Frozen: Fissure

Aomine shivered. It was much colder than he'd realized here, and the train was taking forever.

"I told you we should have taken the F train," Kagami told him angrily.

"Isn't this F?" Aomine stared at the map looking hard.

"No! That's E idiot." He snatched the map from Ao and ran his hand down the orange F line that ran into Manhattan.

"Here," Kuroko pointed on the map between them. They both jumped back when Kuroko appeared suddenly.

"Jesus!" Kagami held his head. "Don't apparate!" He looked around conspicuously. "New York is scary." He scrunched his thick brows and moved closer to the other two men. "What time is this happening?" Kagami asked Aomine.

"I think 8." It was already 7 and dark outside. Everyone on the terminal could tell they were tourist, especially since Aomine kept complaining about the smell and the cold. The air was freezing his face, and he felt particularly disgruntled that the subway system was so complex. He was released from the hospital a few days after the injury. The staples did not hurt unless touched, and Aomine decided to cut his blue hair low to diminish the awkwardness of the shaved spot on his head.

"We should get there on time," Kagami replied. Just as Aomine was about to complain about the cold again, the train came roaring down the track.

Actually the show started at 7. Kise felt anxious, and was having trouble hiding it on his flushed face. Hosting was familiar, but never to such an enormous crowd.

"Are you alright?" Yamato asked him for the fourth time. He seemed more nervous than Kise was. Kise nodded and sipped his hot chocolate looking over the sea of smiling faces. Children, men and women, old and young. Kise could admit he'd never seen so many people in one place before.

"This is amazing," Kise whispered to no one. It felt unreal sitting and waiting to speak to these people as the master of ceremonies. The job was the result of an advantageous delay. The A-list star could not make it due to the weather in Norway where they were vacationing. He could not get a flight out in time to arrive in New York safely. Nakamura, who'd put unsubtle effort into keeping Kise acting, recommended Kise to his broadcasting friend in New York. That is how Kise found himself hosting for the Rockefeller tree lighting.

"You're on in 5 Kise." He could not feel sad with so much joyful energy around him. Babies squealing from happiness, and he even saw carolers in the audience. It was magnificent and it reminded him of the small festival in Yoyogi park. Aomine would set fireworks and harrass their friends. Those memories seemed so long ago, he thought sipping more of the cocoa. Aomine was so young and reckless back then, Kise never realized how much the man truly changed. Aomine was lazy, arrogant, and stubborn as a teenager, but Kise had to admit he'd grown into a half way decent man.

"Kise!" Yamato whispered. Kise unwrapped the blanket from his shimmering red blazer and stood up grinning.

"Yes!" Kise boomed walking to the side stage. Even if they never spent another Christmas together, he was lucky to know Aomine for as long as he did. To spend their holiday together. Making love, eating chocolate and raising hell at the Department Ball. Memories he could save forever...

"Welcome! To the 2014 Christmas Tree Lighting At Rockefeller!" Kise exclaimed loudly. The crowd exploded into applause and Kise held his ear teasing them to get louder. Even if he never saw Aomine again...

The show was flawless. He read the teleprompter easily and even took cue when one of the dancing Santa's boots flew as he high kicked off the stage. The crowd roared into laughter and Kise smirked wickedly tossing it back to him.

"Are you ready!" Kise yelled to the crowd when it was time to light the tree. They all screamed and cheered back. Kise shook his head and asked again. "ARE YOU READY?!" He asked louder. The crowd cheered again, but this time he heard a low grumbling voice shout in English. "No!" At the back of the crowd. The crowd was actually parting as the figure swam through.

Kise put his hand over his eyes as a shield from the blinding stage lights. He chuckled watching the large man bolster through and shouting frantically. "Marry me!"

Kise looked over to the producer who motioned for him to play along. There was someone sent down into the audience who moved through to give the unknown face a microphone to speak into.

"It would help to know who you're proposing to." Kise and the crowd laughed loudly but the man's deep voice carried through. Visibly people were turning their heads to see where the voice was coming from.

"Marry me!"

Kise's heart raced for some reason. The broken accented English sounded so familiar, but he knew that was his own subconscious deceiving him.

"Alright I'll marry you then," Kise chuckled. "But I'll warn you I can't boil an egg, and I don't know how to do laundry." The crowd whooped.

"Kise Ryouta." His heart stopped

Kise's name echoed in the center filled with thousands. He heard the low baritone on the microphone from the crowd which grew eerily silent. "Kise, the love of my life Ryouta." Kise would have fainted, if the cold air was not whirring against his beet face. The producer was waving furiously to get a spotlight on the voice shrouded in darkness."Kise, the man I fell in love with, the day I met him at the Dean's office of Teiko Middle School." Kise felt his heart racing out of control. So fast and hard he thought he would die. This is not real... He swallowed, and held his hand to mouth. This is a dream… Kise took visible steps back as if he was about to run.

That is not Aomine's voice.

But his heart soared knowing that it was. He could never mistake that voice, calling his name like that.

This is a dream...

The stage crew shone the white light on the tall man standing in the center of the crowd and holding the mic to his lips speaking painful English. "Marry me," Aomine repeated staring fully upright.

The air in Kise's lungs abandoned him. If he could breathe he would have cried. If he could talk he would have yelled. Instead he could only watch as Aomine made his way through the crowd getting up on stage.

"This is not real," Kise whispered seeing the 6'6 man in front of him. There was no way, and he would not believe it. "What is this…"

Aomine held Kise's face in his gloved hands. The smoke from his breath the frigid cold air. The beaming grin on his ex-lover's face. Kise reached out with his bare hand and touched his cheek. The tangible skin, the warmth of him. "Aomine I-"

Aomine grabbed the back of Kise' head and pulled him into a deep kiss. Kise's heart melted in his heated body. "Aomine," he whimpered when Ao pulled their lips apart. Aomine grabbed him again licking against his tongue and Kise closed his eyes drowning. Ao's warmth sucking and flicking quickly. "Ha," he panted collapsing into Aomine's arms.

"Say yes," Aomine whispered, holding Kise's weak frame up. He felt dazed. In limbo on a cloud to nowhere. Kise closed his eyes and nodded. His body shaking and his eyes watering again.

"Yes," he breathed kissing Aomine's lips gently. Tears formed in the corner of his smiling eyes.

Yamato was screaming on the side of the stage, but drowned out by hundreds of cheers from the crowd.

"Light it!" The producer told the crew. The tree's lights left them both gaping in awe. The fireworks started shortly afterward and all the couples in the audience beckoned their partners into a kiss. Kise looked over to see Kuroko and Kagami on the side of the stage embraced in a rather aggressive, on Kuroko's side, style kiss. Kagami's face was literally the color of his hair.

"I'm fired," Kise yelled through the screams laughing. His heart felt as though it'd been freed from chains, and his body felt aerial, floating in the freezing wind.

"Me too," Aomine yelled back, though he was grinning widely.

Kise widened his eyes surprised, but then kissed Aomine fully. "Then start from the bottom again," Kise whispered in Aomine's ear. Aomine lifted Kise by his ass off the ground and squeezed him tightly. Kise cackled hearing the bang of the fireworks and the colors bursting around them.

My love…

Kise closed his eyes. If it was a dream he wanted to die and sleep forever.


"Kise…" Kise wrapped his arms around Aomine's neck gripping him tightly. "You'll see me in two weeks." Aomine kissed his pink lips lightly. They stood in the airport terminal waiting for Aomine's flight back to Tokyo.

"I know but-" Kise licked his lip. "It's too long to wait." After the tree lighting the two of them stayed in the Rockefeller hotel for a week "catching up." Aomine was particularly eager.

Aomine stared at Kise and touched his cheek."Still haven't had enough?"

Kise blushed dark red and turned his face away. "It's'll be gone and-" Kise grabbed Aomine's shirt pulling him and whispering in his ear. "We didn't have good-bye sex." He licked inside of Aomine's ear and breathed lightly.

Aomine instantly jolted and held Kise's shoulders squeezing them. "You're being...unusually open." Aomine swallowed hard and looked around for Kagami and Kuroko. They were in line grabbing lunch before the plane arrived. How much time…. He looked at the departing and arrived monitor and saw he had about 45 minutes before their flight came in. Aomine clenched his jaw. 45 minutes….

Aomine pulled Kise's hand suddenly and led him past the food stands. "We'll be right back," Aomine mumbled lowly to Kagami.

"Hello?" Aomine called in the bathroom. The stalls looked empty, but he wanted to double-check. "Come on," Aomine told Kise pulling him into the handicapped stall. He immediately unbuckled his pants when Kise grabbed his wrist.

"W-what are you doing?" Kise asked whispering.

Aomine pushed Kise against the stall door pressing his chest against his. "You're forgetting what you just said." Aomine held Kise's face and kissed his lips licking.

"I'm not it's just-" Kise breathed with his face flushed. "Aomine what if someone comes in here."

Aomine licked Kise's ear feeling him shudder. "Then you have to be quiet Ryouta…"

Kise bit his lip widening his eyes. He panted and clamped his hand over his mouth. Aomine turned him with his stomach to the bathroom door. "This- this is a bad idea," Kise whimpered. Aomine was not listening. He was already excited from the danger.

"Shhh," Aomine reached to Kise's front and unbuckled his pants. Kise's belt clinked as Aomine slid his underwear down. Aomine rubbed the front of his briefs as Kise's erection bulged through. "You're hard." Aomine whispered in a husky baritone.

Kise clenched his eyes and gasped. "It's because…" His ears reddened.

"We've never done this before," Aomine pulled out his cock from the opening in his underwear. "Is being in public turning you on?"

"No!" Kise furrowed his brow. He said no but his cock surged when Aomine teased him.

"Liar," Aomine chuckled darkly and smirked stroking him.

"Hah-" Kise panted and held the door to steady himself. Aomine felt his own cock aching despite thoroughly exhausting himself that week. He unzipped his pants and pulled off Kise's cock to roll down his pants.

He grabbed his wallet with condoms inside."Shit," he grunted irritably. He held the condom in his hand sighing. "I just realized we don't have anything…" All the build up for nothing.

"Just-" Kise bit his lip. "It should be ok with the condom. It's lubed right?" Aomine raised his eyebrow. Moments before Kise was protesting and now he was telling him to go in dry. Kise caught his blue eye and turned his face looking mortified. "Aomine hurry before someone comes."

Aomine's heart was racing. He'd never seen Kise so eager and willing. He swallowed hard nodding and ripped open the condom with his teeth letting the paper fall to tile.

"It's- gonna be tight ok?" Aomine's voice hummed against Kise's ear. Kise nodded closing his eyes and Aomine pushed in slowly spreading Kise's ass hole.

"Fu-" Kise held his mouth and tears immediately formed. He tightened and Aomine pushed against him.

"Kise, you're too tight relax," he grunted sliding farther in barely. Kise nodded again and spread his legs to allow Ao to enter more. Aomine thrusted up and felt Kise loosen when he finally slid in. "Shit," Aomine breathed. He reached around to Kise's front again and begin stroking.

"Mmm…" Kise, moaned lowly. "Aomine hurry up and move." Kise pushed against him and his belt jingled as he shifted his spread legs.

Hurry. The word did something to Aomine. He bent him completely over making Kise reach his toes, and grabbed his waist with both hands. Aomine thrusted in and out quickly hearing the belt scrape against the floor tiles with each pound.

"Hnn-" Kise strained moans echoed. Aomine's forehead was sweating from the many layers of clothes he still wore. He could see Kise arm working in rhythm of his quickening thrust.


The bathroom door opened and the two men froze.

Kise tried to stand but Aomine pushed his head towards the ground. Kise held his hand over his mouth to quiet his panting.

"Yea, there's a delay so I'll be home a bit late." A man's voice said in English.

Aomine was breathing hard. Kise's flushed back and exposed ass wrapped around him. The view made his dark cock twitch inside Kise's stretched hole. He slowly pushed the tip of his cock to the spot Kise loved it the most. Kise shuddered and his entire back broke to goosebumps. He whimpered through his covered mouth. Aomine smirked and humped again, pulling Kise's waist back against him. The same moan escaped his fiancé, and Aomine swallowed feeling Kise tightening around him.

"Ok well I'll see you soon," the man's voice finally said. He washed his hands. Aomine felt the pressure in his cock mounting. Kise's eyes closed and dazed with his fingertips touching the floor for balance. When Aomine heard the door open and close, he immediately slapped hard into Kise's ass.

"Ahhh!" Kise screamed sucking Aomine in more. "Nngh," Kise groaned and wrapped his hands in back spreading his hole for Aomine to fuck. "I'm close so please.." Kise whined with tears in his eyes.

Aomine breathed deeply and rammed into him hearing his ass cheeks slap against his thighs. "There?" He asked in gruff whisper when Kise moaned again.

"Yah- right there,"Kise closed his eyes, drowning in his climax."Ahhh-!" So gone that he was too mesmerized to catch the cum in his hand.

Aomine saw his lover's cum squirting to the floor, and lost it completely. "Hah-" His groin tightened and released into the wet condom clinging to his cock. He caught Kise and himself from falling, leaning against the bathroom stall door. "Damn," Aomine whispered. He rested his in Kise's neck, covered in cum and sweat.

Aomine sat in the shade underneath a large tree brooding. He could hear the rest of the group laughing and socializing happily without him. Kise paid attention to the baby all day, and Aomine was feeling neglected. After he came home from New York, he went to work to apologize to his commander. In an act of valiance, Imayoshi went to the commander and admitted his part in the altercation. The commander accepted Aomine's reinstatement readily and promised Aomine his job as long as he swore not to sue the department. Three years passed since they'd gotten back together, and they were happier than ever. Kise came back to Tokyo and opened a chain of Karaoke bars which suited him well. Initially everyone came for his celebrity swag, but eventually the ambience and chic style of the bars made even more people interested. Kise still acted, but decided television was better suited for his "married life." After the break-up they discovered most of their problems had to do with their lack of communication, so they focused on talking more about their problems. However, Aomine looked over at Kise who was bouncing the coral headed toddler on his leg.

"Su-chan!" Momoi called. The boy ran away from the party. Aomine saw him running and tripped him just as he passed. Su-chan stood up and growled, staring at Ao with tears in his eyes.

Aomine stared back dully. "What are you whining about?" He asked leaning his head back against the tree.

"Nothing," Su-chan wiped the dirt from his face seething.

"Why are you crying like a brat then?"

Su-chan growled again and turned away. "I'm not crying." He stomped over to Aomine and laid his back against the tree trunk crossing his arms. "Everyone is paying attention to Aya-chan, no one is listening to the awesome thing I did in school yesterday."

Aomine yawned. "Yea, they're all cooing over her aren't they." Kise was holding the two-year old on his lap ignoring Su-chan and Aomine's mutinous stares.

"Why is everyone paying attention to her?" The boy asked pouting. His flaming coral hair stuck out quite noticeably on the green grass.

"Well," Aomine leaned on his elbow. "Since she's with Kise, it's probably his gravitational sparkle making Aya look cuter."

Su-chan stared at him incredulously, and then covered his mouth laughing out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Aomine frowned.

"Ahahahahaha, you think Uncle Kise is making Aya-chan look cuter? You're really slow huh?"

"You little brat!" Aomine grabbed him standing up and tossed Suichi over his shoulder. Aomine began walking back over to the crowd. "What happened at school then?"

"I totally shot a basketball over my shoulder and it landed into the basket!"

"Oh? Mom teaching you how to play?"

Su-chan nodded. "She is but it's hard because Aya-chan is always ruining everything. And Papa too, but it's…" Su-chan widened his eyes terrified. "It's scary playing with Papa."

Aomine chuckled and flipped his nephew off his neck to his feet. Akashi did have a menacing aura that would probably intimidate a child learning to play, even if he was Suichi's father. "How about me then?"

"You?" Su-chan titled his head.

"I'll teach you to play. I'm awesome." Aomine smirked.

"Hmm…." Su-chan considered putting his hand on his chin. "Maybe I should ask Uncle Kise…" Suichi grinned mischievously.

"Oi! I'm way better than him!" Aomine blurted out. Kise turned on the bench and looked over at them raising his brow.

"What was that Daiki?"

Aomine smiled turning towards Kise. "I said I'm way better than you! Even with this leg I'd still whoop you."

Kise frowned and stood up handing the baby to Su-chan. "You think so eh?" He smirked. "Who was it winded from running after Aya earlier."

"That's different." Aomine replied with his eye twitching. "Me and you. One on one!" Su-chan's eyes lit up greedily.

"Are you done sulking for the day then?" Takao asked standing. "I want to play too."

"I wasn't sulking," Aomine replied crossing his arms.

"I'm in," Midorima said standing. "Aomine can't win without me." Aomine turned, his face a mix of indignation and appreciation.

"Then I guess I'm playing," Kagami jumped up grinning.

"Kuroko's on our team!" Aomine demanded.

"Oi! Who decided that!" Kagami yelled.

"I'll be on Aomine-Kun's team," Kuroko appeared in between the five men suddenly making them all step back startled.

Akashi leered from the grill holding the pitchfork like utensil in his hand. "I think those teams work best," he replied smiling. Kagami scoffed and grabbed a burger off his plate. Momoi picked up Aya-chan and told Suichi to get the basketball.

"Well it makes sense that Midorima-kun, Aomine-kun and I are on the same team," Kuroko continued.

"Ahh? Why's that?" Kagami asked with his mouth hanging open.

"It's because you," he pointed to Kagami. "You," He pointed to Kise. "And you," he pointed to Takao. "You guys are the cats."

"Kuh-!"Kagami wheezed, choking on his burger holding his throat. He stared at Aomine with wide eyes flushing. Aomine barked laughing as Kise yelled. "Kurokocchici!" and Moimoi sniggered covering her mouth. Takao shrugged non-pulsed.

"Cats versus Dogs!" Aomine exclaimed still laughing loudly.

"I'm not a cat!" Kagami whined.

"Prove it!" Aomine jeered throwing him the ball.

"We'll prove it!" Kise sneered. "And then when we win you'll be the-" He blushed looking down at Su who was staring intensely. "You'll be the cat." He finished clearing his throat.

The game was heated, not only because of the sun, but because of the stakes. Aomine had no intention of bottoming, and he also wanted to show Su-chan that he was the better uncle for teaching basketball.

"Midorima," Aomine called jumping to grab the ball out of the air. He dribbled the ball around and through his legs praying that his ankle would hold against Kagami's defense.

"Getting old Aomine," Kagami smirked and went for the ball but Aomine was too fast. He jerked and passed it to Kuroko who swiftly passed it to Midorima.

Swish. The perfect three landed into the basketball. "Game point," Aomine smirked.

Kise caught the rebound and ran back to the other side. He looked particularly focused, even running in his soft loafers. Takao was on Kuroko with his hawk eye.

Kise went to the basket and Kagami was with him defending the hoop. "Kise!" He turned to see Aomine in back of him with his hand wrapping around the front of him to steal the ball. Kise elbowed his husband in the chest hard to escape the defense and he threw the ball to Kagami who slammed the ball in the basket dramatically.

"SLAM-DUNK!" Kagami yelled in English. He grinned so hard his face reddened. Aomine was picking himself up off the ground after Kise's assault.

"Foul!" Aomine screamed, and Kagami burst into laughter.

"Can't take a hit from a little kitty?" Even though he was teasing Aomine, it was clear he was not comfortable on "Team Cat".

Aomine stood up and grabbed the ball from Kise. "What kind of dirty trick was that?" He asked fuming.

Kise chuckled and grabbed Aomine's shirt tightly. He wrapped his arms around Aomine's neck and moved in like he was about to kiss him. "Take your free shot lover," Kise winked and slapped Aomine's ass hard. Aomine blushed and swallowed unwrapping Kise's arms.

"Don't get handsy."He squeezed the basketball and stood at the free throw line. "I can do this easily," he thought. With this shot he could secure the fate of his ass. As soon as he was about to shoot Kise yelled "I'm moving to Brazil!" Aomine turned mid shot and the ball flew through the air. "Shit…" he watched as it hit the backboard and circled around the rim.

"Shit...shit..shit.." Aomine's eyes widened. It looked like it wasn't going to go in….


The ball fell the hoop and Aomine heard it bounce on the pavement. "Holy fuck," he panted bowling over.

"Ha-ha," Kise came over to him and rested his head on his shoulder.

"You're not going to Brazil." Aomine mumbled sternly wiping his forehead with his shirt.

"Of course not," Kise replied surprised. "I could never leave my baby." Aomine frowned his face. So he did care more about Aya than him. He pouted and Kise grabbed his arm turning him. "Why are you sulking?"

"I'm not," Aomine frowned looking away intentionally.

"I could never leave you alone," Kise kissed his lips. "Who knows what trouble you'd get into."

Aomine cut his eye suspiciously. "You only want to stay near Aya-chan," he declared.

"What are you saying Aho…" Kise whispered against his ear. "You're the biggest baby here."

And that is it! Done! Finished! *whoops loudly* So I hope you guys enjoyed the ending, I so enjoyed writing this. You have no idea how much fun this has been, and also how much I've grown to love this little story. Aokise forever. Thank you so much for your reviews and for sticking with me, even through the really shitty cliff hangers and angst. I really appreciate it.

I imagine Aomine and Sayuri are besties now lol. Maybe surrogate in the future? She has no children. *shrugs* maybe there's a one-shot in the future, but for now, this is a wrap. Thank you again!

Enjoyed this story? Want to read more of my work? I am currently writing a novel called The Straight Line due to release summer 2014. Feel free to stop by on Facebook. Search "The Straight Line", and see what's brewing!