![]() Author has written 12 stories for Inuyasha. About me: Name = Jenni Wong Pen name = icegirljenni Date of Birth = 25th September Current country = Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 23th November 2014-15.37(GMT 8) Announcement 1 (Website) : Hi everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to announce that Moonlight Flower Sesshoumaru and Rin website has been disconnected. Maya and I tried to transfer the server to another existing server (Rin-Sess) but failed to complete it due to several reasons. We would like to apology for losing such a great website. More info about this will be publish soon as I am requesting Maya to give some words. Having said so, tight now we only have 1 server remain and Rin-Sess is the only site remains for the fans out there. I promise, as long as there are still fans out there, Rin-Sess will be there. Thank you so much for everyone who has once contributed and supported Moonlight Flower. *Bow* Announcement 2 (Myself): I want to apologize to all my readers out there who have sent me so many private messages asking about me and my story. I am sorry that I have disappeared without a word. I was sucked into a different dimension and still finding my way out. I can only say sorry and hope that you guys will have a faith. I will complete my stories even though it will take times. When I have found my way out from this dark cold dimension, I will definitely coming back to complete what I have started. I hope everyone has been fairing well and live a better life than me. God blesses you all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. Best wishes and love, Jenni (Sesshoumaru and Rin Sanctuary) Rin-Sess is a Sesshoumaru and Rin website created and dedicated to all the Sesshoumaru and Rin fans around the world. On Rin-Sess you will find these following features: Photo Gallery - A place where you can upload and share your Sesshoumaru and Rin arts to the fans around the world! Forum - Come and join the discussion with others Sesshoumaru and Rin shippers ! FanFiction - Unleash your imagination by sharing your Sesshoumaru and Rin stories with us :-D Blogs- Creating your own blog an share us your life stories! Become a member today and check out what the fans are up to these days. Leave us a feedback by signing upRin-Sess Guestbook Don't miss a moment, stay connected with Rin-Sess today! At the following social networking: Facebook tumblr Twitter DeviantArt FF Community Live Journal FF Forum Rin-Sess is supporting: Moonlight-Flower is another Sesshoumaru and Rin website run by my friend 'mteagle128' and now I am helping her to administrate the place. Together we will continue to support this special pairing. MF have both Fan Fiction and Photo gallery features so come and join us today! See you there guys! (n_n) (10 facts about me: ) Ummmm... I am a person who love details, and so i will add little explanation on each one 1) I have a hole in my heart since birth. No operation can cure my condition. I was not allowed to be active in sport due to this condition. My life was pretty much compromised when my doc informed me that I could not have my own baby in future. Ya but I am still alive! 2) I treasure friendship a lot. A friend means so much for me. Whenever they are in trouble I will definitely try my best to help them, even if there are things which are beyond my help I will still have them in my prayers every day. Once I label someone as a friend they will stay with me until I disappear from this world. Unless they betray me because I can not accept betrayal! 3) I love the universe. I love to explore all the planets and stars. They are unique. When I was 7 years old, I kept telling myself that I want to be an astronomer. I even have the diary where I have written down all my dreams to be an astronomer. The country I am living now did not seem to have a good future in this field and therefore that ambition has become my memory. But I never stopped reading stuff or doing some small research about universe. One day when I have grown old, I wish to be part of an astronomer research team. Like a research team who do these things for fun to spend their old age time. 4) I love darkness. I hate sunshine, the brightness makes me sick, i know living things need sunlight, and it is needed to complete the balance of the ecology. When I was 12 years old, my Geography teacher told me that some places on the far north and far south at Arctic and Antarctic, they experience very long nights, with only a few hours of sunshine throughout the day during winter. In certain regions the sun is completely absent! There is this city named Tromsø located in Norway, during winters in this city the sun is completely absent from the sky for 6 months. In fact there is one region located in the Antarctic, which has only 3 hours of sun shine everyday. I instantly loved it! How I wish I could live there and enjoy the life plunged in darkness LOL. 5) I love freedom. Until now I am yet to achieve my freedom, I know I sound more like a prisoner who is trapped in jail, but it’s the same way. I love to live a life where no one can control me, where you can wake up at whatever time you like, do whatever you want and no one is there to scold you LOLLLL 6) I love being alone. I don’t hate socializing since when I am with a crowd I talk a lot. I can entertain many people with speech. BUT I prefer less time spent with a crowd and I love being alone most of the time, that is why I like to work at a lab, because you are given a task to do, to experiment all by your own. I love the sound of silence. Not some huge office with there being hundreds of staff gossiping around... ewww... 7) I have a big heart. I don’t keep grudge unless it involves a huge betrayal. But most of the time, I am quite forgivable. It is better to add another friend than enemy isn’t it? 8) I love motorsports. I love all kinds of sport that involves engines LOL. I love formula1 (I own a website and a forum for F1), super bike, Nascar and so on... 9) I love anime! No explanation needed! 10) Ahem... surprisingly... I HATE MOVIES and I AM VERY PARTICULAR WITH MUSIC! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL seriously? Yes I am serious... I do go to the cinemas and I do own dvds, but very rare. I usually only like the movie which has an interesting storyline that will catch my attention but generally I hate movies! I am very particular with music; I love classical all the time especially while reading. Classical music is really awesome for reading! I only pick certain (On going stories) 'All the stories will be on hiatus until further notice due to the personal reason' :'( Sorry guys. Chapter 23 - Mystery Lady posted (2)What you have missed in your lifetime Part 2 - Remember me posted on 1st October 2010 Still deciding whether to continue on or end it just like that. I shall let the readers to decide. (3) Twist of fate Chapter 1 posted on 11th September 2011 Chapter 1 posted on 30th September 2011 Chapter 1 posted on 11th February 2012 Chapter 1 posted on 1st June 2012 (Completed stories / one shot) (1) Home Bound (2) Fear Not (4) Anything For You (5) Human molting ( Upcoming project: ) (1) Western hospice Summary : To be announce (2) I have a date with winter Summary : To be announce (What others said about my writing :) sfdmoment said : { You use words very well first of all. The sentence is artistically constructed, very vivid details that leaves the reader a good image of what they just read. The mood is consistent and clear. There was no doubt it was a hurt/comfort story. I can't describe it, it affects the reader with a feeling after reading your story. You define your genre well. Like after reading your story, I almost cry! (It takes a lot for me to cry, in fact, it had been so long since I cry I don't remember how to do it) So almost cry is a lot for me! You use more sophisticated words and you make your story clearer and easier to understand. So, I love you!!! The idea of a story is of course important, but it's how you write it is more important! } elusivequeenbee said : I feel that this author put extreme care in her stories. There is a warm comforting feeling in the characters of her stories, yet she keeps them in characters at the same time. There is also a comforting feel to the whole mood of her story, just as comforting and warm as her personality is through the few times that I had the opportunity to talk to her. Her writing is also excellent. It's almost poetic at times! ( Read and Review ) I have read almost all stories about Sesshoumaru/Rin on this site and never failed to drop in a review. I don't regularly point out any grammar / capitalization / quotation mistake of any story unless it is noticeable. But I always tell it in a nice way because no one is perfect in this world not even the beta reader is perfect. We are human after all. I have read stories from all genres and even if Sesshoumaru/Rin is a bit OOC I wouldn't mind. I am not that choosy type of person. Even though I can take in all the genres, I almost don't or try to avoid read stories where they change Rin into a demon. Making Rin a demon just eliminates the core romantic reason of this couple. It makes Rin generic! The fact that Rin is a human and Sesshy despises human is why it involves this thing called LOVE! If Rin is exactly what Sesshy wants her to be, then it's not LOVE, it's not ROMANCE, it's just a mutually beneficial relationship, like an arranged marriage where both parties get something out of it. They stay together for this benefit, and no love, no romance involved! I use to submit long reviews and people who know me should know I love details. And so don't hate me if I flood your review box with my personal rant. I just love to tell how I feel from what I read because I think the authors should know what their readers feel from their story. I enjoy receiving long reviews because it tells me how I write and how much they love my story and it's characters. So I will do the same when I review. ( Story that I write ) I am not used to writing more than 1 story at a time. I love to focus on one story so that I can feel the characters and mood of the story. My style of writing is detailed because summary is not my strong point. Each chapter of my story will at least cross 6 or 7k words and sometimes I will end up with 10k words. The numbers might look ridiculous but if you read my chapter you will know the scene moves real slow and the amount of words are reasonable for a chapter. I love a dramatic start and my story usually starts with a preview and that's how it will go on. My story mainly focuses on Sesshoumaru and Rin, and I hardly involve other characters. Even if I do add them they will be only minor scenes. I only know how to write a dramatic story between Sesshoumaru and Rin, so you will get to read a lot of Sesshoumaru/Rin scenes in all the chapters. I prefer to write post canon or canon story and never attempt to write an AU story. I might though in the future but my beta prefers a post canon/canon story or else he would not beta-ing my story haha English is my second language and so I have a beta reader to check on my work before I publish it. If my chapter still turns out bad please do not blame my beta, he has done his best and because of my poor English usage it makes the reviewing hard and it's even harder for him to correct me. I apologize on this matter. I only have one beta reader and he is my fiancé. He is the one who encouraged me to start writing without my fiancé I won't be an author today. *big hugs* for Mr. Beta. My beta encourages me to write in present tense because he thinks it makes the story more interesting and live action type. I know it is odd but I want to write according to his liking. ( How to reach me? ) (1) You can 'private message' me and I never fail to reply anyone. I don't set up a barrier around me and so you can talk to me on everything. (2) I own Formula 1 forums and if you are a fan of F1, do visit my forums and become members. Don't forget to say hi and tell me you are from fanfiction dot net (You can find me under the same pen name I have here ) The Iceman Kimi Raikkonen Forum (3) Visit me on Deviant art (4) Find me on Twitter (5) Do you have a Live Journal account? Then you are absolutely free to visit my Live Journal page and read my daily rambling lol XD (6) Visit it is my personal website where I upload all my Sesshoumaru and Rin stories. It is also a site where I do my personal blogging and upload all my arts :D See you guys there! (7) If you want to send me an email just drop me a pm and I shall provide you a proper address. ( A poem dedicated to me: ) An amazing author by the name 'The Ice Within' (a great friend of mine) has written me a poem. This is her creation. Someone who told me that I wasn’t just useless, Someone who said I was nice. Someone who made me think that winter can be pretty disregarding its bareness, Someone who would never scold me before thinking twice. She led me to believe and trust, She gave me the feeling of having a sister. Who’ll tell me when I’m wrong and wish for my best in true earnest, Isn’t that you, icegirljenni, who can make everything so much better? huggles & my dear Icy, I will always be there for you whenever you need me (n_n) ( Thank you for reading my profile. Take care and cheers! ) |
Community: | (Rin-Sess) A collection of Sesshoumaru and Rin fanfictions |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Inuyasha |