Reviews for Not Just Another Fake Boyfriend Story
AIlove chapter 12 . 6/4
at first reading this, i thought this was supposed to be a NaruSasuNaru fanfic
and not a SasuNaru...but until now Naruto seems to act like the uke and Sasuke is the seme. I kinda dissapointed at this, don't get me wrong THE STORY IS GREAT but it still bothers me because it was a Sasunaru so...tbh idk how i feel seeing naruto acted so much like a princess who needs protection all the time, it just feels weird seeing him like that. I prefer Narusasu better but like i just said the story is still good.
Lily chapter 45 . 1/19/2019
That was amazing! It wasn't what I was expecting, but it was still great!
Lily chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
This is interesting
ashestothewind chapter 35 . 4/24/2018
This.. I just can't finish this at all lol. There have been so many nose dives into various different plot points and so much shit going on that I was zoning out the last few chapters I've read.

You should really think on renaming this. I came into this expecting a "fake boyfriend" trope but only got it for like an eighth of the actually story. Now there is so much shit going on that the title doesnt reflect it at all. Perhaps something more ambiguous like "bad decisions" cause that seems to be the only thing linking all these crazy plot turns and every character.
Miratriarch chapter 45 . 3/13/2018
man what a journey this was. (i think i need some medical help after what happened to my poor heart) anyway you don't plan on starting the sequel yet?
Tuesday's-Here chapter 45 . 8/10/2017
*high pitched girly voice says* Draaammmmaaaaaaa! Like could you have packed anymore drama into this story?
O.K. back to normal voice yes there most certainly was a lot of drama but that's what moved the story and made it interesting, no one wants to read a boring story right? The thing is that even though it was dramatic and crazy it never went overboard and the pieces worked together and could fit and make logical sense.

My favorite parts of the story:
Itachi teasing and kind of being a dick brother to Sasuke (that's literally every brothers job description!) but honestly loving and caring about him.
Sasuke's struggle with alcoholism (that he actually struggled continuously and wasn't just "fixed" when he quit drinking once) and the absolute support from all of their friends to the point that they had events without alcohol.
That getting psychiatric help was never truly seen as a weakness or made them any less of a person.
That Naruto primarily topped (I'm sorry I'm just more of a NaruSasu fangirl!) but that he was able to heal enough to bottom, I like the idea of them being able to switch every now and again.
The fact that love doesn't cure all and we hurt people both intentionally and unintentionally because we love Madara made some huge mistakes and was a pretty bad guy but he genuinely loved his family and did what he could to help even though it was illegal, yet he had no problem harming others if it got in the way of those he loved.
Learning and understanding that it is important to know and love yourself before you can fully love another. Having Sasuke leave for a year must have been hard for everyone but separation helped him heal and grow as well as those involved in his story. True relationships (like his relationship with Itachi and Naruto) will survive and become stronger when you take time apart to be your own person.

So first of all thank you, the main point I got from this story was that love doesn't conquer all and even if we love people we must be willing to be strong and independent enough to live without them right next to us. Both Naruto and Sasuke left home where there family and friends were to discover themselves and help find themselves but that distance only made them stronger people. By growing individually for a while they are able to reconnect as healthier people and I simply could not be happier for them!

There were a few times that names got mixed up (I remember fairly early in the story where it said Itachi but it was suppose to be Naruto) but I didn't notice too many errors and that's always so nice because it can be hard to read something that just doesn't read well. I liked the style and set up of everything, it made the read itself nice.

Very nice story, thank you for writing it and sharing it even if it has become difficult for you to write I hope you found joy in it and always feel like any work you choose to do is done for your own enjoyment. Thank you!
bartlettpear chapter 45 . 1/30/2017
I just wanted to say this was an amazing and crazy soap opera and thank you for your perseverance keeping with the story and completing it. I definitely look forward to reading the sequel to see what things have unfolded in those eight years as well as what is coming after. I learned a lot about people and how to be forgiving from your story. Thank you for writing.
yume76 chapter 45 . 9/17/2016
I'm sorry to point this out, but I couldn't help but notice that there are quite a lot of pronoun inconsistencies. Usually that happens when some plagiarizes someone else's work. No writer, even who is not a native English speaker, will make such basic mistakes, which makes me realize that quite a lot of you fanfiction writer's are fakes and not real writers. I'm seriously disappointed in you. You do know that plagiarism is a serious offense, that can land you in jail, right?
Swimfan3588 chapter 10 . 8/2/2016
This is a great piece of work. I applaud you for the complex story line and multidimensional relationships. But most of all, I am extremely impressed you actually finished it! That's a feat that most can't claim, especially after 40 chapters. I'm only 10 chapters in, and I'm really looking forward to following you on this journey.
Guest chapter 44 . 7/11/2016
i have bee aobbing since like 35ish. omg. i tofally love the subplota etc. *criss more*

okay bye now
SakuraMinamino chapter 3 . 11/7/2015
I think you broke my heart. Itachi an asshole (and it doesn't look like it will get better). A really big one at that. If the situation with Gaara and the condoms wasn't so funny, it would be hard for me to read. Granted it would take a major rewrite if you changed it now an I don't expect you to do that. Also, more of that random switch to first person pov in the middle of the story. actually sentences now. So I'm guessing it originally was in first person after all. Also, Sasuke's birthday is in July . . . yeah I'm nitpicking but it would happen to anyone if you watched 4 straight hours of cinema sins.

Still written well despite the errors and definitely funny.
SakuraMinamino chapter 2 . 11/7/2015
Jiraiya's class had me in side stitches. Only problem with this chapter is 1) Rhihanna, and 2) there were multiple places were you had me instead of him. It was like originally it was in first person and was switched to third person and forgot to change it, or you switched randomly to first person. So it should have been Sakura said from behind him (Sasuke), instead of Sakura said from behind me. I counted I think four places where that happened. Great otherwise. It's funny.
SakuraMinamino chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
It's a great start. Very well written, great transitions, and descriptive. The problem plot wise is if it take place in America, you should have probably used English names instead of more Japanese ones for Sasuke's fangirl's at least. Also using Ero-sennin (or was it sensei), just keeps adding to the feel that this is really taking place in Japan and confusing everyone else when you mention driving (since Japanese high school students don't drive) and the only thing really hitting home that it's in America is the history project, so I would try to give the story more Japanese element or eliminate it besides keeping the names obviously.

My own personal problem with the story and that is because of difference of opinions rather than your skill as an author, is why does Itachi have to be an ass? He's such a sweet older brother. Don't get me wrong, I love Itachi teasing and mildly torturing his brother like any big brother should, but I get the feeling he's not really doing it out of sweet brotherly affection given Sasuke's statement that Itachi couldn't care less what he did. Itachi is personally one of my favorite characters and one of the few times I cried in the series when I watched his back story and watched him die (twice cause kishimoto is evil!). So yeah, not on you, just me. Here's hoping he gets better.
DamaruxXxKitsune chapter 10 . 11/2/2015
Hello, your fic was recommended to me and believe me when I say I'd cried at work on this chapter. Im loving it so far, even though it's so heart wrenching but it's awesome. Who doesn't love a little heart string tugging fic.
CryWrecker chapter 5 . 10/22/2015
as a Jewish person I must say I never laughed so hard at my own religion, and I usually hate when it's involved in fanfics, but I love this story so much
god bless you this is amazing
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