I do not own any inuyasha persons, or manerism, no do i own anything but the idea to the story... :)
How to begin this story i do not know. Should i strart with how we meet, or should i start with how we parted and work my way backwards...? Still i have no consious idea of how to begin so I'll start with the day that, i now refer to as "The end of the end"
"Kato Rin and ...Inutosai Sesshomaru." Kaede Sensai said as she looked through her papers to make sure she was assigning the right person to Rin. Three people stood up all at once.
"I was supose to be assigned with Sesshy-san!" Kagura shouted with disappointment and shock at Sensai.
"You mean i have to work with her?" Naraku shouted pointing his finger at Kagura, trying his hardest not to punch the desk infront of him.
"What?" Rin shouted trying her hardest to get the idea straight that she Kato Rin had to work with... Sesshomaru?
"Everyone sit down!" Kaede Sensai shouted louder than the students, "I realize that many of you are disappointed in who you have to work with for the next nine weeks, but i did give everyone the choice of writing down who they would most like to work with, then i decided the way that i would pick who your partners were based off of that. Now everyone get with you partner and i will further explain the project."
Everyone split off in to pairs, eager to get to the project that was more than half their grade for the quarter. Rin frowned as she thought about how important this grade was, not only was it more than half of this quarter, but this was the final quarter of her senior year... some of her scholorships could be lost if she didnt get a good grade in all of her classes. Rin moved into the seat next to Sesshomaru, setting the majority of her stuff on the floor. He didn't even look at her as she sat down.
"Good morning, Inutosai-san." Rin said quietly. He nodded in her general direction, then turned full focus to the front of the class. How did they get put together anyhow, Rin had put that she had no preference on who her partner was, she had not asked to be partnered with Sesshomaru, and she was pretty positive that Sesshomaru had not asked for her. Rin pushed it to the back of her head trying instead to focus on Kaede sensai, this was such a bad way to begin the day.
"Now that everyone one is seated, lets begin." Sensai said as she passed a packet to each group. "This is your syllibis for this project inside it are the rules as long as worksheets you will have to complete by certain days, two permission slips that your parents have to sign, yes there will be two field trips. Also you'll notice that there is a plastic baggy stapled to the corner of the top of the package, it is a die, it will decide any arguements, any fights and anything that is up to chance." she walked back to her desk as she finished talking, she picked up a die and rolled it as an example. "Now if you'll all turn to the first page i will explain what this project is about." she took a step behind her desk and pulled out a medium sized box, and started walking back to all the groups putting two rings a smaller one and a bigger one on each groups desk, along witha piece of white paper with printed words on it. "Congraduations seniors you are now married."
Rin almosted fainted, this was the big giant project that all seniors had to do? This was how they, the school, decided they were ready to pass high school and graduate? This is how she had to prove that she was now the adult that came with her graduating, she had to be married to Sesshomaru? Oh how fate was cruel!
The class went into a silence, and then all hell broke lose. so many people started shouting and screaming about how it was unfair that they had to be "married" to their partner. Rin just kinda stared of in to space as ideas and many, many thoughts rushed through her head. Sesshomaru on the other hand was grinning widely for all to see.
"Now class, this isnt just a project about the responciblities tied to marrage, this is about the ablity to compromise, to be adults. This is a project about being put in to a situation, and being able to not only cope with your desicions but also to embrace them. This is an opertunity to learn how to balence adulthood, responsablities and adult choices that aren't always going to be your's" Kaede sensei yelled over all the screams and protests. finally the class quieted enough for her to be able to speak normally. " This project is about being adults! This project is chosen to show you that life is not as fair or perfect as you want them to be. this project will go threw many stages of life, from finding your first place, to what type of caree you'll have, to haveing a child, to raising said child or even children, to also many surprises that you might not be ready for."
Rin couldnt breathe, did she just say that she might would have to have an imaginary child or children with Sesshomaru?
Sesshomaru smiled thinking about all the stuff that he would have to do for this project. Finally a project that wasnt just research but to actually have to do real life experiances. He instantly was happy that he did not decide to take this class over the summer so that he could graduate sooner.
"Now, that all is said and done, get started on your paper work, get to know your husband or wife better. The first two worksheets are to help you guys get started. I will be walking around the class if an of you need help." Kaede sensai stood by her desk, looking a little tired but happy. " Now class just becasue this is an assignment doesn't mean that you can't have fun with this, come up with cute pet names for each other... find out what the other thinks about, learn that a marrage doesn't revolve around just one person that it is a partnership and the more you learn about your partner the easier this project will be." Kaede sensai sat in her seat looking around the class she saw a few people hesitate and then hands shoot up, waiting to be called on. She pointed to the person in the back and instantly regretted it.
"Does that mean that since were married, that i can ask for sex from my wife?" Miroku asked as quick as possible before he was smaked in the face by his partner Sango.
"I think that answered your question, Miroku. Man maybe you should just stop trying to get some and focus instead on the grade you idiot!" Inuyasha said to the right of him, smirking as both Sango and Kagomae nodded their head in quick agreements.
"Any other questions, and please no more stupid one?" Kaede asked sighing as she did. 'Maybe I should have been more clear on the whole they aren't actually married, but only for this assignment.'
" I have a question, If i have sex with someone else while doing this project does that mean that my creepy husband can divorce me and take all my money?" Kagura asked as she looked towards Sesshomaru, "Cause i think i would give it all up if i had the choice!"
"Kagura... if you have to ask if something is wrong with a moral delema maybe you should go see your counselor." Kaede rubbed the bridge of her nose tring to get rid of the headache that was already coming from the first class of the day. " The only divorce that you guys are alowed to have is at the end of the nine weeks, and yes he can bring evidence against you at that time if he really wants to. Now i will hope that not all of your marrages end in divorce, this is a project to show you that there are different choices to be made in the real life. But please students don't take this the wrong way, i am not incourgageing you to have sex with anyone, nor am i telling you that your life outside of this project will affect your grade. I know that alot of you have boyfriends and girlfriends outside of this "Marrage"" Kaede raised her hands to even do the quoations in the air. "But please remember that this project will require alot of work and time to do. You will be given all of your class time to work on this project, but you will have to do the majority at home."
"Ok but that didnt answer all of my question!" Kagura raised her voice even louder trying to get a clear answer.
" Kagura no one wants to sleep with you, just sit there like a good girl and shut up so that the rest of us can get started on our "Marrages" ... Stupid motherfuc-" Inuyasha started to say
" Inutosai- san be quiet!" Kaede said before he could finish. "Now everyone begin!"
Rin looked down at the mound of paperwork. Then she saw the rings, one was already on Sesshomaru's left ring finger. She slowly picked up the other one the smaller of the two and placed it on her finger as well. 'Some marrage this will be i had to put my own damn ring on by myself.' Rins mind raced through possibilites that maybe this project could be easy, maybe they didn't have to bring up their past realtionship.
"Well wife, what shall we do first" Seeshomaru leaned in to her, whispering into her ear like that of a lover. "My wife, my Rin-ai!"
A shiver ran down Rin' back, how did he manage to do that, there was no way that he should remember something as small as his childhood name for her.
" I don't know husband, what would you like to do first?" She turned towards him trying her hardest to put her man eater smile in place as she whispered "Sesshomaru- sama..."
Sesshomaru tried his best to ignore the phantom pain of hearing her old nickname for him. She had called him sama because when they were little he was her lord and she was his lady love. He shouldn't have been so easily hurt he had used her nickname first.
"So... is that our petnames for each other, because I have no problem with those if you don't. Besides, it will be more comfortable with nickname we already had for each other than trying tto come up with new ones. Right?" Rin asked as casually as possible, trying not to give any hint of how much it had in fact hurt to hear him call her 'Rin-ai' once more or even to call him 'sama'. Yes it had hurt and and of course there was no way to back down now, she had already started going she mine as well get out her feelings in the begining ...Right? "Besides i don't think i could call you 'Sesshy-san' and not laugh at how redi-" Rin was cut off.
"I wouldnt want you to call me that any way, Rin-ai. That repulsive nickname was given to me by and equally repulsive person. i wouldn't want my Wife to use such a degenerative name for her much respected husband." Sesshomaru slid his hand almost casually up her spine sending yet even more shivers all over her body, and tighening something very low that she didn't even want to think about.
"Right..." Rin quickly started to fill out some of the paper work trying to destract her from the hand that was now resting on her lower back. " January twenty-second right? and you were born the year of the horse and... " rin kept filling out spaces as she stopped talking, she knew all his personal information, hell she even could probaly remember what size his shoes were if she tried.
"Rin, stop..." Sesshomaru put his hand on hers to stop her completely. "We already know about each other's past, we dont need to keep doing that what we need to do is to talk about our presant." He motioned with his head towards the bottom of the page, section named ' School Envolvement' and 'Day to Day Activities' " Do you still sleep with your padded bra on, and your 'Hello Kitty' stuffed animal?" He smirked alittle, and then looked at her chest, they had definetly gotten bigger since the last time they had had a decent conversation. 'Hopefully thats not all fluff.' he thought as his hand came away from her back and moved closer to her front resting on her hip.
She pushed him away, trying her hardest to hide yet another shiver that went threw her. ' How the fates are cruel, of course i got the one person in the class that knew way too much about me!'
"Mr. and Mrs. Inutosai how is it going?" Kaede walked up to them in her rounds around the room. " What are you guys talking about, have you decide on nick names or, how many children you might want? What have you guys talked about so far?"
"We already had nicknames for each other, Sensei. So that part was easy and we have just been filling in random facts we already know about each other." Rin shifted alittle embarassed to admit that they had already had nicknames.
"What are they are they the cutieshy kind or are they practical? Like For instance Inuyasha and Kagomae, have come up with Inu and Kags, where as Koga and Ayamae have come up with snuckums and sugar pie? Which one would you classify yours as?"
"Old..." Sesshomaru stated as he shrugged. "Rin-ai and I go back since we were in dipaers. Our nicknames for each other actually have meaning behind them not just, drop of the hat 'oh i think I'll call you this because i have to come up with something for this project'. Besides Rin will always be Rin-ai to me. Even if we have drifted in the past."
Kaede sensai nodded and moved on.
" I think thats the nicest thing you've said to me since... the first day of high school." Rin held her breathe as she finally captured his meaning. And he was right Sesshomaru would always be her Sesshomaru-sama. No matter what.
" Yeah well, i think i was due. It has been four years." He kind rubbed the back of his head and looked away as if embaressed that he had said all of that in front of her.
" So husband, back to your question... no i do not sleep with 'Hello Kitty' any more." Rin left it at that.
"But you still sleep with ur padded bra on?" He laughed out load startling every one in the class including himself.
" Not that its any of your business, no... i dont sleep in or even wear padded bras anymore." Rin blushed. ' He doesnt need to know and of this why am i telling him?' She asked herself.
" Good beacuse honestly, I don't want my wife sleeping in anything when I'm beside her." Sesshomaru smirked as her blush grew redder and spread, and her honey brown eyes grew larger. " And i definetly don't want to fight for her attention with a stuffed 'Hello Kitty' doll, i want you pressed against me at night." His hand went back to the low of her back as he wispered the last part in her ear.
Rin turned away, her blush as red as it got and her eyes closed as she imagined what it would be like with his body pressed against her own.
"Not to mention when i could be inside you." His voice was the barest of wispers. His lips moving against the shell of her ear. She gasped as the tightness that she experianced earlier spread and her thighs began to tremble. His tongue darted out and tasted the shell of her ear. "Do you remeber that last night that you spent at my house?" Sesshomaru was still pressed against her, and she nodded.
Good yes, she remembered that last night! He had kissed her for the first time, she still had dreams, or nightmares depending of how you looked at it, about how his body formed perfectly against hers and he kissed her deeply.
"I remember Sesshomaru-sama." She turned to face him with a smile on her face. "I also remember on our first day of high school how, you wouldn't even sit by me in any of our classes. how you ignored all of my phone calls. I remember how you passed the table with me and our suposed friends to go sit with the "cool kids" so that you could have a better chance at being at the top." Rin said now facing him with the hatered that she had thought that she had put behind her. No it was still there and now it was burning brightly. "I remeber how i cried on your brother's shoulder because you had forgotten me." Her body jumped up as the bell rang dismissng the class. She grabbed her stuff and hurried out not wantting to look at her pretend husband, not even waitting on Kagomae and the gang to walk with her to there next class. No she went out the door and didn't stop till her French class was in sight.
"Rin wait up!" Kagomae ran after her in to the class trying her hardest to get close to her, she and Inuyasha had been watching the two closely since the begining of class. "Rin wait, we can talk about this. I'm sure what ever he said..." Kagomae stopped as rin turned around, Rin's color was gone, her cheeks pale white and her eyes the ghostly black-brown that Kagomae and the gang had not seen since Sesshomaru stop hanging out with them. " Oh honey! Come here." Kagomae held out here arms for a hug. Rin knowing it was too late to cover up her face from Kagomae hugged her. She tried her best not to cry.
"What did the bastard say to her this time?" Inuyasha walked in to the classroom as Rin fell in to Kagomae's arms.
" It... it was nothing. it was just hard to finally talk to him after so long." Rin shook her head and stepped out of Kagomae's hug. " With all of our past, it was just hard to see him, and to hear that i was now "married" to him. i hurt to hear him call me Rin-ai." Rin bowed her head down and shook herself again.
"Let's get threw the next three classes and then, we can go get ice cream and go shopping for our prom dresses. Won't that be fun Rin? I know you've had your eyes on that one at Deb... that really preppy store you hate." Kagomae steard her toward their seats. "You'll see you, Sango and I will go for some theripudic shopping and then the boys will carry our stuff and it will be back to normal!"
Rin smiled, she really hated to shop, but prom was fast approching and she really did like that dress even if it did come from the preppy bitches store.
"Alright three more classes and then ice cream and shopping." Rin nodded as if everything would be fine in a matter of hours. 'Everything will be fine!' rin reasured herself.
French class passed quite fast, learning the futur tense of all the verbs was kinda easy, except the exceptions... those were a pain in the ass. Inuyasha seemed to agree with me on that. Miroku got slapped and cused out in french by Sango, and the french teacher applauded her on her use of the future tensce of to kill. Sango sure did have an excellent vocabulary when it came to threatening Miroku.
Advanced Chemistry passed by painfully slow, but that was only because, he was there, and also being the only one out of the group to take advanced science and math she was here all by herself. ...With him.
After Advanced Chemistry was Advance Calculus, which passed by even slower because ... he was in there with her sitting in the seat beside her. To avoid him furthur Rin stared straight in front of her, never looking to the left side. Rin pulled her hair out of the pony tail she had and used it as a curtain to block him away. There was a moment that was more than awkward. She had dropped her only penceil on the left where he was. And when Rin refused to pick it up, he reached down and grabbed it, putting it on the side of Her desk. As his hand brushed hers while trying to give it back to her, she sighed trying her hardest to ignore the pleasent throb she felt from his skin on her skin action. 'No, bad Rin! Bad Rin! No ice cream for you!' She fidgeted trying to punish herself from the not so innocent ideas and images forming in her head.
The bell rang and again she jumped out of her seat and ran for the door. She almost got there too except the teacher called her over to her desk.
" Rin, your math is perfect every time... but I'm not seeing all your work. It's hard for me to give you full credit on the majority of your work when you're not showing me your work. I know that you see it as a waste of your time to explain how you got the right answer but please, start showing it or I'm gonna have to start taking point off and you know I don't want to do that. You're my brightest student in class but you have to start showng your work." Kappi sensei said as she showed Rin all the homework and tests that didn't have work shown.
"Hai, Sensei. I'll start showing my work." Rin nodded as if punctuating that she would indeed start to show her work.
" Ok. Get going or else you'll be late for lunch." Kappi sensei stated as she turned back to her work of grading homework.
Rin nodded at her dimissal and headed towards the door again.
"Tsk Tsk not showing your work." Seshomaru said as he followed behind her a step or two. "It's a shame how perfect students get so cocky in their work that they don't even bother doing it all!" He shook his head as if really dissapointed in her.
"What do you want Sesshomaru?" Rin turned her head disregarding his earlier statment about her being cocky. 'Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black!' She thought with a tight smirk.
" I'm just curious as to what my wife is doing after school." Sesshomaru said as he sped to walk beside her and not behind her.
" I'm going shopping if you really must know. Prom is coming up and i need to find my dress in a hurry...along with acessories and such." Rin tilted her head to the side thinking about what else she was going to need for prom. ' I also need a date... I keep pushing that one way. maybe I'll just go stag. Its not like I wont have anyone to hang out with.' Rin tilted her head back and nodded to herself to confirm yes, she didn't need a date.
" So prom shopping, thats it?" Sesshomaru waited patiently as she thought to herself, he was all to acustomed to her drifting in and out of thougth.
" Yes prom shopping, you got a problem with that husband?" Rin said it so sarcasticly that even she felt dirty saying it.
" So you already have a date to prom? Or are you just waitting for mister right to ask?" He smirk agian ' I could be your mister right Rin-ai.'
" I don't need a date Sesshomaru. I'm going single and with a large group of friends. There isn't enough of me to spend time with all of them and a date." Rin said
" So no one's asked you yet?" Sesshomaru knew he was pressing buttons he shouldn't but it was just to fun to do it to his Rin.
" I don't need to be asked as I said I'm going stag!" Rin rounded a corner getting closer to the cafateria spotting her table and friends. " Now please go away. My friends are waitting for me." Rin then spotted Kagura waving at Sesshomaru with a look of pure hatred for Rin. "And it seems so are your's!"
" Yeah because i really want to be associated with Kagura Hitoshi!" Sesshomaru said with sarcasm.
" Well I really don't want to be associated with you anymore that I have to. So go away!" Rin gave a half hearted push with her right hand to push him in a different direction than herself.
He moved back closer to her this time. His hand finding hers as he tried to hold on to it. Finally he won and her hand laid semi quietly in his. She walked up to her table of friends and sat down in her normal seat next to Sango across from Kagomae.
" You all know my husband Sesshomaru, i guess he has decided that he would be annoying and not let my hand go durning lunch today." Rin annonced as Sesshomaru raised their hands to show what she ment. Rin gave an apologetic smile to her freinds as they glared at Sesshomaru.
"Otoutou, Kagomae, Miroku, Sango. " He nodded to each of them as he took the empty seat next to Rin.
"Sesshomaru why are you being more of an ass than usual?" Inuyasha spoke up. he didn't like the way that Sesshomaru was holding her hand.
" Why otoutou, i have no idea what you mean, I'm just trying to get to know my wife's day to day schedule down so that I can be a good husband." Sesshomaru said with mock shock. " Besides, " He said with a more smoothed voice and almost lustful gaze at Rin. " I would like to spend as much time with my intended as possible. Including going shopping with her after school."
Inuyasha stiffened as Sesshomaru said the word 'intended'.
" Yeah like you really care about Rin. Your such a selfish bastard you know that. I never did understan why dad and mom set you up with Rin as your intended. She's too nice for the likes of you." Inuyasha spoke out. His anger almost to the boiling point.
"Otoutou, maybe we shouldn't be talking about family matters with others around. Besides, do you really want to face mommy and daddy when you get home?" Sesshomaru said his voice getting higher as he said mommy and daddy mocking Inuyasha.
" I don't care what you guys are talking about... Your not going shopping with us." Rin pointed at Sesshomaru, then pointed to the lunch line. " I'm starving so I'm going to go get food."
" Of course I'm going shopping with you, how else am I going to pay for your, clinging strappless gown and the matching high heals and of course what did you call them... right accesories?" Seeshomaru got up with her, heading toward the lunch line. Rin halted in her steps having heard him and he ended up almost pulling her there.
" What the hell are you talking about your not buying my cloths, nor are you buying me anything." Rin tried to push him off of her hand, but again failed. " Why on God's green earth would you buy my prom stuff?"
Sesshomaru paused as he grabbed a tray and started to grab stuff for himself and her. Then pulled her along as he went to go pay for every thing. Still ignoring her question.
" Sesshomaru answer my question. Answer it now or I will shout out loud that when you were five, you decided that you no longer wanted to be a boy and started wearing my moms make up and clothes in order to be more girly!" Rin hissed in to his ear. She was pulling no punches here!
" I wish for you to be my date to prom." Sesshomaru said quietly. " When I'm with you I'm not the cold hearted bastard so many people think I am. You make me better." Sesshomaru hide his face away from her, his slight blush evident on his face. Sesshomaru never blushed... ever.
" Is that all, you want me back because you want to better yourself." Rin was shocked, and angry. All her feelings didn't mean anything to him, only that when they were freinds he was less cold hearted? Sesshomaru pushed her in to a corner hidden from the people in the cafateria. His eyes shown with a passion as he spoke to me.
" I want to go with you because I miss you Rin-ai. I want to go with you because honestly I loved the time we spent together, I loved the way that as kids i was your Sesshomaru-sama, and i wish to be more like what you would want in a mate."
Rin speachless for a moment couldn't comprehend what the hell he was talking about. He wanted to be like what she wanted in a mate?
" Will you Kato Rin-ai go to the prom with me. Let me show you that although I have changed from the little kids that we were, my feeling for you haven't changed." Sesshomaru brathed almost histericly in an out as he finished his decleration of love.
Rin looked bach at him surely he didn't mean all of this, What about the four years that she sat by waitting for him to pick up a phone , to sit by her to even a knowledge her existance? But still isn't this what she had dreamed of since he walked out of her life? He just declared that he still had feelings for her, that he had missed her. Was it all to late? No she still yearned for him. Not only the friendship that they had had in their younger years, but also more. She wanted what she dreamed about at night. His body over hers as he kissed her passionatly whispering sweet nothings in her ear as her body streched to accomidate him, and her screams, well even she blushed as she thought about what she screamed for him to do.
" I'll go to prom with you." Rin said before she even realized it. " As long as you can prove without a doubt to me that what we had didn't die a long time ago." Rin hoped and prayed that it hadn't died.
" I can prove to you now that none of the passion of that night has died Rin-ai." Sesshomaru said seconds before his mouth descended on to hers, stealing her breath and making grown parts of her melt in to puddles. The hand that wasn't holding their forgotten food instantly went in to her hair clutching her body against him. Rin moaned into the kiss moving her hands to the side of his face and one into his hair. They pulled each other close neither one trying to lose the others touch. Sesshomaru licked her lips tasting that which was long ago lost but not forgotten.
Rin gasped and arched into his body. Sesshomaru taking the hint that her gasp ment to keep going he inched his tongue inn to her mouth, tasteing everything about her that he could. Rin moaned in to the kiss flicking her tongue across his. both fighting to be close, both wanting more. Rin backed up first so out of breath she was gasping like a fish out of water. the gaze following all along his body. He wasnt the boy she remembered, but he was definetly the man that she fought so hard not to see.
Rin started at the top, his hair the silvery strains almost the color of tinsle but not at all fake reached past his back and touched his hips. His face was that of a man strong, chisled like that of a statue with a tiny almost elf like nose, his ears almost pointed, cheeks lightly colored pink frmy his harsh breathing, and his mouth, almost bruised with their passion, almost the shade of magenta, and his golden eyes closed. My gaze traveled further south sweeping his jawline to his neck, to the shirt that tried to cover his muscled chest and arms, down to his hips wich were slightly swaying, his hair just skimming his pants. to his strong legs that even covered by pants were long and strong. It was how anyone would describe much of his body long and strong, strong enough to lift, strong enough to hold, and kami, was he tall!
Sesshomaru pressed his body back to Rin trying to get back to kissing her. Her grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her to him, slamming his mouth to her in yet another searing kiss, Rins eyes fluttered shut and kissed him back as hard and as passiantely as him.
The fifteen minute bell dinged in the cafateria alerting them that it was almost time to leave. Sesshomaru pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. his eyes still not ready to open. Rin breathed heavily, her body pressed in to his as she knew how he felt. She wanted to keep kissing him, she wanted to feel how his chisled chest felt against her soft mounds both heaving for breath. Rin shivered and pushed her chest harder in to his, hoping that he could feel how hard her nipples were for him.
"Rin-ai..." Sesshomaru spoke, his voice still breathless but he was close enough that she heard him. " I want to do very good things to you right now." Her opened his eyes, His usualy golden amber eyes much darker with lust.
" Hai, Sesshomaru-sama. I want to do very good things to you as well." Rin's voice was throatier, much lower and like his eyes her voice contained all the lust that she had for him. " Very good things."
Sesshomaru pulled her with him as he quickly moved to the garbage can to throw away their untouched food, and on to the table where the gang still sat. Rin grabbed her stuff and Sesshomaru his and left. Rin turned and waved goodbye to the table
" I'm gonna take a rain check on the shopping guys. I'll see you tomorrow." Rin yelled behind her as Sesshomaru pulled her out the wide cafateria enterance. They went down the hall not once being stopped by a teacher or another student and rushed straight out the back doors to the student parking lot. Rin was excited not only was she skipping the last forty-five minutes of school but she was also on her way to Sesshomaru's car where her would take her to Kami knew where.
"Rin-ai, get in the car." Sesshomaru showed her the car and quickly ran around to the other side, got in and just sat there for a minute.
"Sesshomaru-sama, where will we go, to not be interupted?" Rin's voice was still thick with lust, being in the car with him was not letting her lust cool. She crawled other the center counsel, putting her hand on one of his thighs, the other tracing th back of his head and turning him to her. His breath caught, she was beautiful. Even with her eyes and voice filled with lust, her body and soul were innocent. Her long cinnamin brown hair brushed his hand on the steering wheel as she leaned forward. Her midnight blue shirt flashed skin as she moved in closer to him, about to put her mouth on him again. No he couldn't say no to her. His hands wrapped around her waist and he pulled her in to his lap her legs on either side of him. their mouths touched each other in a sweet kiss that instantly became more as she steadly rubbed aginst him. Her jeans rubbed between her legs giving her such a fantastic pleasure that she couldn't help but try to bring more. His kiss along wth the jeans rubbing against her was making her hot, more and more she grinded herelf against him, she felt something riseing between them and it only made her go harder, faster in her movement.
Sesshomaru broke the kiss, moaning out as he pushed himself more in between her legs. Her voice was sweet in his ear as she moaned her pleasure louder and louder until she froze above him, he felt a much stronger heat in between her legs and she rocked back and forth three more times as he kissed her neck trying to give her the time to enjoy her orgasim. He could smell her sweet sent from where she perched above him trying to come back down from her recient high.
" Kami that was amazing!" Rin moan in to his hair, finaly back enough to herself that sh could talk normally.
" Rin-ai, you're so beautiful." Sesshomaru whispered into her neck as he once agian began to lick and suck. Her body twitched and sent her rubbing back into him. She gasp as she finally realized that the bulge that she was grinding into was more than just his lap. He was thick, and hard and if it was any indication of how much his pants pushed up he was long.
" Sesshomaru-sama, let's go somewhere more privet." Rin said as she pushed against him harder.
Rin rolled off of him and in to her own seat. Buckeled up and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. Sesshomaru already know where they could go turned on his car and pulled out of the parking spot and out of the student parking lot in seconds. Rin's hand traced the edge of his thigh, following it up to his hip and back down on the opposite side. Her hand barely touched his erection, but she could see his hand grip the steering wheel so tight his hands turned whiter, yes he wanted her, now if possible. He wanted her hands to roam over all of his body as his did the same to her. he wanted to tast her nipples as she danced above him and kami did he ever want to taste her between her legs, with his tongue with his fingers and most of all with his dick.
" Rin-ai, if you keep touching me i won't be able to wait to take you on the bed that you deserve. I might just have to pull over and take you in the woods." His head feel back agaisnt the head rest as his eyes fough to stay open, as her hand became more daring.
"Sess, what would you do with me in the woods?" Rin asked as she unzipped his pants taking him out of both the pants he had on and his boxers. Her hand barely was able to wrap around him, but she pumped him up and down, watching as his eyes feel shut for the breifest of seconds.
" I would pin you against a tree and ravish you, fingering your tight cunt as i sucked on your large brests." Sesshomaru's voice was that of an animal, rough barely audible but oh so deep. Rin's eyes shut as she imagined just that, he hands faulterng in their pumping, but squeezing tightly.
" What else would you do?" Rin's voice was breezey, nothing but a whisper in the car. Her hand started to pump again but not as fast.
" I taste your cum on my fingers as I made you watch, licking them clean. Entering you again and again to tast more of you." Sesshomaru brushed the hair that was sticking to his face away, and glanced towards Rin her mouth was slack and her breathing ragged, imageing all that he said. " I'd lay you down on the grass and eat you out, so that i could get more of you, untainted by my own taste. I'd lick your pearl untill you screamed out my name. And begged me to enter you again."
Rin licked her lips, she undid her seat belt and leaned toward Sesshomaru's lap. She took a breath, and licked his tip. His gasp was well worth, the momentary swearve. He straightened back in to his own lane and Rin went back to her positon. She became more daring as she sucked his head in to her mouth. He gasped even louder. She pushed her self up and went even further down his shaft. Sesshomaru's hand found the back of her head rubbing her neck and she bobbed her head making slight sucking sounds.
"Rin, Love if you don't stop now... I won't last. I don't know if I'll be able to recover from you sucking on me. We're abot two minutes... away from the house. If... if you don't stop I won't be able to make love to you like I want to." Sesshomaru's broken sentences told her more than his words what impact she had on him. She went down once more making sure that his head hit the back of her throat and then backed off of him completely. She would wait the two minutes till they were at his house.
"Kami! That felt amazing." Sesshomaru said as he tried to tuck his giant cock back in to his pants.
" Thank you." Rin said not knowing what else to say.