A/N: Hello again. So I though that I should add a little extra onto this one shot and make it a two shot. I kinda just wanted to do some writing from Kise's perspective but oh well it let me get more practice in writing lemons~ I hope you enjoy this next morning extra and please please please take the time to review, it means a lot! Also thank you to those who took the time to review/ favourite the first chapter, this one's for you!

Warning: Again, this chapter contains sexual boy x boy content.

The Drunk Pit (Extra) by BelievingUzumaki

Kise awoke the next morning with an abundance of sheets wrapped around his body. His head hurt slightly but I guess that what you get when you gulp down more than four beers in under an hour. This fact had also caused him to questions last night's activities. Everything seemed so fuzzy and unrealistic, but the pain from his backside was an alarming reminder that maybe it all wasn't just a drunken dream.

"nggh" He couldn't help but groan as he sat up in the bed. Slowly, the sheet slipped down the top half of his body and he realized that he was naked. His eyes snapped open in surprise, immediately looking down at himself. The sudden movement and light had caused them to go blurry and so he flung his hands out to steady himself.

After a minute, Kise took a deep breath and vowed never to get this drunk again, his head hurt badly and he was seriously considering drowning himself in the sink. However, before he could do that he came to realize his surroundings. This definitely wasn't his apartment.

Scanning the room quickly, he realized it was incredibly messy. Whoever he had spent the night with obviously wasn't the cleanly type. He felt his cheeks go red at the thought of last night's events. Not only had he had sex, but he had sex with an unknown guy!

Kise has always known that he was gay, but he couldn't help but feel like he had to hide it. His sisters had always teased him about how basketball was a gay sport that surely had gay players in it that he could get with! But this had caused him to feel more embarrassed and so he couldn't even think about telling anyone. What was even more embarrassing was that fact that last night he has imagined this mystery man to be Aominecchi!

His cheeks reddened at the memory and it caused him to shake his head frantically. Had he called out his name during this encounter? Was it the fact that he had hung out with Aominecchi before all of this happened that had caused him to think about the tanned man during the intimate exchange?

He still felt slightly hurt that Aominecchi left him after he made his way to the dance floor, maybe that was why he had imagined the rest of last night's events so clearly. Was the guy he had gotten with so much like Aomine that he had jumped at the chance to get in his pants? Had he also not minded that he had screamed out another man's name?

Kise felt like quietly getting up and slipping out of the apartment, however he wasn't really in a position to do that. Firstly he had no clothes on and he definitely didn't know where his had gone, and secondly his backside hurt almost to the point that he never wanted to move again.

He clenched the sheets tighter in between his hands and shuffled to the edge of the bed, despite his pain he had to leave before the other guy woke up. He definitely couldn't deal with the embarrassment.

Although just as he was about to get up, a strong hand wrapped around his wrist and yanked him backwards onto the mattress. Kise immediately closed his eyes, feeling his blush go from his cheeks all the way down his neck.

"Ah, I'm sorry." He said before the other man could respond. Since his escape plan had been foiled he second plan was to apologize for his actions last night. Better late than never.

"Why are you apologizing idiot?" Kise's eyes popped open and widened immediately. He didn't expect to see this tanned man above him.

"Eh, Aominecchi!" Kise couldn't even speak, so last night wasn't just his imagination it was actually Aominecchi. He couldn't help the wide grin that plastered his face.

"Who else where you expecting?"

"But, I-I, and you" Kise broke off his own sentence as tears slid down his cheeks, he couldn't help it, he was just so happy.

"Why are you crying?"

"I-I thought you left!" Aomine looked genuinely dumbfounded.

"You don't make any sense". Was all he said as he leaned down and kissed the tears away. This made Kise stop crying immediately.

"So, we did have sex last night?" He asked straight out, surprised at the slight blush on Aomine cheeks. It didn't last long though as he replaced it with a smirk.

"I'm offended that you forgot what it feels like to be screwed by me!"

"I-I didn't forget," Kise stuttered, he felt like a deer in headlights, "I was just confused as to whether it was you to begin with." As soon as the words came out he knew he shouldn't have said them. He could see Aomine's smirk shift from one that was cocky to one of a predator.

"Eh~" Kise gulped loudly at Aomine's sudden change. "And who else could it have been? If I remember correctly you were screaming out my name."

Kise was actually speechless; he had a feeling this wasn't going to end well. Or maybe it would end too well. Although before he think anymore about what could happen, Aomine leaned down close to his ear. Feeling his hot breath against his ear made him shudder.

"Maybe I could help you recall last night." Kise knew that the words had a dirty innuendo but for some reason that only turned him on.

Suddenly, Kise felt his body being pulled towards the center of the bed. The sheet had been completely ripped of his body, leaving him feeling bare and exposed. Aomine had him there in no time, letting go of his ankle and appearing above Kise; pushing his shoulders down into the bed.

Obviously Aomine wasn't embarrassed about being naked in front of him, as he had already saddled his waist letting his erection fall on Kise's abdomen. This, coincidently, made Kise gain a harder erection underneath him.

"Let's skip all that other stuff today and just get to the good part." Kise wasn't really sure what all the 'other stuff' was but he definitely knew what the good part meant.

"Ngh." Was the only reply he could muster as Aomine ground their hips together. He leaned down next to the bed and grabbed a bottle of lube from underneath the mattress, quickly squirting some of the clear liquid into his hands. Kise just watched which inquisitive eyes, his body kept in place by Aomine tanned one.

Aomine rubbed his hands together a couple times before bending down and trailing a line of kisses down his chest.

"Ah." Last nights activities had left his skin more sensitive than he had realized.

Going down closer to his erection Aomine then lifted on of Kise's legs and hooked it around his waist. Kise felt his embarrassed blush return as he watched Aomine completely devour him with his eyes.

"Hurry up Aominecchi" He could take it anymore. He knew it was real this time; the need for Aomine to be inside was making his hips ache.

Aomine starred at his face for a second before going back to his lower half, inserting the first finger with ease. Maybe it was because they had done it only a couple of hours ago. However, as he inserted a second finger Kise began to feel the unwelcomed burn that had been evident last night.

Kise closed his eyes tightly, trying to shut out the pain as Aomine began a scissoring motion with his fingers. Despite the pain though, Kise couldn't help but moan at the sensation of having something inside of him again.

Aomine took his moan as a sign that he was comfortable with two fingers and so he inserted another, causing Kise to jolt slightly at the intrusion. The alcohol from last night had obviously blocked out some of the pain, as he did not remember it being so painful. However, after a minute of having Aomine's fingers inside of him Kise couldn't help but want more.

"A-Aominecchi," He couldn't get the rest of his sentence out, his breath had begun to come out in short gasps and he had to grip the sheets between his fingers to make sure he didn't spin out from the anticipation.

Aomine quickly removed his fingers from inside Kise and spread some lube over his bulging erection. Gripping it he placed it at Kise entrance and this almost caused Kise's brain to go completely wild.

Slowly, Aomine entered him, filling him up to the hilt in one quick thrust. Kise pulled him forward, letting his arms wrap around his neck and fingers get tangled in the hair at the nape. Aomine was so large inside him that he found it hard to breathe; however he only needed a short time to adjust. He could feel Aomine twitching inside him and he didn't want to make him wait any longer.

With a faint nod Aomine pulled almost all the way out and then slammed back into him, filling him up all over again. Kise's back arched off the bed and he couldn't help but let his mouth open with a silent scream.

Over and over again Aomine slammed into him, directly hitting his sweet spot and sending stars to blur his vision. He could feel his release building and he knew one more direct hit would send him over the edge. Aomine grunted in his ear, obviously he wasn't far off either.

With that perfect thrust he needed, Kise felt his whole body explode with pleasure. He groaned out Aomine's name over and over again, fingers sliding down and digging into his shoulder blades. Aomine came not long after him, spilling his seed inside of Kise for the second time in 24 hours.

When Aomine laid down upon him Kise couldn't help but let out a dreamy sigh. He let his fingers go back to playing with the dark blue strands of hair and this caused Aomine to look up at him.

Kise placed his hands on each side of his face and brought their lips together, kissing for what felt like the first time in ages. The kiss was tender and neither of them fought for dominance just let their lips fit together perfectly. When they finally ran out of air Aomine pulled back and pulled out of him.

Kise winced however as Aomine lay down beside him and pulled him closer he forgot all about it.

"Did that help you remember?" He felt Aomine's voice vibrate through the tanned chest that was in front of him.

"I don't know Aominecchi," He couldn't help but smirk into the tanned man's chest, "If I remember correctly you said we where going to skip 'the other stuff today'. Does that mean that todays sex is still different than last nights?"

"Ha~ you where the one who wanted it fast. I guess when we do it again later I can do all those other things."

"Later!" He couldn't help but be surprised, if things kept going on like this he would probably never walk again. He felt Aomine chuckle slight before drifting off to sleep and Kise felt his eyes starting to get heavy.

"What have I gotten myself into" was his last thought before he drifted off to sleep like his new lover.