"I can't think when you're breathing so loudly, dumbass."
Naruto hears him say but he doesn't acknowledge the other man, only snorts and puts the guns laid on the bed back into their packs. He doesn't have the time to argue because their Team Leader is expecting them to show up on time. This will be their first undercover mission, they should be the first to arrive, and it was one Naruto should be uncomfortable with but he isn't.
It's funny because he absolutely hates this man he's paired with, with all of his fibers mind you, but this mission makes something rise in him (not his dick, but he doesn't know, maybe a bit-oh whatever), that he's not sure if he's using the right term for the hate he's harboring. He's not that smart but he knows for sure that it's hate no matter how contradicting he's feeling. Hate is something their Agency instructor said is a very strong emotion, nothing more.
It is a strong emotion, yes, and such is what that demon in his gut is demanding him feel. It whispers that he must hate that boy so he could be free. Fill me with hate. Let me free. He listens sometimes. He doesn't know why he should be free or what he should be freed from, but Naruto accepts the logic of it. The meaning of hate.
So that's probably why he's excited to get into a suit and pretend to be this watermelon seed black haired man's boyfriend. Boyfriend. Damnit, he shivers at the undercover label. It's all fake but he can't believe they're really doing it. Why couldn't they just act as security detail for their Team Leader who's posing as a millionaire with their female team mate as his young benefactor?
Naruto sighs and turns to glare at his partner.
"Are you finished thinking now you bastard?" He asks sarcastically but is frozen on the spot when he sees the dark haired man naked and inspecting his suit on a rack.
"Hn." The other man ignores the blonde and begins to put on his suit.
Naruto snaps his head back and rushes to the bathroom with his own suit. He hates this mission. Hates this boyfriend thing. Hates Sa—
"-suke! I was gone for an hour and this is what we get home to?"
Yeah that guy. Naruto hates that guy. But who the fuck said that? He slowly strips off his orange jacket and pants, untying his headband to comb his fingers through his hair.
Sometimes he wonders if in another life he's still friends with this man. Or boyfriends. Naruto groans at the thought.
"Maa, he's waking up."
"He'll not be awake for three more hours. I tased and drugged him."
"You opened my poison kit?!"
It seems he's neither boyfriends nor friends with this guy, even in this life. Damn, he's day dreaming weird things again.
Shit. He's having that nightmare again. And he hasn't even gotten to that part where he confesses to hating (he really means loving, he's just confused in his dreams) the dark haired guy and then getting rejected by said guy.
He groans again, more from the embarrassment of his dreams than the dull ache in his muscles. He cracks open his eyes. Red shirt and a beautiful pair of legs greet his blurry vision. He raises his head to see more but his shoulder twitches and feels continuous spasms on his neck, putting his head in a weird angle facing down.
The argument of the people abruptly stops when he grunts, trying to see more than legs and failing.
"You sure you drugged him?" A baritone, slightly muffled and greatly amused from the sound of it.
"But I used Sakura's strongest dose-"
"You're lucky he's him otherwise he'd be dead by now." Naruto hears the female seethe and turn to him. She presses a hand on his forehead, gently raising his head to examine him. "Pulse is still sluggish but he is awake."
"It's because it's him that I know he'll survive."
"Uh-huh. Good insight."
"Oh, hush you two!"
Fucking hell, these people are sarcastic! Naruto thinks but is sorely miffed that he is out of the loop and in pain no less.
"Naruto? Can you hear me?" The woman asks and his eyes focus on a beautiful face.
Naruto only grunts and swivels his head to the side, making eye contact with yesterday's Floris guy.
Ah. It's the guy that fucked me up. In the ass and—
"YOU TASED ME!" He screams, fully awake now as he jumps to his feet. His knee wobbles and he falls unceremoniously on his face, right at Sasuke's feet.
"Sorry." Sasuke says but it sounds like not sorry for Naruto.
He raises himself by his arms but it jerks as residual muscle spasms rack his body, making him roll onto his back. He sees Sasuke's beautiful aristocratic face looking down on him, it tears a snarl from his throat because it's the same face he was admiring a few hours ago. He regrets doing so now.
Sasuke smirks down on him and turns his smug face to the pink haired woman. "Told you." He says and steps away from Naruto to sit on the couch.
The woman rolls her eyes and then sighs. Good. Naruto thinks because out of the three of these people, she was the only one on the normal side of things. Naruto observes the other two, the masked man first. He thinks the man could be weak and sickly because of it. Slouching and with a head full of silver hair, he must be old then. He may be tall but if it comes to able-bodies, Naruto believes he can take him.
He eyes the woman next, she's petite and probably a doctor based on what he heard earlier. Maybe he can have her sympathize with him or maybe she has scalpels underneath her dress. Naruto tries to bank on the former but the way she holds herself seems to suggest confidence in fight if need be. But Naruto wouldn't underestimate ladies just because they are women. He will keep an eye on her. Can probably take her down too.
That just leaves arrogant, handsome, kidnapping Sasuke.
Naruto thinks the only way to escape him is to out maneuver and out run him if he still has that damn taser on him. Should've just walked away after that one ride instead of going for a second round and then falling asleep. Would his chances of getting away from this evil bunch have been more significant? Maybe but that doesn't matter now because the woman is hauling his sorry ass back on the seat.
Holy shit she is strong.
Naruto is arranged haphazardly back on the seat and is injected with something that makes him drowsy at once. God, now he hates pink hair too.
"Wh-what is that?" He manages to ask through the induced haze.
"It'll be alright. We just need you to be quiet for a while."
"Sakura, not too much." The old man says.
"I know."
Huh, so it's Sakura then. Not only does Naruto have to deal with her fighting capabilities, he has to be careful of her subtle wicked doctor drugs too. It seems he has to get her to sympathize with him if he can't take her down physically then.
"Please, Sakura. . .chan. Don't. . ." He tries to say before his tongue slowly dies in his mouth and his eyelids drop close, Sakura doesn't answer him.
"He's pretty sweet. Why you needed to tase and drug him, I have no idea. Honestly Sasuke, you fucked the guy. You could've given him the nicer treatment."
Yes, Sakura-chan, tell him.
"Well, he bites."
You loved it you asshole.
"And that's the kind of shit you like so shut up."
Thank you, Sakura-chan!
"Kakashi is worse." Naruto hears Sasuke say casually and tries hard not to slip into the darkness. If he wasn't detained by these psychos he would have laughed at their antics, but no, he can't do the Stockholm thing now. Not when for all he knows, they're gonna murder him in his sleep and dump his blonde ass in a ditch after harvesting his organs.
"I second that." The old man says proudly and Sakura snorts.
"Boys. No pissing contest in front of the target. I don't want another one joining in on it too."
I probably would. Naruto thinks hazily. But did she just call me a target?
It is a weird and slightly embarrassing feeling to be thinking of the same thing again before finally succumbing to the darkness. If it was any consolation, Naruto thinks he really should have just stuck with blondes.
- O -
A/N: It is very late and short. I apologize! I graduated college and had a heart operation after. Now I'm off to recovery and then very later will try to find a job. As I said, I update like at a snail's pace so I understand if readers are disappointed. I'll finish this I just don't know how long it'll take. I want to thank everyone for your reviews, kudos, and comments! I've read every single one and I'm ashamed for taking too long but I have my reasons. So for now, until then!