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Joined 02-03-08, id: 1491946, Profile Updated: 04-05-11
Author has written 2 stories for Inuyasha.

Disclamer: I don't own the Inuyasha series or any characters from it. If I decide to do some Star Wars stories, I don't own that or any characters either. Any original characters or lyrics belong to me, and please don't use them.

LOL. My story list keeps getting longer... I have a lot of time to myself at work, and I'm always thinking up new ideas. (Too bad I can't be typing them up while at work.)

Look for:

Forever with Lord Sesshomaru - Complete

Summary: After Sesshomaru returned to the Western Castle with Rin in tow, he resumed his duties as Lord of the West, but doesn't that include producing an heir? As his mother sends prospective women his way, how will it change his feelings towards Rin? SxR. Set in feudal era.

Love Immortal - (A sequel to "Forever with Lord Sesshomaru" but can be a stand-alone) - In progress!

Kagome discovers that when you time travel things can get pretty messed up. A story about twisting timelines and family Kagome never knew she had in the modern era. How can she have a half demon for a niece? Set in all times and eras and back again.

Untitled (Title in progress)

In order for a space colony of demons to take their rightful place as the dominant race, their leader Sesshomaru must use his ultimate weapon - a human girl who's life he saved nearly fifteen years ago, but can he keep her past a secret? A huge Anime crossover including Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Angel Links, Nadesico, and others who's ideas I'm "borrowing." Set way way in the future. SxR

A Cinderella Christmas Carol (probably won't get posted till Christmas)

Summary: Can a wealthy business man learn the meaning of love and family? Can a homeless girl find a place to belong and become a princess? What if these two tales intertwined with each other? Set in modern times. SxR

Waited Forever Just to Hear Your Voice

Summary: In the midst of war, Sesshomaru sent Rin with Inuyasha's and Kagome's family through the well. Will Sesshomaru and Rin ever see each other again? What lifestyle will Rin choose to lead in modern times? Set in modern times. SxR

Untitled (Title in progress)

A Heroes crossover. There aren't many demons left, and Rin has joined a company looking to help safetly hide those who are left. Can there be something more sinister in the works? What does the last demon lord say about this? Set in modern times. SxR

Untitled (Title in progress) A Star Wars Story!

If Anakin Skywalker had killed Palpatine, things would have been a lot different. Would Luke still become a great Jedi? Would Han and Leia fallen in love? Where does Mara fit in? See their future without the Empire. LxM, HxL

And with the cancellation of Sym-Bionic Titan...I may have to write one of those stories too...

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Love Immortal reviews
Kagome discovers that when you time travel, things can get pretty messed up. A story about twisting time lines and family Kagome never knew she had in the modern era. How can she have a half demon for a niece? Set in all times and eras and back again.
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 85,328 - Reviews: 175 - Favs: 123 - Follows: 163 - Updated: 3/18/2012 - Published: 2/2/2011 - Sesshōmaru, Rin
Forever with Lord Sesshomaru reviews
After Sesshomaru returned to the Western Castle with Rin in tow, he resumed his duties as Lord of the West, but doesn't that include producing an heir? As his mother sends prospective women his way, how will it change his feelings towards Rin?
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 205,487 - Reviews: 598 - Favs: 861 - Follows: 381 - Updated: 2/2/2011 - Published: 2/16/2008 - Sesshōmaru, Rin - Complete