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![]() Author has written 15 stories for Naruto, No. 6, and Vampire Diaries. Scream and run, I'm here. And ready to get you. Current status: Hello again, sorry for the absence of late, but recently a lot of important courses (and just life xD) have decided to consume my already non-existent free time - and I won't be able to come on FF or accept any requests because of such. Thank you so much for all your support and, of course, all the best! Hey, I'm XxDreaming of RealityxX, the one and only. Well, maybe, you never know. But on another note, you're either here for the 'fics or you're here 'cause you're an insane stalker, but who cares either way? I sure as hell don't mind. I guess we should get on with introductions right about now. Cue the holy music and lighting. 1. I'm female, as you've probably guessed. Even though I write mainly about Naruto, I am an anime lover. Say no more. I have watched almost every anime and read almost every manga available to me. If you are looking for a beta and are unsure if I know what anime/manga it is, just ask. I most probably know of it, even if I haven't mentioned it here. 2. I am from England, in schooling and education. Now I bet you're gonna guess my age...but NO! It's a s-e-c-r-e-t...Okay guys, let me tell you that I'm not like that in real life, so stop with the guesses, lol. My birthday's on Bonfire Night, brother's is on New Year's Eve and one sister's is on the same day as Uchiha Sasuke's. Damnit, I still need to get her for that. 3. My username is XxDreaming of RealityxX for a reason. It's kind of hard to explain, and eventually I want to incorporate it into a fanfic. I can't decide on what my username would be in shorthand. XxDoRxX, Dream-sama, Reality-chan? Yes, I'm a random person. And no, this has absolutely no relevance to anything whatsoever, not at all, nada. Okay. Moving on. 4. My OTP (one true pairing) is SasuNaru. But I love loads of other pairings too. The fandoms I follow 'n support are Naruto, The Vampire Diaries etc, and I'm familiar with Pokémon, Death Note, Kuroko no Basket/Basuke, No. 6, Nabari no Ou, Kuroshitsuji, Karneval, Loveless, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Pandora Hearts, Mirai Nikki, 07-Ghost and Vampire Knight as well. I mainly prefer to read yaoi, though that doesn't stop me from loving everything else. Plus, I'm a sucker for fluff. Oh, and KnB has been my one obsession since the anime came out. Lovin' it. Season 2, waiting for you... 5. My aspiration is to become an artist or an author. Or poet, or- okay, you get the picture, don't ask any questions...and I've never been to another country, but if I had the opportunity, I would definitely go to Japan. 6. I sadly don't have a permanent beta *cries* and I have a FictionPress account under the same username. Though, I use this account a lot more (FanFiction, I mean). I am irresponsible, unreliable and do things the second before they're due. That unfortunately includes work and beta stuff. But if I have a deadline, then unless I'm sick (even then, I try to do it), I will get it done on time with no questions asked. 7. I love FanFictions which are over 100,000 words, M Rated, Angst & Romance and to do with mental illnesses etc. *coughsasunarucough* and I like it when the main character has a secret. I also like stories and fics that involve students and revolve around their daily lives, while their dealing with their own secrets. It's just so...so...EPIC! (calm down, breathe, breathe...) 8. I love angsty stories but get easily depressed...like when a main character is in love with someone, but then goes and sleeps with someone else after some heart-breaking situation. I cry and wallow in sadness...literally. I mean WHY? WHY DO IT?! T.T I'm very possessive of Sasuke. He's Naruto's. No touching. Or looking. Or anything. Don't even try it. 9. I am a grammar-crazed obssessive. I mean, seriously...I spot one mistake...a single full stop in the wrong place and BOOM! I'm crazy. 10. I'm not new to FanFiction. I've been on this site for, uh, ages but I didn't have an account. Just a little random piece of information for 'ya. Oh...and I'm practically socially inept, depressed (but that never affects my FanFiction stuff at all) and tend to act bipolar in a way. But that's just in real life. On FanFiction, I'm a pervert. FTW. A little more random info since I didn't want to have 11 numbers: I like credit. I'm stubborn like that. And easily jealous if something I helped with doesn't come back to me, if you get what I mean. Yes, I'm a little weird, but everyone's different, right? Right? *silence* Well, it isn't a nice feeling to spend hours improving beta work for someone and then getting no praise in return. It's just disrespectful, I believe, but honestly, that's 'cause I'm a selfish person mwahahahaha. No. Additional stuff: I'm heterosexual, but if you think about it, nobody can really determine their sexuality from the day they're born, and I dislike discrimination against homosexuals or bisexual people, as well as people who are homophobic or discriminate against anyone because of anything. I don't care what a person is, or who they are, as long as they are pure at heart. "Homosexuality is evident in over 450 species, homophobia is only found in one." I don't really strongly fight against this issue, but still, I think it is inappropriate to make fun of other's beliefs. Also, I'm not very religious, and I would probably say I'm Christian, though I share many other beliefs. Writing is a relief, something that keeps my mind off of things. I'm often depressed, which helps me to write and think. It's a beautiful thing. Please leave a message after the beep. And no, I'm not crazy. Kind of. I have slight OCD tendencies at times - sometimes everything has to be perfect. But that's a useful skill for beta'ing. So if you'd seriously like your work analysed, I'll make sure to do my best. But...don't think I'm a pet or anything...[serious face] uh...yeah. Where else you can find (stalk) me: I have a FictionPress account under the same name, XxDreaming of RealityxX, where some of my other stuff will be.(I transferred my full profile here since it was way too long and bothering me, so if you want to know more about me, then visit me on FictionPress. You stalkers...xD) I also have deviantART, under the name XxR3alityxX, so I'd love to see people's fanart and other work on there. If you have any work for my fics, please do show it to me, I'd die. Of love. Of course. Finally, I have Y!gal, under the name r3ality. These links seem to be changing a lot, so if you'd like to find me, just search me up (once again, I'm lovin' the stalkers) or I can provide a link eventually. I don't really use these accounts that often, so they're pretty bare at the moment, but if you'd like to contact me there or show your artwork :wink wink hint hint: then please do! Here's a quote to go by: "Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you always know they're there." And here's something that's very true about me: "I'm the type of person who starts laughing about something that happened yesterday." I do not own my profile picture, nor did I create it. I also don't own the majority of pictures on my fics. Thank you to the creators of these amazing images that I do not own :cries:. In fact, I don't own anything. Except my account...my laptop...my house...my, uh...myself... (Ahem) Moving along... A great big shout-out to SnowCorridor on deviantART for creating this deviation, 'Magical Voyage', I just had to use it as a profile picture! I love it! My Favourite Pairings (not all listed here): Naruto - Now, this list is long, so it's gonna have its own paragraph...because it's special...okay, maybe not, but I'm ordering it so it's separate. Why am I explaining this...? Sasuke x Naruto - my one true pairing; basically, I don't like Sasuke x anyone else but Naruto. Seriously. It's becoming an obsession...I...wonder if this is bad for my health...? Pft, yeah right... -averts gaze- But yes, that means no SasuSaku, SasuIno, SasuKarin, or whatever the hell else there is. Naruto x Sakura, Naruto x Hinata, Naruto x Gaara, Naruto x Neji, Naruto x Kiba, Naruto x Itachi, Naruto x Sai, Gaara x Neji, Neji x TenTen, Kiba x Hinata, Kiba x Shino, Sai x Sakura, Kakashi x Iruka, Kakashi x Sakura, Itachi x Sakura, Itachi x Naruto x Sasuke, Itachi x Kyuubi, Itachi x Hinata, Itachi x Kisame and other members of Akatsuki, Shikamaru x Ino, Shikamaru x Temari, Karin x Suigetsu, Sakura x Ino, Gai x Lee, Tsunade x Jiraiya, Orochimaru x Kabuto, Zabuza x Haku, Kyuubi x Karasu (I read this pairing a while back and instantly fell for it...demon love, oh, the irony xD) Vampire Diaries - Damon x Elena, Klaus x Caroline, Alaric x Damon (friendship), Bonnie x Jeremy, Kol x Bat (crackship) Pokémon - Any pairings, such as Ash x Dawn, Ash x Misty etc. Death Note - L x Light, Misa x Light Kuroko no Basket - GoM x Kuroko, Kagami x Kuroko, Momoi x Kuroko, Midorima x Takao, Kise x Kasamatsu (bromance), Riko x Hyuga, Riko x Teppei - Basically, the canon pairings (or ones that are just so there we know it'll happen some day) along with anyone x Kuroko - the Generation of Miracles' possessiveness over Kuroko is what I love in fanfics and doujins (Bakagami and Ahomine haha) No. 6 - Nezumi x Shion Nabari No Ou - Yoite x Miharu Kuroshitsuji - Sebastian x Ciel Karneval - Gareki x Nai Loveless - Soubi x Ritsuka Vampire Knight - Zero x Yuuki, Kaname x Yuuki, Kaname x Zero Full Moon wo Sagashite - Takuto x Mitsuki, Izumi x Meroko Pandora Hearts - Gil x Oz, Oz x Alice Mirai Nikki - Akise x Yuki, Yuno x Yuki 07-Ghost - Mikage x Teito, Frau x Teito, Hakuren x Teito Help? I could actually use a beta-reader right now, to help me with canon characters and new fics I'm planning on starting. I need ideas! I'm fine with grammar and spelling; correct usage of words is also one of my strengths...BUT I tend to make my characters OOC. This is a weakness of mine and I have difficulty in using originality and making my characters stand out, unfortunately. I'm working on my characterisation skills, so if anyone would like to help me beta-read certain chapters, or just nag me when I make mistakes, it would really help. If anyone would like to help re-edit some of my finished fics, to help me improve, please PM me. Beta info: I am a beta-reader and will beta for anyone who requires it. I'll beta for single chapters or multi-chapters, just PM me and i'll be willing to edit anything, as long as it meets the requirements on my beta profile. I won't neglect any PMs and am enthusiastic to help. I'll help to improve anyone's fics, regardless of the fandom. Thanks. Check out my beta profile and PM me if you require any assistance; don't worry, I don't bite...hard... Also, I request that if I beta for you, I receive credit for doing that work on the chapters I edit through; I think it's respectful. Thank you. I can't always beta for anyone other than those I am currently beta'ing for at the moment as I don't always have enough time at the moment to balance it all out, but I find time...some way or another. And my internet keeps cutting off! But, if you would really like me to beta for you after reading my beta profile, please PM me and let me know! Currently, I've got some free time on my hands, and I just can't say 'no'. Like. Ever. So I won't reject anything I'm capable of doing at this time and all requests will be read within a few days. I will get back to you. Beta Reading - How I work: Technically, I only work by DocX (it's safe, efficient, and easy - giving out emails isn't exactly the most protected way of sending documents), so if you only work by email, I suggest asking someone else. I usually beta-read during the afternoons and on weekends; it can take me a week to beta at times also. I bold corrections and give explanations where necessary or change the colour of the text and edit it. If you would like, I also give overviews and my overall opinion on your writing. I love to read people's work and learn how they develop ideas in my free time; reading and writing is one of my favourite things to do! Before you ask me to beta for you, I like to know these questions: What is your title? Knowing this beforehand allows me to keep track of who I'm beta'ing for and what their fic is. How long is it? Approximate lengths of chapters can help. Fandoms, pairings and ratings? Just the extra details, along with any plots and story outlines you'd like me to know etc. How would you like me to show changes? This is important - if you'd just like me to bold them and then return them to you, along with criticism in a PM, let me know, or if you'd like me to leave details on the actual chapter, also let me know. Deadlines? I need to know in advance if there are any time limits I shouldn't exceed - but please be considerate with this, rather than just saying "I need it back in two days so if you can't do that, I'll find someone else". Yes, people are like that. Finally, I like to have an author's note on chapters I beta, stating "Beta'd by XxDreaming of RealityxX." or anything of the sort. People spending hard hours reading and correcting other people's pieces deserves at least some credit, I should think. You don't have to let me know all this before you send a PM, but note that I will need to know all this after I accept your request. You can just PM me, saying something like "I'm writing a so-and-so fanfiction, could you beta for me?" and then let me know afterwards, if that's how you roll. Either way, if any of this clashes with how you work, I'll try and figure a way around it, but otherwise, thank you for reading this if you'd like me to help! My other request if you'd like me to beta for you: please make sure you have at least a good standard of English; as long as I can understand you, I would love to help. But if you don't know at least basic English and are from a country where you haven't learnt it and instead type everything onto Google Translate (please tell me no one does this), I really can't help. I don't care if you're eight years old and from England and you tend to write "suddenly, this happened" and "suddenly, that happened", as long as I can still know what you're trying to say, I truly appreciate that you've asked me to help you. I absolutely don't ask for your writing to be perfect. There would be no point in beta-reading if it was. Now, when I am beta'ing for you, I am less formal and I ain't a robot who knows it all. Not even in the slightest. I tend to be weak to helping others and I don't want it to be like a business transaction - the author and the beta reader work together to make stories; there should be no superiority or 'boss', in a way. That's how I like to think. :D It's like friends or people with similar hobbies coming together to glue their brains as one and work (then magical rainbows come out and ta-daaa, a storyline). Silence. Anyone else think that way? No one? No one? Okay. That's why when it comes to suggestions, I can fail. A lot. I don't usually focus on plot holes or problems with storyline ideas and I prefer to help with your grammar and substituting words for others, but overall, this is your story and I can only try me best to help you. And if my best isn't enough then...[runs to the nearest cliff and prepares to jump] okay, in all seriousness, I'll try to my fullest ability as one beta reader to her author. My expectations may seem high, but really, they're not at all. Lol. So thank you to anyone who chooses me, I genuinely appreciate the opportunity! Another note: I love to dedicate fics to people; so if anyone has a summary for a fanfic that they'd like me to write, I'd be ecstatic xD If you want me to write a fic from a summary by you, challenge accepted. And if anyone would like to make some art for me, I'd love it. Hint hint xD Review Requests and PM Requests: 'Hunger For More' - beastmode953 and 'The Life and Times of Blue and Yellow Chapter 3' - Beta'd for: 'Some things cannot be unseen' by TvdLuverr (A collaborative oneshot between us) [The Vampire Diaries] 'Let's Make It Happen, Chapter 6 and 7' by xxblondieblueeyes [The Vampire Diaries] 'Scarlet Tails Prologue, Chapter 1 and 2' by TheSpiritOfFlight [Naruto] 'Ai no Basket Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 END' by Sora Killua [Naruto] 'Mating Issues Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12' by lunatik89 [Naruto / Inuyasha Crossover] 'Royal's Coffee Chapter 1 and 2' by Proudesian [The Vampire Diaries] 'Tales of Crystal and Emerald Chapter 1 and 2' by [Pokémon] 'PokeSpe Strip Poker: Game 2 Chapter 1 and 2' by [Pokémon] and others from 'Xtacy Chapter 1' by Revolutionaire [Vampire Knight] 'Lovesick? Drown It In Pills Chapter 3' by fayeswolf [Naruto] and others from fayeswolf 'The Battlefield Transformed Chapter 1 and 2' by The Lord of War [Naruto / Metal Gear Crossover] 'Like A Dream Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20' by athrna [Naruto] 'Uncle Sasuke Chapter 1' by Sora Killua [Naruto] 'Sáname Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 END' by Sora Killua [Naruto] 'Finding Paradise Chapter 1' by Revolutionaire [Vampire Knight] 'Naruto: Konoha's Orenji Bara (Orange Rose) Chapter 1' by LeapingWithFate [Naruto] 'Kings of Destiny Queens of Fate Prologue, Chapter 1 and 2' by Alltariss [Naruto] 'Our Understanding Chapter 1, 2 and 3' by xl3utterflyx 'Family Matters' by Deaths.Last.Prayer [Naruto] [currently beta'ing plans and timeline - on hold] Awaiting: FireFoxImr Authored FanFictions: -Please note that I still need to edit most of my fics as they were written a while ago and my writing style has advanced since then (I'm not so happy with some of my older fics...) so I will get 'round to that soon! If anyone would like to beta a certain fic for me, please let me know!- The Fox Cub and The Wolf - [Naruto] Lemon oneshot. SasuNaru, a short fic about a fox and his wolf mate. Evanescent Serenity - [Naruto] Incomplete/Ongoing, slight hiatus. SasuNaru; historical fic based off the yaoi manga 'Ouchou Haru no Yoi no Romance' and adapted into a Naruto fanfiction. I am now re-writing this, so please motivate me with your reviews! Let's Play a Game - [Naruto] Completed. SasuNaru, a short, fluffy, light read about highschool games. M Rated for some (a lot of) scenes. Thank you for over 300 reviews! Mistakes Aren't Always a Bad Thing - [Naruto] Lemon oneshot. SasuNaru, a pointless oneshot with barely any plot, but full of what you would call 'smut' xD Bastards Will Forever Be Bastards - [Naruto] Lemon oneshot. SasuNaru, once again, a PWP smut-filled oneshot. NC-17. Be My Dobe - [Naruto] Completed. SasuNaru, fluffy drabbles of their life together. Some other pairings might be added in along the way. I deleted 'Naruto Randomness', as I wanted to make it into an actual fic. So this is kind of a remake of sorts. It should be rated K but because of some suggestive themes, it's just T to be safe. Silent Sayonara - [Naruto] Lemon oneshot. NaruSasu; a small oneshot about Sasuke having to part with his beloved. Not really angst, but aims to show their emotions. Another Moonless Night - [Naruto] Oneshot about the night Itachi killed his clan, leaving Sasuke with only one thing on his mind. Revenge. K plus for themes of death. Our Promise - [No. 6] Oneshot about Nezumi's return to Shion. Traces of shounen-ai, and K rated for everyone. Spoilers for the end of the anime. Night at the Club - [Naruto] Lemon oneshot. NaruSasu; smutty oneshot, involving you-know-what. Please don't read if you're underage. Or you'll be mentally scarred. And become a pervert. Like me. Stefan's Secret - [Vampire Diaries] Comedic oneshot parody for all ages, really. It's a collaborative piece between me and TvdLuverr, who helped to co-write and beta for me. The idea came to us randomly and for some reason, it made us laugh...um, yeah. It's all about misunderstandings, if you get what I mean. Just One More Hurt - [Naruto] Darkfic. A oneshot about abuse from a mentally insane stalker, including rape and dark themes in general. Please do not read this if you are either uncomfortable about these themes or underage. An Hour - [Naruto] A story I read a while ago and adapted into a small oneshot myself; although the story does not belong to me, I just wanted to share it with those around me. It's a beautiful short story that I myself had an affinity for, so I hope you like it as much as I did. For all ages really, but I feel it has one theme that small children wouldn't really be aware of; apart from that, there's nothing else, maybe very faint/slash shounen-ai. Naruto's Dicktionary - [Naruto] Based on some jokes I've read before and a little crackfic oneshot about how Naruto would define the people and villagers around him. T-Rated for some suggestiveness! Hehe. The Piano - [Naruto] Oneshot, mainly just an emotional, short story about, well, sadness and lost. Influenced by Yann Tiersen's piano music and the short animation 'The Piano' with that song. Shounen-ai. UPDATE: I'm currently re-writing my fic 'Evanescent Serenity'; if you have any further questions or ideas, or even messages you'd like to give, please don't hesitate to PM me! Important information: I'm going through all my fics and re-editing them to perfection (lol, OCD tendencies) hopefully, this won't affect any regular updates! Copyright note: Plagiarism is not something I would like to experience. If you would like to archive or display any of my fics elsewhere, I request that you ask for permission beforehand. And do not pass off my fics as your own. This is one rule that I would hope everyone abides by, but other than that, thank you to everyone for your support and motivation. I profusely request that anything that belongs to me comes back to me, just as I do with other people's images and inspiration. Permission is key. Please don't hesitate to PM me if you have any queries, beta requests and requests in general, or ideas and summaries for stories and oneshots. Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed my stories - or even just clicked on the title. I'm truly grateful. XxDreaming of RealityxX |