Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the characters.

Chapter 19: The Clans Unite

Guys, I am so sorry this fic took forever to complete. To be honest, I totally lost motivation and have had a hard time with writers block. I don't really know how many fics I'm really willing to dish out and want to move on from fan fiction and start writing real stories for purchase. I pushed myself to finish this for you cause I really hate leaving things half finished. I hope you like the final outcome now that you know why everyone hates Naruto! Thank you!

Sasuke walked back to blue dorm, trying to take measured breaths as he did. The cool air did wonders to calm his racing heart. In his mind as he passed other students, he was trying to figure out what he was going to say to his brother, how he was going to handle this, but also, trying to work around the truth about what his older brother was and had done to him.

He was a manipulator, pure and simple.

Saske didn't want to admit that he was blind to it, but it suddenly made sense, why Itachi didn't like him hanging around Naruto, how his brother was able to keep tabs on him and how he had already know events before Sasuke did...He couldn't believe that Itachi was so capable of controlling his every move like that. Sasuke was starting to wonder if any decision he had ever made was one he had done himself, or if it was all Itachi's doing. Either way, the raven was about to have one of the hardest conversations of his life.

Itachi paced his office and waited for his phone to ring. He couldn't give int o Adachi's demands but he couldn't let the maniac keep his brother hostage. He contemplated calling the school board. Neji watched him worriedly from his stance by the desk, his pale eyes held lines of strain under them.

"What are you going to tell them?" he asked the raven. Itachi threw his hands in the air.

"I have no idea! Do I say...My brother is being held hostage by a pissed off brother of an ex-student and unless you bring back scholarship records that don't exist, something might happen to Sasuke? This is impossible! Worse, if they catch wind this is because of me not being able to control Uzumaki, who knows what action they will take! God dammit!" Itachi yelled, picking up the mug from his desk and throwing it against the wall. It shattered loudly and Neji flinched as the steaming liquid ran down the expensive wallpaper. A few moments later, a knock came to the door. Itachi's head whirled so fast toward it that his hair flew out of it's tie. The door opened and a familiar pink-haired girl came through. Deidara came running up behind her, breathing rapidly.

"I'm sorry un! I tried to stop her!" he said in a panic. Itachi narrowed his eyes at both of them and turned his back on the girl.

"I don't have time for you right now! I have a crisis girl!" he growled out. Sakura however, wasn't deterred by his attitude in the slightest.

"Oh no you dont't! You have been avoiding my phone calls! I want what was promised to me Itachi-kun! I kissed that nasty blond idiot! Now are you going to own up or not?" She yelled at him. Itachi took deep breaths and turned to face her, the look on his face almost had made her back up a few steps.

"Sakura, for the love of God and all that is holy...If you don't leave this office right now, I will put in a formal request to have you kicked out of this academy! Understand?" he hissed through his teeth. The girl's eyes widened and for a moment held a bit of hurt in them.

"You said that if I kissed Uzumaki, that we could finally go out! It's not fair! I did everything you asked me to, I've done everything you said to do to get Naruto and Sasuke to break up!" she screamed, stomping her foo like a child. Itachi sneered at her.

"And believe me, it was the only useful thing for someone like you to do! Isn't it obvious that I lied? Like hell I would ever go out with a selfish, narrow minded, dim-witted, middle class, poser that does nothing but flip her hair and make other girls do her homework for her! As far as I'm concerned, Sakura Haruno, the only reason you are here, is because your mother slept with one of the application processors, which I know full well, according to my sources, is true!" he yelled back at her. Sakura went very pale. Her mouth fell open and her green eyes started to mist over. Itachi's own eyes didn't dim down from the bite inside them as he looked over to Neji.

"Get her out of my sight. I have bigger problems right now then dealing with a empty-headed bimbo!" he hissed. Neji remained silent but he looked like he was disappointed with his sempai. He made to walk toward Sakura when the girl suddenly spoke.

"I wonder what Sasuke-kun would say if he discovered how you told me to break him and Naruto up?" she said quietly. Itaci turned toward her again.

"Excuse me girl?" he said in anger. Sakura suddenly looked like the cat with the canary.

"If Sasuke found out that his older brother had been manipulating him the whole time he was here, in order to make him break up with Uzumaki...I wonder if he would ever trust you again? He wouldn't ever listen to you, trust you, and he would find out that you are the one who caused him nothing but heart-ache and sadness? That you're the reason he hasn't smiled or laughed for the past few weeks because you set him up for heart break? I bet he would simply love to see his precious nii-san in a whole new light," she smirked, crossing her arms. Itachi clenched his teeth so hard, he could almost swear he felt them crack a little bit. Before he could approach the girl, a new voice rang out.

"That won't be necessary."

Everyone looked toward the door and stopped dead. Sasuke stood there, wearing his winter coat, fresh snow still clinging to his boots. He simply stared past Sakura's shoulder into his older brother's eyes. Itachi's anger suddenly melted from his face and instead a panicked shock took over. Neji's throat worked as he suddenly felt his tongue go very dry.

"Sasuke...Sasuke! Are you okay?" Itachi gasped out, walking swiftly toward him. Sakura too kept silent as she simply stared at Sasuke. Before Itachi could approach him, Sasuke calmly avoided his open arms and walked up to Sakura. The boy's face was deadly calm as he observed the girl.

"Itachi told you to kiss Naruto, and for me to see it?" he asked her. Sakura, put on the spot, simply nodded.

"Y-yes, he did," she whimpered. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and gave his own version of the famous Uchiha glare. He leaned close to her face and spoke solely to her.

"You ever kiss my boy friend again, I will personally toss you out of the third floor of the girls dormitory, understand me? Naruto Uzumkai's lips, belong to me, got that, bitch?" he hissed into her face. Sakura felt her whole body shaking as she nodded as fast as she could before biting her bottom lip.

"Y-yes...I'm...I'm s-sorry Sasuke-kun. I won't do it again!" she stuttered out. With that she could care less about Itachi any more. She skidded around all of them and ran out of the room, her pink hair flying behind her. Itachi took calm even breaths. Processing what Sasuke had said to Sakura.

Boy friend? Uzumaki?

Itachi approached Sasuke who had not yet turned to face him. He needed to control this situation and fast before it turned worse between them.

"Sasuke...Listen to me. I didn't want..." he began.

"You're a monster," Sasuke suddenly said quietly to them all. Neji, Deidara and Itachi all blanched at what Sasuke had said. The boy turned to both Neji and Deidara, looking at them both deeply.

"Did you both know what Itachi was doing? That he was trying to control me the whole time?" he asked them. Neji, ashamed, looked down at the floor. Deidara played with his hair and looked like he was ready to sink into the floor.

"Sasuke, we didn't-It wasn't that..." Neji began, trying to find the words.

"Shut up sempai," Sasuke hissed in interruption. Neji went stiff at the tone but a moment later Sasuke's features melted into sadness.

"I thought you were my friends...But I guess Blue Dorm doesn't know the meaning of friendship. Out of all the people in Blue Dorm I could trust, I would of thought that it would have been the adults. I honestly believed in both of you, but in the end your both nothing but a pair of cold-hearted puppets. I'm...I'm so disappointed, in both of you," he said quietly to them. Deidara by the door started crying and Neji could only stare at him in desperation. Sasuke looked deeply into Neji's eyes and frowned.

"I think both of you need to leave. I need to have a private chat with my brother," the little raven dismissed. Like dogs with their tales dragging, Neji and Deidara quietly walked away with bowed heads. As Neji passed by Sasuke, he could only whisper to him quietly.

"I'm sorry Sasuke, I never mean't to hurt you," was all he could say. The boy ignored him and Neji took it as a dismissal.

When the door to the large room shut behind both of them, did Sasuke finally turn to face his brother. Itachi flinched backward from the massive glare that came his way. He had never seen such a scathing look on someone's face, let alone his cute little brother. He didn't know whether to be proud, or scared for his life. Itachi was about to speak when Sasuke beat him to it.

"Do you think there is anything you can say to me right now that is going to justify what I'm really thinking about you at this very moment?" his little brother said. Itachi swallowed his saliva and took deep measured breaths.

"It was for your own good," was all he could think of to say. Instead of saying something, Sasuke only barked out a small laugh, needless to say, it took Itachi by surprise.

"My own good. My own good? Is that all you can say after what you did to me!" Sasuke screamed. The boy's voice echoed around the room and Itachi had no doubt that everyone in the dorm could hear them right now.

"Sasuke, lets sit down so I can talk to you," Itachi tried to placid. Sasuke though, wasn't having it. He crossed his arms and shook his head.

"No, I want everyone to hear, how much of a manipulative, sleazy, greasy, underhanded, back stabbing, dictator of an older brother you really are! What kind of a piece of garbage, goes around, making people feel like shit simply because of how much money...or the color of their uniform a person has! Only pin-headed bigots think like that Itachi! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Sasuke screamed, throwing his hands in the air. Itachi nearly choked at Sasuke's language. He could feel the heat pouring off of Sasuke and his own heart threatening to jump from his chest. His own body shook as he rushed to explain himself. Instead, Itachi let his anger get to him, his adrenaline rush from earlier returning.

"Watch your language Sasuke. Now sit down," he ordered the younger, pointing at his desk.

"Make me Itachi, make me fucking sit down," Sasuke hissed at him, baring his teeth, and putting his hands on his hips. Itachi's mouth fell open as his hands shook harder.

"Don't you dare talk to me that way, I'm your older brother and you will respect me. Our mother raised you better than that," Itachi was starting to boil up inside himself.

"Yeah, well I'm pretty sure she didn't raise you to be a scumbag, or raise me to respect a scumbag," the boy countered snidely. Itachi marched forward with all the intent to grab Sasuke and drag him to the desk and force him to listen and then a swift grounding to be placed. If it was one thing Itachi wouldn't stand from Sasuke, it was the disrespect and name calling going on right now. Sasuke avoided his touch and instead raised a fist to his brother's face.

"Try it and see which one of us leaves here with a broken nose. You know right now I'm not to be messed with," he threatened. Itachi didn't heed his words and made to grab at his arm.

"Don't threaten me, little brother, your making this harder on yourself. Get over here now!" Itachi hissed. Itachi grabbed Sasuke's upper arm in an iron grip and started dragging him toward the desk chair.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" the boy screamed, breaking the hold and making a swing at his brother's face. Itachi froze in place as his litttle brother grazed his face with his fist as Sasuke backed away from him.

"I never want you to touch me again Itachi. You lied to me! You lied to me about everything! From the moment I stepped off that bus...You chose my friends, my classes, how I need to think and feel! Everything! What am I to you? A TOY?" Sasuke screamed at him. Itachi's anger melted as Sasuke's face crumbled into pain and anguish. The boy continued to scream at him.

"Did you have fun? Sending your friends to spy on me? To report back to you about every move I made? Every person I tried to hang out with? Did you get off on it Itachi? The power it gave you over me? Do you even care about me, or it it about cleaning up after yourself?" Sasuke asked him, crying now. Itachi couldn't get the words out around his throat that was starting to close up. The utter look of Sasuke's anguish and words were causing his own eyes to mist over. He could never stand to see Sasuke cry, and for the past few weeks that's all he had made Sasuke do is cry.

"You don't understand. All I wanted for you...All I ever wanted to see you do is succeed! I never meant to hurt you! I thought if I just got you away from Naruto, you would understand how he was no good for you! That he is just someone who only wanted to use you! You don't know what he has done Sasuke, how many people he has hurt! What he did to our reputation!" Itachi shouted back. Sasuke shook his head and looked at the floor.

"I know all that now. Naruto told me everything, how he broke into the office, tried to change his grades...About how you were supposed to be watching him and got blamed too. He told me everything Itachi, everything you should have told me from day one," the boy said quietly. Itachi's mouth snapped closed and he stared wide eyed at Sasuke.

Everything? He knows everything?

"He told you?" Itachi whispered. Sasuke nodded and raised his head. Itachi's eyes turned dark.

"And you still trust him? You still love that fool?" Itachi hissed at him. Sasuke held his gaze evenly.

"It's a lot to take it, but Naruto is sorry for what he did. It will take time, but I want him to earn that trust. I want to trust him now that I know the truth," the boy told him.

The older boy threw his hands up and rolled his eyes.

"I didn't take you for naive idiot Sasuke!" Itachi said before he could stop himself. Sasuke flinched but his gaze remained unwavering.

"I'd rather be an idiot than a liar," he told his brother. Itachi shook his head and looked to the far wall. The silence was deafening. Neither boy knew how to fix this.

"You need to apologize to one another before I can forgive you Itachi," Sasuke suddenly said. Itachi's head whipped toward him.

"Excuse me?" he hissed. Sasuke's demeanor didn't change.

"If any of this is going to be fixed. You both need to look one another in the eye and apologize for what you have been doing to each other. Him for pulling pranks, being sorry about all the scholarships he lost, and you for making him pay for it everyday and sending jocks to beat him up," Sasuke said quietly. Itachi's body stiffened at that last sentence.

"He told you that?" he asked. Sasuke nodded and looked him in the eye.

"I feel like I don't know you at all Itachi. I feel like I'm looking behind a curtain and seeing this...Evil being who wants to control everything. It's like...It's like you only care about yourself and what you want," Sasuke said sadly. The boy shook his head and turned away from his brother, wiping his face with his sleeve. His coat sleeve had ripped when he pulled away from Itachi's bruising grip. He stared at the ripped seem when he was done wiping his face.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to trust you again nii-san," he said. Itachi's whole from shook and his eyes finally filled up and spilled over. He made a sound that to this day he would deny as a whimper as he reached for Sasuke.

"Sasuke...Sasuke no I...I don't know how to fix this but please...Please don't say that!" he pleaded. Sasuke avoided the touch and bit his lower lip.

"I think...I think I need to leave Blue Dorm. I need to be away from you for a while. I'm going to pack some things and stay at Red Dorm. When you're ready to own up, I'll be there. In the mean time, you can rule your kingdom by yourself," Sasuke told him. Itachi felt his soul sink into his feet as Sasuke walked away from him and toward the doors. Before he left though, he looked at his brother as he opened the door.

"Oh and also, all the hijinks at the football game that you blamed on Naruto? That was my idea, every bit of it. I planned it and helped set up all the traps and stuff. I just wanted the jocks to learn a lesson after they beat up Naruto. So if you want, report me. I just wanted you to know that you're not completely in control," Sasuke said lightly. Itachi's mouth fell open as Sasuke exited the room and slammed the door behind him. Itachi's legs shook as he sunk to the floor and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

Sasuke walked past stunned students whom he no doubt had heard everything. He didn't even glance at Deidara, Neji, Haku, or Sasori as he walked past them in the lobby to his room. He moved on automatic as he grabbed his suit case and grabbed what ever he felt was most important. He grabbed clothes, books, homework, anything he couldn't leave behind. When he was finished, he was left holding his uniform and simply staring down at it. He tossed it on the bed and didn't look back. He walked with his backpack and duffel bag past everyone. Before he left though, he turned to all of them and glared.

"You're all nothing but a bunch of pussies who do what Itachi Uchiha says! For once in your lives, think for yourselves!" he shouted at them all. He graced them all with his middle finger before he opened the door and slammed it behind him. The students of Blue Dorm all sat in stunned and ashamed silence.

Naruto sat on his bed and stared at the wall, chewing on his thumb nail. Kiba beside him watched him in worry as he pretended to read his comic. A few moments later, a knock came to their door. Naruto sprung up so fast that he nearly tripped on his bed spread. He opened the door, expecting the worst when he suddenly came face to face with Sasuke. He observed the other, noticing the ripped jacket, the duffel bag and the overstuffed back pack. The raven had red puffy eyes, a bruised cheek and tear tracks down his face, shivering from the cold.

"Hey, Naruto...Can I...Can I stay with you for a while?" he asked timidly.

Naruto didn't think twice as he grabbed Sasuke in a bear hug, causing the boy to drop everything and grab him back desperately. No words were said as they held one another. Naruto felt a hot wetness coat his shoulder as he heard Sasuke's breath start to hitch. He put his lips by Sasuke's ear as the little raven started crying against his body, and soon those cries turned into pain filled wails. Kiba got up from his bed in concern and observed the two. He noticed Sasuke's luggage and quickly put two and two together.

Sasuke had abandoned Blue Dorm.

Sasuke continued to cry loudly against the blond and Naruto bit his lip as he quietly shuffled Sasuke backward inside to his room. Kiba watched them go as some heads peeked out from other rooms, wondering who was crying so loudly this time of night. Kiba reached down to grab Sasuke's duffle bag just as Naruto managed to sit the upset raven down on his bed, rubbing his back soothingly and just letting Sasuke start a fresh round of tears. As Kiba got back up to go back inside, he caught Kankuro and Gaara's eyes who were looking past Kiba's shoulder in concern at the pair. They communicated with their eyes as Kiba reassured them that the situation was being handled. Moving back inside, Kiba shut their door tightly against the world and protecting Sasuke's cries of anguish.


I do want to make one more chapter though, that I promise!