enter the kitchen. A few moments later he felt two arms wrap around his waist and a body press up against him.
"…Levi?" Eren was a little shocked but glad for the familiar touch.
"Hm?" Levi had settled his head against Eren shoulder and didn't seem like he was making any plans to move.
"Is everything alright?" Although Eren rather liked this affection it wasn't something Levi would typically do.
"Just things at work…" Levi mumbled into Eren's back. There was a pause for a moment before he continued. "Actually, I should probably sit down and have a talk with you about it."
"Huh? Is it something that concerns me?" Eren asked curiously, now stirring the pasta.
"In a way… yes," Levi lifted his head and loosened his grip around Eren. "We'll talk during dinner."
Eren couldn't think of what Levi needed to tell him and spent the rest of his time cooking in thought. As the two sat down for dinner, it was rather quiet and it didn't seem like Levi was going to be speaking up any time soon. Eren got a little restless over the quiet atmosphere and dragged his fork across the plate, making a screeching noise that caused Levi to look up in annoyance.
"S-Sorry…" Eren mumbled.
Levi sighed, "No, its fine, I know I should get to what I want to discuss with you." He cleared his throat, setting his fork down on his plate. "I'll get straight to the point – we're prosecuting a key member of Eotena next month. This is a major breakthrough in taking them down."
Eren's eyes widened in shock, he froze with a fork-full of spaghetti on its way to his mouth in mid-air. "Really!? Let me-"
"No." Levi interrupted with a stern voice. "I don't want you getting involved in this at all. I'm already taking a risk by taking on this case. By putting myself in danger I'm putting you in danger as well."
"But I have to do something! They killed my mother! And so many other people – and they're after my dad!" Eren was now shouting, his fork back on his plate and his hands gripping at the edge of the table.
"And what exactly are you going to do? You aren't a prosecutor yet, Eren," Levi looked directly into the young man's eyes with a serious expression.
"I…" Eren's face visibly dropped as his eyes settled on his half eaten plate of food. "I don't know, but I have to do something, I have to take revenge-"
"Eren." Levi interrupted again, "What did I tell you about entering this business solely out of revenge? That will cause nothing but trouble. Eotena is not the kind of group to take lightly, they're dangerous." Levi huffed and ran a hand through his hair. "If it were up to me I wouldn't let you get involved with them at all. Just the fact that I'm prosecuting this case is putting you in more danger than I'd like. If they come after me because of this and you somehow get in their way. I…" Levi's voice made a barely audible crack, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something were to happen to you…" He rested a hand on his forehead, breathing slowly in and out, as if he was trying to resist bursting into tears right then and there.
"Levi…" Eren's voice was now quiet and his rage had subsided. He reached out to Levi's other hand that was resting on the table and gently squeezed it. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking properly." Eren was secretly happy that Levi got so upset over him, but it also hurt to see him this way.
Levi set his other hand down and looked across the table at Eren, "Eotena won't be taken down so easily. This court case is going to be the first of many. It'll probably take years until they're finished. During that time – become the best damn prosecutor out there. Then you'll be the one that'll shut these bastards down once and for all." Levi squeezed Eren's hand back.
Eren gave a small smirk and nodded, "You bet I will."
Christmas Eve had approached faster than anyone could imagine and Eren was glad that he had bought all of his Christmas presents when he did. He had bought Mikasa a new scarf as a replacement for the old one he gave her. But the plan didn't seem to work as she just layered it on top of the new one. He got Armin a special edition book of medieval tales, knowing he was a history and literature nut and double majored in them for college. Eren had neatly wrapped Levi's gift and stowed it away under their fake Christmas tree they had a bought a few years ago. Eren was shocked when he learned that Levi never gotten a real or fake tree since moving into the apartment and forced him to go out the first Christmas they spent together and buy a tree.
It was still early in the morning and Eren ran to the passenger's seat of Levi's car as to not spend too much time in the early, cold, morning than he had too. He rubbed his hands together as the heat of the warm car washed over him.
"Ready?" Levi asked, putting his seatbelt on.
"Yep," Eren also clicked on his seatbelt and the car slowly reversed out of the drive-way.
The two were on their way to the cemetery. Eren tried to visit his mother's grave as much as possible, but with law school taking up most of his time, his visits had become less frequent. But Eren always made sure he could make it to her grave on Christmas Eve. Christmas had been her favorite holiday – she would always spend the entire day before Christmas baking cookies and Eren would be at her heels anticipating her delicious baking. They celebrated traditionally since his father was from a strong Christian background, and his mother found the familial way of celebrating the holiday special and heartwarming.
The ride was about a half hour away from their house and the drive over was a silent but comfortable ride. Levi often went along with Eren to her grave as he always considered Mrs. Yeager one of his closest friends. There were times when he truly missed having her around – she was almost like a second mother or aunt to him.
They arrived at the cemetery, noticing the presence of a few other people who had come to visit. Eren made his way to his mother's grave, Levi following behind, with a bouquet of lilies – her favorite flower. At the moment he arrived, he noticed footsteps in the snow leading to her grave.
"Huh?" Eren questioned out loud. Despite his lack of family, his mother had friends that he was sure possibly visited her grave, but he came every Christmas Eve and never noticed anyone else come to visit. He couldn't imagine who could've been here before him. As Eren approached the grave, he bent down to set the bouquet against it and noticed something else already there: a single lily in a vase. Eren stared at the flower for a bit and looked behind him and up at Levi.
"Someone… left my mom a lily…" He said in a soft voice. He stood up and looked around, as if he'd find that person still at the cemetery.
"That's odd, there's never anything else on her grave when we come here," Levi looked down at the vase.
Eren looked back down at the flower and noticed a small tag tied to the stem; it simply read 'To my love'. He gasped in realization, "…Dad?" His voice was still quiet as he frantically looked about in every direction. "Dad!?" He said in a louder voice, still looking around.
Levi placed a hand on Eren's shoulder and his head whipped around, his eyes settled on the shorter man, "He's probably already left. He would've made sure that you two wouldn't cross paths," he said in a calm voice.
Eren frowned a bit but he knew Levi was right. He couldn't help feeling hopeful. Eren calmed down a bit and focused his attention back on the grave.
"Merry Christmas, mom. I'm glad you got to see dad," a sad smile spread across his face.
Levi knelt down next to Eren, placing a hand on his back, "We miss you, Carla, but I will take care of Eren no matter what."
Eren looked over at Levi and saw a serious expression on his face.
"I love Eren. So I hope I can have your blessings, and I promise you – I will make him happy."
Eren's eyes widened a bit and smiled. He settled his head on Levi's shoulder and wrapped an arm around his waist. The two sat there without a word, not knowing how much time had passed by until they were ready to leave and return home.
Eren got up extra early and quietly snuck out of bed and into the kitchen. Getting a gift for Levi was simply not enough for him having a birthday on the same day, and decided to cook him breakfast before he woke up. Eren was a pretty good cook despite how messy he left the kitchen afterwards. He tried his hardest to not make too much noise in the kitchen, but hit a wall when he realized he needed to use the mixer. He sighed, but continued and turned on the loud kitchen appliance. Not to his surprise, a few minutes later Levi came out from the bedroom, grumbling, with full-on bedhead.
"What the hell are you doing making so much noise this early in the morning?" He asked once Eren turned off the mixer.
"Sorry… I wanted to make you breakfast in bed but I guess I didn't consider how loud it was going to be," Eren sulked.
"Jeeze," Levi yawned.
"Go back to bed! I'm doing everything for you today," Eren tried to shoo Levi out of the kitchen.
"I can't go back to sleep with you making all this racket," Levi replied.
"I promise that's the last loud thing I do. Just please do this, okay?" Eren begged in an almost whiney voice.
"Fine, fine," Levi gave up, it was too early to argue back and he couldn't deny that he would rather return to his cozy bed.
Eren went back to working on his meal and groaned when he realized he needed to use the juicer next.
Not much later, Eren was finished and made his way to their bedroom, the breakfast on a serving tray.
"Merry Christmas and happy birthday!" Eren said in a cheery voice as he walked through the doorway. Eren set the tray down on Levi's lap, who still looked like he was trying to wake up. Eren also set down a glass of juice down on the bed stand.
Levi looked down at the massive amount of food in front of him: pancakes with what seemed like red and green sprinkles, bacon, toast, miso soup, grilled fish… it was like some kind of strange western and Japanese combination breakfast platter. Not to mention the little Christmas ornament on the side of the tray.
As Levi was ready to ask Eren if he was trying to feed a person or an entire army, he looked up at him standing beside the bed and his question got stuck in his throat as he narrowed his eyes and got a good look.
"Um, I hope you like it…" Eren fidgeted with the edge of the apron he was wearing as if he were a shy high-school girl.
"Eren," Levi said in a low voice, "Are you wearing anything underneath that apron?"
Eren blushed a bit and placed a hand on the back of his neck, "I-Isn't this like a fantasy sort of thing? Your lover doing naked-apron and serving you breakfast in bed?" He laughed nervously.
"Exactly whose fantasy is that?" Levi asked bluntly.
Eren's shoulders dropped, "I dunno, I thought you would like it…" He mumbled.
Levi gave a short sigh and lifted up the knife and fork on his tray. "Doesn't that part of the meal come later?" He began to cut the pancakes, Eren gave a curious look. "You're my 'desert' right? I'm going to be too full after eating this huge ass breakfast so I can't have my desert until later." Levi shoved a bite of pancakes into his mouth.
Eren nodded his head and looked a bit relieved, "Right, well, I was just giving you a sample," Eren gave a wink that Levi found more funny than sexy.
"Just go put some clothes on you brat," he tried to hold back a laugh by shoving some more pancakes into his mouth.
After Eren got dressed and Levi forced half of the gigantic meal onto Eren to eat the rest of, the two decided to start exchanging presents.
"Open mine first!" Eren said excitedly.
"Okay, okay," Levi grabbed the small package under the tree that was addressed 'From: Eren'. They only had a few presents under the tree as they decided on only getting one for each other. The rest were from friends – amongst who were Mikasa, Armin, Erwin, and Hanji. Hanji's was always rather… amusing.
Levi neatly unwrapped the present (of course he wouldn't tear the wrapping paper to shreds like normal people, despite how satisfying it was) and slowly took the lid off of the box.
"I know you don't really wear jewelry but something about it caught my eye and I had to buy it for you," Eren explained before Levi could give his reaction.
Levi pulled out a necklace with a thin chain and a shiny, silver, and emerald charm hanging from it. It was in the shape of a shield with a pair of wings on top of it. Levi took a closer look at the necklace and a small smile spread across his lips.
"I like it, thank you," he slid it over his neck and leaned over to give Eren a kiss on the cheek.
"Really? You like it?" Eren asked with a slight blush on his face.
"Yes, of course. Wings of Freedom, huh?" Levi looked over the little paper that was in the box that gave a short description of the charm on the necklace.
'The Wings of Freedom do not only represent freedom, but a strong will. This design symbolizes the strength of the person who wears it and also displays the strength of the relationships with the people closest to them, as their wings surround and protect those they hold near to their heart.'
"Yeah, for some reason it reminded me of you," Eren said with a smile.
Levi leaned over and grabbed another present from under the tree and handed it to Eren. Knowing that it was Levi's present he opened it excitedly.
"I so happened to have gotten you jewelry too," Levi said, watching Eren open the box.
Looking into the box, Eren noticed a gold banded ring which held a single stone, also an emerald, set into it.
"I decided I wanted to get you an engagement ring after all. Ah, I thought it might be too early to get you one, but, what was it you said? – 'For some reason it reminded me of you'." Levi gave a half smile.
Eren beamed and wrapped his arms around Levi, "Jerk, I was supposed to be the one giving you the ring…"
"Guess I beat you to the punch," Levi let out a light chuckle.
Eren lifted his head; he slipped the ring on his finger and gently placed his lips on Levi's. After a moment, their lips separated but they're faces remained close and Eren rested his forehead against Levi's, whose hand slowly caressed the side of Eren's neck.
"Thank you," he gave another brief kiss. "So… do you want that desert now?" Eren asked in a quiet voice, locking gazes with Levi.
"You don't want to open the rest of your presents?" Levi's voice and body defied what he was saying, as it was low and deep, his other hand now resting on Eren's waist.
"They can wait…" Eren pressed their lips together again and sucked gently on Levi's lower lip.
Levi hummed in agreement and leaned closer to deepen their kiss. Eren felt himself being pushed back and both of them ended up on the floor. Levi ran a hand through Eren's hair, keeping their lips together, as Eren rested his hands on Levi's back. Levi's other hand began to wander under Eren's shirt, slowly caressing his hips and stomach.
Their lips separated for a moment and Eren spoke up, "Do you really want to do it here?" His face was a bit flushed and his breathing was a bit erratic.
"What, you don't want to do it under the Christmas tree?" Levi gave a sly smirk and continued to stroke Eren's lower abdomen.
Eren's face become a shade redder and his eyes looked off to the side. "I-If you really want to…" he mumbled.
Levi let out a short laugh and got up on his knees, "I was just kidding, I don't want to do it on this hard floor, come on," he held out a hand to Eren.
Clasping their hands together, the two made their way into the bedroom. Levi sat down on the bed first and pulled Eren onto his lap and brought him into another kiss. Levi then kissed at the neck in front of him; his hand inched up Eren's back and under his shirt, slowly starting to lift it off. Eren made quick work of taking off Levi's and the two fell back on the bed. Together in a messy but passionate kiss, Levi trailed his hands up and down Eren's torso, the two making the occasional soft moan.
Eren pushed his hips against Levi's, the heat in their lower bodies growing and their half-hard, clothed erections rubbing against each other. Levi grabbed at either side of Eren's hips and swayed his pelvis upward in order to create more friction. Eren let out a louder moan, his lips still on Levi's, their tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. Levi grabbed at the hem of Eren's pants and slowly pulled them down, taking his boxers with it. When he had pulled them half-way down, both of Levi's hands grabbed Eren's ass. Eren moaned as Levi squeezed his hands.
Eren struggled with getting Levi's pants down while he was on top of the man, but managed to get them down to his thighs as well, kicking off his own pants to the side of the bed. Eren rolled his hips against Levi's, their hot, exposed erections now rubbed against each other. Levi gathered them both up into one of his hands and slowly started to stroke them together. He let out a low groan and nibbled at the base of Eren's neck. Eren gave a contented sigh as he couldn't help but move his hips in time with the strokes.
"Levi…" Eren murmured in a breathless voice. He placed his hands on Levi's chest and sat up.
Levi's breathing was already heavy as he released the grip on their cocks; his eyes drank in the sight of Eren's blushing, lean body straddling over his lap. Eren leaned over Levi to get a bottle of lube from the nightstand. Although the two of them had busy lives, this was a process they were all too familiar with and it didn't take long for Eren to gauge the amount of preparation he needed when he prepared himself. Levi was rather big, but by now Eren had gotten used how it felt. And it was always tantalizing to watch Eren be the one preparing himself, Levi had to admit he got a jolt out of watching.
Levi's hands rubbed up Eren's sides slowly, massaging up to his chest and making sure to tease his hardened nipples a bit. Eren groaned as he slipped his fingers out from his entrance once he felt he was ready. Eren leaned over and planted a kiss on Levi's lips before gripping at the base of the older man's cock and steadying the tip at his entrance.
"Wait, condom…" Levi said in a low voice. He really didn't want to stop what was happening but Eren always seemed to make sure to wear protection.
"It's fine for today, right? We're both clean, and you aren't getting me pregnant any time soon," Eren said in a hushed voice, a smirk formed across his mouth as he sat back up. "I just want to feel you as close as possible," Eren's voice became deeper but seemed like now there was a pleading tone to his voice.
Levi couldn't help but shudder a bit and just nodded. Not only had they never had sex without a condom but they had never had sex like this, with Eren on top of Levi like he was right now. Levi drank in the sight of Eren now slowly penetrating himself on Levi's hard erection. Eren groaned softly as the head sunk in and slowly lowered himself to take in the rest of its girth.
"Nn…" Eren leaned forward a bit, "You're so big… it feels so full," he said quietly be Levi's ear.
Levi settled his hands on Eren's thighs and gently rolled his hips up, earning another groan from Eren.
"It's all the way in…" Levi looked up at Eren's face, his eyes slightly tearing up which he couldn't tell if it was from pain or pleasure or embarrassment.
"I can't believe it…" Eren sat up once again and rocked his hips forward. "Mn…" He slowly repeated the motion and seemed to enjoy the feeling as his half-hard cock started growing back to life again.
Levi's hands moved up to Eren's hips, reveling in the incredibly hot sensation of his dick making direct contact inside of Eren. The motion of Eren's swaying created a pure feeling of ecstasy he felt like he was drowning in. He couldn't hold back low groans as Eren's rocking motion picked up its pace.
"So good… Eren," he mumbled in an unsteady voice.
Eren's hands grabbed Levi's and lifted them up, lacing their fingers together. Supporting his weight on his knees and Levi's hands Eren lifted himself half-way up Levi's cock and slid back down. He continued in a methodical, steady motion. Each time their skin met in a slapping sound.
Eren's moans became more audible and concentrated the thrusts against his prostate. Levi's breathing became heavy and he could feel he was also thrusting his hips in time with Eren's, his cock being enveloped over and over again by Eren's insatiable hole was nearly sending him over the edge.
"Shit, Eren, I'm cumming soon…" he let out a groan and squeezed Eren's hands tight.
"M-Me too…" Eren whined, quickening his pace as the room became filled with louder sounds of their bodies slapping together. "You can cum inside…" he whimpered.
Levi immediately knew he liked the sound of that idea. A lot. He let go of his grasp on Eren's hands and grabbed at his hips again. Making a few powerful thrusts upward, burying himself deeper than he could imagine, he felt his cock pulsate and release a hot torrent of pleasure. Eren let out a whine of Levi's name at almost the same time, bucking his hips a bit as Levi felt the warm liquid shoot out over his chest.
Levi remained inside for a few moments, riding out the peak of his orgasm inside of Eren. Eren was now collapsed on top of Levi trying to catch his breath, and not much concerned about the semen now covering both of their stomachs. Levi just lay there to try to catch his own breath and waited for himself to soften enough to slide out of Eren. The young man could feel a bit of it run out between his legs and became highly conscious of it.
"Ah, how am I going to clean that out?" Eren said out loud in a low voice.
"Don't worry about it right now," Eren lifted his head off of Levi's chest and was met with a kiss. "Right now I just want to sit and let how good my Christmas slash birthday desert was settle over me for a while."
Eren gave a light chuckle, "So it was good, huh?" He gave Levi another kiss and settled his head in the crook of his boyfriend's neck. "Alright, but your 'icing' feels kind of gross just sitting in there so not for too much longer."
"Don't complain, you asked for it. You even made some 'icing' of your own without me even having to touch you – I'd say you enjoyed it just as much," Levi replied in a sly tone.
"Shut up…" Eren grumbled, his ears turning red.
Levi stood in front of his mirror, checking for the umpteenth time to make sure his tie was on right, when in reality he was just making excuses to prolong leaving the house. Honestly, he hadn't been so nervous about a trial in a long time. Sure, he had taken on some pretty important cases before, but he had never taken one on so high-profile. It was enough to work on any prosecutor's iron will.
"You look fine," a voice from behind him pulled him from his thoughts and back to reality. He felt a warmth against his back and two arms wrap themselves around his waist. "You're the best prosecutor in the country, and those bastards are going to be taken down no matter what lawyer they hired." Eren gently kissed behind Levi's ear.
"I hope you're right," Levi placed a hand over one of Eren's and gave it a squeeze, his finger brushed against the engagement ring.
"Of course I'm right!" Eren huffed. The two stood in front of the mirror for a moment without saying anything. "Guess you should get going…"
Eren released his grip and Levi turned around to walk out of the room. The two made their way to the entrance of their house and stood at the doorway.
Levi slipped his shoes on, "I'm just getting them ready for the real pain they'll be facing when you get your chance to take stab at them," Levi's lips upturned slightly.
Eren smiled and nodded, "Hell yeah, we'll take them down together."
Levi gave another kiss to Eren before heading out the door. Getting into his car he let out a long, deep sigh and buckled himself in. Before starting up his engine, he pulled at the chain around his neck that had been tucked in underneath his suit and gave the charm at the end a tight squeeze, closing his eyes.
"We'll take them down together," he whispered to himself, then put the key into the ignition – the car started with a rumble.
The End.
First of all: thank you so much for being so patient with this last chapter. My semester got really busy at the end and I literally had very little motivation to write as I was already writing a ton of papers and after all of that typing I barely had it in me to type anymore. Then I got hit with the fact that I kind of struggle with writing smut sometimes orz. So I hope that was up to par with you naughty people eheh. But I guess the delay worked out pretty okay in the end since this one had a Christmas theme!
Anyways, now that that's out of the way - Thank you so much for reading! Thank you for following this story! Thank you for everything! I was soooo unsure about writing a Levi x Eren fic and went into this without much confidence. But as I wrote I liked my own story more and more and I was ecstatic that other people seemed to have felt the same way. It wasn't very plot-heavy but I think it was always meant to be more of a simple story.
Maybe there will be another RiRen fic in the future, but for now I think I'm putting a pause on writing any more about these two. I really like this pairing but I think writing Eren was harder than I thought it would be, so I apologize if he seemed OoC sometimes. I now realized that he's a pretty complex character and placing him in an AU was also a bit of a challenge. I like to think that I have a pretty good grasp of Levi's character so hopefully he didn't have as many OoC moments. Also! I would like to bring up the fact that I decided to make Eren's dad not be so much a jerk as other people seem to portray him. I want to believe that his dad is not all that bad... But I wouldn't be surprised if I turned out being horribly wrong. Anyway, I'm rambling...
I chose to end it at this point as, even though this was an AU, I felt it was appropriate to end it where the defeat of Eotena was left open ended since we really are left with a lot of mysteries in the actual series. But I'd like to think that yes: Levi wins this case, yes: they do eventually get married, and yes: the rest is a happy ending, including the fact that Eotena gets taken down by Levi and Eren. Because I like happy endings! I'm not sure if I'll write about this universe again but I don't want to make any empty promises so I'll shut up!
So yeah, let me say thank you again! Whether you've read this since the beginning or reading this after the fact, I really hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I hope to see you guys again!?