So, I decided to try another Naruto story. This is an AU since I know very little about canon. Feel free to provide concrit.
Sasuke thought that college couldn't have gotten any worse than it did that day. He almost got caught by the rabid fangirls who always thought they owned at least one part of his entire body. He always made sure to avoid them but he didn't know why he chose to walk through the main hall an hour after school was over. It was like they were just there, waiting for him.
The most persistent, and leader of the Uchiha fanclub was a pink haired girl called Sakura. She and her friends, Tenten and Ino took groping to a whole other level. He had to run like his skin was on fire when he saw them there in the hall. Now that he was on his way home, it was late evening and he decided to stop by a local mart to get a cold drink.
The Ichiraku mart came complete with a ramen stand out the front, which was owned by an old man of the same name. The old man would run the ramen shop while his daughter, Ayame, oversaw the operations of the small supermarket. The only reason he knew them was because he was a regular.
Sasuke stood by the doors of the double fridge in a corner of the room, weighing his options. There were many to choose from and he had eventually decided on a green tea and lemon blend. He put his hand on the knob and was about to open the fridge when a small commotion in the aisle behind him drew his attention.
"No, wait, don't touch that Kiichi!"
There was a popping sound, like a bag bursting before some baby giggles were heard. There was an audible sigh and before Sasuke knew it, a small toddler, looking to be around two years old with vibrant blue eyes and black hair rounded the corner with a huge grin on his face and drool at the side of his mouth.
The baby made a beeline straight for him and Sasuke resisted the urge to jump inside the fridge to let him pass. He watched as the toddler tried to run past him, but a blonde young man rounded the corner and grabbed the giggling baby.
"Kiichi, stop!"
Sasuke watched as the baby fussed before grabbing and pulling the blonde hair of the young man, who had his back to him and was trying to calm the fussing baby down. The youth turned around and looked at him, something flashing in his eyes before he gave him an apologetic bow. After that he walked towards the cash register with the baby in his arms.
Sasuke didn't want to admit it, but that blonde kid was the most gorgeous person he'd ever seen. He loved the way his blue eyes shone when he'd looked at him and smiled, mesmerizing and captivating him. He realized the baby had the same eyes and thought they were related. He hurriedly grabbed the drink out of the fridge and made his way towards the register, where Ayame stood, scanning a few items on the belt while smiling at the blonde teen. He walked up behind him because he wanted to find out anything he could about who he was.
"Ne Naruto, Kiichi's giving you as much trouble as before, I see," Ayame smiled while running a pack of diapers, then some vegetables across the machine.
Naruto, I like that name, Sasuke inwardly said.
The blonde, Naruto, smiled sheepishly while he tried to keep a firm grip on the baby who was twisting and fussing in his arms.
"You don't know the half of it Ayame, the older he gets is the more he has me running all over the place," Naruto answered.
Ayame giggled.
"He tore open a bag of chips, how much is it?" Naruto asked, reaching for his wallet with one hand while he tried to balance the baby on is hip with the other.
"Ah, don't worry about that Naruto, your bill is fifty eight dollars," Ayame smiled.
Naruto shot her a grateful look before pulling the money from his wallet. He looked at the money and then frowned.
"What's wrong?" Ayame asked when she saw Naruto's expression. Sasuke wanted to know what the matter was too.
"I'm sorry but, my brother only gave me fifty two dollars," Naruto answered with the notes in his hand.
Ayame smiled, "No need to worry Naruto-kun, you can bring the rest later."
Sasuke saw his chance to interact with the teen and said, "How about I cover that for you? It isn't much anyway."
Naruto turned to look at the young man standing behind him, the one that was down in the aisle who reminded him of somebody he'd rather forget. He had jet black hair that stuck up in places more than his did and a deep pool of dark grey eyes. He looked like a college student in jeans and a dark blue t-shirt with his single bag slung across his shoulders. But still….
"I'm sorry but, I don't want to bother you…..?"
Sasuke liked the way Naruto's nose and whiskers twitched in confusion. "Sasuke, the name is Sasuke and it's no worry at all."
Naruto bit the corner of his bottom lip in thought. His brother had it hard enough as it was looking after him and his baby and he didn't want to burden him any further, so he decided to take Sasuke's offer. Hopefully it came favor free.
Naruto bowed in gratitude and Sasuke gave the money to Ayame.
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm so sorry to bother you," Naruto blurted while Ayame bagged his groceries. The baby let out a giggle and Naruto shifted him on his hips.
Uzumaki, Uzumaki, why does that name sound so familiar? Sasuke couldn't place where he knew the name from but it wasn't strange.
"Thank you so much," Naruto said to Ayame while she handed him his bag. He shot Sasuke a grateful look before leaving with the baby in one hand and the bag of groceries in the other.
Ayame rung up Sasuke's drink and he took it and head out of the shop, wondering where Naruto had turned. When he looked down the road he spotted the teen, who looked like carrying a baby and groceries wasn't the easiest thing to do. He quickly jogged up to him just as he was about to round a corner.
"Hey, Naruto!"
Naruto turned around at the sound of his name to see Sasuke jogging up to him. He wondered why the guy was calling out to him.
Sasuke noticed the contemplative look on the teens face and added, "I just thought you needed help with the groceries, is all. You don't look very comfortable right now."
Naruto nodded hesitantly before handing Sasuke his bag, wondering why the college student was being so nice to him. He balanced Kiichi in both arms, who had started to drift off to sleep.
There was an awkward silence between them as they walked and Sasuke decided he would ask Naruto about himself.
"Do you live around here, Naruto?"
Naruto kept his head straight and answered with a simple yes.
"I live in the apartment on Leaf Avenue and go to the local college," Sasuke informed, watching as Naruto nodded his head at him. He realized that the blonde wasn't in to idle talk much and decided to ask a different question.
"How old are you?"
"Eighteen," Naruto answered.
"Do you always carry your brother around with you?"
Naruto stopped and gazed at Sasuke. "He's not my brother, he's my son."
That one threw Sasuke for a loop. Before he could stop himself he blurted, "You're eighteen and have a two year old son?"
Naruto's eyes darkened and he quickly grabbed his bag from Sasuke's hand. "This is far enough, thanks for your help."
Sasuke watched as Naruto stalked off with the sleeping baby in his arms. He mentally kicked himself for what he'd said. Feeling a little dejected that he didn't even get to ask Naruto where he lived, he put his hands in his pocket and walked in the opposite direction, deciding to head on home. When he entered his lavish apartment, he threw the keys on the table and took his bag off his shoulder, remembering he had put the juice inside it before taking it out. He walked over to his kitchen and put it in the fridge, deciding he would drink it later. As he wandered about his apartment he wondered if he'd ever see Naruto again. He would sure love to.
Reviews are appreciated, thanks!
I'd also like to point out I got the idea for this fic from another one I read, but it had only two chapters and I can't remember the name of the fic or the author to give them proper credit.