May: Another great installment by me, XD.
Now, to stop a series of repetitive questions, here's a basic summary of the story, including history and other things.
In the first few chapters: Sasunaru, ItaKyuu, KakaIru, GaaLee, SasoDei
Later Chapters:
ShisiIta, ShisiSasu, ShisiKyuu, etc.
"Dattebayo!" –human speech
"Dattebayo!" –animal speech
'Dattebayo!' -thoughts
Several years ago, in an attempt to help make humans more agile, fit and mainly healthier, many unborn children were injected with various animal DNA in order to see whether or not the child would survive in our world or die prematurely. The children were all born safety, and experimented in laboratories. Finally, a radical group of SPCA members rescued the abused children and healed and nurtured them back to good health in the Baltimore City Zoo, the "Children", recognizing the SPCA members as their parents, refused to leave, and thus our story begins…
"Mommy! Mommy! Look at the foxies!!" a little girl squealed, jumping up and down as she yanking on her mother's hand, pointing wildly at the golden fox running away desperately from a slightly larger red fox inside a giant holding pen.
"Naruto! I'm going to kill you!" the red fox snarled, pouncing on the blonde fox. The bundle of red and gold fur rolled on the ground before the red fox landed on top. Naruto whimpered, sweatdropping when his older brother bared his fangs menacingly at him.
"Aww…come on Kyuu-nii! I couldn't help it! Your tail was dying to be jumped!" Naruto whined, wagging his tail gently, he felt his life expectancy shorten when Kyuubi's eyes narrowed.
" "Dying?" excellent use of vocabulary, little brother…" Kyuubi snapped. Naruto flinched when something soft, silky and strawberry-scented was pressed against his face.
"…Did Iruka give you that new shampoo?" Naruto asked, sniffing Kyuubi's tail in interest. Kyuubi growled, waving his tail to show Naruto the small bald spot located near the tip of his tail.
"May I direct your attention to the huge hole you made in my fur?!" Kyuubi roared, abruptly biting Naruto on the muzzle.
"Nngh!!" Naruto whined shrilly, shaking his head from side to side, trying to get away from his brother and his "Evil Teeth of Doom". Cue the lightning.
"Stop right there you two!" a voice shouted. Kyuubi released Naruto's muzzle and glanced over at the brunette-haired zookeeper running over to them. The man had his hair back in a ponytail with a few bangs escaping, king brown eyes and a telltale scar across his nose. He was dressed in the standard tan khakis and shirt issued to any zookeeper along with durable boots.
"Iruka!! Kyuu-nii bit me! I'm going to die!" Naruto mewed shrilly, scampering over to his caretaker like a kicked puppy to it's loving master. Kyuubi snorted, walking over elegantly and sitting down gracefully, lifting an amused brow as Iruka gathered a crying blonde fox into his arms.
Sky blue eyes glared holes at Kyuubi, who merely turned around and water back to the watering hole and batch of rocks around it, inside a small cliff build against the pen wall were two small entrances to two large caves.
Kyuubi hopped up onto one of the warm rocks near the large watering hole, that also doubled as a pool, and stretched out his muscles, lean underneath the sleek, blood-red fur with white running along his belly, the tips of his ears and tail, his paws and his muzzle, before setting down onto the sunbathed rock with a graceless flump, closing his eyes in contempt.
Naruto looked tearfully at Iruka who sighed, before whispering "I don't what you said, wait until sundown, okay?" Naruto huffed before scrambling out of Iruka's arms and running over to the watering hole for a drink.
Iruka smiled, shaking his head, before turning around to exit the pen.
Kyuubi's ear twitched when he heard the chorus of laughter mixed with the telltale splash of water. He peeled open an eye watching as Naruto hopped around the water hole, no doubt to please his fans.
Suddenly Kyuubi felt a strange emotion was over him. Dread? Excitement? Kyuubi sat up quickly, looking around, sniffing the wind before his eyes were drawn to a trio of men watching from the railing of his pen.
One man, the oldest by a few years, had silver hair shaped in an impossible style and the rest of his face was shoved into an orange book, who the hell came to a zoo just to read? He was dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans.
The second, and youngest, was in his early to mid-teens with dark black hair with layered bangs and a spiky style in the back. His amused black eyes were fixed on Naruto, his chin in his hand as he leaned against the railing, watching the blonde fox with interest. He was dressed in a long sleeved mesh shirt with a black tank top underneath and tight, black jeans with tears in them, revealing pale skin.
The last, and in his late teens to early twenties, had long dark hair tied back into a loose ponytail and was dressed in a black dress shirt and creamy white jeans. His dark onyx eyes were staring intently at Kyuubi.
Kyuubi stared in shock as, slowly, the teen's eyes seemed to shift into the shade of crimson. The fox backed away slowly. 'Those eyes…those eyes…where have I seen them before?!' Kyuubi whimpered as his vision blurred and flashes of a past he didn't want to remember flew in front of his eyes.
A dark room, sore body and the sounds of howls, hisses and screeches in his ears, the same dark red eyes of the stranger peered into his own through the steel bars of his cage…
'Doctor!' Kyuubi thought blindly, panic flooding his senses. The needles, the food and pills shoved down his throat, the men that would use his human form for…other purposes. Kyuubi shook his head firmly, scrambling down the rocks towards Naruto. "Naruto! Look out! There's-" he was cut off by a high-pitched scream.
Naruto's head twisted from the view of his brother to the boy that was falling down 25 feet into the pen, he watched, numb, as the brunette-haired child's head cracked against one of the rocks on the cliff before the limp form tumbled into the watering hole.
He stood, shell-shocked, for a moment, before he splashed through the water towards the sinking boy's body. He dove under, managing to grab a hold of the child's shirt with his teeth, before trying to swim up to the surface.
One problem; the kid was too heavy!
Now Naruto wasn't a small fox at all, in fact, if you had ever held him before you could say he weighed the same as a really fat cat, though he was slimmer and only a little bit larger in length.
Naruto felt his head begin to throb under lack of air as his limbs flailed underneath the surface, he could've let the kid go, but his sense of duty was too great. Yeah, so he'd rather drown.
His eyes widened when a flash of red swam past him. 'Kyuu-nii!' Kyuubi grabbed the child by the shirt and proceeded to help Naruto swim to the surface.
Naruto released the boy's shirt as soon as they reached the surface and took a gasp of air, quickly paddling after Kyuubi as the older fox dragged the boy towards the shallow end, Iruka and a few other zookeepers already splashing into the water.
Kyuubi let Iruka pulled the boy from his mouth and pull him onto dry land and begin to give CPR. The fox watched as Iruka revived the boy, who began to scream about the gash on his head. He glanced behind him, back towards the spot where the trio of men had been, blinking in surprise when he didn't see them, only the larger crowd of people who had gathered around the pen.
He relaxed slightly, joining Naruto in the task of shaking his fur out.
"Argh! This is why I hate getting wet!" Kyuubi snarled as his fur poofed out. He immediately returned to his rock and proceeded to wash himself meticulously. He paused in his washing when a poofy-furred Naruto scrambled up onto the rock.
"…Thank you, Kyuu-nii. I'm sorry about you're tail…" Naruto added, sitting next to the red fox. Kyuubi rolled his blood red eyes before pinning Naruto down onto the rock surface with one paw and cleaning his ears slowly and thoroughly. "Kyuu-nii?!" Naruto yelped.
"Silly kit, wash yourself properly." Kyuubi sighed, licking the soft flab of Naruto's ear gently.
Naruto relaxed in Kyuubi's arms and let his older brother tend to him.
"Heh heh! I think you scared him, aniki." The same younger, brunette-haired boy from earlier stated, his black eyes glittering mischievously as they entered the manor passed on to them from their parents. His amusement only grew as the older teen's angry, dark gaze was cast upon him.
"Quiet, otouto, or you'll be sorry."
"Oh?" was the reply. The silver-haired man sighed, shoving his book into his pocket.
"Itachi, Sasuke, calm down." He ordered in a lazy tone, scratching his lower cheek through the mask over the bottom half of his face. He adjusted the medical eye-patch over his left eye idly. "More importantly, what's up with you two? All of the sudden, you two want to go to the zoo of all places, not to mention, Itachi almost running over to the fox pen, and ever since we left after that incident, with that one kid that proved that foxes don't hate water, Itachi's been PMSing and Sasuke's acting like he's gotten laid! Multiple times I might add…" he glanced between the two brothers. "So…what's going on?"
"I'll tell you, Kakashi, that blonde fox was the finest piece or work I've seen!" Sasuke licked his lips, a smirk in place. Kakashi lifted a brow.
"Sasuke…it's a fox, just a fox, it's not one of the "Children" like you…" Kakashi explained, as if talking to a one-year-old.
"Oh really? I suppose you won't know…" Sasuke grinned, turning to the staircase to go to his room. "I want to go back in a little bit, after the sun's down."
"The zoo'll be closed though!" Kakashi whined, pouting, he glanced over to Itachi for support. "Right, Itachi?"
Itachi scowled "Kyuubi doesn't even remember me, of course I'm going to…jog his memory." He snapped, walking briskly up the stairs past an amused Sasuke.
Sasuke glanced back at Kakashi "2 to 1, sorry Kakashi, you lose."
"But look at it this way! At least you get to see that one zookeeper with the scar again…" Sasuke smirked when Kakashi brightened up.
"Well there's that…" Kakashi agreed.
Iruka sighed in relief as the final preparations for closing down the zoo for the night were finished. After multiple rounds of questions about Naruto and Kyuubi, and their stunning rescue from visitors to reporters, Iruka had snapped and smartly replied "Ask them yourselves."
He walked down into the Asian Artic Fox pen with two bundles of human clothing. He sighed when Naruto and Kyuubi walked out of their respective caves, human and not to mention as naked as the day they were born.
Kyuubi's dark red eyes glittered in the hue in of sunset, cream-colored skin bathed in a mixture of pink and red, three deep whisker marks sliced through each cheek and full, plump lips opened in a small yawn. His long, slender body was framed with long red hair that ended around the bottom of his waist, red fox ears and a tail sat in their respective places as the older "Child" walked over to Iruka to fetch his clothes for the evening, not caring who saw him now that the zoo was closed.
Kyuubi examined the bundle Iruka gave him before slipping on a white blouse with lace hemming that ended slightly past his ass, a red corset built for guys (Kyuubi really didn't want to know where Iruka got his attire from), black, knee-length shorts and ankle-high, black boots with a small heel.
The red-haired teen looked over to see his brother dressed in an orange, sleeveless hoody and denim jeans that covered the tops of blue converse. They went well with his golden hair and blue eyes, a blonde fox tail waving out from underneath the hoody, while golden ears twitched eagerly. Kyuubi felt a wave of bitchyness hit him.
"Iruka! How come I have to wear the slutty clothes?!" Kyuubi whined, glaring at his caretaker. Iruka so coughed and mumbled some thing under his breath that sounded suspiciously like "You look better in them." before turning around and beginning to walk out the pen, Kyuubi and Naruto following.
"Iruka! Iruka!" a white-haired man ran forward, dressed in the zookeeper uniform. Iruka lifted a brow.
"Mitsuki? What's wrong?" he asked when the trainee stopped in front of them, doubling over to catch his breath.
"Children! Two new ones! The real thing too! They can change into all the forms and everything!" Mitsuki gasped, excitement glittering in his eyes.
Iruka stared at him in shock. "Two? But I thought we'd rescued all of them!" he stated, thunderstruck. Mitsuki shook his head grimly.
"Apparently there are more Hospitals like that one…" he muttered, before his eyes caught sight of Naruto and Kyuubi. "Well, well. Kyuu-chan, nice outfit…" he grinned.
Kyuubi 'Hmph'ed' before strutting past the older man, towards the Zoo Plaza, the meeting zone. Naruto running after him.
Iruka turned to glare at the man. Mitsuki merely chuckled.
"Ya know, Iruka…" he smirked "The two new "Children" specifically asked about Naruto and Kyuubi. I think you're gonna run into some trouble up ahead…"
Iruka sweatdropped, before sprinting ahead, shouting for Naruto and Kyuubi to get back here.
Mitsuki scratched his head, watching the rising cloud of dust in amazement. "…Damn…" he muttered.
The Plaza was a giant outdoor shopping center located in the very center of the park. Complete with food stands, bathrooms, and souvenir shops, it was the center of business.
And currently full of "Children".
"Sasori-danna!" a yellow canary chirped, flying over the chaos underneath him as the larger animals tried to muscle their way to the food stands. "Sasori-danna!" the bird's attention was caught by a flash of red feathers darting away from the terror below.
"Deidara! To the cages, now!" a certain red cardinal screeched, flapping away from the crowd of animals with what could only be described as a bag of the almighty Sunflower Seeds clutched in his talons.
Deidara soon saw the reason for Sasori's alarm. Black masses waddled determinedly through the crowd.
Deidara immediately shot off towards the giant bird cage-shaped building that held all flying types of creatures with feathers.
"Kyyyaaaaahhhhhh!!" he shrieked, streaking through the mass of trees with expert skill. He caught sight of the red blur ahead of him and flapped his wings until he was even with his mate. "Sasori-danna! The penguins are gonna eat us!" Deidara wailed, remember that one incident where a certain penguin by the name of Hidan had "accidentally" mistaken him for a goldfish.
The zoo didn't have any goldfish for penguins to eat anyways!
"Relax, they'll have to go through me!" the cardinal snapped, despite being only a few inches big. Deidara sweatdropped.
Both of them twittered in delight as the gigantic bird cage came into view. A frame made of bars of metal and glass was nearly over filled with a giant tree, a national landmark a guide might add.
"Salvation!" Deidara cheered, flying through one of the open windows that the other flying "Children", along with themselves, entered and exited the building from. The pair flew down onto one of the larger branches of the giant tree and landed gracefully on the comforting wood.
They hopped their way over to the large nest of white cloth. Hell, it was softer than a bunch of pine needles.
Sasori dropped the bag of seeds on their bed before his feathers quickly began to molt and his body grew rapidly, soon naked Sasori, complete with short red hair, and a small set of wings fluttering against his shoulder blades ("angel!"), was digging for his clothes in the small nook he and Deidara had made to shove various things in that couldn't fall to the penguin fiends, in case evolution gave them the ability to fly.
Deidara admired the view before slowly shifting to his semi-human form, consisting of long blonde hair and a small set of wings on his back as well. He accepted the loose black t-shirt Sasori offered him along with a pair of shorts. Both of them preferred loose shirts because of their wings ,they could've gone completely human but they preferred the forms that they were born with.
In fact, all of the "Children" were born with mixed characteristics of human and animal. It was natural to them.
Sasori leaned against the trunk of the huge tree and opened the bag of sunflower seeds. Immediately Deidara was pressed against him, blue eyes staring pleadingly into amused brown ones. The redhead rolled his eyes and tipped the bag slightly into Deidara's open mouth, a few seeds falling onto his tongue. Deidara pulled away and began to happily munch on the seeds gleefully. Sasori smirked before popping a few seeds into his own mouth, watching in contempt as Deidara spat out the shells with a well-trained tongue.
And trust, Sasori knew just how well-trained that tongue was…
"Oi. Long time no see, love doves." A voice greeted from below.
Both of the birds choked on their meal. Only one person had ever had the nerve to call them that.
"Itachi!" Deidara spat out, looking over the side of the branch, down nearly 50 feet towards the brunette underneath them. "That bastard!" Deidara quickly began to scramble down the tree. Sasori sighed, quickly following.
Itachi lifted an amused brow when Deidara nearly tackled him, luckily (for who?), Sasori grabbed him around the waist and held him close.
"Hey." Sasori greeted. Deidara glared resentfully at Itachi, who smirked.
"I'm glad I didn't walk in on you two this time doing more…energetic things…" Itachi replied, smirk growing when Deidara's face turned red and the teen proceeded to curse fluently, making choking motions with his hands, the boy still trapped in Sasori's firm grip.
"Uhuh…anyway, are you and that brother of yours the new "Children"?" Sasori asked, sighing when Itachi nodded. "Why?" his eyes narrowed suspiciously when Itachi gave him the best "innocent" look he could muster.
"Why, whatever do you mean?" Itachi replied, grinning when Deidara and Sasori snorted.
"Cut the bull, Itachi." Deidara answered "Anyone who's ever met you knows you always have a reason for what you do. So why come to a Zoo when you have that pretty little mansion down the lane?"
Itachi gave him an insulted look "Hey, I give quite a lot of money to this zoo." He protested.
"You found a possible fuck buddy." Sasori cut in. Both Deidara and Itachi stared at him, before Itachi turned to Deidara and asked;
"Did you find out how he does that yet?" Deidara shook his head.
"Wait, you're trying to screw someone?! Who the hell?!" Deidara turned on the Uchiha.
"Oh, a foxy guy named Kyuubi…" Itachi replied, before he was abruptly cut off as Deidara burst into a series of breath-draining laughter.
"Hahahaha! Oh, Gods! Yes! Sweet, sweet revenge!" Deidara cackled. Itachi sweatdropped.
"Um, what did I miss?" Itachi asked, looking to Sasori, who sighed.
"Well, Kyuubi isn't that sweet, little, helpless child you knew back at the Hospital…" Sasori muttered, watching as Itachi's face darkened several degrees.
"Who the hell…"
"Besides the Doctors back then…" Sasori continued "No one else, but Kyuubi hasn't been in a relationship since…ever. The only one he acts remotely close to is Naruto and Iruka."
"Who?" Itachi asked.
"Brother and caretaker." Sasori replied. "Though Deidara and Naruto are kinda close, you could ask him for help." He motioned to the spazzing boy in his arms. Itachi studied Deidara for a moment as well.
"Must be a blonde thing." They concluded in unison.
"Hey!" Deidara growled.
May: OMG, this chappie is huge! –massages sore hands- ah, but now I must post! –cries-