Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Sasuke U., Naruto U. - Chapters: 44 - Words: 51,455 - Reviews: 563 - Favs: 149 - Follows: 200 - Updated: 1/1/2013 - Published: 8/14/2012 - id: 8428468
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
I suspect Itachi is up to something. Today, I came home to find a diary, or according to him a 'Journal', waiting for me on my bed. He even had my initials embossed onto it. I questioned him about it, and apparently all great minds should document there lives incase they ever publish a biography. As if I'd ever fall for his ass-kissing ruses, and let them distract me from his true intentions. If you ask me, it is only a scheme for him to swindle my private thoughts out of me. Or perhaps he just wants me to drive crazy with paranoia. I hate him. Itachi if you are reading this somehow, I hate you. And how did you get into my dorm room?!
It is true somehow though; I have to document my thoughts. I bought myself a new daybook. It's small enough to fit in my pocket so it'll always be with me. I can't risk someone else finding it after all. God forbid father finds it! On this note, I have to go to yet another one of his events today. A political family comes with so many obligations; but it is not like I was the one who voted for him to be the governor. I can't go anywhere without having eyes on me.
Anyway, today Naruto, a crazy blond guy I know from class, left me a love note on my desk. Actually, it was more of a page out of death note in which he wrote my name repeatedly, but I've taken psychology 101; he loves me. I don't think I'm being smug when I say that. He obsesses about me. He stares at me during classes. He enrolls himself in the same courses each year. I would have thought it was just puppy-love if we were still in high school, but we are seniors in college for god's sake; it passed the point of crushing and entered the territory of stalking a long time ago. And YET, he is still pretending to be straight and to date that pink-head. If he is trying to make me jealous, he should at least try to choose a girl who doesn't look like a bubble gun wrapper. I'll never understand how this orange fly has an IQ of 175.
After class, I confronted him about the note, telling him that hazing me in such childish ways was just as retarded as he is. Suddenly he twisted my words, and began lecturing me about 'politically correct language' and threatened to let the media know that I use words such as 'retarded'. So I spilled my coffee on his pants. It was childish, I know. But I really wanted to do it. I really did. More than anything in the world. I expect he will retaliate tomorrow.
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