Reviews for For The Love Of A Slave
Kay chapter 11 . 1/25
Finally together again! I liked your tribute to the original story and I really didn't expect Sess to lose his arm though after reading the chapter I feel like I should have known. :D A bit of name dropping at the end eh? But you're right it actually is really cool ;)
Kay chapter 10 . 1/25
Wow! Though I have to admit this story has good and not so good parts, this chapter seems special to me! The bargain, the "test" and the idea of memory loss were a cool way to create suspense in a clever way. Really enjoyed the chapter, enough to review although it's 11 years too late I guess!
pinkwhaletail chapter 12 . 6/3/2018
good story. I like how you didn't focus on the love scenes and made it some porn fic like most of them out there.
Hinata chapter 12 . 5/17/2018
x3Pokki chapter 4 . 6/23/2017
I luv tis story, I truly do. But the only downside is with the random Japanese words that you included. It's fine to add a little bit for one or two words, but if more than that, it ruins the quality of your writing and makes it sound rlly cringey. Although some may understand it, the are many others that don't even if you included the meanings at the end and that's gonna waste their time to keep up.
The story it well-written but Japanese words are just unnecessary. Other than that, keep up the good work :
Eck chapter 8 . 4/27/2016
Could you plz stop with the non English speaking? I don't want to go down the whole page just to figure out what they said
ddddaaaae chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
sesshomaruandrin . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagura . blogspot . com
Brassica chapter 12 . 5/13/2015
Not all of us know Japanese. Actually I found no use in putting the Japanese pronunciation of the words. That distracted and I have no patience to go to the bottom of the page to find the translation. It makes it look this story very tedious to read.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/25/2014
Alright. Another 'Sesshy's slave Rin' - story. And the main question is, why in hell Rin hasn't tried suicide yet?! Not that I want her dead, but her optimism is so unnatural! I haven't read any fics where suicide was option for Rin, and hell, in some of them I would happily died by my own hands, that bad the situation was. I haven't read this fully yet, but it seems there's not gonna be anything suicidal. Ah, how irritating, because people keep forgetting that pain and rape break human from inside and then... Still Rin ALWAYS has glass half full...
And another thing, in original Inuyasha, he never beat Rin, only Jaken WHEN HE WAS PISSING HIM OFF OR FAILED PROTECTING RIN! Protecting Rin, yes. And so, it annoys me to no end when he is rude to her and hurts her. He's supposed to be the 'father figure' for younger her, and then on older age... well, fanfic authors decide what he is to her. AU-stories are different case, but heck, I'm total SessRin fan and can't help myself to rage if there's some REALLY guilty things.
Still something to say, cliches. Mute Rin and slave Rin totally are cliches (for me, at least), but it doesn't matter as long as they work... Whatever. This seems okay, and your writing style is nice, so don't take this as flaming. Just giving you piece of my mind at 2.45 am... Yeah, sleepy and things like - hm? Is there some things here? - no suicide are something to get angry at. Ridiculous, right, but I can't help my swollen brain and red eyes who stare at the screen of my smartphone, refusing to sleep. Oh hell yeah, in my country it's 26th of November, almost 3 am, and I shouldn't curse. Day of Saint Stefanus and all... Argh, this rewiew is a mess, blame it on the night... Buy anyways, keep on writing!
ILoveSxS chapter 5 . 11/15/2014
that was good
Thu TruongNguyet chapter 12 . 10/8/2014
so amazing, i really admire you!
nikkiesha legair chapter 12 . 4/26/2014
That was a he'll of. A great story!
Bravo! Bravo!
Magical Blazze chapter 12 . 3/26/2014
That was a unique story one of the different stories of SxR i have read nice going :)
Magical Blazze chapter 11 . 3/26/2014
Wow that was a stupid reason to leave Rin. I guess his pride got the best of him lol.
Magical Blazze chapter 10 . 3/26/2014
Omg! How could that old hag do that to him ugh so cold people this day well back in those days lol. This is really good
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