Title: Cross the Line 1
Rating: M (cursing)
Genre: Romance, Drama
Pairing: 8059 (Yamamoto x Gokudera)
Spoilers: None
Summary: 8059 College fic. Yamamoto and Gokudera end up in the same university as roommates, much to Gokudera's disdain. With conflicting personalities, will this roommate arrangement work out? College life, tension, denial, sap, and silly boys' miscommunication abound.

Author Notes:
a. 8059 all the way :)
b. Going to Otakon, so may not update next week.
c. Kinda written ad-hoc, but I hope you all enjoy :-D.

Chapter 1

He knew he was venting and kicking and screaming drunk, but he continued drinking anyway. He remembered the Tenth, sitting on the barstool next to him, listening and saying that everything was going to be ok. He remembered the Tenth waving goodbye as soon as the idiot he'd been venting about came around to help him go home. He couldn't stand it.

"You!" Gokudera said, jabbing a finger on Yamamoto's chest accusingly. "You're at fault!"

Yamamoto laughed. "Really? You're drunk, Gokudera."

"I know that!" Gokudera snapped. "It's still you're fault!"

Yamamoto responded by smiling amusedly then hoisted the silverette over his shoulder like a sack of rice.

Gokudera screamed. "PUT ME DOWN!" He struggled but his movements were too uncoordinated to have any effect.

"Sorry, I'll take him home before he gets too rowdy." Yamamoto apologized to the restaurant staff.

After Yamamoto stepped out into the cool night, the shorter man gave up his rants and struggles.

"You're an idiot," Gokudera mumbled. "I have an idiot for a roommate. An idiot, idiot, and more idiot…."

"I know, but if I wasn't this much of an idiot, who'd help you get home?"

"I can do it m'shelffff…" the silverette said, struggling not to slur his words.

"Mah, mah. This is what friends are for."

Yamamoto felt Gokudera twitch a little at the comment, but wrote it off as a figment of his imagination. The silverette suddenly became eerily quiet and still. Yamamoto wondered if the man fell asleep.

"Gokudera, are you-?"

"Fuck you," the shorter man bit out.

Yamamoto laughed, but he felt a heavy sting on his chest.


Gokudera woke up with the biggest headache in the world. He half-remembered the events of the evening before, but worst of all, he remembered the idiot taking him home like a giant sack of rice. He resented the fact that, even after graduating high school and getting into the prestigious K University on a Merit Scholarship, he ended up being roommates with Yamamoto Takeshi. Yet again, he could not escape this annoying man.

Yamamoto, on the other hand, seemed quite overjoyed by the fact that they were not only in the same school, but also came in as roommates (per Reborn's registration manipulation). He was happy that he obtained a baseball scholarship at K University, all expenses paid.

There were other guardians spread out all over colleges in the area, but only he, Yamamoto, and Haru were accepted at KU. Gokudera was glad that at least Tsuna attended a nearby college.

Gokudera got up from bed, immediately taking a cigarette to his lips. He made his way by the window, where he often snuck a smoke or two despite the no smoking dorm restrictions.

Right then, Yamamoto came into the room wearing his baseball uniform. Upon seeing the silverette awake, he beamed. "Good afternoon, Gokudera!"

Gokudera ignored him, a gnawing feeling on the back of his head growing. How he hated that killer 100 watt smile.

"Hey, Gokudera, a group and I are going over to Bonsai Grill for dinner later, want to come?"

"Why the hell would I go with you?" Gokudera said, puffing more smoke into his lungs.

"It'll be fun!" Yamamoto went on. "I heard there's great specialty sushi. Oh, and Haru's going to be there too."

The silverette bit down on the cigarette. He turned angrily around. "Look, you idiot. I do NOT want to go with you! Did I even ASK to be around you? This fucking arrangement is a fucking waste."

Yamamoto paused a moment, then gave the nonchalant laugh that made Gokudera's blood boil every time. "It's ok, it's ok. You don't have to go if you don't want to. Haru and I will just walk there together."

Gokudera grabbed the damaged cigarette and stubbed it harshly on the ashtray. He stomped up to the taller man.

"Look, idiot," he said angrily. "I didn't come to this school to be your best friend, ok? I didn't even expect YOU of all people to make it to this place! So stop trying to be all buddy-buddy to me and leave me the fuck alone!"

Yamamoto frowned slightly. "Calm down, Gokudera. I wasn't trying to do anything."

"What part of leave me alone do you not understand? Should be easy for you, considering all you really need is this baseball fanaticism-."

"You know that's not true," Yamamoto cut in, voice lower than the silverette had ever heard.

"Then quit following me around school like we're best friends!" he exclaimed. "You are not my friend. Never have and never will be!"

"You're right, we won't ever be friends," Yamamoto snapped back. His eyes were now blazing bright amber. "I never ever thought of you as a friend, and no matter what I do, no matter what I say, I can't EVER think of you as a friend!"


The taller man moved with lightning speed. Gokudera didn't even know what was going on until he felt a solid shove on his chest, and the tight grip on his left wrist. His back hit his dorm mattress hard as he felt a heavy body over him. His sea-green eyes widened in shock as his lips were covered harshly in a rough kiss. A surprisingly languid tongue was forced inside a virginal mouth, reaching deeper and deeper down the hot crevice, then swiftly feeling its way up the smooth palette.

Gokudera didn't know what to do. He couldn't hear himself think because his heart was thumping loudly against his ears. His mind flew in all directions, and his body could only respond by instinct. He arched his back when the hot tongue went deeper again. His mind was getting fuzzy with this strange, alarming feeling of pleasure. His hands instinctively snaked around the other man's neck, and then ran one hand through silky black strands of hair.

Suddenly, he felt the taller man pull back. Yamamoto quickly backed up to the other edge of the bed, his face flushed with one hand covering his lips. He looked uncharacteristically frazzled, hair sticking out in random directions and cursing silently to himself.

They both sat quietly for a moment, confused and surprised.

Gokudera wanted to say something, but was perplexed at how his mouth was so sensitive and swollen.

"You're…. right." Yamamoto slowly said. He ran a hand through his dark hair. "Ok, Gokudera. You are right…" He got up from the edge of the bed and grabbed a marker from a nearby table.

"What are you…?"

"I agree that we both should leave each other be," Yamamoto explained. He drew a line on the floor, cutting the room in half. "I promise I won't bug you anymore." He smiled weakly at the silverette, yet his eyes were expecting a response of agreement.

Gokudera thought that it was the most idiotic and childish gesture to draw a line as indication of their agreement. Not only that, but the idiot just kissed him and now he's talking about not crossing some dumb line? His insides gnawed in irritation. Nevertheless, at least Yamamoto was finally agreeing with him that it's best if they both left each other alone for good. Right now, the silverette did not want to have anything to do with Yamamoto, good kisser or not.

Gokudera grabbed another cigarette from his pocket and turned away. "Fine," he grumbled. "Don't you fucking cross that line, or I'll kill you."

- end of chapter-