Author has written 7 stories for Haruhi Suzumiya series, Kuroshitsuji, Fire Emblem, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ. As you probably already know, my name is StarFire32. I'm interested in writing my own stories and, coincidentally, love anime/manga so I decided to try my hand at writing some fan fiction. I'm an aspiring author so any comments/criticism would be helpful. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to visit my profile and hopefully you'll read some of my stories as well. Talk to you later. Bye :) Pairing List: 07-Ghost: FrauxTeito Black Butler: FinnyxBard SebastianxCiel Blue Exorcist: BonxRin or RinxBon Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones: SalehxEwan or EwanxSaleh Kuroko No Basuke: KagamixKuroko or KurokoxKagami AominexSakurai or SakuraixAomine (Love this pairing!) KisexKasamatsu or KasamatsuxKise Hetalia: TurkeyxIceland or IcelandxTurkey (OTP!) GermanyxItaly No. 6: NoizumixShion The Melancholy Of Haruhui Suzumiya: KyonxKoizumi or KoizumixKyon Tiger & Bunny: KotetsuxBarnaby or BarnabyxKotetsu Vampire Knight: KanamexHanabusa Currently Writing: (*) "Every Chef Has Their Own Secret Ingredient" (BardxFinny) (*) Learning The Alphabet With Turkey And Iceland! Currently Editing: Stories For The Future (Ideas): |