Here's the next installment. I would like to dedicate this chapter to boredomisbliss, iloveanime1919, JustCallMeMoMo, Moon Light Fire Kitsune, tearfularcher, StellaxYaoixYurixLove, lil-Vixen24, and ErathinFriz. Thanks for the reviews! And now, on with the chapter…

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Kakashi danced from one foot to the other as he and Iruka waited for the rest of the family to join them. The sun was shining, flowers were blooming, and the birds were chirping… it was almost as if the Gods had created this perfect day just for them. At last, it was the day he and Iruka were going to tell their family they had gotten engaged! He smiled widely at his little dolphin as he waited by his side. "Excited?" he asked, positively giddy.

Iruka smiled and nodded as he kept his left hand hidden behind him. Kakashi had proposed to him two days ago and it had been one of the hardest things to keep from his family until they were all able to get together again on Thursday in the park when what he wanted to do was wear his ring and climb to the tallest roof in Konoha and shout it to the heavens he was marrying the greatest man on Earth. "Where are they?" he asked impatiently causing Kakashi to smile.

As if on cue Deidara, Naruto, Gaara, Neji, Kankuro, Ino, Temari, and Shikamaru approached with Itachi, Sasuke, Fugaku, Mikoto, and the children following behind shortly. Iruka sighed with relief when he saw them all and his excitement increased.

"What's wrong with you two?" Kankuro asked as he stopped in front of Iruka and Kakashi who were moving around like they had ants in their pants.

Kakashi's smile looked like it would bisect his head as their family gathered around. "Iruka's going to make an honest man out of me," he said as Iruka brought his left hand from behind his back and showed everyone his ring.

"WHAT?" Mikoto shouted just before she and the other girls took turns screaming, the little ravens joined in too because it seemed like fun as Fuyuki stared at the pair, stunned.

"Nii-chan…" Gaara whispered as Neji and Shikamaru grinned.

"When…" Naruto started as he let go of Sasuke and stepped forward.

"How…" Deidara chimed in as he covered his mouth while Sasuke, Itachi, and Fugaku looked mildly bored.

"Well… don't everyone congratulate us all at once," Kakashi joked as he looked from one stunned face to the other.

Three seconds had passed before everyone except Sasuke, Itachi and Fugaku pressed in on the newly engaged couple. Iruka showed off his ring as the others cooed over it. The ladies began making wedding plans with Iruka while Kakashi explained it to his children for the tenth time in less than a minute that Iruka would officially be their okaa-san while they cried happily. Neji, Shikamaru, and Kankuro took turns slapping Kakashi on the back in congratulations and threatening him good naturedly because now their partners would be expecting rings now, too.

"What's going on here?" Sam asked as he, Shin and Sai approached the loud, happy family. He smiled at Neji and Gaara who had invited them again today to join their family to try and help heal the breach with the Uchihas for Shin and Sai.

"Kakashi and Iruka just announced their engagement," Neji replied as he smiled at the pair.

"Congratulations," Shin said as he shook each man's hand. Gaara had introduced him to his family when Shin and Sam had accompanied him to the bakery the day before and he felt an instant kinship with these unusual people since he was rather unusual himself.

"Thank you, Shin-san," Iruka said before leaning in to claim Kakashi's lips with his own. "I love you," he whispered before leaning into his lover.

"Not as much as I love you," Kakashi said as he tightened his grip on his adored lover.

"Saccharine!" Fugaku snorted as he tried to hide his happiness for his brother-in-law.

"Sickening, you mean," Itachi said loud enough for Kakashi to hear.

"What did Iruka-san ever do to deserve this?" Sasuke asked.

"I love you dicks too," Kakashi laughed, knowing this was the men in his family's way of saying congratulations.

The raven men smirked at the silver scarecrow before taking their seat. Everyone sat down for lunch, talking excitedly about the upcoming wedding.

After lunch, Shin and Sai approached Naruto and Sasuke. Shin tried to bury his hostility toward the blond telling himself that it wasn't Naruto's fault that Sai tried to sleep with him; he was still angry that the blond had beaten up his lover, but he wanted to officially bury the hatchet and try to bring Sai closer to his family by healing the hostility. "That's great about your nii-san and Hatake-san," Shin said as he gave a tentative smile to the blond.

Naruto returned the smile fully. He didn't have an issue with the smaller man at all and he grudgingly admitted to himself, because he wouldn't admit it to anyone else; that he was thankful to Sai for causing him to blurt out his true feelings for Sasuke. "Thanks," he said as he took Shin's outstretched hand in his own. "Congratulations to you too," he smiled warmly as Sasuke loomed darkly next to him as they each remembered Itachi's retelling of how Sai humbled himself to his petit lover. Naruto and Deidara thought it was romantic, but Itachi and Sasuke thought it was a disgusting display for an Uchiha.

"Thanks," Shin beamed as he hugged Sai's arm, causing the emotionless face to flush. He looked at Sasuke. "I was hoping we could all put this behind us and start over, Uchiha-san," he said with a small bow of his head.

Sasuke ignored the smaller man as he glared at his cousin for a long minute, not wanting to forgive him at all. He stood silently with his arms folded across his chest, still torn between wanting to kill Sai for touching his dobe and thankful that it had happened because he was sure Naruto would have continued to keep his love for him a secret, denying him those sweet words he always wanted to hear from his dobe's mouth until the end of time.

Naruto rolled his eyes as his beloved teme stood there like the most beautiful, angry statue ever made. He nudged Sasuke in the ribs subtly, giving Shin a strained smile before he gave Sasuke a pointed look and frown.

Sasuke took a deep breath before expelling it. Naruto and Shin were expecting him to do the impossible, but he would try for his dobe. "As long as he learns to keep his fucking hands to himself," Sasuke sneered causing Sai to growl at him.

"I think this is as good as it's gonna get," Naruto said apologetically to Shin.

Shin nodded in understanding. "It was the same when we talked to Itachi-san. I guess we can't hope to heal years of hostility in just a couple of days," he said mournfully.

"At least not with this lot," Naruto agreed. He winced when he looked at Sai's bruised lip and eye again. "Sorry about that," he offered.

Sai gave a small smile that seemed genuine. "You should see my ribs," he said, wincing when he chuckled causing Naruto to flush guiltily.

"Sorry," Naruto said again.

"I'm not," Sasuke snorted as he looked at his dobe with pride. He rather enjoyed seeing Sai's abused face.

"I'm glad you did it," Sai said, ignoring his cousin to keep the tension down. "If you hadn't, I would have kept on and I would have ended up losing Shin," he said his lover's name reverently as he reached for him. Shin blushed with pleasure when his lover pulled him into his embrace. "I was such a fool," Sai murmured before he captured the lips of his lover in a heated kiss.

"Ugh, disgusting. Let's go, dobe," Sasuke said as he pulled his lover away from the scene. Maybe the petit silver haired man was the best for Sai, since he had never seen his cousin so peaceful in their lifetime. He hoped the crow would give up on his crazy vendetta against him now and focus on his own life for a change.

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"I think everyone took it well," Kakashi said, pulling Iruka aside hiding them behind a large tree as he leaned in and kissed his lover lingeringly. He had been unable to get near Iruka ever since lunch because the women wanted to discuss wedding plans and all Kakashi wanted to do was molest his dolphin for a while. He leaned in to deepen the kiss, tightening his hold on Iruka who surrendered to him deliciously, shuddering when Iruka moaned.

"'Ruka-chan… where did you go," Mikoto called.

"Nii-san, c'mon," Temari said.

"We have more ideas," Ino shouted as they all moved around the picnic area looking for the happy couple.

Kakashi growled low in his throat as the voices drew nearer. All he wanted was a few moments alone with his lover, was that too much to ask! Besides, they had enough ideas already for a thousand weddings!

Iruka pulled away from Kakashi, breathing raggedly as he clung to his shirt. "I guess we'll have to deal with this until we're married," he said as he tried to get his breathing under control.

"The hell I will," Kakashi said in horror. He couldn't imagine a fate worse than someone standing between him and Iruka, especially when he was horny. "I'll just kidnap you and elope," he said giving a short nod.

"You will do no such thing," Mikoto said as she slapped the back of Kakashi's head. "You wouldn't dare…"

"Of course not, Mikoto-san," Iruka said nervously as he watched her dark grey eyes narrow dangerously as her temper ignited. He remembered what Kakashi had told him about Mikoto's legendary temper. "Kakashi was just joking. We would never do that to you and the kids," he said soothingly.

"I wouldn't promise that… especially if I won't be able to have a peaceful moment alone with you," Kakashi growled as his sister stepped towards him.

Iruka rolled his eyes mentally and stepped forward, placing himself between Mikoto and Kakashi to keep them from fighting. Kakashi may be bigger, but he had no doubt that if Mikoto was angry enough, she could cause some serious damage. Iruka stepped into Kakashi's arms and kissed him gently, soothing his scarecrow. "We have plans to make," he said when he pulled back from the kiss, remaining in Kakashi's arms as he petted the broad chest with soothing circles.

Kakashi gave a quick glance over to his sister before looking into chocolate eyes again. "Make them for as soon as possible. I don't want to go any longer than I have to without you as my husband," he said before kissing Iruka again.

Iruka smiled when Kakashi released him. "It's your wedding too… don't you want to have some input as well?" Iruka asked.

Kakashi was stunned by the offer. In his last two weddings, his brides made all of the decisions and expected him to pay for all of it. He looked at Iruka who smiled gently at him and held out his hand. Kakashi took the slightly smaller hand in his and let Iruka lead him away. Fifteen minutes later the women were ready to pull every strand of silver hair out of Kakashi's head as he rattled off wedding themes from Icha, Icha Paradise while Iruka laughed. He really did need to get his beloved some new reading material.

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Neji held Gaara's hand as they walked together. "Are you okay that Iruka-san is getting married?" Neji asked as he gently squeezed Gaara's hand for support.

Gaara looked around at his surroundings as he thought of Neji's question. "Yeah, I think I am," he said truthfully. "Kakashi makes nii-chan happy, and he's a good guy. Besides, anyone can see he loves nii-chan a lot."

Neji nodded his head as they continued to walk. He had been afraid that Gaara would be upset at his brother's engagement but he was relieved that he wasn't. It gave him hope for their future together. "And we all know you can kick his ass if he ever upsets Iruka again," he joked as he pulled his rouge beauty into his arms. He leaned down and took the plush ruby lips in a fiery kiss as he caressed Gaara's silken jaw and neck, feeling the pulse thrumming as his heart pounded.

"Don't you forget about it," Gaara said quietly as he yielded to his violet eyed lover.

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The blond and brunet were hiding in the tree line waiting for their chance to strike. They watched as Itachi, Deidara and the twins played together just outside of their target area causing the brunet to frown impatiently. His body reacted as he watched Uchiha's lover run after the twins laughing with a blush staining his high cheekbones.

"I'm not so sure we should do this in front of those kids," the blond said nervously. "What if they get in the way?"

"So what if they do," the brunet said. To him, the twins were nothing but pawns to be sacrificed to his plan. He turned to the blond and caressed his cheek. "You're not backing out on me now, are you?" he asked with false tenderness in his eyes. "You know this is the only way we can ever be free of Uchiha, right," he said smirking when the blond closed his eyes and leaned into his touch.

"Yes, my love," the blond whispered as he leaned in and kissed the brunet. The brunet kissed the blond tenderly as he kept his hard eyes on the scene in front of him. It was almost time…

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Deidara leaned up against a tree as he gasped for air. He had been trying all morning to gather his courage and tell Itachi how he really felt, but when the opportunity finally came, he offered to play tag with the boys instead while Itachi watched them. He had figured out what the others didn't want him and Itachi to know after Naruto and Sasuke had come down to breakfast with the family the next morning and he saw the complete happiness and peace in Naruto's eyes. He wanted what they had also, but he was too afraid to try for it.

"Get a grip, Dei you coward," he mumbled to himself. "All you have to do is go over there, look Itachi in the eye, and say 'I love you'. Simple, right," he said. He closed his eyes and hung his head. "Yeah right, simple… then Itachi loses all interest in you and leaves you and goes to find another lover who isn't too clingy!" He opened his eyes and leaned his head back against the tree. "What am I going to do?" he asked himself as he watched his lover and boys.

He smiled when he saw Kai swipe up into a handstand and spin around, kicking the air before flipping right side up again. Itachi chuckled as the twins jumped and flipped around him. Itachi and the boys had their backs turned toward the tree line and didn't see the blond step out from behind a tree and move into the open. Deidara didn't think anything was out of the ordinary, especially when he saw the brunet leaning around the tree. Hell even Kankuro and Ino have had sex in the park, but they did move further into the trees to be better hidden. He just took for granted that the blond was throwing away a used condom or something.

Deidara became alarmed when the blond looked around nervously as he approached Itachi and the boys instead of going to the trash bins. He furrowed his brows when a glint of steel caught his eyes and he looked down to see a knife in the blonds' hand causing his heart to stop as he gasped. "'Tachi," he whispered in horror. He knew he didn't have time to disarm the blond nor could he warn Itachi without alerting the boys too. Deidara's mind's eye played out a scenario where the boys tried to disarm the blond, getting hurt in the process and he panicked. He took off running at top speed to reach Itachi and his boys praying he would make it in time.

Itachi could see the terror in Deidara's face as he ran to them, but didn't know what had happened to cause it. He stood up straight as the boys wrapped themselves around his legs. Itachi tried to turn around just as Deidara threw himself into his arms covering him and the boys with his body. "Deidara…" he began as he looked past his angel's shoulder and saw one of his 'little brothers' stepping back with his hands covering his mouth, eyes wide with horror. The 'little brother' gave a strangled cry before turning and running away.

Itachi started to move Deidara out of the way so he could chase after the young man, but saw the pain that flooded his brilliant blue eyes. "Dei…" he started again as he lifted a hand and saw bright red blood covering his palm. His eyes darted anxiously back to Deidara's face as he pushed the boys behind him so they wouldn't see it.

"I couldn't let him hurt you and the boys," Deidara said as he clung to Itachi. His grip faltered and he started to drop to his knees but Itachi caught him as Deidara's blood seeped into his shirt.

Itachi fell to his knees as he clasped Deidara to him. "Go get help," he told the boys who were standing aside, staring with wide disbelieving eyes at the knife in their okaa-san's side. "KEI, KAI GO GET HELP!" he cried as he tried to hold pressure on the wound but the protruding knife made it awkward. The boys responded to their father's desperation and ran away screaming for their family.

"Why… why did you do it?" Itachi asked in a tortured voice as Deidara cupped his cheek.

"Couldn't … let him… hurt… you… and boys… Love you, 'Tachi… " Deidara said as his eyes slid closed and his hand dropped away from Itachi's pale face.

"No… no," Itachi said in a panic. He gently patted Deidara's cheek. "Deidara… stay with me sweetheart. Don't leave me, Dei, the boys need you… I need you," Itachi begged as Deidara's breathing became more and more shallow.

"So… hard to… breathe," Deidara said as his eyelids fluttered but didn't open as he struggled to get a breath.

"…Dr. Perkins. I need an ambulance with a trauma team and an OR on standby. I have a twenty-four year old male stabbing victim in Leaf Park…" the blond American was saying over his cell phone. He and Shin ran to reach Itachi and Deidara as the family ran behind them.

Shin fell to his knees beside Deidara and Itachi, prying Itachi's fingers from Deidara's limp body. "Uchiha-san, I need to take over," Shin said desperately as he pulled Deidara away from the iron grip. He ripped a table cloth Iruka had given him and bound the wound leaving the knife in place. He didn't have his stethoscope, but he could tell by Deidara's breath sounds that he had a pneumothorax at the least. He could hear the ambulance in the background as he worked on Deidara. He took Deidara's choker from his neck and thrust it into Itachi's hands before looking up. "Iruka-san, I need you to ride in the ambulance with me and Sam. I need a medical history, blood type, and allergy list," he said as he looked into the stunned faces of the family as his hands moved like lightning. "Sai, I need you to take Uchiha-san in our car, meet us in the ER," he said when the ambulance pulled up. Sai nodded before he went to tell Fugaku and Mikoto what hospital Deidara was being taken to since they were keeping the kids away from the chaotic scene.

Itachi watched as the paramedics started two IV sites in Deidara's arms before loading him into the ambulance. He looked down at the bloody white satin ribbon clutched in his hands before he ran to his car, determined to meet the ambulance there. "Itachi wait for me!" Sai yelled as he chased after him, grasping his ribs and ignoring the pain as he ran to catch up. Itachi slid into his car and revved the engine.

Sai slid into the passenger side, barely having time to close the door as Itachi sped off toward the hospital. He swerved in and out of traffic, beating the ambulance by mere seconds. "Hey, man… you can't park that there. It's a tow away zone," a parking attendant said as the Audi came to a screeching halt in a fire zone.

Itachi threw his keys at the man as he ran past. "Fucking tow it… I don't care," he growled lowly as he ran through the door with Sai hot on his tail. The parking attendant watched the blood covered man disappear into the hospital.

Sai explained the situation to the nurses in the ER, standing aside when a nurse led Itachi to the area for family. Sai disappeared minutes later as Itachi paced the room like a caged animal. Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, Gaara, and Neji arrived next. Neji and Sasuke refused to let their lovers out of their sight because they had been plotting to go after the man who stabbed Deidara. They all watched as Itachi paced, not sure how to reach out to him while trying to deal with the situation themselves as well. Fugaku, Mikoto, Kankuro, and Temari arrived together shortly after the others. They had left Shikamaru and Ino with the kids, dropping them off at the mansion.

Mikoto went to Itachi and pulled him into her arms like she used to when he was a little boy. Itachi looked at her with wild unfocused eyes as she tried to sooth him. Fugaku, Kakashi, and Sasuke stood in a corner watching Itachi as he fell apart in his mother's arms. "Why did he do it?" he kept whispering.

Mikoto cried as she held her blood soaked son. "He loves you, Itachi," she said.

"He didn't have to… I don't expect him to sacrifice…" Itachi tried to formulate a thought as he looked at his father. "Otou-san… I know I haven't… I haven't always been the perfect son, but please. I can't lose him… please," Itachi's voice cracked as he begged his father, his mind clinging to that one thought relentlessly.

Fugaku stared into his son's lost eyes for a second before he walked out of the waiting room. Iruka entered the room shortly after Fugaku left. Kakashi gathered his lover in his arms and kissed his head. "He's strong," Kakashi said for Iruka and Itachi's benefit. "He'll be fine," he said aloud as he prayed he was right for both Iruka and Itachi's sakes.

"There was so much blood, 'Kashi," Iruka whispered.

"Iruka-san," Itachi croaked. "I'm so sorry…" he apologized for the first time in his life.

"It's not your fault, Itachi. Deidara loves you and he wanted to protect you and the boys," Iruka said to the broken man as he patted his arm. He went over to Kankuro and Temari who sat on one of the couches in the room looking sick and pale. Temari cried as Kankuro put his arm around her and let his own tears fall. Iruka sat down and pulled them into his embrace as they waited.

When the police arrived, the nurse led them back to the waiting room to take statements from the family. Itachi provided the police with the full name and address of the blond he had seen. They put out an APB on the blond Itachi described. Neji and Sasuke had to physically restrain their lovers when they had the information they wanted. They darted out of the room after Gaara and Naruto when they broke away, desperate to catch them.

"Let me go, Neji," Gaara said quietly as he struggled against his lover.

"I can't do that, koishii," Neji said sadly. "I have to protect you."

"He tried to kill your nii-chan and might have killed mine for all we know," Naruto bit out as Sasuke held him close. "He has to pay."

"And he will. Do you think Iruka wants you two going off acting like vigilantes? Do you really think you'll be helping Deidara at all if you get locked up in jail?" Sasuke asked as he held his dobe. He knew Naruto would be angry with him, but he didn't care. He would protect his beloved dobe with everything he had.

"Is that what you'd do Sasuke?" Naruto asked as he narrowed his eyes. "Would you let someone who hurt your nii-chan go without consequences?"

"No, but you need to let the police handle it. You need to be right here with the family waiting for news about Deidara," Sasuke said drawing Naruto closer to him as he struggled.

"Let the police deal with it, koishii," Neji said as he tried to sooth Gaara who looked like he wanted to kill his beloved for standing in his way.

Gaara and Naruto glared at their lovers before wrenching out of their grasps and going back into the waiting room. They sat together fuming on the couch refusing to talk to or even look at either Sasuke or Neji. After the police left, the family paced the room as they waited for information. Sai came back into the room about twenty minutes later looking relieved as the family gathered around.

"I have some good news," he said as Itachi and Iruka stepped forward. "Deidara's lung was punctured by the knife and a small hemothorax formed…" he began as Mikoto and Temari gasped and cried silent tears.

"That's not good news, Sai," Sasuke growled as the siblings paled and clung to one another.

Sai continued as though he hadn't been interrupted. "Since Shin and Sam were there and acted quickly, Deidara was treated early. Itachi was smart for leaving the knife in place; it slowed the flow of the blood enough so the pleural space didn't have a lot of blood in it. They inserted a chest tube and Deidara's lung re-expanded without trouble. The CT scan doesn't show any other active bleeding, so he doesn't need surgery right now. The chest tube has to stay in for a day or two, but so far it looks really good," he said with a genuine smile as he saw the relief on the family's face. "Also, Itachi… I think you're gonna need these for when you take him home," he said before he threw Itachi's keys to him.

"Sai… thank you so much," Iruka cried as he grasped the crow to him and cried on his shoulder causing Sai to become uncomfortable.

"It's the least I could do after what your family has done for me and Shin," Sai mumbled in embarrassment as each sibling grasped him in a crushing hug, Kankuro's being the worst.

A nurse popped her head into the room and smiled at the family. "If you would follow me, I can take you a few at a time to see Uzumaki-san," she said.

Iruka turned to look at his siblings with a pained expression on his face. "I think you and Itachi should go in first, nii-chan," Kankuro said. He knew Itachi needed to see Deidara to keep his hold on reality; he also knew he and the others weren't ready to see their brother just yet.

Itachi didn't need to be told twice as he followed the nurse out of the room. Iruka and Kakashi followed close behind. The nurse led them to a curtained room. "Uzumaki-san will be taken to a private room that is being prepared for him soon. Uchiha-san, your otou-san has already made arrangements if you would like to stay the night…"

"I'm not leaving until I can take him home," Itachi said flatly as he stepped behind the curtain. His eyes prickled when he saw Deidara's pale face, the nasal cannula that was placed in his nose to keep his oxygen concentration high was the only thing marring the beautiful face. He noted that thankfully, Deidara was sleeping peacefully. The nurse informed Itachi and Iruka that Deidara had been given a strong pain medication and local anesthetic to keep the pain down and the oxygen helped keep his lung inflated and he should keep it on for at least thirty-six hours. Iruka gently nudged Itachi further into the room toward the bed after the nurse left to check on Deidara's room. Itachi sat in a chair next to the bed, not touching Deidara. He didn't deserve to touch such an angel he told himself as guilt washed over him.

"Dei," Iruka said as he took his brother's hand in his and kissed it lightly. "Dei, it's nii-chan," he said as tears fell from his eyes. "Open your eyes, otouto."

"Ungh," Deidara moaned as he reached for the offending plastic in his nose, pulling it out.

Iruka put the cannula back in place as he smoothed Deidara's forehead and cheeks. "You have to leave it in, Dei," he said. "We don't want your lung collapsing."

"'Tachi... Kei…Kai," Deidara moaned hoarsely.

"He keeps calling out for them," the nurse said as she popped back in to give them the room number and informed them the rest of their family was waiting for them there. "It would be for the best if 'Tachi, Kei or Kai talked to him. It would help him rest better," she said before leaving the room.

Iruka looked at Kakashi. "I think we should go upstairs with everybody else. I want to tell them he's okay," he said, now that he had seen Deidara and knew the worst was over, he was comfortable with letting Itachi take over; especially since Deidara was in a hospital. "Talk to him, Itachi… let him know you and the boys are alright. He deserves to know," Iruka said before he and Kakashi went upstairs with the others.

Itachi was left alone in the room with his golden angel. He took a deep steadying breath and reached for Deidara's smooth hand. "Dei…" his voice broke on the name.

"'Tachi?" Deidara asked. His eyes remained closed as his brows knit with confusion. It sounded kind of like his beloved devil, but not totally. He gripped the hand that held his.

Itachi cleared his voice. "I'm here, Dei," he said noticing how the brows smoothed a little.

"My boys…" Deidara whispered fearfully.

"They're at home. They're scared, but they're okay," Itachi said. He stroked Deidara's hair gently as a tear escaped his eye unnoticed. "You saved us in time."

Deidara smiled gently as the tension drained out of his face. "Love you…" he said as he drifted into an easy sleep again.

"I love you too, angel," Itachi whispered as he kissed Deidara's knuckles, bending his head over the pale hand. Five minutes later an orderly came to take Deidara upstairs to his room. Itachi walked alongside the cart as it was wheeled into the elevator, never letting go of Deidara's hand.

When they had reached Deidara's large private room, the siblings helped the orderly and nurse transfer Deidara to his new bed which was specially ordered by Fugaku. They watched and asked many questions as the nurse attached the chest tube to suction, put Deidara on the vitals monitor, and hooked the cannula to the room's oxygen while she answered their questions patiently. The nurse explained she would be checking in on Deidara frequently and closely monitoring his pain and oxygen level before leaving the room.

Fugaku also had a bed brought in for Itachi and comfortable chairs for other family members which they used as they gathered around their chaotic hellion. Itachi pulled a recliner up to Deidara's bedside and sat down in it. "Iruka-san, I'll sleep here if you and oji-san want to sleep in the bed tonight," he said taking for granted Iruka would not want to leave his brother's side tonight.

"But Itachi, the bed is for you…" Iruka said.

"It's too far away from him," Itachi said softly. "I can't sleep there."

Sasuke put a hand on his brother's shoulder. He knew exactly how Itachi felt. If it were his dobe, he would have to be in the same bed, not across the room.

Mikoto leaned over and wiped away the tear that lingered on Itachi's face. "He's going to be okay, Itachi. He's strong," she said.

"Fugaku-san, how did you persuade them to let us all stay?" Temari asked gratefully.

"I now own fifty-one percent of this hospital's stock," Fugaku said simply as he picked imaginary lint off of his pants trying to hide his embarrassment as everyone except Mikoto and Kakashi gaped at him. Deidara had saved his son and grandsons, buying a hospital meant nothing compared to that if it meant seeing to his comfort. Besides, if what George had told them all about Deidara and Naruto was true he might as well buy a hospital just for his sons' accident prone, selfless, golden lovers. "Deidara will be getting the best care from the best doctors and nurses in this hospital."

Itachi couldn't say anything around the lump in his throat so he nodded his gratitude to his father instead. When he heard Deidara groan, he turned his gaze to the bed and put the call light on for the nurse. The nurse and orderly came in and positioned Deidara comfortably before the nurse hung a bag of antibiotics then left the room again. Itachi kept a close eye on the chest tube.

Everybody sat around the room in silence as they waited for Deidara to open his eyes. Shikamaru had called to let Iruka know he had gone to the bakery and hung a sign explaining what had happened to Deidara and Ino had called everyone in Temari's dance class to let them know it was cancelled. Iruka thanked them after giving them an update on Deidara. When he hung up, he went back to waiting with the others.

Deidara's mouth felt dry, like he had been sucking cotton balls all day. He reached up to pick the hard boogers that were hanging on the outside of his nose only to feel that it was a plastic tube. He opened his eyes, blinking slowly as he looked into Itachi's tense face. "'Tachi," he croaked before he tried to sit up.

At least seven pairs of hands gently pushed Deidara back against his pillows. "Dei, do you know where you are?" Iruka asked as he adjusted the cannula again.

"Hosp… hospital?" Deidara asked, trying to move again but not getting too far.

"You were stabbed, baka," Naruto said almost giddy with relief as he watched his brother closely.

"What's this?" Deidara asked as he reached for his chest tube.

"NO!" Temari said as she slapped his hands away. "You can't pull on that."

"And leave your oxygen in," Kankuro said as his hands shook when he ran them through his hair. One of these days either Deidara or Naruto would be the death of them all.

"Mouth's so dry," he croaked again as he tried to wet his lips with his tongue.

"Pure oxygen does that to you," Gaara said as Itachi raised the head of the bed. He watched as Itachi carefully gave Deidara water, treating him like he was made of glass as he gently lowered the blond back onto the bed when he was finished.

"Where are my boys," the blond asked as he looked at his demon with fear in his eyes.

"They're at home," Itachi said. "They're scared, but they're safe," he reassured Deidara again as he tenderly stroked the golden hair.

Deidara saw the dried blood covering Itachi's shirt and gasped. "Are you hurt?" he asked as he tried to get up again.

Itachi swallowed as he gently pushed Deidara back against the bed. "Stop that," he said roughly.

"'Tachi… you're covered in blood," his hellion turned frightened eyes toward him.

Itachi couldn't believe Deidara. He had just gone through a traumatic experience and he was worried about him. "It's your blood, angel," he said softly.

"Oh," Deidara said as he relaxed back against the bed surprised by the nickname.

"So hard headed," Kankuro said as he shook his head, relieved that Deidara glared back at him.

"Who would want to stab you?" Deidara asked Itachi.

Itachi explained what the man had been to him before he met Deidara, stressing that he had been unable to be with anyone but Deidara since they had become an item. Deidara and the rest of the family sat silently as Itachi told them what had happened between him and the blond.

"What about the guy with the brown hair?" Deidara asked.

"What guy with brown hair?" Naruto asked as he and Gaara sat on the foot of the bed.

Deidara gave a description of the man he had seen peeking from behind a tree in the park just before he saw the knife in the blonds' hand. "Yamada," Itachi and Sasuke said at the same time. The brunet had been to the house a few times to drop his mother off for work after Itachi had broken it off with him and the others.

Fugaku's eyes hardened as he called the police detective that had been there earlier taking their statements and gave him the new information. He told the detective that he wanted Yamada arrested too since she not only put Deidara's life in danger, she had also put his grandsons' lives and his son's life in danger as well.

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"Oh Kami-sama… what are we gonna do?" the blond asked as he tried to cling to the brunet's shoulders only to have the larger man push him away savagely.

"Get the fuck off of me," he screamed at the man on the floor. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He never expected Itachi's little lover to throw himself in front of the knife. He honestly thought the beauty was using Itachi for his money just like the rest of them, because who could truly love the cold son-of-a-bitch.

"We gotta get out of here," the blond said as he struggled back to his feet.

"What do you mean, we?" the brunet said. "You just attempted to kill Uchiha Itachi, not me," he said coldly smiling as the color drained from the blonds' face.

"You're not pinning this all on me. I'll go to the police… shit, I'll even go to Itachi if I have to and tell them all it was your idea," the blond said. "I'll tell them you killed…" he started but the brunet closed his hand around his neck and slammed him against the wall.

"You weren't supposed to live after today," he said menacingly. "You were supposed to kill Itachi and I was going to kill you after that. I want Itachi's blond, not you," he said as he squeezed the life out of the blond as he clawed at the brunet's hands. "You were nothing… you were always nothing," he snarled as he watched the blonds' face turn purple and his eyes roll back in his head. "You'll always be nothing," he said quietly as the blond gurgled one final time before going limp in his hold.

He moved back and let the lifeless body fall to the floor as he ran his hand through his hair again. He grabbed a bag, moving quickly around his apartment and put clothes, money, and a gun in it before zipping it up and running for the door.

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"Still mad at me?" Sasuke asked as he pulled his blond into his arms after they had climbed into bed.

"No," Naruto admitted grudgingly. "You were right, Sasuke."

Sasuke smiled gently at his vixen. "I never get tired of hearing that," he said as he curled his long frame around his lover.

"You shouldn't get tired of hearing it, teme. It's the first time I've said it," Naruto said as he relaxed into Sasuke's arms, letting the tension of the day melt away. "I thought this was it," Naruto said shakily. "I thought my nii-chan was dead."

Sasuke held his dobe tighter as he felt a tremor shake his lithe frame. He knew the blond was afraid, the whole family was afraid, but even as they were surrounded with fear and questions, they held onto their love for one another never losing their faith in each other. He wondered what it would have been like for him and Itachi if they had never met these siblings and he felt the icy touch of fear grip his heart. He knew he could never be without his Naru-chan; he needed the dobe to humanize him just like the others needed their lovers. "Deidara would never let something like that stop him. He's too hard headed just like you," Sasuke said.

"I love you, Sasuke," Naruto said as he snuggled back into his teme. They were just about to drift off to sleep when their door opened.

"Otou-san, can I sleep with you and okaa-san tonight?" Daisuke asked as he dragged his panda bear behind him. Naruto held out his arms and pulled the little one up into the bed.

Sasuke wrapped his arms protectively around his lover and son. "I love you both," he said as he placed light kisses on their heads before propping Naruto's left arm up out of harm's way.

"Love you too, otou-san… love you okaa-san," Daisuke said as he yawned.

"Love you Daisuke. Goodnight," Naruto said before turning his head and capturing Sasuke's lips in a gentle kiss. "Goodnight, Sasuke," he said as he wrapped his good arm around Daisuke and fell asleep between his ravens.

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Gaara lay with his head in Neji's lap as his lover stroked his face and hair tenderly. "I take it you're not mad at me anymore," Neji said as his little lover leaned into his touch.

"I wasn't mad at you, Neji," Gaara said as his eyes slid shut while his lover massaged his temples.

"You could have fooled me, koishii. If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead at your feet today," Neji chuckled lightly as he continued to pamper his lover.

Gaara's face pulled tight in annoyance at the memory. "I was upset because I thought nii-chan was dying and took it out on you. I'm sorry, koibito," he whispered as a guilty flush stained his face. "If we hadn't invited Shin, Sai and Sam to lunch today…" Gaara trailed off not giving voice to what might have happened.

"You were the one who invited them. I think you have some kind of intuition that protects your family," Neji said honestly.

"Are you calling me a witch?" Gaara asked lightly. What he needed right now was a little silliness.

"You've bewitched me," Neji said before lowering his mouth to gently tease and caress Gaara's.

"I love you, Neji," Gaara said just before he sat up and cupped Neji's jaw, deepening the kiss and showing his cherished lover how much he meant to him.

Neji quickly became breathless as his little lover ravaged his mouth. He pulled back and stroked Gaara's silken skin. "I love you, koishii with all of my heart." He sat Gaara up before standing and picking the petit man up in his arms and carrying him to bed. He crawled in after him and curled his body around Gaara protectively before whispering goodnight.

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"'Tachi, you should go home to the boys they shouldn't be without both of us," Deidara said as his devil glared at him while he looked away uncomfortably. Most of the day had been a blur to him, mostly from blood loss and pain medication, but he was pretty sure he had told Itachi that he loved him more than once.

"I'm not leaving," Itachi said firmly. "Okaa-san is bringing the boys by tomorrow to see you and she and otou-san have explained everything better than I could have."

"But you still have those bloody clothes on," Deidara said, shuddering as he remembered thinking it was Itachi's blood. "Nii-chan and Kakashi will stay with me…"

"I'm not leaving," Itachi said stubbornly causing his hellion to glare at him. He felt like crying with relief when his angel glared at him in defiance.

"Stubborn ass," Deidara grumbled and tossed his head to the side. He looked down at the chest tube and made a face at it. He didn't want Itachi to see him like this. This was the second time he showed his weakness in front of his devil and he hated it. He leaned back on the bed and picked at his blanket. "Did I say anything that might have upset you today?" he asked as he avoided Itachi's dark gaze.

Itachi's heart raced as he watched the blush darken the slightly pale cheeks. "Not really," he said.

"Oh, I thought I might have said…" Deidara started but when he realized what he had been about to say, he snapped his mouth shut.

"Said what?" Itachi asked, his dark eyes dancing. To think he might not have had this anymore scared the life out off him.

"Nothing," Deidara insisted as he looked away. Being stabbed for the second time in his life wasn't nearly as scary as confessing his love to Itachi.

"I love you, Deidara," Itachi said as he gently turned Deidara's face to him again. He knew Deidara was afraid to tell him that he loved him, so he threw away his pride and admitted it to his angel instead.

Deidara's eyes widened in panic, "Wh… wha…" he stuttered but no formed words came out.

"I love you. I was stubborn, waiting for you to say it first, but… I love you," Itachi vowed as he brushed his lips gently across Deidara's.

"Did I die for real and this is heaven?" Deidara asked with wonder in his voice as he looked at Itachi with wide eyes.

Itachi's jaw clenched tightly. "Don't say that… don't ever say that again. Do you have any idea what I went through today? How I felt when your blood poured over me, soaking me… how desperate I was to keep you with me?" Itachi whispered harshly. "I'll never let you go, even if I have to storm the gates of heaven or hell to get you back, I'll do whatever it takes. I love you, Dei. You're my angel," he said before claiming plump lips with his own.

"'Tachi, I love you… I love you so much. When I saw that guy, I couldn't think, I just knew I needed to get to you and the boys. I needed to protect you. I couldn't live in a world without you and my boys," Deidara said between kisses.

"I told you before not to take chances with your body. Don't ever do it again," Itachi warned as his dark eyes glittered dangerously.

"I'll do it every time I need to," Deidara countered as his blue eyes looked unwaveringly into onyx.

"I can never win against you," Itachi growled as he smoothed the long golden waterfall of hair back.

"Just like I can never win against you," Deidara said as he leaned into his devil's touch. "I love you, Uchiha Itachi," he said as he looked deeply into Itachi's eyes and Itachi leaned in for another kiss.

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Kakashi and Iruka peeked around the doorframe and saw Itachi and Deidara locked in a passionate embrace. "It's about time those knuckleheads realized their feelings. They were the only ones that didn't know how they felt about each other," Kakashi said, smiling with happiness that his nephew had finally captured the man that was meant for him.

"This day has been one giant emotional rollercoaster," Iruka yawned as he scratched his lower back. He flexed for a few minutes before taking Kakashi's hand. "Let's go to the house for a minute. Itachi needs new clothes and they could use some privacy."

"Not to mention, I have a swelling in my pants I want to show you," Kakashi said causing Iruka to laugh. He smiled as he pulled Iruka against him and kissed the top of his head. Iruka and his family had had a very hard day today, and if he had to act like a fool to get his beloved to laugh, it was a small price to pay. He opened Iruka's car door for him, closing it once Iruka had slid in. Kakashi got into the driver's side and drove out of the parking lot, holding his beloved dolphin's hand in his.

When they arrived at the apartment, Kakashi grabbed some sweats that he was sure would be too short for Itachi and a tee shirt while Iruka took a shower. When he was done, Iruka gathered bathing supplies for Itachi and a pair of sweats he was sure would fit better as Kakashi showered and put them in a duffle bag. After what Iruka deemed was an appropriate amount of time, they drove back to the hospital.

Itachi took the bag Iruka held out to him gratefully and stepped into Deidara's bathroom for a quick shower and got dressed in the ill fitting clothes. When he felt human again, he walked back out into the room to find Deidara asleep again while Iruka and Kakashi sat next to the bed in chairs.

"You look better," Kakashi whispered when he saw his nephew emerge from the bathroom and throw away his bloody clothes. "Now all you need is a good night's sleep."

Itachi shook his head when Kakashi pointed to the bed. "I told you, it's too far away from him. I won't sleep there," Itachi said as he sat in his recliner and piled pillows up behind him. "You and Iruka-san should take the bed, oji-san. I'm comfortable right here."

"Brat," Kakashi said as Iruka swatted his backside for being rude.

"Look who's talking," Iruka said. He pulled Kakashi over to the bed before climbing in and pulling the covers over both of them as Kakashi slid in behind him. He smiled to himself when he saw Itachi take Deidara's hand in his as he whispered 'goodnight, angel' and kissed the golden head again before settling back against the chair to watch over Deidara as he slept.

I had to give Sai a good guy part especially after he learned his lesson. I love him way too much to continue to let him be an asshole, but other than Itachi, I couldn't think of anyone else to drag into Sasuke and Naruto's relationship.

As always, I'd like to welcome Sayomi Hayashi, Roxas4Ever13, momlilag94, The Sadistic Optimist, and BonxRinchan to following this story, and I'd like to thank Sayomi Hayashi, Roxas4Ever13, and momlilag94 for favoriting this story as well. As always you guys rock. I also want to thank iloveanime1919, StellaxYaoixYurixLove, tearfularcher, Moon Light Fire Kitsune, igotmoneymoney, WraithReaper, tsweet24, ErathianFriz, boredomisbliss, and The AmazingBouncyBall for reviewing. Thanks so much because you guys drive me to write more. Until next time, Jade!