Hello everyone this is my newest fanfic which i hope you'll all enjoy it! :)

Please remember to review!

Warning: this story does contain rape and explicit language and scenes. you have been warned. :)

Disclaimer: The story which you are about to read is fanfiction which is based on Shungiku Nakamura's Junjou Romantica (MisakiXUsagi pairing). I do not own the anime, the manga or any of the characters.

Innocent Prey Chapter 1

Misaki and Usagi had headed to the hot springs for a small vacation; mostly it was due to the fact that Usagi was running away from his manager as a result of not completing a draft on time.

"I'm heading out now." Misaki stated as he picked up his towel and opened the door.

"Ok, I'll come in a while." Usagi replied as he kept typing on his laptop. Misaki nodded and then walked out of the room and into the hallway headed towards the hot baths.

Misaki walked into the bathing area and looked around. 'It looks empty…' he thought and took off his towel and stepped into the steaming water. He walked to the other side and sat down leaning onto the side.

"SO nice!" he sighed as he leaned his head back enjoying the warm water around him. He lay there in the water allowing his thoughts to run in his head. 'I can't believe Usagi-ani keeps telling me he loves me. Ha ha, he can't possibly be serious…' Misaki thought as he looked down at his hands. 'I mean I'm a guy….' He stated and studied himself. 'Most definitely a guy.' he concluded in his mind with a dull expression.

"What do we have here? Some might call this destiny." Haruhiko stated as he stepped into the hot bath joining Misaki near the wall.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he yelled without thinking and pointed at the man appalled.

"Not so loud Takahashi-kun, this place is for relaxing." Haruhiko stated and placed a finger at his lips. He moved closer to Misaki who shifted away. "Where's Akihiko?" he asked as he took hold of Misaki's arm and pulled him towards himself.

"He's joining me later." Misaki replied and tried to pull free without success. "Um, please let go." He asked as he turned to look at the man. 'This doesn't look good.' He thought swat dropping.

"No." he replied simply and made Misaki sigh. 'There is no way this is happening.' He thought as he tried to pull free while looking at Haruhiko's hand on his.

He then looked back up just to see Haruhiko's lips about to touch his. "Wha-" He pushed back but was kept still. Haruhiko kissed Misaki and began to handle him. He placed his finger on Misaki's top and began rubbing it. "Ah. Stop!" Misaki pleaded as he was becoming aroused by the man's touch.

"Akihiko definitely has good taste." Haruhiko stated as he licked Misaki's neck. He was rubbing his manhood and enjoying Misaki's blushed face. "You're enjoying this a bit too much." Haruhiko stated with a smirk and kissed him again then proceeded to the neck and nibbled it leaving a mark.

"Sto…ah!" Misaki pleaded while trying to concentrate on getting away. He nudged and yanked but he couldn't get free. Haruhiko placed himself in between Misaki's legs and placed his fingers at his opening causing Misaki's eyes to open in shock.

"This is very interesting. Watching your reactions that is." Haruhiko stated with a smirk as he pushed his fingers into him.

"GAH!" Misaki yelled not being able to control his voice.

"Cheh, seems like you want it really bad." Haruhiko stated and pushed his fingers into him deeper.

"Stop!" Misaki yelled again trying to ignore the feeling of the man's fingers within him. He was trying to push the man back with tears in his eyes. 'Usagi-san…' Misaki thought while closing his eyes. He however opened them in a slip second as he felt the man place his hard cock at his opening.

"Don't yell too loud. You will soon understand that I am a better man then my nuisance half brother." Haruhiko stated and placed a hand at Misaki's mouth while he was trying to struggle free. "You will understand soon enough." He whispered and then thrust into Misaki who opened his eyes in shock.

'No…no…NO!' he thought as he tried to release himself from the man's hold, but it was futile the damage was done. His tears were over flowing and he felt nothing but pain. 'This feels so wrong…it hurts!" Misaki thought and shook his head to get rid of the hand over his mouth.

The water in the bath was overflowing because of the waves created by the motion; Haruhiko thrust into him deeper and faster making Misaki gap and shudder from the sensation. "Ooh seems like someone's enjoying themselves a bit hmmm?" Haruhiko asked and thrust into him harder. Misaki was crying but no sound was coming out. "I see InnAkihiko has screwed you a few too many times." Haruhiko stated coldly as he thrust into Misaki deeper than before.

Hearing Usagi's name made something snap in Misaki and somehow he found the strength to fight back. "STOP!" Misaki then yelled and pushed Haruhiko aside causing him fall into the center of the pool.

Misaki jumped out of the bath and ran to the changing rooms. 'I need to get out of here…Usagi-san.' Misaki thought as his tears were over flowing.

He pulled his robes on and ran out of the dressing rooms towards his and Usagi's room. He ran and ran not slowing down until he opened the door and ran right into the room and into Usagi's surprised arms.

"Misaki. I was on my way just now." he said surprised and pushed Misaki slightly away from himself. "Misaki?" he asked worry in his voice when he saw his tear stained face. "Misaki what happened?" he asked his voice filled with nothing but concern as he placed a hand on his head.

Misaki placed his face in his hands and fell onto his knees sobbing when he felt Usagi's hand on his head. Usagi became extremely concerned and followed Misaki onto the ground and placed both hands on his shoulders, he however, retrieved his hands when he felt Misaki flinch from his touch.

"Misaki, what happened?" Usagi asked as he looked at Misaki's shaking body. Misaki refused to answer and so made Usagi become even more concerned. "Misaki what-." He began but then saw the bite mark on his neck. "Who?" he then asked, anger clearly visible in his voice, and made Misaki flinch back scared.

"…ani…" he whispered but Usagi could not comprehend.

"Who?" he asked again gentler this time and leaned closer to hear his whisper.

"Usagi-ani…" he whispered again and made Usagi's eyes widen.

"He's here…" he muttered mostly to himself while clenching his fists together after which he stepped closer to Misaki. "Bear with it for just a while." He said and picked Misaki up and carried the shaking boy to the bed. He covered him up and placed a hand on his head. "I'll be right back." He promised and headed out the door.

Misaki stayed under the covers and ran through what had happened at the hot bath once again. He covered his ears and tried to ignore the thoughts running through his head while Usagi walked out of the room.

Usagi walked to the receptions desk and asked for his brother's room. He then headed towards it. At the door he knocked and waited for the door to be opened. When it was opened Usagi stormed in and pushed his brother against the wall. "What the hell did you think you were doing?" Usagi asked his older brother glaring while Haruhiko looked back shocked.

"Hello to you too." Haruhiko greeted his half brother while trying to push Usagi off without success.

"What did you do to Misaki?" Usagi asked as he tightened his hold on his brother not letting him look away from his furious stare.

"What makes you think I did anything to him?" Haruhiko asked glaring back now, he would not tolerate such behavior.

"Because he came back with a bite mark on his neck while crying and shaking all over." Usagi replied and glared back at his brother.

"I'm sure that's what he does when you force yourself on him as well." Haruhiko stated with a sneer on his face and made Usagi's eyes widen in shock before his anger kicked in.

"You fucking bastard!" He yelled and before Haruhiko could react he was punched to the ground. "Stay the hell away from him or I will make sure you regret it to death. He is the one thing I will not allow you to take away from me." Akihiko commanded anger clearly evident in his voice. With that h turned to leave the room. "This isn't over." He stated before he closed the door.

Usagi then hurried back to his room where Misaki was still under the covers and he looked like he hadn't moved not the slightest. Usagi walked over to the bed and sat beside Misaki's shaking form.

"Misaki…" he called but got no reply. He then placed a hand on the covers and pulled them away from Misaki slightly in order to see his face. Misaki looked beyond shocked and his eyes were overflowing with tears. "Misaki…" Usagi said again as he placed a hand on Misaki's head.

Misaki then burst into tears and hid his face in the pillow. He was shaking and it looked like he wouldn't calm down in a while. Usagi then got up and walked around the room not sure on what to do. "Misaki…" he then said again after a while and kneeled on top of the head of the bed and tried to get Misaki to look at him without success.

Usagi placed a hand on Misaki's head and ruffled his hair. "Misaki look at me." He said and then waited for Misaki to react to the request. Misaki took a deep breath before he turned his head slightly so that he could see Usagi's face.

"Misaki." Usagi said and placed, with his eyes closed, his forehead against Misaki's. "What did he do to you?" he asked and opened his eyes so that he could see Misaki's reactions.

Misaki's eyes were still overflowing with now silent tears and it looked like there was no end to them. He sobbed but got up onto his knees and tried to wipe the tears away. Usagi waited patiently even though his insides were burning up with anticipation. Misaki then placed his hands on his knees and hid his face with his bangs.

"He…" Misaki began but stopped. 'No I don't want to cause Usagi-san any trouble and I don't want him to worry about me either.' Misaki thought as he glanced at Usagi who looked at him serious yet concerned. "It really wasn't anything serious…" Misaki then whispered while trying to force a smile on his face. Somehow it was impossible to even fake a smile.

"Misaki." Usagi said stern and made Misaki look at him. "How many times do I need to tell you, that your attempts to try to not make me worry make me worry even more?" he asked as Misaki looked into his eyes.

Misaki then looked down. He couldn't take it. Lying to Usagi was something he never wanted to do, but how could he tell Usagi that his brother had raped him? There was just no way.

"Fine." Usagi said and before Misaki could react Usagi was hovering over him with his arms pinned to the bed. "I'll do a body check then." He stated and began to take off Misaki's bathrobe.

Misaki's eyes opened up in shock and he began to fight back. "NO!" he yelled and tried to get away from him. But his attempts were futile again Usagi's strength.

"What do you have to hide? Why won't you let me check you?" Usagi asked anger clearly in his voice. While ignoring Misaki's struggling Usagi took off Misaki's robe and held down the crying boy.

Usagi then held Misaki's hands above his head and used his other hand to examine his lover. He slid his hand down to Misaki's cock and saw nothing irregular. He then slid his hand in between his legs and a small sob broke through from Misaki's mouth. Usagi then placed his finger at Misaki's opening and slightly pushed in. His eyes widened and he withdrew his finger immediately.

"…" Usagi was too shocked to speak as he bent down and hugged the boy beneath him. "I'll kill that bastard even if it's the last thing I do…" he promised while a sob broke through Misaki's lips.

Usagi then released Misaki and covered him up again. He then got up and walked to the window and opened it. 'Some fresh air will do good…' he thought and then leaned his forehead onto the window and sighed with his eyes closed. 'HE will pay.' He then concluded and glared into the nightlights of the city.

First Chapter done! I hope you like the story so far I'll have the next chapter up ASAP (hopefully tomorrow) Please Review! :)
